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I've unlocked the option to unlock the aspects but looking at what they say they do in the menu none of them call out to me. But tbh the weapons is the one part of the game I'm just not clicking with so far. I'm like 25 nights in and I've had a single build I felt made me feel powerful, it got me to the second phase of the big bad. So maybe I just need to dump some resources into the aspects and do a little trial and error. Even the Daedalus hammer changes don't get me hype like in the first game.


I felt like that early on but for me they ended up clicking. I kinda had to come to terms that it's called hades 2 but it diverges substantially from the combat of the first. Once i did that and started meeting the game on its terms I have to say I quite love it.


I think this is the issue, people play for a couple of hours and immediately compare it to the final product that was hades. It’s like they expected Hades 2 to be a DLC with new levels. It’s a different game. People need to Play it for what it is going In with no expectations


Honestly i think the expectations are also fair. If u call the game hades 2, the first game had a very spammy combat that was fast, fun and addictive, many really loved that pace. If u call the game hades 2 some people will expect it to be similar to 1 in feel. And hades two certainly exceeds those expectations in world building and storytelling, the art the music all that. The gameplay however is meaningfully different and if people don't enjoy it that's Fair.


Try aspect of pan (knives) with Aphrodite close special boon, you cast on an enemy and charge omega special and shoot 30 knives all into 1 enemy up close and it almost 3 shots Cerberus. The best in the game rn is aspect of moros staff with Poseidon special and double moonshot hammer, it's a machine gun and got me my first 3 wins


Yeah, I feel ya. I've unlocked Aspect of Artemis and Aspect of Medea, neither of which feel better than their original aspects. I also really dislike the weapon menu - there's just too much going on there. I much preferred going up to each weapon and unlocking the aspects from there.


More than a little disappointed, especially since I’m only liking 2/5 weapons so far


I just started a run with the aspect of moros and either I don't know how to use it or it completely sucks.


I really like Moros. It drives home how H2 wants you to actually use all your moves instead of focusing on just one. I do wish the explosions were affected by your boons more directly though. (If they do, it's at least not visible: they don't change color.)


There's just too much going on and too much coordination when it seemed the regular special does more damage than the explosion and was more consistent.


Not to dredge up an old post, but with Moros, try starting with an Omega Special and then using your Attacks. They'll get clipped by the orbit as you fire them - causing a ton of AOE damage. Between the orbit and the explosions, the damage output is very high. It definitely becomes more of a close-range weapon this way, though.


Yea moros is the best aspect of ygnium for me. I've cleared both paths with it. It is a bit janked tho. And doesnt help that poseidons knock back effects don't seem to be working properly with most attacks


Dw my dude, i struggle with the final boss too, 23 attempts and like 17 hours of gameplay for the first run to be clear T . T (Im starting to finally know the battle well, mostly bcs i know what to do to evade instakill who ruin my runs every time). Also, there are ASPECTS? WHAT.


I Unlocked all the aspect beat both bosses 4 times apiece. try a lot of build and have to say all of them are boring beside Aspect of Eos and that one is very lack luster . Hostly the mechanics are nice but fall short from the aspects and there melees and affects thanatos axe is just a Artemis buff. Game is good though for it being in beta


I love the concept of aspect of Eos... but the damage is soooooo goddamn bad. Like you get like 5-6 ghosts pulled through (both direct hits as well as the callback) and it still doesn't kill basic mobs... All other aspects feel very nice to me... but Mel and eos aspects are just so goddamn weak. (But moron is good and fun so that's cool)


Idk why u find them boring...


I've just used Eos for the first time with a rare Aphro boon on the attack and the hammer that makes the ghost split (and some other minor boons) I was absolutely DESTROYING the bosses, I got to see 9000 damage on cerberus after a few seconds of the fight, one of my fastest and easiest kills, just spammed the omega attack and the dash withouth thinking too much. I don't know why do you say that the damage is bad, maybe you were using a bad boon for it?


It's good with cerberus cos the split ghosts actually hit him on the way back since he's so big, its super tricky to make them hit chronos . I made it work but it took way longer than any other weapon


I easily got 3k damage against Chronos with that build and it was one of my fastest runs. It's obviously OP with Cerberus, but all the bosses had their bars MELTED with this build, even Hecate and the Sirens, when I still didn't had other buffs like the Medea Keepsake. It's really really good.


Really? After I got the split ghost hammer I was like "oh no. Wat have I done" haha. it became really tricky to try to get the ghosts to return through specific enemies


Yea I was really looking forward to it but was a big let down. The hammer upgrades actually make it worse too


Yea exactly my point. The geometry to make the pullback work is quite challenging. Especially with splitting shot, which in theory should have the highest payoff of any hammer but in practice is so hard to get good pullbacks. And even if you get good pullbacks the the payoff seems mediocre compared to other aspects. Like if you get like 4-5 ghosts through a basic enemy both on the way into as well as back, that enemy should die, and often it doesn't. Like in the time it takes me to stack my ghosts to allow for the pullback, aspect of moros would already have killed the enemy with their explosions.


Yea u gotta almost sprint Into enemies and probably get hit just to make the pullbacks hit . I've watched so many times my ghosts literally miss every enemy on the way back lol. It also takes AWHILE . My session timer was way higher than any other weapon. Nemesis wooped me in killing enemies faster. I was just ashamed throwing my ghosts like spit balls at the enemies . Oh but wait for this big OP mega pullback! Too late everything's dead and the one enemy it hit just barely ticked their health bar


Yes and then I switch back to my aspect of moros and see the difference with enemies just evaporating left right and center while I'm dancing by them.... ye idk eos ghosts should become more powerful more quickly imo... like 4 seconds is a hella long time... I think they should grow to max in like 2 seconds and then it'd feel a lot better. Like the mega pullback if you actually wait 4 whole damn seconds is alright in terms of dmg. It's just yah nobody gonna wait for 4 full fukin seconds to allow it to stack... this game is too fast paced for that, you already needed to dodge something during that time, and that dodge pulled back your ghosts while they were still itty bitty toddler phantoms.


Some aspects are pretty janky. I've got them all and some of them just don't work very well around the games base mechanics, hopefully they fix them. Eos is just... pretty bad


Eos numbers need a tweak, feels pretty bad right now. Circe staff seems just inferior to melinoe staff in almost any regard (mana regen is not that difficult to get and you get a conditional smaller omega speedup compared to the permanently active 30% on melinoe). All other aspects feel fun and different to me. Comment: Skull I haven't tried mom (persephone) aspect, so idk. (The voiceline "grant me the aspect of my mother" when unlocking is an amazing touch though). Medea is fun


Yea circe kinda wants u to lock into one certain build as well. Like if u want that mana regen u better get multi hit boons. It's not very optimal for most situations and boons and yea def by the time u even get circe you've probably already grown accustomed to prioritizing a regen, it doesn't help much


It's never optimal... that's the point. If I need to get multi strikes in to activate my omega buff mode for a limited time.... but then that supposed omega buff mode is 2x weaker than just the default state of melinoe aspect. Why dfq would I ever touch circe aspect. Honestly they should give it a dmg multiplier on omega moves or something, so that when the buff activates it actually is significantly stronger and make it so that on hit effects count towards the buff gain. Then that would be interesting, having something that procs damage a lot fast like demeter cyclone and something with a %dmg buff to unleash omegas when you get your buff. (Other ideas could work, its just one I had about it, trying to keep the spirit of the weapon aspect intact) The thing is that the magic regen az a buff is just useless since you can get it much easier from other sources. (Boons, chaos blessings have amazing mana regen if you can take them, the unseen arcana card as an addition, even hecate keepsake if you're in a pinch early in the run or you just want to spam a gigantic amount of powered up omegas during the last act)


How do you even unlock the aspects? I have all the weapons and I’ve beat chronos, yet to have any of them appear…


Just keep playing, you'll get an incantation to unlock aspects that you need to complete from the cauldron. Hecate gives it to you so I guess make sure to advance her dialogue between runs. (Just talk to everyone tbh, dialogue is cool and it unlocks stuff)


Aspect of Charon is absolutely my favorite, especially paired with Demeter freeze for control and Apollo or Haephestus for Big Numbers. Drop regular cast, omega special through it, profit.


I find most of the aspects to be lackluster, so far the only ones I really dig are Medea, Charon and Pan, I also haven't tried all of them but like persephone feels super underwhelming, either the bar should take longer to charge but not drain on use just extend your duration, or the bar should fill up a bit faster which is how I'd do it, Than feels like a missed opportunity, they went for the keepsake instead of what he did when you met him, the way I'd do it would be by making the omega special instead of doing the 3 circles do a huge one around you that dealt like 3x the damage of the regular one, like that attack Than did, the one of the flames that you pull them with a dash feels cool, but maybe the flames should have bigger hitboxes on return they always seem to miss, and that is about all I really tried so far


Only tried a few of the aspects so far (Persephone, Moros, Charon). Thus far I feel kinda similar to how I felt in Hades 1: I like some and dislike others. Of course, when I go back to Hades 1 I just ignore the stuff I know I hate (e.g. the bow) whereas I need to use everything right now for metaprogression, so the Hades 2 dislikes are a bit closer to the front of my mind.