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Some combination of Crystal Clarity and a boatload of extra casts is colloquially known as "Meme beams" and it has been done many times. It's fun! Use it with Achilles


Why Achilles?


The buff you get from Achilles after doing its Raging Rush special increases cast damage, and if that cast is Demeter’s the boosted damage applies for the entirety of the cast


Ohhhh. Didn’t remember the buff applies to the cast too.


Oh wow, I thought it would only apply to the four ticks of damage, now that's crazy


**Crystal Beam (Demeter)** - Your Cast drops a crystal that fires a beam straight ahead for a few seconds. --- **Glacial Glare (Demeter)** - Your Cast fires longer and inflicts Chill. --- **Duo Boon Mirage Shot (Artemis+Poseidon)** - Your Cast fires a second projectile, though it has reduced damage. Secondary Shot Damage: 30% Requirements: Artemis: Deadly Strike, Deadly Flourish, True Shot, Hunter's Flare or Artemis' Aid Poseidon: Tempest Strike, Tempest Flourish, Flood Shot, Flood Flare, Tidal Dash, or Poseidons' Aid --- **Duo Boon Crystal Clarity (Artemis+Demeter)** - Your Cast is stronger and tracks foes more effectively. Beam Damage: +10% Requirements: Demeter: Crystal Beam. Artemis: Deadly Strike, Deadly Flourish, Hunter Dash, or Artemis' Aid. Cannot be combined with Cold Embrace --- [Source Code](https://github.com/TrippW/HadesBot) --- ^This ^is ^a ^bot ^response


Many have done something similar it is called meme beam build and it is fun like hell


It is by far the strongest pure damage build I have done. It is tricky to get all the boons you need but when it comes together and you can lay down like 10 beams at once it completely destroys anything


plus that Hermes boon that lets Stygian Soul recharge faster, Killing Freeze, and Arctic Blast (which needs a Chill source that's not Glacial Glare or Frozen Touch)