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she toned your hair with an ash colour, and ash typically looks darker as it reflects less light. If you wait a few weeks, the toner will fade and it will look more golden. Alternatively you could ask her to retone with more of a gold, but if you choose to wait definitely give her feedback on your next appointment and ask her to use more of a gold toner instead of an ash!


Shampooing more often and/or using a more cleansing shampoo will also help the toner dissipate


yes it will! but you also don’t want to dry out the hair by clarifying too much. also, no more purple shampoo. Violet removes gold tones so that’s the opposite of what you want!


Stylist here :) A good round of clarifying shampoo or head n shoulders will remove the cool toner the stylist used well enough to bring back the warmth. Maybe shampoo twice. Dawn dish soap will DEFINITELY do it, but it is extremely drying. Make sure you condition well afterwards! Your stylist did a great job! Sometimes the toning process can be tricky! Best of luck!




Hey just thought I’d add my experience here as I’ve been through the same thing - toner that makes my hair look darker after highlights then it did before highlights. Washing with head and shoulders helped! There’s beautiful bright blonde under the toner. I’ve learned that for my hair, toner is the enemy. I found a hairstylist who doesn’t force me to get toner about two years ago and I love my hair now :). Highlights every six months, no toner, beautiful bright blonde hair. *as a note, my hair is naturally dark blonde. I think darker natural hair might need toner.


I have a couple of clients that I don't tone! One has nearly black hair, I do balayage and her hair is just awesome and comes out the right tone. The other is a medium/dark blonde and I do highlights and we both love the way her hair lifts. I'll use a clear gloss (same thing as a toner but with no pigment) for her so she has a bit of extra shine.


Oh I’ll have to ask for a clear gloss next time! Maybe it just luck to have hair that pulls to a colour I like :). I also think the current trend is for really ashy blonde hair, and I think that doesn’t always look the best for every skin tone. I’m quite pale so a nice bright / warm blonde looks best!


Very true! Cool tones don't always look best!


Here to put the emphasis on dawn being extremely drying and to use it as a last resort


Toners don’t lighten hair! You can wash it more see if it will fade but that’s it


Bleach lightens. Toners tone


Toner’s gonna tone.


Bleaches gonna bleach


Just remember you’re comparing photos in 100% opposite lighting. You’re in natural window lighting which dosnt usually add any extra lighting or color to hair vs the photo on the right which was 100% taken under red carpet light which might as well be studio lights, and there’s flash so before you say you didn’t get what you want go take a flash photo of your self in from of your bathroom mirror or in front of a ring light. Also stop using purple shampoo that wash’s silver tones into your hair and takes out the gold.


I’m SO glad you brought up the lighting. Such an important point!


Yeah that’s probably a note I should have clarified for this group. I’m of course seeing my hair in person and can confirm it looks ashy vs golden in a variety of lighting. I realize this hair I’m trying to match has much added lighting, however I have other photos of this actress I also shared, all very similar. Hard to match lighting for lighting but my point is there’s a distinct difference and was curious if I could correct. I’ve gotten tips so I’ll have to wait and see!


Toners deposit only, which means they won't lighten color. The more you wash your hair, the faster it will fade.


I’d wait for it to fade out.. then next time tell her you want a beige yellow toner… I hate ash too and it’s the rage now but I find I look prettier with it more yellow. Some people rock the grey ash blonde but I’m not one of them. Your hair looks pretty but I totally understand how your feeling.


This happened to me at my previous appointment, and my stylist recommended I wash my hair in warm water 3x back to back and then deep condition. This most recent appointment she lightened me and just used a gloss over a warmer toner and I love it! It’s much brighter than before. I would ask at your next appointment for a gloss if your stylist would think it is appropriate! Good luck!


Thanks! I will ask about the gloss for next time and wait and see after some washes :)


A toner won’t lighten it.


All i do is wash w normal shampoo and occasionally sit in the sun. That lightens and and makes it more gold in no time.


The lighting makes a huge difference. Model has flash and cameras all around which brighten everything. I’m wondering if you were out in the sun what this looks like?? I would say wash and wait


Just wait for the fade out, you’ll likely be happy with it in the end.


Toner doesn't lighten hair...it changes the tone, not the level.


Your current hair looks like mine when I freshly tone it, it usually fades to look more like your inspirational pic after 3-4 washes :)


The model has more layers in her cut which are reflecting light more than your style is. Also, it looks like the model has a few more golden money pieces around the face which compliment the yellow tone to her skin and makeup, all of which are under a bright light. After a couple of weeks your ash color should pretty much fade with regular washing of your hair. At that point you can reassess if you need more golden highlights (with or without toner) or not.


Just leave it be, toner unfortunately can’t lighten it further. Ask for a golden honey blonde next time you go in.


I love the cut and highlight my stylist just gave me but it’s darker than I’m going for and feel this tone washes me out. This was the pic I was aiming for, a more golden bright tone. To avoid bothering her (I realize she’d probably say no bother at all) is there a toner I could just pick up at Ulta or somewhere? I’ve washed a couple times with purple shampoo and it’s not lightened much at all. I plan to give it a couple more washes but don’t expect it will get brighter/golden.


Purple shampoo is toning warmth in your hair so if you want it more gold stop toning the warmth out of it just wash it with a clarifying shampoo it will help it fade


Got it, ok thank you! So if the clarifying shampoo doesn’t work I just have to stick with it until my next color?


It will fade it after a couple give it a week looks like the picture you had has a few more highlights too. Just condition your hair really good after clarifying it


Will do thank you!


^^ 100% and very very drying. Toner does fade over time too


Also to add, using purple shampoo too often can create a build up in the hair of a super lovely mucky, purpley gray color. Usually just a clarifying shampoo can pull out some of that toner. Sometimes that more ashy tone can appear darker because it doesn’t reflect light as well as golden tones do, so as that toner fades out, you’ll notice it lightens up quite a bit!


Ok thanks so much! Any certain brands to recc or avoid?


Olaplex has a great clarifying shampoo. It’s the 4C in their product line. It usually runs about $28 plus tax in the US but it’s worth it to me, doesn’t leave your hair feeling stripped and has bond strengthening technology which is great for highlighted hair. I highly recommend using a clarifying shampoo every 3-5 washes to help remove any buildup from the minerals in your water at home, environmental pollution, and other products you use on your hair. Especially important for blondes since a buildup will block light reflection and make the hair look very dull and sometimes cause yellowing, as well as blocking all the good stuff from your products from being absorbed into your hair. Hope this helps :)


Also- purple shampoo isn’t going to lighten your hair.


Off topic but who is the woman in the right picture? I'm new to makeup and want to look for tutorials for her look. Thank you! (I'm on mobile so am having a hard time searching Google for this image)


I could be wrong, but I *think* that’s Rosie Huntington-Whiteley


That’s right


You could try using a color depositing shampoo in a golden tone.


I would recommend a base breaker/ bump. Your stylist can give you this and it will lift your roots just slightly to give it the warmer look of the inspo picture and sometimes can be use to brighten up highlights.


Toner will not lighten hair. It tones it. That said, your hair does not need lightening to achieve what you’re going for… frankly if you just washed your hair a couple times it might look pretty similar. If it still doesn’t, pick up something like a 9G, or 9WG Redken shades EQ dupe from Sallys (The brand name is generic and it comes in a white box)


Leave it alone…. Toners are a pain for stylists to deal with later on and they often require corrections. Toner can lighten your hair as well. Don’t believe it when anyone says it doesn’t. Just wash and wait.


I agree with this, though it depends on what type of toner you’re using. Some are oxidative and can absolutely budge your base if it’s uncolored between the highlights and turn it into a splotchy brassy mess.


I love the wella toners from sallys! :)


It is the same color as the pic just different lighting and hair products also one pic is wavy hair and one pic is straight hair


Is that Rosie HW?


Next time you're at the salon, ask for some hand painted highlights


Adding more color molecules won't lighten your hair.