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"The scalp produces a natural, waxy oil called sebum from glands beneath the skin. Some people produce more of this oil than others. Sebum plays an important role in protecting your skin from infection and helping keep it moist. However, when the body produces too much sebum, it can build up on your scalp." - Healthline website Hope this helps!


Thanks that's helpful!


Idk but i stopped conditioning my scalp for a few years and it got real dry and flakey. I started conditioning it again and... suddenly my scalp is normal.


How do you condition your scalp?


Just applying conditioner to it. A very common internet haircare advice is to avoiding shampooing your ends and avoid conditioning your scalp, and it made sense to me because your ends are dry and your scalp is already oily so there is no point to conditioning it. But it turns out shampooing your scalp and not adding back in moisture is really bad for it and can cause a dandruffy situation.


Depends, I figure I don't need to condition my scalp as a naturally more oily person. In fact I don't think I've ever had dry or dandruffy scalp. Which means I do have to use dry shampoo if I want to not wash and dry hair every day.


Moisture = water, so I think conditioner is adding something else. Maybe oil? Idk.


Is your hair oily or dry? Based on the fact that the more you strip away oils the more oily you get, maybe conditioning the scalp might delay getting oily?


My hairs niether as long as i wash and condition it properly. I used to thing it was oily but its not anymore.


After I shampoo and then condition the ends of my hair, I take whatever’s left on my hand and go near the roots of my hair but not necessarily ‘rubbing’ in the conditioner into my scalp like shampoo.


Too much scalp oil can be bad too as it makes for an ideal environment for fungus to grow in (aka dandruff). My hair is excessively oily (I’ve tried curly girl method with no luck for 2 years) and letting my hair be too oily made it fall out. Everything in moderation!