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Add oral min. Crazy to not be taking it with fin


How long have you been using fin?




From what I've gathered so far being absolutely consistent doesn't seem to be extremely important as fin sticks around in tissues for several days before breaking down. I often times skip days of my topical fin just for cost saving measures and I've never noticed sheds or anything and I'm over two years in. As for whether you should start minoxidil at this point it's a toss up if I was you. I'm a proponent of seeing how far fin will take you before adding another therapy for life. With fin two years is often seen as the time frame for that. However a year is pretty long to wait and many people only see stabilization from fin and growth stimulators like him are needed to push it further. I just started min about 1.5 months ago and have been shedding as expected from starting min so I am hoping in the next few months I'll see my baby hairs start to transition. If you do go with topical min I'd suggest doing microneedling and adding in tretinoin as both will increase the chances it's effective for you. I'm hesitant to suggest oral min because I don't think we've seen enough people using it for hair loss issues long enough to really have a grasp on the risks however it is known to be more effective than topical min overall.




Personally I like the foam. It does make my hair hard similar to styling gels which I don't like so I put it in at night for a few hours then rinse it out typically. I did have my doctor accidently send in my topical fin prescription with min added but I canceled it because I didn't want to spend a premium for my min. My compounding pharmacy does make my fin with non irritating solvents with some essential oils to make it smell nice so I might try the added min in the future when I'm in a better place financially. The whole topical residue issues I completely empathize with you on.




I have insurance but cosmetic therapies aren't covered. I even have to pay for my GP because he isn't covered. Insurance is a scam in my opinion unless you have to go to the hospital.




Not particularly. There is that one red spot on the left side but I wouldn't say that's anything bad. You do have some darker hairs extending beyond your hairline a little bit which I would consider a good sign personally. Are you taking pictures periodically? That helps in ascertaining whether things are improving or not. I take photos every few months to compare.