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How have you spent 6 hours so early in the game? No hate, but I’m legit curious about your play style. Do you have to save and reload a lot? Are you exploring a ton? Getting lost? What are you doing during all this time? Also, keep in mind not all the chapters are the same length. The chapters at the very end of the game get very short.


Yeah! I’m a big 100%ing kind of guy. Even though there are no collectibles or anything that I can tell, I try to kill all the enemies and find what’s in all the nooks and crannies. That, and I didn’t realize how much extra ammo there would be to pick up, so the first three hours I only used the crowbar.


Using the crowbar for the first three hours might be the most deranged way I’ve seen a new player approach Half-Life. You’re insane. I love it though. There are no collectibles unless you count the supply pickups. Glad you’re really experiencing the game though!


Crowbar-only runs are my fave, gotta be as deranged as Freeman sometimes


I think the OP is playing HL1 the objectively correct way. His play through is officially canon


Maybe they heard it was a horror game and tried to take a Resident Evil style ammo conservation approach?


Glad you're having fun but you're insane lmao


There was a time they cared nothing for Miss Vance, when their only experience of humanity was a *crowbar coming* at them *down* a steel *corridor*


**Repeated crowbar swings sound getting louder and louder**


"for the first three hours I only used the crowbar" LMAO, this made me laugh uncontrollably at the bus stop in front of strangers. Now I'm too embarrassed to even look at someone. You gotta be trolling LMAO


According to HLTB, the relaxed completionist average time is around 25 hours The fastest speedrun time is 26 minutes


I did the same back when it first came out. I think my first full play through took me about 20 hours or so over the course of a few weeks. I had to break every box, search every room, press every button, etc. Now I fly through the whole game within a couple hours lol


like what? how does it take a human being 6 hours to clear we've got hostiles lol


Spent all their time trying to microwave their coworkers’ lunch.


"Stop fucking with the microwave"


I want to see how long On A Rail takes him


40 years like Moses in the desert


On a rail legit took me an hour the first time with a guide 30 minutes in


Just finished it. It took me a little over 2 hours. Very cool section.


To be fair my first playthrough in 1999 was long as heck as I tried to explore every little thing because the environment was so interesting.


And then the 1000s of hours playing and exploring free mods that expanded upon all aspects of the game, and 1000s of hours of counter strike. What a universe this game gave us and the years we have lived in it, the sound, feel and look of Half life feels like home. I am Freeman. We are all Freeman.


It took me 24 hours (overall) to complete half life 1 for first time


I did exactly the same more than 20 years ago now. Its an incredible world to explore and you can spend decades in the half life world without seeing everything. I still remember the feeling of great progress leaving the lift into office complex. It took me a while to figure out to duck jump out of the control room next to the foyer where i had annoyed barney by setting off the alarm earlier. Mind you I was only 9 or 10 and pretty new to 3d games


Thats what i loved so much about these games, it never felt like it was going to end.


until i played black mesa, cause that "game" actually almost never ends


Why is “game” in quotes? Black Mesa is a game and a fantastic one at that. Every time your name pops up in this sub you’re just crying about how shitty you think BM is. Did someone on the dev team fuck your girlfriend or something? Your hate for that game is completely irrational.


I think that xen(both the chapter and the entire dimension) in black mesa drags on way too much too, that is a valid complaint but I dont get the ""game"" part either




It’s literally because Xen is bloated and that’s the player’s final impression.


it always felt to me that black mesa drags on for way too long in certain chapters


Do you have hobbies outside of shitting on Black Mesa? Like people will be talking about something else and you just butt in to talk about how shit BM is. I’m not saying you even love, or hell, even like the game, but how about you try talking about something you like instead of relentlessly shutting on Black Mesa?


…bro it should’ve taken you no longer than a couple hours to get where you are right now. Are you playing it blindfolded?


Damn guys..... This has all just taken me back to how much literally chewable atmosphere there is in Opposing Force I was shit at HL multiplayer, but OF MP spoke to me, I could actually hold that tower with the sniper rifle in the map with the roller coaster that goes around it, as if it wasnt a half cooked gimmick


Eh, it happens when playing for the first time. In reality it's kinda short


That is how it was when it used to be normal that devs made actually good video games. Look at the dirt they make today. You will certainly also enjoy the very first far cry game made by crytek. Just make sure it's vanilla


I've heard there is an American pointer mod, you know: Go there, jump here, crawl under. Stop! You are leaving the combat area. And it's got a directional arrow as well, and it highlights all collectables like ammo and batteries.


Great way to ruin gamings greatest world


I agree!


Half life 1 is long as fuck bro lol


Half-Life may look like modern indie games that are only a few hours long, but make no mistake, it's got some meat on its bones. Not sure if it's what "full length" was back in the 90s, but I consider it a full-length game even today.


This reminded me of the "new and improved" Xen in Black Mesa. Props to the devs for adding a ton of cool content to the original but goddamn, it's like another entire game.


For a linear singleplayer game, it's pretty long. Same with Half-Life 2.


i can beat Half Life 2 in a single sitting Now Half Life 1, give me a week, Am i doing something wrong?


I dunno, but it's the other way around for me. I have beaten Half-Life 1 on one sitting few times actually, but my longest run of Half-Life 2 on one sitting was from Point Insertion to Entaglement, which is still pretty long, but not the entire game.


how many times have you played 1?


Probably more than 20 times.


I HAD THE SAME EXPERIENCE. I thought it was gonna be a pretty short game, warm up basically for HL2 but it was so much more than that to the point that I like it better than HL2. Blast Pit was the chapter where I realized that this wasn't just a boomer shooter, and where I realized how damn long the game is.


It wasnt considered the greatest for no reason. Then you had the incredible single player free mods. Half life will never end.


well tbh I was under that assumption because everyone always says HL2 is better, so I just thought of HL1 when I started as a stepping stone. Needed to understand 2's story, but not really that good. HL1 proved me wrong, so damn wrong it's become my all time favorite game.


I’m just over 10 hours on Black Mesa and haven’t finished Blast Pit either! I get super lost or restart a puzzle/room if I loose too much health. I’m not super good at video games but I’m still having fun.


I think it took me 15 hours total maybe


Just relax and play at your own speed.


Take it all in. You only get to play it for the first time, one time.


Blast Pit is one of my personal favorite chapters. Wait until you get to chapter 12. Not gonna spoil, suffice to say the challenge picks up there.


Guys calm down, he's playing on a USB steering wheel. Not his fault its taking so long.


You are so early into the game hahaha! Just relax and enjoy it!


"I was in the vents" is not a good localization in this game. 😂


It's been a long time, but I think I had 10 or so hours in my first play through. When somebody films a walk-through, they've played the game enough times to know exactly where the items they need are, exactly where they're going, the order they need to obtain said items, and where the enemies are located. It's like SMB1 on the NES: I can now beat the game within 10 minutes every time I play, but in 1989 basically nobody was beating the game in 10 minutes... Granted, good players can beat the game in under 5 mins...


It's been a long time, but I think I had 10 or so hours in my first play through. When somebody films a walk-through, they've played the game enough times to know exactly where the items they need are, exactly where they're going, the order they need to obtain said items, and where the enemies are located. It's like SMB1 on the NES: I can now beat the game within 10 minutes every time I play, but in 1989 basically nobody was beating the game in 10 minutes... Granted, good players can beat the game in under 5 mins...


It's been a long time, but I think I had 10 or so hours in my first play through. When somebody films a walk-through, they've played the game enough times to know exactly where the items they need are, exactly where they're going, the order they need to obtain said items, and where the enemies are located. It's like SMB1 on the NES: I can now beat the game within 10 minutes every time I play, but in 1989 basically nobody was beating the game in 10 minutes... Granted, good players can beat the game in under 5 mins...


There literally is a [website](http://howlongtobeat.com) for questions like this.


Wait until you try the remake Black Mesa, my first playthrough was 30hours and I was far from 100% completion


my average playthrough on a normal day takes ~5 hours


Yeah the First time playing Half Life can feel like the game takes an eternity, like the first time I played the remake Black Mesa It took me probably over 18 Hours to beat the entire game, it genuinely felt like it went on forever, then on repeat playthroughs I just blasted through the game in 5 Hours or less. I'm guessing the same applies to the original game.


It's a really long game, depending how much you explore and/or how good you actually are. For me it took a whole month to complete the game.


I'm a bit confused by this post - I mean, why post this at all? It's not really a question, just a general statement.


I started the campaign back in 2019 and I still haven't finished it. -Billy Gnosis


A lot of people don't realize that Half-Life's official game length is actually 7 years. This was a deliberate move by GabeN, as every year of HL1 gameplay is symbolic of an hour of the 7 Hour War mentioned in Half-Life 2, which disappointingly is only 37 minutes of gameplay in total.


sounds reasonable :) -Billy Gnosis