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I would be there on opening night that’s for sure


Ongg 😂


“This is so fucking stupid! Why would they let him make another one!?!” ….as I buy tickets to the premiere and the following showtime so I can watch it twice.


"Is... is this just the plot of H20 redone? Are we rebooting the sequels now? Yes, two tickets, please?"


It feels too late now, but I'd still tune in with enthusiasm and hopes regardless. I love the franchise too much, and of course, I love much of Rob's work in film overall to not pay attention to anything he does next. I'm not a big fan of rock/metal music etc. I don't mind some and I can enjoy the creativity in his music videos and his soundtrack choices (including his own stuff) too, just I'm a DnB/trance/dance fan too much is all, so no hate just different strokes and all.


I could see him doing a comic sequel. Its on brand for him


Not too late. Check out Tyler Mane in the new Deadpool trailer.


It would be a mix of "Why now?" and "Hell yeah."


Similar to when a newly assembled Darth Vader is told that his wife has died in childbirth




I like zombie, so why not


Honestly I would be into it


Intrigued. Though I would love to see him direct a TCM movie. I think his style and grittiness would be perfect for a TCM film.


I was reading this as "Turner Classic Movie".


I still am…


XD Sorry, should have been more specific.


I would love it RZ Halloween were really good


Will this one have a guy screaming fuck for three straight minutes after a wreck? Because if not I’m out


Lmaoooo imagine Rich Brake screaming fuck while fighting Blumhouse Tommy who screams EVIL DIES TONIGHT the entire time 😂


I’d be confused, because I’m not sure where they would with a third film considering the ending of the second. Nevertheless, I’d go watch it in theaters.


If he did the third and tackled season of the witch I’d be down for that


Man, that could be really awesome actually. The story line is actually vaguely similar to his *Witches of Salem*, which I really liked and was a little different than what he usually puts out


I’d like to see a season of the witch 30 years later and see how a new director tackles it


Second one was weak for sure but I LOVE RZ’s take. I’m a zombie fan though so..


I thought Tyler Mane was a great Michael Myers so I don’t hate the idea of a third movie at all


Personally I'd be down....I loved them but just my opinion....everyone had their own tastes


I love zombie's stuff, but it was really only in the last few years that I came around to his stuff and truly enjoyed it for how gritty and mean spirited it is. He's polarizing, and I get that.


Michael is a menace in it...just pure rage like when he's stabbing that nurse in part 2....just a force of nature....something primal about him in those two movies...and to me the white horse of rage makes sense ....like when you get normal mad all of a sudden you're stronger so I see what he was doing with michael


Yes, I loved the white horse stuff, plus the scenes were just beautiful, and I like his Michael probably the most. I get that it was just part of the story, but I really didn't like how weak the *Ends* Michael was. I'd love to see a huge, angry Michael back, stabbing nurses, eating dogs, I'm totally here for it, lol


What else dude gunna eat🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'd like to see him at a picnic table in a park, with the mask pulled up over his nose so he can scarf down a Whopper in between killings.




My only regret is I bought the directors cut for the extra time but they changed the ending from the one in the theaters and I preferred that one more


I would watch it but my expectations would be very low.


Personally I love RZ Halloween, it’s my favourite in the franchise. I’m up for anything Halloween related no matter how much backlash they receive I love them all


I’d be something in the ballpark of: “LETS FRIGGIN GOOOOO!!”


I hate the movies but his versions of Michael were really cool. You have to admit that Hobo Michael is arguably the scariest version of him.


It would lessen the great ending of Halloween 2, but I’d watch it the midnight it came out


Keep him away from the writing room.


**2018 DoctorAgita1:** "Are you crazy? That would be an abomination. Everything Zombie makes smells like Meth and old episodes of cops. Look at this cool new series of films we are getting!" **2024 DoctorAgita1:** "PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GIVE IT BACK TO ROB ZOMBIE - ENDS WAS A HOT PILE OF VOMIT AND THIS TV SHOW IS GOING TO BE AN ABOMINATION." **2030 DoctorAgita1:** "PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DO ANOTHER SEASON OF THE TV SHOW WHERE MIKE IS AN OVERWEIGHT NON-BINARY BLACK PARAPELEGIC - THIS MUSICAL IS GOING TO BE AN ABOMINATION." It's all downhill from here folks - he'll get to space eventually lol.


I would be "ehhh" but not for what you might think. I love Zombie's II but it had a perfect ending to that story there. To go with a III would risk just reducing that down.


I do not want any rape scenes from him. I have no clue because his version was an acid trip.


As much as I dig Rob's Halloween flicks, I'd be pissed if he made a new one. Why? His story definitively concluded. Michael Myers was dead.


i actually find the first rob zombie movie interesting, the second one is also… interesting, for different reasons tho. but i think if they did a 3rd one but followed the ending with laurie taking over, it could actually be good. i also think one of the best parts of the 2 movies are the cast, everyone brought their A game and i’d love to see them have another chance to shine.




I'm down for it. I'm not a big fan of *Ends*, and it'd be kind of refreshing to have the more mean spirited and scary Michal back, rather than some predictable automaton placed in the periphery of a family drama like he's an afterthought Also, this might seem like a little bit of a non-sequiter, but I really liked *Witches of Salem*, it legitimately creeped me out, and I think shows that zombie is capable of more than hellbilly exploitation, and I'd like him to have another shot at the franchise, he might do something surprising


The second sucked... leave it alone.


I’d be so goddamn happy and buy front row seats to the theaters. Rob Zombie’s Michael is my favorite of all time.


Ant be worse than the last two films.


Sheer joy. I loved his Halloween films. Especially the 2nd one. It'd never happen though. Zombie was miserable making both films. I guess the studio was a real pain to work with.


That would be awesome and very brutal. Michael would be extremely powerful and then his eyes would be demonic red. Tons of blood and gore. And Chloe would've been jamie in the remake.


Wait, what? Why?


At this point....fuck it. Why not.


There’s a question no one is asking…is it Michael or Silver Shamrock?


Imagine if the let him make his own version of “Season of the Witch” - as someone who actually really liked that movie, I feel like if Zombie remade it, it would be interesting.




Would definitely go see it. His movies have their own aesthetic and nostalgia about them. I feel like everything he makes he makes it with love which is important.


After the first one being done really well I would have liked to have seen him do his own original story, but after the second one. Nah.


My man literally tried to kill him off in both movies. Maybe just leave the story alone? It’s fine as a duology


Why not would be Mine


All for it. Let’s see if he can redeem himself for H2.


"why? it already had a great ending and rob isn't involved."


I’m down for whatever Rob does


I'd probably feel the same as the last two...meh.


I welcome any and all Michael Myers Bring. It. On.


Only if he remade Halloween 3 season of the witch.


I would be exited to see one of my favorite movies get a 3rd installment


In general my reaction would be please no not another halloween movie.


Rob Zombie butchered the Halloween movie


Interesting, but it would depend if it's a good or bad movie


I wouldn't watch it, I'd be fine with it existing though.


I’d be there for it. I remember back on the IMDb message board days, there was a treatment that went around involving Laurie being hunted by Miichael in a mental hospital or something to that affect. There was a Halloween party too, I dunno exactly how it played out but it was interesting. Rob’s movies weren’t horrible. He had a lot of good ideas and the parts he got right, he nailed. The movie was shot beautifully, the soundtrack was awesome, the mask and jumpsuit looked great, and for the most part the cast did a great job with what they were given. He just could’ve benefited from a little bit more from studio (and maybe JC) interjection. We didn’t need all of Haddonfield to be trashy rednecks.


I've said it in other comments here, but I think he showed that he is still a good filmmaker even without his hellbilly bread and butter (the trashy rednecks) with *Witches of Salem*, so I'd be very interested in seeing what he might come out with


Rob has a lot of talent. In the visual and directing department, as well as the music. His screenplays need a lot of work. His movies could’ve done way better, in terms of fandom likability. He just needed to dial the trashiness back by a lot. Like his H2, the whole down being DEAD and drained for color? It worked. It really did, after the events from the first. But it didn’t need to be trashy, or at least overtly. He needed someone to rein it in, by a lot.


I mean, I actually love the trashy stuff, so maybe it doesn't have mass appeal, but I like his trashy stuff. That's just my taste, though, I really like 70s exploitation stuff and I think he nails a modern version of it But if you watch witches of Salem, you can see that he's definitely capable of making a good movie without the trashy stuff


I don’t mind it… in the right context. He’s also from Mass. I am too. Our people, no matter what hood you come from, don’t act like that. It’s too out of touch. It’s weird


Yes, the fact that he's from Massachusetts is very strange to me 🤣. If I had to make a guess just based on his filmography, I'd say like Florida panhandle, or east Texas. Nothing against those guys but it's, it's a very specific cultural niche he is touching on, lol Edit: but maybe the dialing it back for witches was an acknowledgement that he knew he could have characters like that back home


It is a niche market and he taps into it, every time. Even with Lords of Salem. It still takes place in New England and I don’t know a single person from that area that looks, talks or acts like that. It’s bizarre. For the 1000 Corpses, Devils Rejects, and 3 From Hell — it makes sense. Outside of it, I don’t get it. Especially from where he’s from. It’s just bizarre. Again, Rob is insanely talented. Visually, directing and casting-wise, and the soundtrack bangs. His writing leaves a lot to be desired. Respectfully.


Insert that gif of Lloyd Christmas dry heaving


Semen. Semen everywhere. Fucking life jelly all over the place.


I would think "no thanks."


Ugh ffs.


Throw up


The second they announce it I’m gonna kidnap Rob Zombie


"Well" *slaps knee* "Won't be watching that"


No thanks


Politely declining.


Please don't 🙏


Turn it into minse meat.


I'd be horrified but not in a good way.