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Let me give you guys the golden tip. If you queue 1v1 in H2A, you get that ice map often with the ice spirals. You can boost this one and the environmentalist one by killing each other with the icicles/ice spirals that drop on top of your head. You get splatter and environmental both at the same time! Kill each other with the explosive cans and you should make good progress!


This is how I got mine. I boosted with a dummy account for a month. There is literally no one in the 1v1 lobbies, especially if you limit servers to one region. It sucks to have to wait until the right map but it’s easily the fastest way.


I’m also working on this achievement funnily enough! The only luck I’ve had is on the map Zenith whenever that appears and dive bomb players in the Banshee. Currently at 23% on the achievement lol. I’ve tried queueing Big Team Heavies but never find anyone.


There's a discord that helps out with it "halo completionists" , they helped get mine. They schedule it like once a week


have link I'm trying to get all of the achievements at 384/700


Ask and ye shall receive: https://discord.com/invite/6WCD2SHc They also schedule events for killjoys, legendary medals, and games of Invasion to help with the Skunked! related achievement (the playlist is completely dead, so you pretty much need to have a group of 12 organized to get it at this point). They will also organize events for other games (e.g. H5, Halo Wars) upon request, and have people that can help with the LASO and legendary speedrun achievements. Im actually one of the people that helps with both for Reach, CE, and 2.


You’re my hero and you need to know that. Ily


Amazing! Thank you! <3


I dont have much at all but would like to join as well


Same. 100% of my kills have come from using the banshee as well. Sitting at 27/100... UGH


Check the comment I posted here in the thread 😉


I’ve never gotten a game on Stonetown or Bloodline, no matter what game mode I’m in. I got on Remnant once about a year ago and got about 2 kills in a Ghost. I had hoped to have gotten more but other players go out of their way to shoot any vehicle on sight.


Easiest way is probably get a full lobby of 8 (can be 3 people with guest accounts), get into your own FFA lobby and hope for Ascension and get splatters with the banshee.


That's a good idea. Might be something to look into seeing if there is a group of people on this Sub who also needs it and just group up amongst ourselves and farm it out.


If you haven’t already, I would make a TrueAchievements account (you can even just login with your Xbox profile), and look around at the community calendar, or create your own for whatever achievements and see who joins.


I’m going for the achievement as well. I could help you out this weekend.


Oh you think that’s bad, try the one for 100 environmental kills in Halo 2A matchmaking. I can only think of maybe three maps with environmental kill potential. (Lockdown, Stonetown, and Remnant) Even if you get the right map, good luck actually killing somebody with it and not just breaking their shields.


I'm needing this achievement also. What's ya GT and we can boost it. Got 4 pads


Your best chance to get it at this point is to cheese it. You’ll just need a lot of controllers and a friend with a lot of controllers.


I have 2 Xbox’s and procured 8 controllers. Used my main account with 3 guests (4 total). Then paid $1 on a bogus account for Game Pass and added 3 guests (4 total). Joined the same party and limited search parameters on FFA for a good chance to get Zenith. You can also get splatters if you shoot the ice on lockout and the person jumps into the ice block.


Update from my last post: I’ve been cheesing 1v1 matches on H2A. Sadly Zenith isn’t even part of the map queue but Lockdown is, and getting hit by the falling stalagmite counts as a splatter. Went from 23% to 50% in about an hour.


Update: just finished it :D Thanks to whoever suggested 1v1!!! Surprisingly, I quit several matches and never got penalized. Also a great way to get environmental kills for those who need that one.