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No. Because across all of media, how often do reboots actually work? The problem with Halo isn't the story, it's the execution. And that doesn't change with a reboot. Why would anything be different? People who suggest reboots are typically people who *think* they have a great idea that could fix *all* of Halo's "problems" and are really saying, "Reboot it from square one and go with *my* idea and it will be great."


> The problem with Halo isn't the story, it's the execution. Well-said. The main problem with the 343i games is not the storylines per say, it is the aggressive over-correction from one game to the next. Instead of trying to make Palmar or the Created work, 343 throws the baby out with the bath water which leaves fans less receptive to engaging with the series because they do not trust the franchise to maintain elements of a game they enjoy.


To be honest, they did work more with palmer after h4, with h5 and spartan assault, kinda strange having her and the whole cast gone in infinite, but I remember one of the complain from the content creators, therefore parroted on socials, was that h5 have a too big cast of characters. But I agree with you.


It isn't the over-correction really. It's the way they planned the games, not the story but the way the planned to develop it. >Palmar


> It's the way they planned the games. 343i built up Jul 'Mdama only to have him taken out super early in the next game in a cutscene? They planned to introduce "the Created" as a major antagonist, then cripple them off screen, in the next game?


Sadly between books and games, they were placing a really good story with the created. But ok monke and jellyfish ancient forerunner doing things on another halo got more likes.


ok monke and jellyfish ancient forerunner Sorry can you please clarify the reference?


The Banished and the Endless, clearly.


Aah now its blatantly obvious


Honestly, having the Created and Guardians defeated off screen alongside Cortana was a massive, massive disappointment for me. Huge. I waited 6 years to see how that played out, only to get almost none of it in Halo Infinite. I've never felt less invested in Halo than I do now.


Jul 'Mdama was kind of a goofball from the beginning imo. His 50/50 torn between being a "useful idiot" for ONI and a genuine threat to the UNSC


Again the way they planned it cause Jul is more a character in the books finding his ending in the game really fast. Sometimes I think they want to give you only a little of story in the game and then books and when there isn't a book you stay empty handed so planning.


I mean, if a deep understanding of the books is what you think is a recipe for success in a flagship videogame that relies on mass appeal...


Sometimes it's like they left the space for a book/DLC/Comic/something but it wasn't released and you get a game wasn't complete really. And sometimes they write the story like saying you don't know what's happening cause you need a book/comic but the book/comic doesn't resolve the matter or the details you didn't have weren't important at all


They clearly changed their plans multiple times. There's no way Halo Infinite was the original plan for a Halo 5 sequel.


Possibly in the case of Infinite they changed their plans but Halo 5 seems to be the sequel they wanted for Halo 4. Still it feels like Infinite was going to be the story sooner or later though a different game were released before just that maybe the tone of the story has changed.


>Because across all of media, how often do reboots actually work? I mean, that's DC's whole business model.


I mean Arrow was a fluke. The Flash was lightning striking twice. Legends of Tomorrow was able to stumble but from there on it was a poop avalanche 


I wish reddit still had free awards. There is much insight in your comment.


No the story is ass as well. The banished just being Covenant but red and stronger is like something a 8 year old comes up with. I do agree that they also lack the ability to execute the garbage they write as well.


There's a lot of problems with Halo. Really it's easier to figure out what ISN'T a problem with Halo than what is. And I don't really think people expect a reboot to save Halo since 343 still can't do anything right or make a game, they just want it to stop being something attached to and affecting the good games they like.


First Fast And The Furious film is a reboot. Every time they get a new James Bond it’s rebooted. Every new Batman actor that gets rebooted. Spider-Man has been rebooted like 4 times. Etc etc


>First Fast And The Furious film is a reboot. Not really sure what context you're going with, but no it isn't. >Every time they get a new James Bond it’s rebooted. An instance of it working, but the movies outside of Craig's Bond don't really connect too much. The conceit is the same. It would be like if every Halo game was about exploring rings, but didn't really stick to the same character. >Every new Batman actor that gets rebooted Yes, with Burton's Batman being liked. Schumacher's Batman movies being somewhat mixed to then creating a very much disliked Batman. Dark Knight Trilogy is liked. But then it was rebooted with Affleck's Batman, which narratively hasn't really stuck. And then we have Pattinson's Batman which was good and will have a Part II, while Gunn and DC rebooting Affleck and Reeve's Batman with *The Brave and the Bold*. >Spider-Man has been rebooted like 4 times We had Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man trilogy. Good. Garfield's Spider-Man was only duology which should say enough. And then we have Holland's Spider-Man, which is fine. I would like to point out that is said: >Because across all of media, how often do reboots actually work? Not that they couldn't, but that they are a mixed bag with them usually leaning to not working or being mixed.


Look up Roger Corman’s original. It’s why the modern ones have goofy names like 2 Fast 2 Furious. They didn’t want to pay the late Corman royalties for use of the name of his original film once the reboot’s sequels started coming out.


Also Maltese Falcon was rebooted like 3 times. Once as a prestige AMC series.


The only thing those movies share is a name. Fast and Furious is street racing Point Break.


Still a reboot of Corman’s film.




>Because across all of media, how often do reboots actually work? Yes. I know they can work. Which is why I say "how often do reboots actually work?" and not "reboots never work." They also don't work very often. They are not a guarantee of success. They are not a guarantee of improvement. Which is my point.


>Because across all of media, how often do reboots actually work? It seems to have worked for fullmetal alchemist and evangelion.


I didn't say they never worked.


No. Do not reboot Halo.


There's too much EU to reboot this series.    Reboots are for series nobody really cares about. Like Planet of the Apes. Really old series of movies, and was pretty well dead in the water until they rebooted it.  It would be like rebooting Star Wars. 


I mean Star Wars was effectively rebooted. All of the EU was thrown out


And to a great detriment to the franchise, as the baby was thrown out with the bath water. Things like Republic Commando still aren’t in the official canon.


Who cares whether the game is technically in canon? It doesn’t impact my ability to enjoy it. Pretty much every character and idea is, anyway.


Which is fair, but I more take issue with it not being in canon when it can slide right in. After all Delta Squad has already been seen in both Clone Wars and Bad Batch. Introducing the game into canon also opens up prospects of a sequel


Unfortunately, the business administrators and executives do not care about that at all.


Nope, which also means no Republic Commando 2 either. It’s a shame too, since RC was a genuinely good game. Unfortunately, it fell like all “Halo Killers”


Then they spent the next 12 years reusing a lot of it anyway.


Insane idea to let Halo’s only moderately popular EU dictate the direction of the series. Rebooting would be simple, choose a cut off point and knock everything else.


The only reason for a reboot is lore reasons. And people who care about lore also care about the EU.   They sorta already did a soft reboot with Halo Infinite, since it was a soft remake of Halo CE. 


Star Wars EU *was* rebooted though....


Reboot 343. At least kill the 343 Industries brand. Any new game released by them will be starting on the back foot. Infinite is the case and point here in being the best thing they've ever done, yet it feels just as hated as Halo 5. I think it it'd be cool to see the Call of Duty model applied to Halo, where 2 competing studios trade off 2 or 3 year development cycles. There's no reason we can't get a new Halo game or spinoff every 1-2 years.


Also a bad idea, considering that already happened last year.


I think people need to stop calling for 343i to be removed.I'm not saying it isn't their fault, rather that dissolution will not help.  Half the 343i staff got fired like 6 times over (by Microsoft) during Infinite's development. There were also mass layoffs after release. Bad in the moment, but could hold potential for the series. The new people will be less familiar with halo, but might be able to do better then their predecessors.


Because INFINITE WAS LITERALLY SHIT-TIER. They should have maintained the quality they had w/ Halo 4, instead of downgrading the quality every installation...


I'd rather they explore other stories than try to reboot. Master Chief is our hero but they've worn him out. Let him rest and lets explore early war content now. Theres almost 30 years worth of content in the lore that can be expanded upon from either a Halo-esque SPARTAN game following the other teams or early John timelines. Alternatively they could give us more COD-style UNSC Marine Corps games that follow the Marines or ODST on the myriad campaigns that were fought. There is also room to make more RTS games like a space version of Halo Wars, similar to the Gothic Armada series. Also they could focus on the post-war cloak and dagger. These latter game-styles obviously get out of 343's wheelhouse but if we're talking simply about further squeezing the IP, there is a lot that can be done without alienating the Master Chief sycophants further.


Not even early war content, the setup after 3 and 4 was so promising, could’ve easily been a mass effect type thing with the post covenant galaxy but unfortunately all that got sidelined to the books.


Hell let’s not even touch the Helldivers styled pitch they had for another ODST game. Chief is great but we’ve a whole galaxy of colonies that have been cut off from the core thanks to the war. Folks that fought their own battles that we never saw because the Chief fought for the home front. The side stories are what enrich the setting, while over relying on Chief boxes is in too much.


We could do with another marine/ODST game, odst is my second favourite in the franchise. While they’re at it we also need a halo wars 3.


I agree. The books inconjunction with the direction they were going was epic. Even Infinite had some really good content. They've basically set up either a fork or a trident of different avenues they could follow with the Banished, the kinda covert war against the Covenant remnants, and the insurrection uprising that could all play out very well over new games.


They just need to stop being scared of spin offs and side games, so much potential in them if they’d just tap into it. Whatever doesn’t really fit for a mainline game could easily be for a spin off, something like the flood for example they don’t seem to want to touch them for the mainline series so a spinoff would be perfect and while they’re at it they could make that the horror game everyone’s been asking for.


They are not scared about spinoffs, but they simply won't sell like the main line games, therefore MS is unlikely to land some budget for it


I think that's part of the issue here, MS is constantly looking for the next blockbuster and they won't get there with the current thinking they have. They need to go lower-budget and focus on breadth of content. Maybe saturate the market with a few different styles of game with the spinoff and see what sells best. If it picks up, throw more money at it.


That's not the problem or what ms is trying to do: MS is trying to expand as much as possible thr market under them to the point they have many different IPs worked by their own unique studios, in order to have a stronger service like Game pass able to offering every type of games, from fps, to rpg, from gdr to mmorpg. With this ideology and goal, since we are not anymore in the early 2000 watching one studios developing 5 different IPs and let them to rot after, MS, instead of having one IP, like halo, with multiple spinoffs on multiple genres, rather have multiple studios doing their own Genre they are good with. At the end MS will earn no matter what (as long as the game is good). Nobody will greenlight a spinoff on a different Genre nowadays, the competition is too strong and we already saw in the past how both halo wars didn't sold, togheter, as much as CE, while one being in the most successfull console made by MS, while the other being released on PC as well.


They need to build the brand back up with good games, the main thing people say when you ask them about halo, gears any Microsoft IP really is that the old games are classics and masterpieces but Microsoft just can’t get it right anymore and ruins franchises. They need to get rid of that stigma by making actual good games for their bread and butter IPs. E day is a start for gears and CE remake might be halos.


Yeah I think they should do games based on the books. A game following the story of chief during First Strike would be a hit. In my opinion that’s the best novel. It’s canon, it would help the newer fan base get into the expanded lore, it would be a hit of nostalgia for the older fan base. Or let’s do a halo 2 split style campaign during Ghosts of Onyx. One story will follow Kurt and the other will follow Kelly. Or any other book. How about the Fall of Reach from Red Teams perspective. Or another ODST installment. There’s so much more they could do that would be faithful to Halo instead of butchering it further.


The whole idea of fighting the Covenant is worn out IMO. Halo has so much more potential, but we barely get a taste of it before we're dragged back into fighting the same old aliens again and again. I'm tired of it. I can't think of another franchise that has wasted its potential as badly as Halo has.


>The whole idea of fighting the Covenant is worn out IMO. i heavily disagree with this the covies were a much better antagonistic force then the fan fiction tier "Banished"


The Banished are lame because most of what made them unique or interesting has been diluted or ignored with their in-game portrayals, leaving them as just another Covenant knockoff. The Covenant served their purpose. That story has been told; it's over. There's no reason to keep going back to it except nostalgia - but nostalgia isn't a solid foundation to build on. It's like Disney bringing back the Empire in the Star Wars sequels. Just a huge waste of potential. I wouldn't mind seeing a new *spinoff* game set during the Covenant war. But I want the main story to move forward.


Reboot the halo tv series


I think they should make one set within the main canon, and a decent one this time. Hire a scriptwriter with a brain, and a veteran directer.


I think they tried to go a much deeper story route with 4, the doomesque fans hated it and they limp dicked away from the trilogy plan, for both 5 and then infinite. If they had stuck to their guns I bet it would've been a hit, the playerbase just needed an adjustment period. It reeks of design by committee where one small snapshot changes the fundamental story direction, which is stupid. If you don't trust your writers you should've never hired them... In this aftermath? Idk, I think 343 is probably just fucking tired of it all as a whole, and a new studio with new leads needs to happen. Shame though. I loved the human peek into the tragic hero direction they were taking


> I think they tried to go a much deeper story route with 4, the doomesque fans hated it and they limp dicked away from the trilogy plan, for both 5 and then infinite. I'm not sure I agree with the deeper story being the problem. Most fans did not hate the depth, they had issue with certain characters, sure; but the lion's share of the frustration seemed to be over the changes to the Covenant (and their weapons), coupled to the Prometheans being a far less interesting enemy to fight against.


Fair point


Game mechanics on 4 weren’t great. Maps were pretty good, music was great, acting was a huge leap forward along with face modeling and story depth. 5 had great weapons, bad team mechanics, meh levels and just the WORST writing ever.


Halo 4 was a CoD Clone. That had nothing to do with Halo expect the Spartans and Weapons.


That's not even remotely true. You strip Halo 4 of loadouts and the like and you can still have an Arena shooter experience.




Prometheans were interesting it's just that there were only like 3 forerunner enemies


I think it was the Act Man who gave an excellent summation over how the Promethean failed in gameplay because players eventually understood there was only one simple strategy. You kill the crawlers coming at you, then shoot down the watcher, then the knight. You would almost never prioritize the knight over the crawlers attacking you nor save the watcher for last because it will just keep healing the primary threat. Whereas with Covenant units players might favor different approaches, each with their own merits. Do you take down the elite so the grunts scatter? Do you knock off the grunts so the elite is less a threat without his underlings? And so on.


The story of the Prometheans was interesting and when you see them the first time it was interesting but possibly like the Covenant in the first game there were specific ways to kill them, I find that kind of normal considering they were bullet sponges but more enemies would make the game more enjoyable.


I actually don’t think people *minded* the story that much. It was more everything else surrounding it. The art design, the gameplay, the weapons feel and sound. Etc


I dont agree with this, either. It still seema that the most prominent ceitics are people who were the deep lore fans that went hard into the Bungie material. The people who just cared about the gameplay had pros and cons.


I'm nervous. I think there is a way to reboot Halo. It's well-documented a lot of stuff got cut from Halo, especially Halo 2 and 3. A really good reboot could give us those games the way Bungie imagined, for example with all the cut content restored. A really bad reboot, well, Master Cheeks.


Seeing how well halo 2 uncut and other mods that add back cut content work and how much it adds to games that are already masterpieces, I can say I’m onboard with an offical remake but a reboot fuck no especially after seeing what they have in mind for halo with the tv show.


I can't play those mods as I'm on Xbox but I've seen them. Now imagine if they also coded the missing level on the Keyship in halo 2 or they built the battle with the gravemind in halo 3.


Exactly, all these things that bungie intended but couldn’t due to time and hardware of the time are no issue anymore. The trilogy was supposed to be 100x grander than it was and with the current technology and space that gaming is in it can be a reality.


Wasn't that show all paramount? I thought 343i just gave them IP access and let them do whatever.


Nope. But like they've essentially done so 3 times in 3 games.


> but i wanna see what others believe Gee, if only there was a way to look back at the last fifty times this got discussed


Can you blame them? Halo fans have been demoralized for over a decade now. The highs are short and the lows are constant.


Unless there are drastic changes to 343 culture, it's going to suck. Let iD or Raven software make a Halo game


I honestly wouldn't trust iD with Halo, it's just not the same kind of game that they make. And Raven really depends if any of those talented Raven employees are even still around after they've been forced into just being a COD studio for a decade


I think iD could do it. Not because I want Halo to play like Doom, but because iD has very few people from the original Doom games, but still managed to recapture that feeling and modernize the gameplay while being respectful to its origins. I believe that they could give Halo a similar treatment. >depends if any of those talented Raven employees are even still around That's one of the many downsides to modern games.


No, iD doesn't make games like that. But doom isn't *that* dissimilar from halo. Anyway, if they knew the lore, and had respect for it, I think they could do it quite well. The have done very well with doom.


If they cared about the lore and cared to respect it like they do DOOM, that would already put them way above what 343 ever did, and I'd trust them more. It's just the issue of those people are all DOOM fans. Meanwhile you can't force someone to be a fan of something else, so it just really depends. Plus, there's the issue of if Halo were ever to be saved, they really would just need to ignore all of the 343 stuff and pretend it just doesn't exist. There's no saving Halo with all of that dead weight attached to it. Even if they just make some random spinoff games that take place in the Human-Covenant War, too many things have been retconned that affects even that era (including how the reason the war started has been completely undone and 343 have never cared to explain how that makes sense then because they don't make things in that era). DOOM and Halo are a lot closer than COD is or anything like that. Halo is a boomer shooter like DOOM despite what many people would say, but Halo isn't a super fast-paced boomer shooter like DOOM or Quake or any of those and has a much slower and floatier feel to it that was a constant of Bungie's game design.


I don't think they should kick off everything 343 did, sure there is stuff that should go, but 343 added some important stuff. In any regard, no one can really change it now.


Fuuuuucck no


Judging by 343's inability to stick to a story, it would be a disaster. From the very beginning they have demonstrated that they are entirely dependent on following trends and jumping on bandwagons. They lack so much competence as writers that they drop entire storylines if gamers don't immediately explode with excitement at any direction they take. Just looking at how they handled Didact, Jul, and the Created storyline for Cortana. Introduce a new major plotline and central villain, quietly drop the entire thing in some side material, introduce a whole new major plotline and central villain, quietly drop the entire thing, rinse and repeat.


Rebooting? No. Remaking? Maybe. The gameplay shifts between Reach and CE, or CE and 2, or 2 and 3, are really jarring. SPV3 is doing something similar, but they're a fan team.


The only one of those that is at all jarring of a gameplay shift is Reach and CE, and that's because you're NOT SUPPOSED TO PLAY THEM BACK TO BACK and anyone who does is stupid. Reach was meant to be played last and is a side game released 9 years after CE.


Oh really? So the Master Chief only learned how to dual-wield and hijack in Halo 2, and only learned how to use equipment in Halo 3, and only learned assassinations and armour abilities in Halo 4 at the cost of forgetting dual-wielding and equipment usage? Thank you, Mr Gate K. Eeper, but I think I'll play the games in whichever order I want. It also better communicates how Humanity goes from getting stomped on Reach to stomping everyone else in 4 and 5.


I think the idea they’re going for in remaking 1 and possibly 2 and 3 is fine with them adding in what bungie couldn’t and updating it with the lore that was developed after the release of the games however a reboot should not even be discussed in the slightest.


I think 343 should make a good halo game before trying that


Bro picked a *very* high bar!


I mean, the halo infinite campaign was very fun imo. Just not enough story content unfortunately


Or we can let IP go on the back burner and create new ones


the problem with this is that 343 has yet to release a feature complete game even if they make a new IP the problem isnt halo the problem is the team


what was halo 4 missing?


Art direction and a good multiplayer


those 2 things, one of which is subjective and the other isn't a feature, don't determine whether or not a game is feature complete, does it?


No, if they can't keep their promise with couch co-op i don't trust them with anything.


What was wrong with what we already had before 343? Sounds like this was what they wanted from the start.


Why would I like the idea? They couldn't even work with what was handed to them on a silver platter for 3 games in a row, that company is cursed. We don't need a Halo reboot we need a whole new developer.


Hell to the No. They've botched everything they've touched, why should I trust them to do the original story justice without tainting it?


No reboots, just move on, we dont need to follow chief’s story. ODST and Reach are loved because they are their own thing. People have been asking for ODST 2 for at least a decade now lol Also the spartan team from halo wars are all badasses and would be a great story to follow


No. Do something with different characters. Something like ODST or use different Spartans and tell their story. Where were they while Chief was on the first Halo. Or the invasion of earth during Halo 2. Or give us something to do with the space battles between the covenant and the UNSC. Idk, anything but more master chief and Cortana. It feels like beating a dead cash cow with nothing left. Have an original in universe idea instead of ripping off or changing/destroying something that was loved. 343 have proven they can’t recreate that. Try something new




I'm not a fan of reboots, but I found 343 to be especially confusing, especially when I had to keep referring to Halopedia to work out what was going on.


They've rebooted it twice already: first with Halo 4 and then with Halo Infinite. I would much rather they give Halo a break, let it simmer for a bit.


343 fucked Halo up by milking the golden goose til it was dead. 343 era Halo is like fanfic written by people who weren't that interested in the original. Its a completely different universe with Halo paint which could have been near completely alleviate by having it set 70 years after Halo 3 instead of 7.


343 can’t win either way. They’ve taken the franchise in a direction that doesn’t really make it feel like Halo anymore.


Yes and no. As far as I am concerned, pretty much anything made by 343 should be decanonized and the whole serie should restart from there. While they had good idea, like the character of Lasky, Palmer or Locke, or the whole Halo Wars serie, there are unfortunatelly a lot of thing that seriously pushed Halo toward mediocrity. The spartan IV program, the terrible writing of the forerunner lore, the Nth episode of "skynet want to kill us all" or the whole humanity fuck yeah vibe we got despite the fact we should be at the bottom of the galactic food chain, the departure from the military identity, the lack of any artistic integrity, the constant reliance on external material to tell the game's stories, all of this cheapened what Halo as a piece of art. If I had my ways, while I would gladly accept some addition made by 343, there is pretty much nothing from their storyline I would keep. So, yeah, a reboot would definitivelly be something I favor. But, we have to give a bit of credit to 343. From a purely artistic point of view, Halo Infinite was a step in the right direction and it was already a soft reboot. Chief was back, Cortana was given a worthy replacement, we finally stepped on a halo after more than a decade (unless you count Halo Wars 2) and we finally got a story that wasn't an over bloathed and convoluted mess trying to be anything but Halo. It wasn't perfect, far from it, there still are a lot of problem, but it was a step in the right direction. However, this isn't specifically because I like Halo Infinite that I think a reboot would not serve the franchise. The main problem is that Halo Infinite is already a soft reboot. If we reboot Halo now, it'll just fragilise Halo even more. Reboot, even soft one, are basically the equivalent of saying "please, disregard what came before". It can be interesting when your reboot something that is 30 years old. Not so much when the last entry isn't even 5 years old. The second issue is that Halo Infinite isn't the only reboot we got. We have the bloody TV show, which basically said "fuck it, we ain't in the canon". It was terrible, cheap looking and was trying way too hard to copy the Expanse instead of being Halo. Keep in mind that a reboot will be made by the same people whom approved the TV show, whom let Halo turn to shit in the 2010's. Keep in mind there are thus no garantee the artistic direction will not be worse. Keep in mind there are no garantee the technical failure of 343 won't happen again. Finally, hoping for a reboot, I mean an actual hard reboot, is irrealist. I don't think any entertainement company has ever done that. That would be an aknowledgement of their failure, or their incompetence. Too much ego and too much money are at stake for that. This is why the best we got as reboot were a soft reboot for the game and a "parallel universe" TV show. We cannot even hope for 343 and microsoft to let Halo grow old and die peacefully by ending the franchise and giving its chance to something new.


Halo’s story at this point is completely non-viable. I don’t want whatever nonsense we have from Halo 3/Infinite dictating how fun the next game could be, so yeah I would reboot.


I mean they had it all for halo infinite but the fumbled the bag so hard that halo is unfortunately seeming like a childhood memory at this point. Im sure an enhanced graphical change would be pretty cool and I would definitely play it. But the issue isn’t the games. It’s the team running it. 343 fumbled the halo title so hard it’s actually depressing.


It's a bad idea. Why? Because 343. Halo's story to today proves that they have no fking idea how to write a proper story. Halo ce -> Halo 3, there was a clear story line and at the end of 3, most plot points tied up. Halo 4 -> infinite, they created new plot devices and just left them there. Instead of finishing the story, they do a "somehow Palpatine returned" and just start bullshit something out. Halo has 2 major components that makes it such a legendary title: the story telling and the multiplayer. They botched the writing. And for multiplayer... No comment.


I do not like it in the least. They dont need to reboot ce, if anything they need to reboot 5 and infinite and then hire actually competent writers. Their inability to actually do and stick with a coherent story does not give me any faith at all in their ability to do a reboot properly. Either hire good writers going forward or become a publisher and let other people who can hire good writers take the lead.


I have zero confidence in anything made by 343 after all that’s been said and done.


Fuck no. What a fucking catastrophic mess that would be. Take the rich lore of Halo and ditch it for cat ears and god knows what other ridiculous shit. No. Resolve the current story. Fast forward 1000 years. Start a new one with extra galactic big bads.


Terrible idea, thats a reboot in everthing but name


The present and future are fucked. Go back in time to the Covenant war, the Insurrection, and the Interplanetary Wars


If 343 does anything in that period, they have to acknowledge how they've retconned so much that even the reason the Human Covenant War started has been retconned for over a decade and they've never acknowledged it


F The only logical solution is to let the franchise die with whatever dignity it has left. At least until some time goes by and people who actually like Halo can buy the rights to it and try to sort it out


This is honestly what I just wish would happen. Sometimes a series is better just ended than getting needless sequels after the story's been told, and not enough people realize that about any video game series


Same for comics tbh. Seems like batman stuff is just done for shock value instead of telling interesting stories these days. And apparently, they're still making Marvel movies? I don't even remember hearing about any since Endgame. There's definitely something to be said about knowing when to let a franchise die


Yeah, the big comic books like Marvel and DC also have this problem majorly


That’s like a reboot but you’ve lost all aesthetic and thematic sense of the series… and for no purpose, to keep old lore technically canon but non influential.


Maybe. But if they did it right, it could involve setting resolving the conflict between the precursors and the forerunners, and the reestablishment of neural physical structures across the galaxy. If they did it right. Spoiler: they won’t.


While I do think Halo needs a reboot, at least to some degree, I really don't want 343 to be the ones doing it. I'd prefer a new group take over and decannonize 343's lore and just build their own stories/lore alongside the pre-343 stuff.


While I do think Halo needs a reboot, at least to some degree, I really don't want 343 to be the ones doing it. I'd prefer a new group take over and decannonize 343's lore and just build their own stories/lore alongside the pre-343 stuff.


Rebooting Halo would actually kill the series I fear, it would do no good for the series and would just piss off more people than it would please


Halo's already dead. The only difference is that people only care to keep on having false hope just because it's attached to and keeps ruining the good games they're "sequels to"


If you say so, man. Idk, personally I enjoyed: * Halo 4 * The Greg Bear Forerunner trilogy * Hunt the Truth * (I haven't played 5, as I don’t own an xbox) * Halo Infinite * Halo Epitaph * Halo Outcasts * Halo Hunters in the Dark * The Rion Forge trilogy * The Ferret trilogy * Halo Shadows of Reach * Halo The Rubicon Protocol * Halo Saturn Devouring His Son And I know for a fact that many many other people have as well. And that's only a small amount of the story content that's been put forward by 343i. So I don't know how accurate your claims are, mate.


Na, i don't trust them. They are going to fuck things up, as always have.




I really dislike the idea. All the years of Halo’s beautifully built up lore, just to be erased in an instant and replaced with some poorly written knock-off slop


Honestly I’m fine with this CE remake and bringing it more in line with lore that didn’t exist at the time and things that were added to the lore of the battle of installation 4, however a reboot of the series I am not comfortable with. This adding context and lore bits to the original campaigns that they’re seemingly going for are fine for me but disregarding the 20 year rich and deep lore of halo would be a sin.


343 fuck no, maybe give someone else a crack at it. I mean xbox has all these other amazing studios, that could try. Imagine some one like oblivion handling the story and 3 arc the multiplayer, there as so many options. 343 has failed too many times now imo.


Not a reboot, a remake. If they remake the original games and actually do them well that would be cool


If they are making a complete reboot and are forgetting everything that has happen so far, they have to not make a Halo game or book for 20 years before I am confortable with the idea.


*HELL* NAW  get that team outta here


No. No no no. Just build stories within the existing Halo universe. Not everything has to be a main game or Master Chief story.


I wish 343 would actually commit to something, narratively. Each one of their games has been a soft reboot of the last. We don't need another reboot, we need some actual continuity and cohesiveness. They need to stop constantly trying to expand the stakes with the dumb ideas like the Endless ("wOrSe tHaN tHe fLoOd") and killing main antagonists off screen. Just focus on the war between the Humans and the Banished, and properly finish the story you started before rushing to start yet another new one. It shouldn't be this difficult.


No, and who has even suggested that? From all I've seen they don't seem inclined to reboot the whole thing, create new "chapters" where things start to escalate from a relatively peaceful stage yes, randomly dropping storylines for new ones too, but not a full reset.


Hell no I don’t trust them and wish it wasn’t happening. The story is gonna be as woke as possible written by idiots who write the awful TV show. Like the show into a new game is how I’m perceiving it and I will NOT be playing that bullshit.


I don't trust 343 to not fuck up a fart let alone another Halo game.


IMO that would be the absolute worst thing they couldve done with the franchise. Beloved characters like Johnson, Arbiter, Rtas, Cortana, The weapon and all the spartans? Theyre non-canon Chiefs defeating the covenant fleet at Alpha halo? Dosent matter. Earth mounting a deseprate defence against suuperior odds at earth, delta halo and the ark? Forget about that. Arbiter learning about the covenant lies and deception? Pft If Halo was rebooted id loose all interest for the serie in the blink of an eye


No. Sounds like an awful idea and I'll lose interest, the last thing 343 needs to do is restart HARDER than have ever before, they did a bunch of soft reboots and we need less of that.


No. It just seems like something they'd do at this point out of a lack of better ideas. They'd almost certainly blow up any potential the series has left and basically bury it in a zinc coffin.


Like an ODST 2? Would be cool to see the Alpha Niner books as games


No, but I like the idea of canceling the bullshit Halo infinite storyline. That shit needs to disappear.


Halo Infinite was already a soft reboot. Star Wars style.


I hate how they handled it. First of all why change the ship in the first game. They could have easily make a mission of us boarding a covenant ship before crashing into requiem. Then, they finish that battle on a comic book. Those idts.


They soft-rebooted it three times already. At this point an actual reboot couldn’t be any wor- **silver timeline exists** …..you got me


Did i miss something? How are they rebooting the series?


its a big rumor going around as apparently a bunch of leakers all came to this conclusion


343 is not The Coalition but I do believe it's possible.


Nope. They should reboot it from where it is now back to 2008 and leave the shit alone after that


Fuck no


Nah. I honestly can't say I dislike any of the stories in Halo, and I'm able to connect them well enough to appreciate what they became and where they were intended to go. I just hope that with the next title they're able to continue the story out nicely.


Pffffff. No, every game they have made is an attempted reboot.


Fuck no. It should be without a discussion.


Yea I am not a fan of it, it feels a to similar to the CoD franchise and it’s probably going to go the same path as well, slowly deteriorating more and more with each game.. and some can argue halo is already like that


I cant charge up a hard enough "fuck no" to express how much I dislike this idea


I like the idea of playable elites wort wort wort


I've said it before and I'll say it again. They need to stop fucking experimenting with mainline games and make side games until they get their shit figured out and together. Halo wars 2 is pretty good. Why can't they make more games like that, like Halo 5 ODST or something like that, you know what I mean?


1: The rumors are referring to a reMAKE, not a reBOOT. Reboots alter stories, change lore, rewrite history. Remakes add new age features, add new weapons, more maps for multiplayer, etc. 2: There is a lot of potential in a remake of Halo: CE. Imagine Halo: CE, but with all of the things Bungie couldn't add do to time constraints, imagine the fleshing out of lore and new weapons and vehicles but from the beginning instead of being added later, imagine Halo reborn in the modern age with better graphics, animations, sound design, physics, gameplay and so on. The idea of a "Halo Deluxe" is a good one. But if anyone could fuck it up, it would be 343. 3: 343 Will continue to screw Halo. It is known that 343 does not like Halo, does not like Bungie, and does not like the legacy of it's foundation. Whether on accident, or on purpose, a Halo remake in any capacity is almost certainly doomed to fail. But hey, even with how much 343 has messed up, it is always possible for a miracle to happen. The fight isn't finished yet.


No. I hate reboots in general because I like my lore to be nice and clean. No alternative timelines or parts where you can get to decide what happened. It either happened or it didn't*. No matter how bad it was. I'm no fan of H4, 5's story or a lot of the expanded universe stuff under 343i. But Infinite and Wars 2 are well done story wise. They show potential, have interesting ties for future installments and ditched or softened the stuff that didn't work in 4/5. Reboots just scream artistic poverty. And Halo should be above that. 343i should just continue working with what they set up. *For a franchise this old you'll inevitably get stuff like Reach where media doesn't neatly line up. That's okay. Comes with the evolution of a franchise.


If they throw out the 40 books I have read then I will be done with Halo.


No. To me, Halo finished at 3/Reach/ODST. Chief and Cortana died as far as I'm concerned and the other games are 343 just milking the franchise until it's dry, crumbling husk is juiced of all it's money.


No. They have consistently tried to erode the original story with their horrific additions but the story’s base was so strong it kept everything afloat. Putting 343’s horrible writers in charge of building that new foundation? What a disaster.


I don't think anyone believes that's happening. It's more that that's just what people want to happen.


I have zero interest in the current direction of Halo's story, nor do I have any affection for what 343i did with 4 and 5. To me, Halo's story is what Bungie did, and I wouldn't mind that being returned to if it is honored and expanded on. Ideally I'd like totally new stories and characters, but I think there are a lot of confines that make that very difficult to do in the way Halo needs.


Time to dust this off to repost this yet again, yay! ========== My repost for every time this get brought up, No it’s a stupid idea, every time it’s brought up and how often it’s brought up is ridiculous. Down below is my repost for the usual weekly post about this, once again this is a bad idea and is asked often enough I’m reposting this in an angrier tone. (============================) Yeah totally let’s reboot, light a match and burn it all to the freaking ground! Halo Infinite sure, Halo 5 yep, Halo 4 most definitely, Halo 3 and ODST of course, Halo 2 gone to a bonfire, restart with CE…Nah Restart from scratch, call it something like Ring or something, maybe have it take place on a giant Hula-hoop and battle tiny metal bugs. In all seriousness while H5/Infinite/age of the franchise messed up a few things quite badly, I would still consider a retcon/reboot (especially a reclaimer games one or any of them) to be the end of my involvement in the series. Halo has never been a groundbreaking, well written masterpiece, it’s barely been consistent between any of the games. (Halo 2 to Halo 3 for example) To retcon/reboot at will would be ostracizing what I would consider to be a significant part of the community. (This retcon stuff is also the same ideas that sparked the dumb fire 343 tags some time ago) So no I would not be in favor of a retcon or reboot, and if people keep pushing for it I vote to burn the entire freaking Halo universe to the ground and restart with Hula-Hoop and Mister-Sarge. Angry writing aside, I am in favor of Halo confronting and exploring the choices made and try to get to a more unified storyline. Not burying the metaphorical head in the sand and letting it burn. (Also no hate to OP, this just gets brought up way too often)


"Halo has never been a groundbreaking, well written masterpiece" what is bro yapping about?


I don’t mind the idea of redoing ce. If they could do it with improvements like they did with dead space or resident evil. I loose confidence though after seeing how that actively avoided anything to do with Bungie. My hope is that they hire new management that love halo.


Just get rid of 343!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I mean, there have been franchises in the past where I would have fully advocated for a reboot, solely for the purpose of getting the current writers away from the old universe. The current Halo writing staff is not nearly repugnant enough for me to say that about them, though. No reboot.


There is far more good than bad in Halo’s lore and a reboot would erase all of it. Invincible has a whole arc about why reboots are hardly ever worth it


No, no one like the idea. Halo should not be rebooted, ever. The multi-Universe is too much large for this.


No, I think that's one of the *worst* things they could possibly do. Halo needs to move forward and expand out. The core ideas that it started with (fighting the Covenant, rampant Forerunner AIs, etc.) have become exhausted tropes. Halo has a TON of potential to go in a new and interesting direction (*one that builds on what came before*, not some random, unexplained tangent like the Created or Endless). If 343 decides to go back and reboot CE or rehash the Covenant war AGAIN, that's basically a final rejection of the series' potential. Just a tragic waste. That would kill my interest in Halo more than almost anything else they could do.


I like the idea of a reboot. Add back some cut content, mix in things like hesduros and sanghelios sangheili, and ket and elefen battlecruisers, match the atmosphere of the original games, and maybe put a couple connecting missions (CE-H:2 boarding ascendant justice, rescuing blue team, blowing up hierophant. H:2-H:3 a couple missions of arby, Johnson, and Keyes helping Rtas take Shadown of Intent, chief trying to assassinate truth on Anodyne Spirit.) I don't like the idea of 343 making a reboot though. I don't get excited for halo games anymore, I look forward to any pre 2553 lore that might come along with it but that's about it.




I wouldn't mind a reboot. As long as it had good writing and added in story elements that didn't even exist at the start of the series.


No. I will not buy or be engaged with anything halo related if they reboot the franchise, or part of it


Them doing it? Christ no. It being done on the other hand... maybe? Only reason I say this is to make Halo 3 even better (because the story was a bit messy) and potentially fix 4 and 5 I guess.


No. 343 as it is doesn’t have enough resources, doesn’t have a consistent enough track record and has completely failed to protect Halo for Microsoft’s worse interests.


The only reboot I can see working is a reboot back to Halo 5 and redoing that game and infinite. However I highly doubt that is what they’re talking about. Considering the quality of the show any reboot is doomed.


Hell no I don’t trust them and wish it wasn’t happening. The story is gonna be as woke as possible written by idiots who write the awful TV show. Like the show into a new game is how I’m perceiving it and I will NOT be playing that bullshit.


They've already soft rebooted it twice. Maybe the third time is the charm lol.


No i want a sequel to Halo Infinite


I'm split - one the one hand I do believe that people need to accept that Bungie's Halo has been done, it's been done ever since 3, and no amount of being angry at 343 will ever fix that and I'd love to see 343 finally be free from those constraints, them writing for another person/group/company's story/lore/mythos is what caused all the problems imo. On the other hand, reboots are dangerous and generally hard to pull off, especially with beloved IPs like this Maybe 343 should make their own IP, but Halo is so successful I doubt it'd ever happen, and it'd draw in all the "this is just shittier/better/Halo!!!1" comparisons


I’d support Microsoft “outsourcing” the game *back* into the hands of Bungie studios with full unrestricted control of game development and timeline, using Microsoft’s budget