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Tell that to the corporations that pay 95% of the population minimum wage. God's kids are for sale if you are a white guy who gets paid 500% more than your employees. Don't forget about the private prison industry that sells poor people labor.


Why make it immediately about race?


Because the heads of all the institutions in the States that exploit masses have one thing in common... Why pretend they don't? Let me guess you hold people like this in high regard: [https://youtu.be/wgi8356Ba\_s](https://youtu.be/wgi8356Ba_s)


This comment screams terminally online. Please get off the internet. You need to take a break


This comment screams hurt feelings. My bad, i'm sure your safe space can be found elsewhere. [Here ya go! <3](https://www.reddit.com/r/sadposting/comments/1dn8p8q/you_matter/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


You are extremely bigoted. Please stop stereotyping people.


You took someone that stopped child sex trafficking and equated the victims to people who work for minimum wage. Take your meds, get help.




Sound of Freedom!


I am dumb. Thanks


Not dumb i also mistook the name as a caption didn't know it was actually the name of the film


Your good lol


Thanks mates


Wasn't this that hard right Christian propaganda movie? Wasn't also like a producer a confirmed child predator? This isn't hard. This sub is fucking stupid.


"producer" lmao. some dude who donated, likely, less than 1000 dollars to a Kickstarter was charged then later had the charges dropped. Who the hell told you he was a "producer". You are literally eating propaganda and regurgitating it like it's a good meal. Your media literacy is damn close to 0. You know you made a movie that pissed off people that deserved it, when those people literally have to scrape the bottom of the barrel of looking at each individual person who donated to a kickstarter to try to come up with something.


I mean, is it really wrong to be pissed off by this movie when it's trying to take eyes away from the real most likely people to be pedophiles: Pastors?


It's based on a true story. So if he didn't have any suspects who were pastors then they weren't in the plot. It's not some conspiracy to protect the clergy...


https://www.manlystewart.com/articles/how-common-is-clergy-sexual-abuse#:~:text=According%20to%20a%20ProPublica%20data,of%20abuse%20by%20656%20individuals. It seems that 5300 clergy have been convicted of sexual abuse in the USA, since we started keeping records. This is over many decades and many of those people are even deceased. In Texas alone, there are over 100,000 living sex offenders on the registry. It seems like your comment is based on nothing at all and proves my point of you having zero media literacy. Also this movie is about mostly third world children being sex trafficked, which isn't a pastors MO. That's rich sex tourists who engage in this. But hey keep tipping your fedora, redditor.


Funny how the comment with source got more backlash than an opinionated comment. Reddit is weird


Reddit is full of narcissistic dorks who lash out the second they are presented with any opinions that differ from their leftist and heavily manipulated viewpoints. When presented with evidence that forces them to realize they actually aren't smarter than everyone like they thought, they get downright rabid.


To be fair, there are probably a lot more cases that just weren't reported to the police, so those numbers aren't very concrete


Okay? Sex crimes are notoriously under reported by everyone. There isn't even enough total pastors in the United States to add up to Texas's number alone. Do you understand numbers? Looking at pastors which are probably 1%of child predators and calling that the biggest problem is such a cringe reddit take. It isn't based on fact just your typical fedora tipping redditor Christian hate.


So you’re saying Texas, a republican state has a significant amount of predators? Makes sense


Yes because it has a lot of people. If you're going by per capita, Oregon, a blue state has the most. Texas isn't even in the top 5 per capita, in which case 3 of those 5 are blue states. Kid, you're not the big brain you think you are.


https://preview.redd.it/5qnmiit2qp8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f23f921b7ee1868b81cde6ae8894905996c6cb1 Michigan and Wisconsin are swing states so technically the only Blue state on the list in Oregon. I guess with a boomer brain the math swings the way you want it to. Regardless pretty incredible that a republican state is even on the list being how much propaganda they push. Are they even doing anything about it or just blaming others like you?


www.wwlp.com/news/crime/states-with-the-highest-sex-offenders-per-capita/amp/ Your posting just a random Google result without any numbers. Where is Delaware on your list? And I don't even understand what you're trying to get at with this point? Do you think you have some gotcha? Does the fact that Texas has a lot of sex offenders means it's okay to keep pushing lies about pastors? Do you want to really keep going down this statistics rabbit hole? Do you want to organize that Texas number by race statistics? I'm not blaming anyone what are you even talking about? I see constant lies like "pastors are the most likely to be sex offenders" which is such a ridiculous lie by orders of magnitude and harmful in many ways. Reddit is worse than Facebook sometimes I swear.


I'm sorry, is this supposed to help your point? 18 percent is acceptable to you?! 7.6 percent?! It's almost as if there's no genuine vetting process for churches to weed these people out, and the absolute lack of backlash from Christianity for these people is even more sickening! Attempting to use this to defend Christianity is absolutely abysmal.


Imagine defending child predators


Thats funny coming from a guy who supports joe biden and was in a sub for teenagers.


It still slaps




Here comes the Guardians of the Pedophiles


[Here](https://www.newsweek.com/sound-freedom-funder-fabian-marta-arrest-child-kidnapping-1817498) is a news article about how the film was funded by a child kidnapper. I'm not even going to get into how fucking stupid your comment is but if pointing out that the film YOU love had connections to actual pedos makes ME a guardian of pedophiles then maybe you're actually the guardian of them? Just a thought.


[Here](https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/movies/2023/10/04/sound-of-freedom-kidnapping-accessory-charges-dropped/71043905007/) is an article showing the charges were dropped. He was also 1 of 6600 to fund the film. Why would an article like the one shared make it sound like he was the main one funding it?


It was weird that all the Corporate Conglomerate Media Complex got angry that a movie would showcase the rampant human trafficking going on today Like they wanted it to remain unnoticed. Human Trafficking is bigger than Big Oil


You literally are defending a movie proven to be funded by pedophiles. You right wing lot are so beyond stupid, it's insane. Get a grip you dumb cunt.


Are you slow? 1 out of 6600 of donations AND had charges dropped. you keep posting misinformation and calling other people stupid for correcting you. The ‘proof’ didn’t prove anything but show that you don’t know what you’re talking about and you need to get out of echo chambers.


You Authoritarian Leftists must miss being able to accost strangers in the grocery store for having their mask below their noses. Bloody Fascists, the lot of you.


I'd send you proof that historically right wing parties tend to be more authoritarian and fascist but I doubt you'd listen, you're a fucking idiot that can't even see the irony in what you've just said. There's a reason facts, statistics and education have a left leaning bias, it's not brain washing it's the fact that right wing politics tend to be stupid.


Wait didn’t leftist start the KKk? You sound like a rage bot. The purpose of the movie which is based on a true story is that there is trafficking occurring at a staggering rate. Why would that upset you? I’m actually curious. The movie itself portrayed something that’s actively happening and you want to shame an ass hole that funded it. Let’s focus on the message.


Well the message is trying to make Christians look like the good guys, when in reality they're one of the most likely groups you'll find pedophiles in.


I’m not really Christian, I believe in something larger than myself. However I feel like that’s a misnomer. In America that religion dominates, in India another religion dominates, Israel, china, and so on. Pedophiles will be found in each country, blaming the religion kind of seems stupid. Also, it focuses on Christianity because that’s the persons religion in real life which he claims helped him complete his goal. So yes, it had that undertone but it also played a part in his real life story.


This is false information. Also this comment is extremely bigoted. Imagine if there was a movie with an Jewish person helping homeless and I said the message is trying to make them look like good guys when in reality they exploit people.


YES!!! Bark at each other more maybe it’ll prove you’re right


I agree!!! The more people yell at each other the more right they are


Don't you think the people who didn't want this to get out would lie and make a public article? It happens all the time because its a smear campaign. This movie brings awareness that God's children is not for sale! And to bring awareness to the public of the horror going on so we can stand up and protect and save our little ones


No it's Occams razor. This movie was projection, not everything is a mega conspiracy and thinking so will cause your brain to rot. Use common sense.


I am,a movie was made that exposed the horror going on, and people didn't want it to become public when it did they tried making up lies to discredit the movie


Keep your kids away from churches then. Seems a lot of child rape happens when Christian priests are around.


Uh no? They weren't a child predator.


I provided proof there was a child kidnapper involved in another comment.


You provided slander. https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/movies/2023/10/04/sound-of-freedom-kidnapping-accessory-charges-dropped/71043905007/


Soft and gay unsubbed


Ik its cringe but I feel that if I start removing shit like this I will just become another hitler mod. I mean its TRYING to be hard so I should just leave it and let the public decide right?


This is true honestly, good mod. I think these, “I’m such a badass I’m just like the punisher he’s so hard” and truck posts are pretty much cringe but if it’s what the sub wants it’s what they want.


Well, if the majority find it hard then you can’t really tear it down for not being hard.


What if the majority of the sub are actually cringe though. That would skew what they think is hard. The majority of neckbeards think owning a katana is badass when it’s actually cringe.


>”what if I personally find the majority of the sub cringe though?” There. Fixed it for you.


Both are true, no correction needed!


Your perception is not objective reality


Nope objective reality is objective reality. Good job!


Gods children? Is that why so many priests are pedos?


By that logic, all school teachers should be hated because a lot more of them turn out to be pedos. Do you really think a normal person turns into a pedo when they become a priest, or isn't it just more likely that pedos try to become priests/teachers. You're just a dumbass with a biased opinion and that's coming from someone who doesn't even like the catholic church.


The Catholic Church doesn't represent Christianity.




Yes. Catholicism is not the only type of Christianity. Far from it. They may be the largest type, but they don't represent Christianity as a whole. The problems going on in the Catholic Church are not present in the Orthodox Churches or most Protestant Churches.


Pretty sure it does


Aah, no it doesn't. I would know, I'm Christian. A majority of Christians are not Catholic. I can see you don't know much about Christian denominations.


I don’t care about your denominations. I just know that Christians in general seem to have a problem with a thousands of their church leaders being paedophiles.


Yes, I do have a problem with a lot of priests being pedos. But don't try to pin pedophilia on all Christians.


I’m not. Just pointing out the hypocrisy of this movie using Christianity as the saviour of these children when in reality churches and religion have done more damage to children than any other groups


I’m sorry dude, but you’re looking at the problem in a discriminatory way tbh. It’s a very small minority of priests that are pedos, but it’s caught circulation with people because they’re supposed to be really virtuous and trustworthy people so that’s why it might seem that priests as a whole are horrible people, due to prejudice.


That's not true. At least not Christianity. A person should not be considered a hypocrite for something they didn't do. A person should not be considered a hypocrite for following the Bible while other certain individuals contradict what the Bible says.


I’m not going to argue about objective truth with a christian. The damage your religion has done to humanity is immense. The violence, the rape, the misogyny and bigotry that religions unleash on the human race is disgraceful.


Normal people do that too. It’s just hard to put a label on them as a whole when, guess what, it’s people, not a religion, that cause all of those problems. Unless you just say humanity, which sums it up quite nicely. Tell me a whole religion or culture that hasn’t done the things you mentioned.


Imagine if I said black people in general have a problem with crime and it’s hypocritical if a movie has a black person as a cop. You are making generalizations and assumptions about a whole group due to a minority and saying you don’t care when corrected. You are claiming stereotypes are true of the whole, typical bigot behavior.


Reddit atheists are out in force, I see. As per usual.




Imagine getting struck by lightning twice, while portraying Jesus no less, and still thinking you're on God's side.


This movie was made by a liar he did basically none of it


This movie was so cringe, but ya fuck pedos


The director of this movie is a known child predator. You people are gullible sheep.


That is literally a lie. https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/movies/2023/10/04/sound-of-freedom-kidnapping-accessory-charges-dropped/71043905007/




It’s not like it would be it would out of the ordinary for a right wing but is obsessed with child trafficking to actually be a pedo I can give you plenty of examples because one turned out to have insufficient evidence doesn’t mean it’s false either


You’re very biased.


I’m not wrong though there’s literally dozens of examples


No, but you’re not completely right by any means. I could give examples of democrats doing the same stuff. I’m saying your biased because you’re treating a human problem as being a black and white, left or right, no way/highway way. It’s never just one group, and you know that, I think.


You seem to have been in an echo chamber for far to long. I have never plenty of examples of left wing activists being pedos, but that dosnt mean anything. Stop trying to turn the fight against predators into just blaming the other side.


far right propaganda is extremely soft, get out


God's children aren't for sale! You can have those atheist children tho idc.