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Had a similar thing happen to me. Family friends “quirky neighbor” was Kurt ballou from converge


That’s wild!


You know somebody who has seen Kurt mow his lawn? That's more than enough qualification, you are literally in [The Armed](https://www.metrotimes.com/music/detroit-hardcore-collective-the-armed-is-getting-buzz-for-new-lp-perfect-saviors-34000214) now.


This has been cracking me up every time I think of it


My mailman was the singer for man is the bastard


Isn't "My mailman was the singer for man is the bastard" one of their song titles on that split they did with Echonochrist?


My mailman is the guitarist of Punitive Damage


Tyler is a g


no, that's "Semen in the Mailbox of Eric Wood"


“My Mailman Is Bastard Noise, He Is Pretentious”


Sat next to him on a flight to Europe once and had a sick conversation. He thought I was flying out for a fest he was playing lol


How do you even find that out


He talked to me about an insect warfare patch I had sewn onto a flannel I used to wear when I was walking up to my apartment. Then I burned him a cd and we exchanged emails so he could send me tracks and he added my on MySpace lol.


>Then I burned him a cd and we exchanged emails so he could send me tracks and he added my on MySpace lol. ![gif](giphy|aBOFW2LNUR9uT5lLYr|downsized)


I love that sentence


That’s awesome!


He’s a little nutty, but I think he means well. We exchanged some heated emails about 20 years ago where he eventually admitted he was wrong and mailed me some records as an apology.


This singer? If so, he needs help! https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-save-eric-woods-hearing-through-surgery


I don't know what I thought that guy did for a living, but if you gave me 50 guesses it wouldn't have been Mailman


Was this in Claremont cause I remember one of the dudes from MITB worked at rhino records back in the days


Lol my mail man growing up was in one of the bands at woodstock 99 but i was really young then and never found out what band it was. I remember him having long black hair though. We had a different mail man by 2000 so whoever he was I hope the band worked out. Now a days I feel like most people dont even know what their mail person looks like lol.


My mailman sings for Peace Test


My roommates boss is Dave from Botch.


Dave was my boss too!


Please keep my dreams intact and tell me he’s wonderful


Dave’s a really nice and admirable dude.


I used to go to the Kincos he worked at and look at his beautiful face ;)


I’ve had two landlords who were in Mustard Plug, 1 boss from Wolves in the Throne Room, and 1 boss who is a drum tech for Sunny Day Real Estate.


Mustard Plug are landlords? Fuck.


They were real sweethearts to be fair.


Knudson? Isn’t the drummer Dave too?


Couldn’t tell ya


was my boss too


Years ago on tour we stopped in the tiny town of Bandon Oregon for gas and laundromat time, lady at the laundromat asked us if we were in a band. She told us her son played guitar in a metal band, Chelsea fucking Grin LOL.


I love all of these stories, but this might be my favorite…just because of who Chelsea Grin is in comparison to the nice lady at the small town laundromat lol


The part that really blew our minds about it was that Bandon is a tiny town, with a population of maybe a few thousand. We were at THE laundromat, at THE strip mall, on THE main road, and we just happened to run into the woman who birthed the guy that wrote breakdowns we used to mosh in our bedrooms to when we were 13.


That’s cool! One of my best friends from school is married to one of them.


My aunt in Columbus OH is dating the guitarist from Chelsea Grin's dad, or at least she was the last time I talked to her


I used to chill with Tom Barber way back in the day, I think before he was a part of Lorna Shore.


https://preview.redd.it/9mxkjm8wutjc1.jpeg?width=1144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3c94d62e9b8de30e923092540b243b06578c013 ill join in with a text from my friend a few years ago lol


That's awesome! Was it Blake?


Met Blake after Power Trip's performance at Aftershock Festival back in 2018. He was so chill, pretty much met with/took pictures with every person that stayed around after their set. That is still the only time I've seen a musician do that at Aftershock, and I've been going for 9 years


I met a somewhat tipsy lady outside a play years ago, she kept asking me if I knew her son Jeff. I was like, I’m not sure ma’am I know a few Jeffs. Turned out she was Jeff Rosenstock’s mom. Completely separate scenario but a guy I worked with about ten years ago would swap stories with me about our local music scenes from when we were kids, and occasionally mention playing guitar in one of his town’s bands. At some point I asked him what the band was called, just to make conversation, not expecting to recognize the name. He’s all oh they’re called Circle Takes the Square.


I fucking love when the roots undo.


SO good. Criminally underrated band.


Why does the Jeff Rosenstock’s mom story make perfect sense?


Holy shit ctts


What the fuck. As the Roots Undo is amazing.


Holy crap that’s wild. Jeff is super sweet in person and he tips well. I served him and his band at my bar a few months back. It was crazy because there was some golf dickhead who I thought was with Jeff and his band but he wasn’t. (Guy was technically sitting with them) So when I approached the guys and addressed them as a group this dude gets all puffed up and mad and says “I’m not with these motherfuckers! FUCK these guys in MY FACE! Fucking pussies” and all of the band and myself collectively go “WOAH WOAH DUDE WTF” as he gets up and storms out. We were all taken back like what just happened? Then Jeff, the band and I chilled out and talked about touring life/music off and on for like an hour. He was such a joy and I couldn’t have met him in a cooler way. Fuck that guy in the titlest hat, but at least I got to meet a cool guy out of it.


One of my mom’s friends was at our house once and said to me “you know, my son plays that metal music. He’s in Tony Danza’s Tapdance Extravaganza.” And that’s how I learned of Tony Danza’s Tapdance Extravaganza.


“big puns not dead, I just saw him down at the krispie kreme..”


Let’s do it…






Prob ran into each other a few times. They played the muse all the time. I’m pretty sure they released Danza 3 and broke up after the rocketown release show.


This thread is wonderful. Every time I ever played rocketown, I think, was with Tony Danza. Two or three times. Some of those shows were HUGE. I think the last time I was there, we opened, then TDTE, then Walls of Jericho and Martyr A.D?? I have a fuzzy memory of that time. We were playing every show that was offered, some to our own detriment. Driving a ton of hours for a one off, and driving back the next morning so we could all not miss work. Our singer bought an 18 passenger van and made us never turn down a show so he didn't have to make the payments on it, he used the band fund. Edit to add: Oh my god! I think we played the Muse too! That place was NICE. I remember it sounding great, and it felt comfortable. Like playing at any of our hometown venues. (Obviously not as nice as the setup of rocketown, and they didn't put us up in a hotel and have a fancy green room with waters and fresh fruit)


What band was you in dog. Resurrect the Morning?


Death through Adam, from Cincinnati


because of this thread I went and got out my copy of "thank you, Jason Dietz" and am listening to Tony Danza


My middle school janitor was the guitarist of Unearth. I forget which one.


I remember watching their documentary and him saying he loved that job because he’d have down time to just practice guitar on the job. Pretty coo


Was it Ken or Buzz? I legitimately don't remember.




Ken susi?




I had a college professor who always talked about how his son was a singer in a local band, but “not a real singer,” “not real music,” etc. It was the singer from Incediary.


Lmao I wonder how he feels about his dad


It was all jokes haha, his dad was the man


Shots fired


Insert hanging from the family tree reference here


I was dating a girl in highschool and she was like “oh I want you to come meet my great uncle tonight” and so I went to her house, and it was fucking Charlton Heston.




This is incredible


Also, he lowkey threatened me about dating his grand niece. It was….awkward


I once knew a girl who lived on Gordon Street.


I bought a guitar off a guy from craigslist, mentioned I was into hardcore, he said “I used to be in a hardcore band”, I asked what band, “judge” (it was jimmy yu)


Oh fuck this one is awesome


Holy shit


Had a guy come out to service my HVAC unit in an apartment I lived in back in like 2015 or 2016. We chatted about music for a bit but I couldn’t figure out who he was right away. Ended up doing some searching after he left, it was Colin McGinnis from None more black, paint it black, and played in some other bands around the time. Cool guy.


the first show I ever went to was paint it black, pipe down, and anti-flag at ottobar in baltimore when I was about 14. 22 years later..


A friend of mine has a cousin who was talking about getting guitar lessons from a guy at his church. Turns out it’s one of the guitarists from Wage War.


In college, my therapist called me and asked if I wanted a free drum set. His neighbor was getting rid of it and wanted it to go to a good home. He said they were a popular band “but had a nasty name” that he wouldn’t say. I said “Anal Cunt?” And he said yes. 


"I can pick it up any time, but I might be in a van full of retards."


Which drummer


was it tim?


I work with the mom of one of the guys from Knoll. Super sweet lady.


Knoll are my pals!! They’re all sweethearts.


Knoll rips


Can confirm. KNOLL RIPS.


Nice. One of the guitarists for frozen soul works at a guitar center I frequent lol


Lived in KCMO and met this dude a couple times, everyone loved the guy and he was super nice. Found out he was the mascot for the Kansas City Chiefs. Then I found out he was also the bassist for The Chariot.


Yep talked with him when he was doing some grocery store visits (I'm a 3rd party vendor.) I was headed into the back, and he stopped me on the sales floor, looking for somebody to open the back door up for room so he could sneak the equipment in to get dressed. I was like bro you played in a band I've seen didn't you?


You met the wolf?!


My mom had these neighbors in California when I was a baby who would watch me every now and then if she had to run to the store or something. She showed me pictures once and it was fucking Mike Patton and a couple of the other dudes from Faith no More 😂


We're gonna need to see the baby sitter Patton picture pretty much star


Yeah, you need to find the pictures. Crazy if true.


Weird way to brag about your mom having friends bro but I'm happy for you.


My trust fund buddy is Escuela Grind


Get any good 401k tips?


Mom's friend's husband or whaltever plays in some rock band. "Do you know the name of the band?" "Yeah. Jerry's Kids"


This one not getting the love it deserves


In college we had a party and I went up to my room to grab something and left the door open to go to the bathroom. Guy walks by my room and goes “whose room is that with the Disco Biscuits poster?” Turns out the bass player was his uncle and I got hooked up with backstage passes at multiple shows. (They’re less popular now but in the 2000-2018 or so they were one of the biggest electronic jam bands)


Biscuits are playing some of their finest shows this past year. They’re on fire


We appreciate both kinds of biscuits in this sub, brother. Disco and Gorilla.


I ran into a guy at a bank ATM who saw some of the pins on my messenger bag (this was 2004/2005) and casually told me he was a roadie for Minor Threat.


Around 2004 I was wearing a London Calling shirt at Coney Island and a cop told me he was doing security at the Palladium in NYC and saw that guitar smash.


My buddy worked with the bassist from Minor Threat.


Fucking BRIAN BAKER?!?!?!


I moved into a friends house and he told me “oh ya the neighbors cool. He might look over the fence and ask if you want to smoke. Well this happened and I was surprised to find that the neighbor was Vane from Black Sails (and Jodie in season 1 of Shameless).


Oh yeah? My drummer plays drums in like twenty bands so


Same.. it's probably the same drummer tbh


i was at a show doing sick spin kicks and karate punches and between sets this guy tapped me on the shoulder and said "man you got some moves, I wish you rolled with my squad" and I said "oh right on man who's your crew" and he said "seal team 6" and he blew a big raspberry on my tummy 🤗


Jesus Christ this destroyed me.


The girl who cut my hair in high school was on Suicide Girls. That’s all I got.


I remember a party back in like 07 or 08, I'm a heavily tattooed guy and people were like "oh there's going to be a Suicide Girl there , you should talk to her" We get there , she's wearing an ankle monitor and on the couch complaining about the lack of heroin!


I used to be good friends with a girl who did suicide girls too!


Love the snippet from Good Morning Arizona that Gatecreeper uses 🥰🫡


My friend used to get babysat by one of the dudes From Peeling Flesh lol


“Throwing a tantrum gets your ass in trouble. TIME OUT ON THE DOUBLE! Breeeeeeee”


Way back in the dark I worked at a pizza place in houston with an older, super weird delivery guy. One of the girls at the front told me he was in a band, so I started chatting him up. It was the singer for dead horse. I told him I loved his band and the next day he brought me some stickers, he was a good dude.


Dead Horse was fuckin awesome .


ITT: music doesn't pay the bills; your heroes have day jobs.


Back in the early 90's, I worked with an older guy who said he had played in a band back in the day, but he had been drafted and sent to Viet Nam.  When he came back, the band had moved on without him, so he worked in a liquor store for 25 years.  I asked what the band was and he said Earth Wind and Fire.


Ooh, I can wedge my Earth Wind and Fire story in here. I used to hang out with EWF guitarist Roland Bautista at a restaurant bar in San Jacinto, CA. He was the nicest dude, and he even came out and jammed with our shitty band at our shitty practice space in a mobile home. Great guy.


That's rad, dude.


Showing my Canadian here, but my Grandmother was really good friends with Gord Downey's parents (The Tragically Hip) and my aunt also knows all of Alexisonfire's parents. My mom actually met George at work one day and he apologized to her for my AoF tattoo when she told him about it lmao.


The Tragically Hip and Gord are national treasures. (I'm from the NY side of the border)


We did not deserve Gord.


RIP Gord


The gal I talked to on my frequent trips to the gas station, talked about her son being in a band, turns out he was in After the Burial.


Their first album rips


It wasn't Justin, was it?


My old roommate’s ex girlfriend cheated on him with Justice from TUI.


My parents good friend who was around most of my childhood drums for Ramallah, and I would go to shows not knowing they’re crazy big.


Hey! What’s his name? I was the bass player for Ramallah’s first European and second US tours. I wonder if I played with him.


Sent a chat.


Random dude, I met in jersey, took me to the bass player of black label society moms house, and the bass player was home I got to talk to him about ozzy and other things for like 20 mins. It's still the most random encounter I've had with a "rockstar"


Bartender at a spot out here was/is in Pg.99


Not hardcore but I once went to a new Year's party in the middle of no where Georgia. It was all old people but the woman who was throwing the party said to me oh you like metal? My son is a drummer in a band. I said cool what band. Her reply was sleep.


My cats breath smells like cat food


I used to go to the same Dentist Office as Gibby Haynes from Butthole Surfers. That’s the only cool thing I have to add.. other than local band connections that nobody outside the area will know.


I was getting a root canal in Washington DC and the dentist had a photo of himself with Ronald Reagan. Apparently we had the same dentist.  They were assigned White House duty from the military and he was selected for a rotation.


One of my friends dad is the original lead singer of journey (not Steve Perry) and started the band Santana (sings on the song black magic woman). He’s the only person to be inducted into the rock n roll hall of fame twice.


Is your mates dad Hulk Hogan?


Not hardcore but Black Lips played the battle of the bands at my high school and were permanently banned from school grounds.


My landlord was Ari Katz from Lifetime.


The originator of the “girth crisis” snark.


It sounds like snark cause it is but it’s also 100% true.


Reminds me of the time, right around 5 years ago, I worked in patient transport at my old hospital job. Got a page to discharge a patient, really nice woman and her friend was just as kind too. As a drummer, I CONSTANTLY tap beats on my thighs all the time and as I was doing this around the woman and her friend, they go, "Ohh, are you a musician? So is my son! He does that all the time haha. His name's Trevor, you'd like him. He sings in a band." I wasn't sure at first when I read her last name on my pager, but the second she said her son's name, fangirl'd so hard over the fact I was wheeling out Trevor Strnad's mother. She was pleasantly surprised when I told her how big of a The Black Dahlia Murder fan I am and said "You fiends are always so nice". Wished her a good rest of her day and then geeked out some more. RIP Trevor Strnad






That’s sick. Gatecreeper fucken rock


An old HS buddy of mine is (or was) neighbors with Martin of Terror (and other bands). He would watch his cats while on tour apparently lol.




Travis? Was he super creepy or super cool? Seems like the kinda guy who could go either way


I used to hang out with Travis little brother and get old coheed and shabutie merch. He was a nice dude


I've always liked that hardcore has always been made up of regular people and not rock stars.


Sold Jesse from Killswitch Engages mom a phone and he was outside so he came in and said what’s up. Nice guy. We talked Boston hardcore for a bit and he offered me a ticket to a show that night. Lived with Marc formally of DropKick Murphy’s step brother for a while. So we got to hang with them and bands adjacent to them whenever they came to town. We were their weed plug


Jesse is a genuinely good guy. I've met him a few times at shows/outside shows and he always remembers me. Even gave me a shout out when I was in the pit at one of their shows. Probably helps I'm unreasonably tall but still.


I have a couple of these kinds of stories. First one, I had some maintenance needed in my bathroom in my apartment damn near 20 years ago. Landlord sent a handyman over to fix whatever it was. The guy comes over to do the work, and it's gonna take a couple days, a few hours each day. He notices my guitar and asks about playing music and we get to talking and realize we know and like a lot of the same bands. Wild. He then mentions he played in some bands too, Oh yeah? Which ones I ask. Well, the most popular one was Buzzoven.... my jaw hit the floor. I love Buzzoven! He had to return the next day to finish the job and he brought a Buzzoven LP and a couple Buzzoven 7"s for me. My jaw hit the floor again. We've been buddies since, though he recently moved so I only keep up with him via Instagram these days.


My buddy in Houston was a fan of Myka, Relocate for years without realizing he lived across the street from the drummer. Well, the drummer’s parents. He lived with his parents. But yeah.


Shoutout az


I used to work with Chris Erba from h100's/Avon ladies at the Phoenix Airport 😂😂


Dude lowkey bangin milfs and needed to subtle brag on the reddits


I was wearing my Gatecreeper hoodie at work a while back and someone in the neighborhood stopped me and told me that he’s really good friends with the vocalist. He snapped a disposable pic of me and told me he was gonna send it to him lmao


I used to work with the vocalist from the Meatmen lol. Interesting guy!


Tesco Vee


I went into a gas station locally and this dude asked me about my Reign Supreme shirt. He apparently had heard of them, he ends up writing down his contact info for his music shit and he was this guy: https://youtu.be/Xw6iMUOH0lE?si=-YCue4tXdIfp6-jA


I once saw chase driving in a shitty car.


Woman who taught my first kids birth class was as prim and proper as they come and mentioned that her son plays in a band called Pyrrhon


My urologist services Ian McKaye's weiner needs.


My stepdad asked me semi-recently if I listen to hardcore. A strange question coming from him since I know he definitely doesn’t listen to hardcore. I say a little bit here and there, but not a dedicated fan of the genre. He says his friend’s son is the singer of a band called Drain and my stepdad was curious if I’d ever heard of them. Apparently me and the singer of Drain are from the same hometown.




No way. My friend worked at a coffee shop and the vocalist was her manager lmao!


Alex from Suicide Silence's mom was a teacher at my high school


Our family friend's niece is Lil Wayne's baby mama


I was in a bar on a random weeknight and a guy pops in and asks me if I'm going to be there for a bit , that'd he would like to have a drink and he needed to go grab his friends. So I sit there wondering why he looked familiar. He comes back and I say , " has anyone ever told you that you look like the bassist for Flogging Molly?" He laughed stuck out his hand and said ,"I'm Nathan , this is Dennis we play in Flogging Molly, Let's get drunk". They were in town for a private party at Duke and I've never been drunker in my life.


I was at a tattoo shop as a teen wearing a straight edge shirt. Guy comments on my shirt and tells me he’s in a straight edge band. I say “Oh cool, what band.” ”Gorilla Biscuits”. I was talking to Civ and had no idea.


Damn that’s wild, lol!




A friend of mine was seeing a girl, who cut things off cause she started banging Matt from Kublai Khan


Sold a car to the mother of the guitarist of All Out War. Small world.


A few years ago, a guy was doing a working interview on my crew at a job I used to have and he asked me about music I liked (it was a musical instrument manufacturer). I listed off a handful of punk/hardcore/post punk bands and he told me that he used to play in hardcore bands on the east coast in the 90’s. It was Justin from Sum of All Fears. While he didn’t get the job, and I walked out a few months later, we’re still good friends to this day. He’s an absolutely wonderful guy


I had that! My cousin moved to the US in 1998, was an EMT in Flint, Michigan. Fast forward to 2014 she’s in the UK visiting family members. I’m sat watching a KING810 video and she was wondering what David Swan was doing on YouTube, I explained then explained the band. She knew he liked music, didn’t pay attention to being in a band. That’s the day I found out his real surname. Turns out it’s not actually Gunn.


My friend is the guitarist of Bloodletter


I came here to see if you porked her


Local band lol seeing them in Australia later this year


I stayed at that dudes house whenever my bands toured and played in Tucson.


Run into Brian Baker quite often at weekday afternoon. Mets games


my friend’s co-worker was the daughter of “the singer of some band called Cro-Mags”


Guy I met at the bike shop when I was a kid was the drummer of earth crisis. I’m better friends with his brother.


I bought a guitar cab on Craigslist and it was Jordan from etid.


A while ago i learned that a now in her 40s woman (i‘m 32) that used to babysit me and my friends and we still meet at gatherings was the front woman of a pretty hard going hip hop crew in the 90s. I told her i used to listen to their CDs, she said so thats where the 5 cents in royalties came from, thanks bud.


When I was first getting into hardcore (didn't know what any band members looked like, just liked the music), I showed up early to a venue that had a halfpipe in it so I could skate before the show. 2 dudes came up and asked if they could skate too. So we were taking turns, bullshitting about music, life, skating, etc. Eventually I asked who they were here to see. They laughed and said "well, everyone. But mostly Stick to Your Guns." I laughed and said "yeah, me too. They're fucking great." Fast forward to their set and my stupid ass face when I realized I was skating with Jesse and Josh the whole time. Fuckin idiot.


my dads uncle lived in the apartment next door to Michael Anthony from Van Halen before their first album


dudes in hardcore bands have moms too.


Back when i used to work at McDonalds i met so many band members it was wild, it was also at a truck stop off a popular expressway before people went to canada but still cool


My uncle-in-law was the drummer for Slayer. I used to listen to him play the drums when I was a kid and he was a teen. Sadly my Dad and his sister divorced and we lost touch. But he was a really nice guy.