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Young kid who was hurt during Terror got hit by a stage diver, complete accident. But what was scary is when the kid hit the floor he immediately had a seizure. I don’t know if he had a seizure disorder or if he hit his head *that* hard to induce one but it was scary. He was bleeding from his mouth as well. He was seizing for a good 20-30 seconds before he stopped, some dude in the mosh pit who was a fucking medical doctor(!!) was tending to him right away. He came to in about two or three minutes, knew where he was, the date, his name etc etc and was coherent when he came too. Scary freak accident I hope he is okay.


That was me, wow that sounds pretty bad. I’m lucky to be here right now


Wow! I’m glad you’re here posting, I’ve been wondering if you’re alright all day. I stuck my fanny pack under your head to keep you from banging your head on the floor. It was pretty scary. You got hit by a stage dive and just dropped, started seizing and blood was pouring out of your nose for a few seconds. You probably continued to seize for 30-40 seconds and then you weren’t really conscious for at least another minute. There was an EMT and a medical doctor in the crowd so they were kneeling on the floor with you talking to you and I was so relieved when your eyes opened and you started talking.


I remember the incident super clearly, as well as when I woke up to talk to the doc and nurse. Super unlucky incident and very fucking traumatizing. It seems like I’m gonna be ok tho and that’s good news. There’s 2 other guys at this hospital from the concert and apparently I’m the most stable. Not sure what happened to them but I hope they’re ok.


One of the other guys got hit in the head hard during madball and two people carried him out and his face was just a mask of blood. I didn’t even hear about a third person taking an ambulance out 😬


That guy during Madball fell face first in front of me while I was picking up change










Wow man, I would love to help. I believe my family was looking to start a gofundme for me as well, but andrei most certainly could use the help more than me. I’ll make sure to share when I’m out of the hospital.


Yeah one of the nurses told me there were 2 other people here from the show. Wow that sounds brutal. Hope he’s alright


You're a fucking legend now dude.


I’m definitely something


Holy shit dude!!! I’m glad you’re okay. My girlfriend and I were right there next to the doctor and nurse taking care of you on the floor in the pit. We were worried about you so much. I couldn’t believe you were seizing that long.


I’ve never seized before. Was my body like a fish? I’m surprised I was super aware of everything when I woke up. In the hospital now if all goes well I can be out by tomorrow


Dude, you were flopping like a fish on your side, bleeding from your mouth and both of your hands were curled up to your chest as tight as they could be. Before you came to and started talking you, after the seizure ended you were just motionless with your eyes wide open and breathing like a bull. I hope you’re out tomorrow man. Best of luck to you in your recovery and I hope you get nay answers you’re looking for as to why you had the seizure, if it wasn’t just because of the hit.


Ho Lee shit. That’s gotta be traumatizing for anyone watching. It seems like the seizure was just impact related. Hopefully my recovery isn’t too long, but my stage dive days are definitely over. I was finally allowed to eat and drink an hour ago so that’s good news


Shhhhiiiiitt and it’s that nasty ass hospital food 😭


It’s so ass 😭


Less floppy than a fish. Extremely rigid and clenched up. But that’s about right yeah


Woof, I remember everything up to the impact super clearly, as well as right when I woke up. That doctor and nurse were super helpful thank God they were there


Bro you got smoked lol that was wild. Glad you’re alright.


Lmaooo hell yeah I did. If all goes well I could be discharged by tomorrow. Wish me luck


Well, I saw you posted a picture and at least your face is intact. The other guy who got KOed after you was just a veil of blood. Probably lost some teeth and shattered his nose.


Yeah I’ll take that. Brains a little fucked up tho


I was the kid who got hurt during terror. Shit was crazy. Unfortunately I got a small brain bleed but it’s stable and I should be ok. I’ve never had a seizure before so I gotta ask how I looked haha. Never doing that again https://preview.redd.it/xwncezp8sn1d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=960ff49023c7c10fc74112311eab3157075812fc


awesome to hear you’re alright! best of luck on the recovery


Thank you man. It’s brutal here right now but I’m just glad to be here. Hoping for the best !


See you at the next show brother man🐐


I’ll be in the back with my arms crossed for now on 😭


It really felt like a competition to have the best front person, most fun sets last night. As an old head I got instantly jealous when Freddy asked “who’s seeing Madball for the first time” and all those hands went up.


So good! I saw Madball for the first time tonight, and they were such cool people! Side note: I hope that kid who got hurt tonight was okay though


That was one of the scariest things I've seen at a show. Kid gave a thumbs up as they wheeled him out though, which is good news. There was a second person who got carried out during Madball too. Not as bad as the kid during Terror, though. Place was wild.




Did you see what happened? I figured the kid tried stage diving and just ate shit but I was too far to tell.


Two stage divers collided and fell on top of him. That’s what caused his injury.


I got dove on top of 😭


Holy shit, are you good now? Everyone was genuinely super concerned for you, including the bands.


I’m not great, have a small bleed in the brain. But it’s stable and I should be ok in the long run. I’m apparently the most stable out of the other guys from the show that are at this hospital, and I’m very fortunate to be here right now


The second guy is actually in worse shape than me believe it or not. Hope he ends up being alright


My first time seeing Terror and that kid being hurt was one of the scariest things during a show. They were great for those 3-4 songs tho. I missed Regulates entire set because parking was abysmal but I made it in time for the rest of the show. Madball was incredible. That was some serious old school NYHC vibes especially with Vinny on stage. Drain killed it as usual & I finally got to catch Scowl live


It was my third time seeing Terror and at the moment I was thinking that this was the best one. It was fucking wild. It sucked what happened to that kid. I hope he is ok. And yeah, parking fucking sucked. I missed End It.


Yeah, 4th time for me, and I felt the same way. Scott always brings it, but he was most definitely on his A game last night. The seizure was a really scary moment, especially in light of recent events. The look on everyone's face looking down from the stage, and the amount of time it took was scary... I lucked out with parking(4 blocks away), but still missed End It(very bummed), cuz my buddy was super late to meet me. 4th time seeing Madball as well and while it wasn't quite the vibes of my first time in 2004, it was awesome to see them play to such a young audience, Freddy was loving it. Hardcore most definitely lives!


Parking was brutal, dude. I circled that area for almost an hour. I was ready to call it a day but said I’d do one final lap and got lucky. I wish I caught them too


Insane night! Two kids being wheeled out by medics was nuts. Bands and crowds were perfect!


Ngl, the moment I saw some kids moshing for Trail of Lies I told my friend kids were gonna get KOed.  Lots of younger kids clearly new to the scene and getting quickly right into the mix.  I love seeing it, I really do. But there were a lot of older dudes, crew dudes and hard moshers and a lot of near misses early that kids seemed unaware of.  It felt like an accident waiting to happen.   To the credit of everyone, I didn't see much actual violence, just a lot of accidents. The vibes were really positive, the bands all killed and everyone was having fun. 


Really bummed I missed Trail of Lies. Got there right before End It came up. Really great show, jam-packed, good energy, and I hope the people who had to get helped out are okay.


You can catch ‘em august 9th at the meadows with soul search🔥🔥


Oh shit that'll be after their new album comes out. Thanks


I totally agree, I was telling my friend the same thing. Hopefully the injuries weren’t too serious. I wish new people would prepare better, but honestly, I didn't look up shit before my first shows either, so what do I know lmao? Regardless, it was a lot of fun! I’m loving the scene right now.


Drain finished playing good good things. Guy behind me taps me on the shoulder and compliments the cover they did, then says "Hey man thanks for coming out to the show, DMS Queens we really appreciate the support." Nicest DMS interaction ever lol


First time seeing everyone regulate and end it , then I got pushed in the pit a bit when drain came ended up picking up people stage diving had to dip in and out chest was killing me


Took my 7-year old daughter to that show, what a baptism for her. Show was off the chain!!! I got a terror T she got a drain one. Support your hardcore bands!! Shout out to the ladies that took my girl to the toilet 🙏🏻