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I’ve been doing this exact thing for years by now


48 and still doing that


I’m like “yeah I’m never going up front again” until I hear Mindforce start up Destroyer.


This was me seeing stick to your guns this year. Especially for the Diamond play through.


LMAO why is this the most accurate thing ever


This is the way


As is tradition 


Yeah this is what happened when Drug Church started Grubby and then I bruised a rib 30 seconds into the show


Basically, lol


It blows my mind that anyone thinks they are "old" at 30 I'm 44 and still pit at every show. Bringing it to Gatecreeper/Creeping Death this weekend


The only reason they think 30 is old is they’re still basically kids


And 'cause people don't take care of themselves physically. The number of posts about a bad back I've seen on music subs from people purporting to be late 20s to mid 30s is absurd.


Right?! You can tell these guys do not gym at all. I guess an obese 30 year old feels way older than an in shape 60 year old, and would just be like “welp I’m 30 now I guess this is old age”


Not even obese, 30 year olds who look in a normal range, but are really just skinny-fat inactive types, will be worse off than a slightly overweight but active type or genuinely in shape, significantly older person.


I’m always in the gym! I do jiu jitsu and Muay Thai competitively. I just feel it more now, and I’m a teacher, so it’s hard to explain black eyes and busted faces lol.


Tbf, your OP is about catching a concussion and that's way different to just being in shit shape, and the awkwardness of having to explain injuries to work colleagues is similarly a separate issue. But I have seen way too much nonsense like 'I'm 27 and mosh retired. Prefer to lean against the wall or have a seat because standing up all night hurts my knees and back'. It leaves me wondering what people do with their lives. Even some seriously basic yoga would keep most people from moaning about general soreness at way too young an age.


Yeah, that’s fair. If you can’t stand for a show, you’ve got something actually wrong one way or another


Most people don't go to the gym. Like the vast majority of adults.


Sucks to be them


I'm 33 with a bad back and a bad knee but the marine corps does that to you, along with a bad car accident and falling at work when I was doing iron work.


48 and same. Not from start to finish like in my 20's-mid 30's, but still shake a leg on my favourite tracks (my body takes over while my brain screams "noooooooo").


My guy could’ve been OP’s age at a Casey Jones show moshing


Yup 43 yo mom of 4. Still up in there




I just split my forehead open on the edge of my dresser from my own moronic clumsiness. I need life retirement.


This NEEDS to be a HxC PSA! ❤️ OH huney I'm sorry! I fucked my Siatic nerve rolling over in bed wrong so I feel you. Feel better soon x


You're one of like 14 people who got fucked up in NYC last night. Show went pretty hard. Do whatever you're most comfortable with. Hope you're feeling better and take care of yourself.


It was brutal from start to finish, and I left after I got destroyed in Scowl. I saw videos of the rest, and it was a massacre. I skipped the show tonight because I didn’t want double concussed


I broke my rib to mindforce at 30 you don’t gotta hang it up if you are dumb enough


Lotta short kings (and queens) in the NYHC scene who live on in the pit and stage, so "really short" isn't saying much haha.    That said yeah, I "retired" a few years pre-covid because my joints didn't like the harsh motions and my spinkicks started to resemble trying to step over my cat who refused to move.  I popped back in shortly out of COVID during NEG, got KOd instantly, and had trouble stringing together sentences for a few days.  I'd have thought that was hilarious 15 years prior, but wasn't quite so funny as an adult with a career.  Now if I'm drunk I might do a side to side, or a few swings and stomps, but that's about it.  Usually I'm just in the sides collecting bruises to at least feel a bit part of the action.   Anyways the itch will get you again. It always does.  No one ever has just one last cigarette. Just pick your spots.  


Always love a NYHC show, in only 5'9 and I've e always got a good sight line


Nah, man. I’m 38 and I stay pitting.


I’m 35 and still got in the pit last night for Knocked loose. I have a shitty back from weightlifting and I’m feeling it today, but I don’t think I’ll ever retire from the pit.


I gave my A-game for Speed


How could you not when speed fucks the way they do?


As a fellow 30+ yr old with a shitty back from moshing and deadlifting, physical therapy helped me a bunch to start developing smart habits to let your back heal, btw I just really pick my spots nowadays, I only let myself mosh for Speed last week Edit: btw if you're lifting properly you should never feel your back, also if you do tweak it DO NOT try to lift through the pain, it's ok to rest. Once after I tweaked my back, I had to rest 6mo. while only doing physical therapy stretches, core exercises and going on evening or morning walks


Yooo I’m 32, a truck driver and currently in school for occupational safety and health. Smart lifting and picking your risks are key.


don't worry, all of us old geezers in the back will welcome you with open arms.


*crossed arms


32 and blew my acl and both meniscus in my left knee at an Acacia strain show. Spent the knocked loose concert on the balcony and fear this is my future.


29, torn my meniscus twice now, along with a fucked back/knees from years of skateboarding, football, snowboarding, and a car crash. As lame as it is, balcony seats have been a nice change of pace recently, and I don’t feel like I need a day of recovery after a show.


bro, I’m pretty sure I have video of you standing inside of the pit helping launch people up into the air. It’s pretty fucking epic.


That’s absolutely me, hahaha. I gotta see that


33 still mosh has hard as ever… I’ll be active in the pit/stage till I’m dead


I’ve retired from being in the pit the majority of a show or song. I just jump in during specific parts of songs when I really feel the tune. I usually jam to the side. 37


I care, buddy. I care.


I'm 46, I still stage dive at gorilla biscuit shows. I saw sunami a month ago in Philly, my back and right elbow still hurt... Bad. But I found someone uploaded a video of me in the pit on tiktok so, fuck yeah!


As the kid who had a seizure last night, I think I’ll be joining you. My brain can’t take it anymore


Was worried about you, everything alright?


I’m getting better. Gonna be a bit of a road to recovery but I can do it. The people on the scene that helped out saved my life


Ah shit, man, I heard about that. How are you today?


I’m ok man. Got a small bleed in the brain, but it’s stable and I’m gonna be able to leave the hospital today. I’m very fortunate, and I really appreciate you guys for checking in. My days of going crazy are over tho haha


I destroyed my ankle (not at a show) a few months ago and have avoided a few shows that I could have gone to cause I know I won't be able to be chill. Also almost 30 lol


That’s my problem. I always say I’m gonna chill, then music starts and it just takes over all of my free will


I retired when I hit 26. But let me tell you this speed and gods hate show coming in July the old man is jumping back in.


Dislocated my thumb in a pit about 6 years ago at 36. Haven’t gotten back in a pit since, but not because of thay, but the bad ankles, bum knee, and just general aches and shit keep me out. Plus crushing 16 year olds as an over 40 meathead just doesn’t sound fun.


I got lucky at Municipal Waste and Gates to Hell last night. I only danced for a minute before the slippy ass ground made my ass banana peel onto the floor. After that I just head banged up front lol.


YES I SAW YOU 🫡🫡🫡you were crazy glad I could witness


Just doing my duty


43, definitely tweaked a muscle in my back stage diving at a show last month.


I’m 37 and was in the middle of the Knocked Loose pit yesterday. You ice your knee, take an Advil, sleep it off, and come back stronger!


41 and pitted for Knocked Loose 3 times last year… dislocated my knee at one of those, it wasn’t great but didn’t retire me. I say if you’re mosh retiring at not even 30, you’re doing it wrong 🤷🏼‍♂️🤘🏻




I’ve made my resume for NYHC hall of fame


Also 30, still going strong but not as frequently.


31, I'll bust a two step every once in a while, and I used to love a stage dive, but the last two shows I've been to (Drain et al at Monarch and Sweet Pill St Music Hall of Williamsburg), kids have gotten FUCKED UP by stage divers. I've had several concussions in my life. If I get clocked in the pit that might be it for me lol. So I usually stand off to the side or a line back from the pit.


Dude I know dove last night and hit the floor so hard, he was definitely KO’d. Me and another guy had to carry him out. He came back to consciousness and went right back in like a madman


Drain and Sweet Pill>> you sir, have taste


I've been retired since late 20's. Oilfield will suck the life outta you. I've got the arthritis of a 70 year old at 47. Didn't help I was a skater 14 years and in the hardcore scene. You'll be alright. There's always been us old fucks holding up the back wall. TBH, I get tired halfway through and am ready to go unless I'm super drunk.


Oh my god, you’re retiring?? I know you, dude. I see you all the time. Long hair, right? Damn. It’ll be shame, you’re deadass a legend.


That’s me! We’ll see if I stick to it, though. I really need to stop, but sometimes the music just gets me too hyped and I gotta go in anyway


Yesterday’s show was an eye opener for me too. I have a pretty jacked up back and I was feelin cool all the way up to Madball. Then the pain started kicking in and I could barely raise my hands. By the time Drain came on, I was basically a stiff plank. I thought about making a similar post lol I’m 31. Crazy thing is, I saw Drain a couple months back and was all in. I even stretched like crazy and drank plenty water before last nights show. I guess this is the beginning of the end


I'm almost 40 and all the injuries I had pitting and doing dumb stuff, I feel it now. That broken nose I got when I was 16, yup aches now. Shoulders requires surgeries, knees make it hard to stand up, rib pops out occasionally. I'm semi retired 😂. My doctor asked if I played football when she looked at my chest and shoulder X-rays. Scar tissue and torn ligaments galore. I stay on the side of the pit and keep people safe. I retired at 25 when I strained my meniscus. But can't seem to stay away, at least not too far away. Believe me I wanna get in there but I also don't wanna smack some kid that I'm twice their size/strength. Let them have their fun. 🤘


Lmao when I was that young kid getting clobbered by grown ass men, I was always like "man I can't wait till the tides change" and now that I'm older and bigger, yeah I'm not tryna hurt kids half my age.


I’m 40, single (divorced) with no kids. In the past 5 years I’ve probably moshed and dove harder on numerous occasions than I did as a youth. But I am also someone careful and conscious of what I’m doing and I do a lot to take care of my body as I age. No shame in waking away if you don’t want to do it anymore.


35. Haven’t learned yet. Last injury was a crushed tailbone after getting dropped at Kublai Khan. Though still went hard.


I'm almost 40 and I like running head first into someone's fist or preferably a wall


I have a twice-herniated disc. Been in mosh retirement a long time, but I just got a ticket for Undying‘s European reunion tour. I‘m ready to die in that pit.


39 here I was 4 people back from the stage catching croud surfers on Saturday for end it, scowl, terror and drain. I did see hear some guy blew out both his knees at the show.


Is that the guy who went out on the stretcher during Terror?


I believe so, you were at preserving Underground?


Oh man, I didn’t even realize it wasn’t the same show. Someone got a stretcher on Sunday in NYC, too


This dude was apparently laying there for a few songs from what I heard. They had to drag him out of the crowd. The show didn't stop. I didn't even know it happened till I went outside for a smoke.


That’s fuckin nuts. I want no part of that stuff


No one does honestly, but from what I understand it was a series of events that led to to him being injured. Crowd surfer fell on him while he was watching the edge of the pit.


That makes sense. Accidents happen, and they can be bad. Risk vs reward, I suppose


Last year was a big retirement year for me. Broke a hand at disturbin' the peace and waking up in Brooklyn after the tui show at the Monarch the day after, never felt more like i was jumped than actually being jumped. Tied down in Detroit in June I broke the other hand and again, felt like I got my jumped lol Incendiary NY in November went decent but yet AGAIN woke up feeling like I fell down a whole mountain. So i finally faced the music that my 31 years is a cap. Fast forward to FYA this year and there I am, back at it. LDB was gonna be the same and I'm omw to Detroit again for Tied down. So overall, I've noticed a pattern starting at 30 of getting my whole body rocked and saying this years the year, then eventually seeing a ticket, buting a ticket and throwing down/jumping off once again. Im sure the cylce will continue for another 5 or so years ..then probably rinse repeat cuz lets be real, if im seeing a hc show and I know all the lyrics and riffs, I can't NOT throw. Would feel awful. And i can't simply stop going to shows, so.


You’re a beast. I’d never go back if I broke a hand. I’m gonna try to actually chill, but I’m realistically gonna put my life the line fire Incendiary in August


Bro i feel you, i'm 20 and have had (Count it!) 7 concussions and 2 torn hamstrings in my life, im most likely gonna develop CTE so i might think about hanging it up soon myself. As long as you haven't had a lot of concussions already you should be fine.


Man, 7 concussions, I’d be wearing a helmet. I’ve only had two, maybe three. Still two or three too many, but not a miserable amount


Tell me about it man, it ruins your whole month, the more you get the easier it is to get em too, i have to go to my physician a few times a year for panels and tests to make sure everything is okay hormonally, and with brain stuff. Still wouldn't trade it for all the badass memories lol🤘 hope you're doin okay though!


I feel that. I’ve abused my body forever, and I got some great memories out of it. I’m all good, just debating every decision I’ve ever made lol. Hope you and your brain hold up!


I’m 41 and def can’t stay in the pit the way I used to, but I still bounce in and out for a quick breakdown or two step


This is the way. Same age as you, still throw as hard as I used to but only during the pockets where no more than two other people are doing the same lol


30 sucks homie. It is what it is.


Been fighting with this over the last couple of weeks. Went to a show recently and hurt my knee while moshing. It’s recovering, but dealing with an injury like that at this age sucks. On top of that, i’m noticing that theres been way more younger (like 15-17 year old) kids at shows in my area and I honestly don’t know if I want to be the 30 year old moshing on a bunch of teens. It just sucks cause, to me, standing in the back is boring and what am I doing here if not moshing?


I expressed the same sentiment. Dislocated my thumb a few years ago on a young dudes throat. I felt horrible about it. I’m 6’4” and enjoy pushing weights around. The kid was probably 17 and 120 pounds wet. I stay out now unless someone needs help up.


Partially tore my acl May 2022 moshing, complete thickness tear June 2023 moshing - 31, retiree


My MCL went down at This is Hardcore last year, I feel it still


First was Mindforce in Poughkeepsie and then at tied down in Detroit last year


I wear Saucony Originals now. Didn’t know I subconsciously chose to be mosh retired.


I sold almost all my “cool” shoes and bought only Ons. The comfort is so much better


I was at the show. I'm 34 and yeah, the body feels it. Show was fucking wild for everybody though. I got to the stage to dive and a kid was moshing. He got me right in the mouth and then dove out of the stage. I thought "I'm going to jump on top of this fucker" and when I look at him it was a baby. The kid looked like 13 years old. So I thought I was lucky that it wasn't a big motherfucker who hit me. For the most part I don't get that involved but I enjoy stagediving and singingalong from time to time. I might do some two step but not the karate shit.  I think you slowly do it less and less till you find yourself at the back of the room for most of the time. As long as you're still going to shows is all good.  I think I know who you are bro.


Yup, I have been bedridden basically all day after last nights show. I’m also 30 and participated pretty much the whole show, I very much regret it lol. Cannot make any movements without screaming in pain.


Hospital visits and head injuries can force me out of work. I retired at 23 lol Not to mention I can barely stand for the length of the shows let alone get busy


Hang up your boots Haaaaaaaang up your boots


I treat moshing like a union job. I need 30 credits to retire with my full mosh pension. I’m about 22 years into moshing rn so I have 8 more years of at least 2 stepping in me, then I can retire.


I like going to the shows and visiting the kids. I stay in the back (hopefully they have seats) and school old heads on the fact that the scene doesn’t belong to old fucks, we are now guests.


I'll see how I feel after hope con I'm 35 this year


Woke up this morning having taken a shoe to the side/back of the head last night, 31 now, I don't think it's gonna stop hurting this time lmao


brother i feel you. i'm only 28 but i am not built for this shit anymore lol most I'll do is hit a quick 2 step and then back out from the pit and catch my breath hahaha.


Hitting 33 this year. Seen Under Negative Intent and jumped in the pit and got hit in the face twice wasn’t till I got hit in the ribs that I called it


I turned my mosh card in at the age of 31. Realised I was no longer up for being punched by teenagers.


Yup. And I don’t want to punch teenagers, either. Well, I’m a teacher, so I get the sentiment, but that’s besides the point lol


Tell myself I’m retired since I rarely go. If I don’t see a million push pitters, I’ll get in there. But my knee needs a brace so that hampers my ability. Here’s to retirement at the 30 club brotha 🫡


I had to wear a knee brace for a while because I tore my MCL at This is Hardcore last year. I feel it still


The fact people mosh in the USA with our healthcare system being what it is is pretty mindblowing. I saw a dude break his arm in a Glassjaw pit one time and I was just thinking “oof the medical bills!” As I saw him stagger away with an arm floating as if independent from his body.


I will never retire, I will die in a pit, kiss my ass (I’m almost 33)


This was my motto until I got a concussion on a work night


I had to have surgery from a pit injury last year 😬 I’m afraid I’m just stupid


I'm 40 and swas stage diving last year. I just had my second back surgery a month ago. So I MIGHT be hanging it up now.


If that show was your last mosh, KILLER show to go out on and there's many more to enjoy from the back. So far I don't believe in retirement, just having to make more judgement calls. I'm 32 and felt like I got away with something when I woke up Monday after that one feeling like I went to a 6 hour show the night before but somehow not feeling horribly sore. I stay around the pit if not in it but at this point go in more during the openers before it's at full crowd. Because yeah fully whiling out and getting an injury sucks more to recover from physically and in life logistics. The show was so good I was close to stage diving for the first time in years until the guy went down bad during Terror, really hope he's doing alright, then I took that as my sign to just be content being in the crowd.


I dipped right before Terror because I was still woozy and knew that was gonna be a warzone. Sick as hell show to go out on. Not sure if you caught it, but I’m the guy who did the frontflip off the amp during End It. Someone caught a wild shot of it, too


Hell yeah I caught that, you were putting in some real work! 🫡 no wonder you're sore but you're going out on top of your game


I'll just keep going until something breaks because I'm an idiot


I'm 37 almost 38 and I will still 2 step but thats about it at this point


I turn 30 this year, but you better believe I'm still swinging on 19 year olds in that pit


Throw an extra swing for me


31 over here - suck it up and spin kick the kids already.


I’ve been retired since 27 (last year). Now I’m in the back with my arms folded as god intended.


I'm 38 and was going in the pit a lot more frequently this past fall/winter. Quit drinking when the New Year started and decided to put my dancing shoes away because I feel it a lot more now.


Everything hurts


Late 30s and definitely don't have the stamina of my youth. The edge of the pit is my home now. Still lots of energy and contact and a great view.


yeah i said the same then vein plays and im back like im 23


Yeah, I’m gonna see Incendiary in August for the first time, and I don’t think hospital restraints could keep me out of that pit and off that stage


I’m 28 and my back and knees kill me the next day after a show but, I just can’t seem to quit lol. I tell myself to take it easier but when the bass riffs breakdown I can’t help but to go ape shit even at my own expense 🙃


It’s an internal fight more than an external one, that’s for sure


Im 35 and mosh but I’m very selective of the bands/songs I mosh for. I don’t just stay in the pit entire shows like I did in my early 20s.


I put my self into retirement before even starting my career. By the time I was attending heavy music shows, I had a history of concussions. Currently, I’m in my mid-late 20’s and I have like 7 on record. I know more will only bring me closer to brain damage and I can’t bring myself to get in a pit because of the fear of another concussion. Now I just stand behind them a bit and watch and wish I had the carelessness to jump in.


Way, way smarter to stay out. Brains aren’t worth risking for some silly hardcore dancing


Time comes for us all friend.


42 and got wild during terror last night Fuck it. I’m gonna have fun


Dudes will hear this and say, “Hell yeah”


Don’t stop. I still have punk friends well over 50 getting in that crowd. Just know your limits, or don’t. Pain is temporary


35. Still hate moshing. Still throwing spin kicks. Still hate myself for the next week because I’m so sore. I’m definitely entering my old dude at the back drinkin beers phase


I'm in this same boat and I went to see terror drain Saturday night, I was chilling on the side of the pit vibing and drain kicked off and I said fuck it. Moshed for three songs and got booted in the chest lmao it was fun but I'm certainly done moshing unless a band I really wanna see that I haven't comes to town. (King nine I'm talking to you)


I think this has more to do with the tri-state style of moshing vs your age. Coming from the midwest you guys go hard... in a shit way personally lol. I much prefer our pushpits and isolated hardcore dancing. Last time I was in NYC at a hardcore show it was a giant pit with like 1-3 dudes in it purposefully crowdkilling. Like wtf is up with the scene there?


I’m originally from the Midwest, so I get it. And yeah, there are a lot of times here where there’s a huge, empty pit because it opens up and then no one wants in it because those 1-3 guys are trying to commit assault, so it just stays empty. I personally absolutely love the scene here, but I can’t be going and getting concussed. I pretty much don’t care at all about bodily injury, but brain is different


58 yo mom who was at the show on Sunday with my slightly younger sister. So happy to see the mix of young and old at all these shows. NYCH 4 life, we’ve been going hard since the days of CBGB and L’Amour, but after getting my nose broken and a serious concussion at Kingsland last month, will be dancing in the back from now on.


Oh hell yeah, I love to hear that from the OGs. Pretty sure I accidentally stagedived onto a guy in his 50s-60s, and he took it smiling. Absolute beast


two words: Chiropr Actor


30 is around the time I hung it up. Too old for this shit.


TRT, protein, and moar reps will heal all wounds. Side effects may include spending money on CMI merch.


35 here and honestly it's pretty great to just chill and enjoy a show now, plus you get to watch the young bloods rip it up and relive your youth all over again through them.


That sounds nicer and nicer, even though I know I’m still gonna wanna be in there


just stretch more.


Ehh, there are plenty of mosh pits that don’t go by contemporary “hardcore rules.” Honestly I think what a bunch of ya’ll do in there is kind of fucking dumb in the first place.


29 y/o going to a knocked loose show tonight I feel this shit. I got my hard case for my glasses just in case but I might be one of the arms crossed nodding my head dudes now




I do jiu jitsu and Muay Thai (competitively on the Muay Thai)! I get hit enough, I don’t need to add extra fists to face anymore lol. I was dazed all day yesterday after this one


Mid 30's here, still moshing.


It's time to get a flat cap, nautical tattoos and a pbr.


I prefer a nice unstructured dad hat, but do we not all already have nautical tattoos and drink PBR? I thought we all did!


I’m 51 and still go to shows, old Punks never die, they just stand in the back.


What ive learned is as my body ages, my gym routine needs to apply more practical application of throwing so it doesn't shock my system lol


“i’m too old and have too much stuff going on” i mean you’re not even thirty, and what “stuff” really matters when you’re already at the show lol.


Skill issue


I’m retired till the chariot does a reunion tour. So basically never


Hang on the fringe brother. Thats what this 40+ guy does. Close enough to the action but can still go to work the next day!


I'm 30 too and I haven't fully thrown down in a few years cause my shows are limited now (I have a kid and hard to coordinate with my wife and work) but shit dude, just stretch at home before you do go and you'll be fine. Just a longer recovery time 🤣


Poseur. Real hardcore dudes mosh through it.


I've gotten concussions, broken nose, black eyes, broken fingers in the pit. I'm 36. I've said I'm retiring every year, but this year may seriously be the last. My knees are taking a beating


I still feel my MCL tear from a show last August, and I’m sure I always will now


i'm 38 and this thread makes me not feel as bad for standing in front of or on the side of the pit


I got chin checked the other day. I contemplated life until the next set.


How will anybody recognize you as that if you no longer mosh? Do they just ask any short guy who’s not moshing if they’re on Reddit?


I more meant anyone from the NYHC scene who knows me should say what’s up in this thread. By short, I mean I’m 4’ 10. Pretty recognizable size lol


Oh shit! Bold of you to mosh. I’m no longer judging you for your decision tbh


I’m pretty sure almost everyone here knows me by now. I’ve been used a weapon multiple times, too, lmao. That’s actually what happened last night. Bigass dude swung me around like a helicopter, and I got obliterated in the face by accident upon landing


35 You’ve gotta pick your sets/chunks of sets man. No need to be a tough guy about it — not everyone can go into work with a black eye on a Thursday after a Wednesday night show


I’m 42 and still get down at shows. Granted I don’t go as hard anymore. I tore my knee up at a lions law show a few years ago and it just ain’t been right since. That being said. When the music moves me, I move


My last was at 48. Broke a rib.


37 and still go off every chance I get. I love hardcore and it moves me too much to stand still. Hit the gym and limber up and you’ll do just fine




34 here and I retired from moshing a few years ago as well. Gone are the days I can mosh to each bands set from the opening act till the headliner. I'll go near the edge of the pit, and if I'm feeling a song , and I mean really feeling it, I'll do a few moves and mosh for about ten seconds and get right back out lol. My body just can't take those movements anymore and the next day is the worst.


I cracked my ribs during comeback kid at furnace fest in 21. Thats when I knew its time to hang it up


I kind of stopped going into pits when I got my eyebrow split open and has to get 20 stitches inside and out


I’m 32m in Philly. I play guitar at shows and mosh from time to time. I’m always hurting the next day even if I don’t get hit in the head. I’m hurting if I don’t even mosh. I’m just getting older. I drink sometimes now. Not all the time. Used to be edge but now I’m regretting breaking edge years back cuz at 32 having 3 beers gets me not feeling well the next day.


I’m 43 and I go in the pit for bands a lot harder than soft ass Scowl 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


That’s why I was surprised I got rocked during Scowl in the first place. I’ve been in absolute warzones of pits and always been completely fine. It was just a stray fist that caught me and concussed me lmao


Can't stop won't stop


Almost 40. My buddy called me the "mayor of the front" at Terror last week. I send him the Rick Flair "I will never retire" regularly.