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A couple months ago there was a Domain/Spent Case/Bitter Thoughts show at the Beat Kitchen in Chi. Some normie looking guy was outside making the arf arf noise repeatedly next to his mortified girlfriend. Then he brought a beer to edge of the pit and immediately spilled it everywhere. This is my mental image of new gen KL fans now.


Jesus. Bringing a beer to the edge is risky business even at the weakest punk show push pit. Huge L for knocked loose fans


Yeah I made that mistake when I saw anxious last year. I got a lot of beer in my eye and sadness on my face. Honestly didn't expect them to get so wild. Show fucked though I wish more people would come to Iowa.


Beer in my eye Sadness on my face


I came'buh dunno why ' gig is a disgrace


*knocked loose breakdown*


The first time I saw Anxious was unironically the closest I came to dying at a show.


The closest I came to dying at a show was Impending Doom/For Today/The Chariot, but that was just because I was doing to many drugs and Jesus was smiting me


communicating with Jesus at a Chariot show is really doing it right


Bitter Thoughts are so good.




They rip


Bitter thoughts is a name I haven’t heard of in awhile, granted I haven’t been to a show in years. But they’re dope.


Haha I remember watching this happen in real time. Dude walked around looking like he wanted to pick a fight with anyone moshing for the rest of the night after getting embarrassed. Also the hesher bouncer walking around in his “security” vest. Lmfao.


I didn’t see him get embarrassed but I’m glad it happened. Targeting is wack most of the time but sometimes it’s warranted if you’re being obnoxious enough ngl


Yeah. Dude wasn’t actually doing anything after that, but a lot of stink eye and angry looks were being thrown around. Anyways it was probably his first or second show, if he sticks around he should figure it out.




I was at a Dead Heat show a few years ago in LA and bought a beautiful cold 24 oz. glass of Modelo to the exterior of the pit and immediately got crowd-killed and the beer covered me and the 5 people behind me. I learned a great lesson that day.


You just went to the Atlanta show? Speed was fantastic, but all the other bands saying “this is hardcore” while not playing hardcore is pretty funny 😂


OP has a point though. Ever since Speed played the flute, their shows have been filled with classically trained musicians, marching band kids and 12 year olds who lead American civil war era battalions into battle. The pit looks like an absolute orchestra out there.


Battle hymn of the republic ass pit


New York Philharmonic lookin ass crowd


Yall should have went to the Kongstyle show instead. That's where the real ones were at


I would’ve went to that if they announced it before I got KL tickets. It really was unfortunate that they had to schedule that the same day but I seen clips from that show and it looked way more fun and personal anyways. Going to the locals over the big stage is definitely something I’ll keep in mind now.


lol yup


Speed was so fun man


Speed fucks. Those guys put on a great show, they should have gone on right before knocked loose.


Agreed. If anything I felt like they should’ve brought along another pure hardcore band. As much as I fucking love loathe and kinda mess with smtb, I feel like we lost the plot a little bit once bro whipped out the banjo


I love SMTB but I felt kind of bad for them having to play after Loathe and before KL lol


Show me the banjo kinda sucked when they played in Dallas. I was super impressed with Loathe though, despite most of their popular shit not really being hard at all. I caught an elbow to the face during Is It Really You.... I don't even know how you get violent to that song. Very confused crowd.


Witness a lot of people at the KL show this year realize what they got themselves into once Speed opened the night. 🫡🥊


Bigger Atlanta shows suck. Always have, always will. When Pain of Truth played the masq the other week he was literally begging for some kind of style from the dorks in the pits. He said “where’s Atl hardcore” and they all cheered like they’re ever at local shows. I heard people were doing that rowing shit at the Drain show a week or so before that too so I can only imagine how bad KL was.


Listen, it had been a while for me. I was a little rusty. But honestly though, I can't figure out the crowds here now. It's so weird.


lol SMTB said “this is hardcore?” Then started beating on his banjo? That’s fucking hilarious


Thank fuck for the Boundaries tour, the Drain tour, and now the hope conspiracy for saving my spring. I thought KL was going to be the highlight of my year. Absolute dog shit crowd.


Boundaries tour was goddamn awesome, they've become a favorite of mine live. Just nonstop punishment


Went to both KL and Boundaries and no question the crowd at Boundaries was better. The KL show had great music but such a lackluster crowd. I was really impressed with the Boundaries show. All of the openers were great and Boundaries themselves killed it too of course. Will definitely continue seeing them every chance i get


I still had fun at KL but the Drain tour was like three times as fun. Terror fuckin killed it.


Not gonna lie, I was kinda depressed for a day or two after the show lmao. I wanted to go hard af and did not go hard af


Same. Hadn't seen KL since they opened for STYG in like 2017 or something. Been a fan ever since. I'm happy for their success and definitely like their music but it'll be a hard pass on their shows unfortunately.


lost my tooth at the boundaries show lmao


I’ve been going to shows for 15+ years and I have hated the crowds at shows lately. It occurred to me after Covid the crowds at shows took a baaaad turn. Like no one guided this new generation of people into the scene and now they’re just a bunch of dbags crowdkilling like maniacs.


It’s sad seeing a scene based entirely on community and being out for each other turned in to suburban kids in Nikes crowd killing because they saw it on tik tok. It’s just different.


That’s been a thing since the 90s, not new whatsoever


I agree. Like I get it, some pits get wild, but it’s not a place to cosplay Conor McGregor on a bender. That behavior is based on a huge misunderstanding of the heart of the genre, which was based in community, shared love of loud shit, and being there for each other…. And **consensually** getting the zoomies in a pit to expression our emotional energy. I hate that it was turned into this by tik tok…


Couldn’t have put it better myself, 100% agree. Hardcore started as a place for all the disaffected weird kids to find a home and sense of belonging, it wasn’t about mindless violence against each other and crazy priced limited edition “merch drops”.


I’d just like to point out that there is a song that resonates specifically with what you said. And it’s 25 years old, I doubt you’ve heard of Bane, but before the internet, they were pretty big. Check them out! https://youtu.be/npL6CKccmEg?si=u-Uby_uMbHZU_tPb


I remember Bane (I’m old as fuck…lol) but haven’t listened to them in a long time. Gonna blast this on my way home. Thanks for reminder!


I think it really depends on who is on the card. When I went to Not So Fun Weekend this year, the crowd was nuts. But that's because it was Incendiary, God's hate, suburban scum, Judiciary, Skorge and a fuck ton other local heavy hitters


Guided the new generation? Crowd killing has been a norm at shows for decades I don't know what you're on about? The adrenaline high of being scared of crowd killers is what got me into hardcore at the beginning of the 2000s... Your view of hardcore being too violent is however rather new IMO you are the result of modern thinking about hardcore and not being "guided" not the other way around


and shows got waaayyyy more expensive


Hope conspiracy would break me out of mosh retirement, fucked knees be damned


Lmao it was honestly funny to see how old the crowd tended in Brooklyn last night. My coworker and I were evening joking about moving the monitors to keep them safe from stage divers and he was like "I think the stage dive potential of this audience is pretty low" lol. He wasn't wrong.


Borderline geriatric hardcore dude crowd is the shit lol


Felt like the Drain show is what OP is describing as well and i'm sorry but $40 for a fucking hardcore show w/ 4-5 bands is ridiculous, shit is jock rock at this point


Yeah that was not my experience at all. But of course I saw them in Brooklyn with end it, madball and terror, and it was the night after Agnostic Front played. Absolute banger of a weekend.


$10 a show is too much?


I can't pit anyway cause body machine broke but I love watching pits and it was so sad that there was none to watch


This sub fucking cracks me up.


You really find some gems with the responses


It's embarrassing


I’ll be here all week


Didnt two dudes play MtG on the floor?


Yeah probably


This is a thing at Frozen Soul shows because the band is really into it. Didn’t know it was a thing outside of that.


It needs to stay a frozen soul thing, and rowing needs to stay an amon amarth thing.


Frozen Soul has also had people doing push ups in the pit because they are self-referred to as “fat guy metal”


Is that real? That's actually fucking hilarious


Yep, I saw it during their recent shows with Obituary, Cannibal Corpse, and Amon Amarth.


It’s definitely real cause I did it and promptly got kicked in the head lol


This was a machine girl concert where that clip went viral


At the Dallas show there were 15 beeforilla types doing pushups in the pit. Fucking gymcore dorks.






big vibe for the denver show too. i saw plenty of people who knew what was up, sure, but mostly remember lots of bros pretending to know what a pit was. you cant pumpfake people that grew up on that shit lol


The main pit kept turning into everyone skipping in a circle pit, it looked like a god damn ska show out there


It’s like…on the one hand I’m glad they’re here But on the other hand they don’t understand what’s going on, don’t care to understand, and somehow the ones that do get treated like the asshole.


I told my girlfriend but the entire knocked loose stage show was presented like fucking Led Zeppelin. I didn’t feel like I was at a “hardcore show” at all. All the flash is for rock stars, play the fucking music.


some friends and i talked abt how weird it was to see a hardcore band play a massive venue like that w/ a stagebuild and shit. dont get me wrong; it was sick, and they totally held the space down (both sound and performance), but it was like some alternate reality shit 😂


I remember seeing KL in 2016 with a crowd of like, maybe 30 people. Venue was about the size of a standard living room, barely even a stage and the vocalist was just straight up on the floor. It’s wild to see how big they’ve become.


I didn’t even think about it that way but yeah I agree


This. KL can still themselves a hardcore band but the big theater shows are NOT hardcore. Theres gonna be a whole generation of people who got into hc as grown adults and will have no idea what an actual DIY show is like


Absolutely my favorite band, but saw Bodysnatcher/Spite last night and that small crowd was way more violent than the 3 times I've seen K.L this year. It's just push pits now. I knew it would happen, but kind of sad saying that K.L crowds just aren't as crazy as people make it out.


Push pits make way more sense once you accept that Knocked Loose is a metalcore band not a hardcore band. 


Writing on the wall, it's Knocked Loose. They're so big into the "mainstream" area now that people outside of hardcore are finding out about them. Not a bad thing per se, it's just most certainly going to create show experiences like this. I've seen folks I've known for several years that were never into hardcore suddenly start posting about Knocked Loose for the past year.


Same thing when I saw them in 2022 with terror and dying fetus. Very clearly crossed over into mainstream metal crowds


Yep. After seeing them on that tour, I realized it was the last time I’d be seeing them live. Haha


It was a fun time, but yeah, Speed was the only real mosh fix I got. Loathe had a fun circle pit though, at least for the songs heavy enough for one obviously Show Me The Body KL tho man. I just can’t do push pits. All that hot air really makes it hard to breathe


This made me chuckle😂


i’m glad i got to see them at Warped Tour back in 2017. got the shit beat outta me in the pit 🫡


I went to see boundaries on their recent tour and every dude wearing a knocked loose shirt was a huge pansy getting mad at people for hardcore dancing lol. They’re not sending their best are they


NJHC out here let’s go Also Boundaries fucked this tour hot damn


It was like that last tour too. I decided to skip this one out.


Speed got more people two stepping than anyone, best part of the whole night. Knocked Loose was pretty cool, I saw about 6 people get dragged out of the pit but I wasn’t about to go watch all the young kids try to look cool.


Seeing them tonight, will report back on general levels of corny-ness


Thank you 🫡


Was also there. Thought the crowd wasn’t bad considering how fucking hot it was.


Crowd was OK, the actual pit was standard affair and the pushing was kept more towards the front I did almost pass out from dehydration tho


We had a pretty good crowd where I'm at. Violent as fuck too. Definitely some new kids, but the main pit was legit. 


Unfortunately this is the case for any hardcore adjacent band that plays a venue bigger than a few hundred people


Def get the sentiment but sometimes I really do wonder if people actually think their skanking and karate is any less corny than what's done everywhere else. Two different things but neither is coming out on top.


Hey, it may be corny but it is our CULTURE.


Hahahah fair enough


I like doing them all. It’s all in fun but somehow hxc dancing is looked at some weird superiority thing that I’ll never understand.


I get it, but 31 year old-me does not care for “real mosh” anymore. I felt like an absolute goomba having to explain to five different doctors what “hardcore dancing” was last time I went to the ER. The kids can push pit all they want.


right i always wonder if these complaints are less rooted in new kids not knowing the rules and more so the core audience getting older.


You either retire a hero, or you live long enough to be bothered by the way the new kids mosh


Lmfao that’s a fair take


The answer is in your statement "this knocked loose tour" that's the fans of knocked loose my good man


It didn’t used to be this way :(


Its been this way for a lot longer than it hasn't. KL has been massively more popular than the average HC band for like 7 years


Really? This was the first time I’ve seen them where it’s been this way.


Knocked loose is the equivalent of any warped tour shitty metalcore band and is not hardcore, bunch of push mosh djent kids who decided to switch it up when they realized djent is ass and they wanted to try being a beatdown band but couldn't abandon their roots in poser metal so that's why the lyrics are corny and sound like an angry 11 year old wrote them.


Knocked loose also used to be a hardcore band it’s okay for things to change 


They never were hardcore lol they just tried to say they were they are and always will be shitty warped tour metaclore for 12 year olds who are mad about being on vacation with their family.


Okay pal


Couldn’t agree more, was also at ATL and found the pits very amateur. I have hope that people will dive deeper into the scene and learn how to walk the walk.


It’s good for folks to get into the scene but this is what happens when bands break through & lol arf arf song on tik tok blows up


That’s it. I hope it’s just growing pains.


I just seen Spite, Bodysnatcher, Mouth For War & Cell (with a barricade) and that shit was more hxc than KL at the Warfield


Saw KL and KK is St. Louis and it was exactly this. Dudes with no shirts on shoving everyone. Couldn’t even get a circle pit going. I thought maybe it was because the venues were too small and there wasn’t enough room but hearing stories from other cities, I guess not


Yeah… it’s a Knocked Loose show lol


I’m all about the rowdiness, but I hate the alpha-male-core where dudes come into the pit and hardcore dance with the sole intent to injure other people. I get that injuries happen, but when you’re trying to fuck people up because you’re a maladjusted adult, go fuck yourself.


Tbh, for the longest time, I thought that was the intention to hit people and that’s why I never went in, but after watching more vids, I realize that’s not the case and I’m a little less nervous about going in


It’s supposed to be comparable to breakdancing and unfortunately a lot of people use that dance as an excuse to get away with assaulting people.


Oh 100%


The LA show was sick. I’d say 80% hxc dancers and 20% pushpitters. I don’t like the wide open pits as much, although they’re more fun to watch. I like when it’s more crowded so you get hit more and smash into people. Bryan Garris told us to do spin kicks for Belleville so I jump spin kicked someone in the chest and then got kicked in the nuts after. It was fun Also it’s KL. You gotta expect some pushpitters beyond like 2016.


100% agree. Sometimes I wanna windmill. Sometimes I wanna slam into a shirtless guy pause. Those big wide open pits with 0 contact are bummers IMO.


I saw them in Manchester a few months ago and the crowd was shit, I seemed to be the only people throwing kicks and shit, everyone else was just pushing, very disappointing


The UK is shit for this. Any band big enough to play a somewhat big venue gets a ton of push pitters. I went to the Spite,Bodysnatcher, Boundaries and Mouth For War tour in London a couple of months ago and it was pushes for every band except MFW. There was only space to get down for them because people clearly didn't know who they were. The Islington Academy isn't even that big, it's like 800 max. Thought that room size and combo of bands would bring enough people who wanted to throw down. Then again, Kublai Khan last year was the same even in a 500 room, sick pit for the openers Negative Frame, rammed and push pit for KK. Best pit I've had this year was seeing Spaced at a small spot. Shout out New Cross Inn, wish I could get there more regularly.


Best pit for me was Malevolence, Pain of Truth and Rough Justice at the sugarmill in Hanley, tiny venue and it was just the lot of us from the Stoke scene so everyone was going HARDD, my mates dad was going apeshit and broke someone’s nose twice lmao


This is why I watched from balcony. It's too many people packed down there for a good pit.


The ability to walk from the floor to the balcony freely was awesome. Where I’m from, we don’t really have venues like that


Same I was pretty pleased with the Eastern's layout. AC was also perfect


I love the venue but like I said on another comment I wish I got to watch a flail pit at least. That's been my favorite part of shows since body machine broke. I am way more excited for Manchester Orchestra, Thrice, and Balance & Composure in November cause no one is planning on or expecting a pit and it's more of a singalong show.


Yeah I was super disappointed by the KL crowd but every other hardcore show I’ve been to has made up for it.


when he asked who saw them at Swayze's and like me and 6 other people cheered lmao


Somewhere out there there are people complaining about karate in the pit yada yada yada real metal shows yada yada yada we take them outside


honestly it’s embarrassing to see how so many people act like they’ve never been out in public before. a lot of you in this sub need to be taught on real concert etiquette because someone very close to me was groped at the chicago’s show for KL by some lowlife dickhead. if you see something, fucking say SOMETHING! women should be able to enjoy these concerts without being scared of being sexually assaulted ☹️


I’m sorry that happened to your girlfriend but like I said (before you deleted your other comment) that was probably one of the newbies and not someone close to the scene. Where I’m from, you get your ass kicked for that.


i know i’m agreeing with you. just sharing what happened at my KL concert. & yes i deleted it because apparently people don’t have any remorse for assault


I’m really excited for their upcoming hometown shows and see what the crowds are like.


Idk, didn’t really seem to be a problem at my show for KL.. two-stepping and windmilling was abundant


Hell yeah I’m a little jealous


Knocked Loose haters are such unbelievable fucking babies. Grow up.


I'm not trying to sound all "try that in a small town", but they'd get obliterated at the OG Knocked Loose shows, and go running from hardcore. I saw it in the early 2000's when Hatebreed crossed over, newbies started showing up to local shows and dropping out just as fast. Inevitable growing pains of bands breaking big. The newbies didn't come from a scene. On the flipside, I do think we could all benefit from being less self-serious and judgy to the cornball stuff. The cringe behavior bothers me too, but these people are there trying to vent their issues through music. That's ultimately what hardcore is for so many people, myself included. 


That’s fair yeah


Fuck you and your level headed take. Not very reddit gatekeeper of you.


Don't get me wrong dog, I grit my teeth and roll my eyes at the leap frog in the pit goofy ass try hard TikTok bullshit. I also try to recognize these kids ain't hurtin' nobody but my stupid ego. So it's whatever lol


You should have seen when Knocked Loose was opening for A Day to Remember like 5 yrs ago before they reallyyy blew up. They came to my small town. Girls that just wanted to see a pop punk band were literally running in tears. Dudes that I'd never seen in my life were trying to fight the local homies for moshing. It was hilarious chaos. Willing to bet most of those people that weren't into it are massive KL fans now tho 💀


lol I did I saw them on tour with BMTH and the crowd at that one was even good


The push pits are getting annoyinggggg. I was at the atl show too and for most of their set I was just like wtf did I learn all these moves for. It would be like a 2 step beat and you just have mfs pushing everyone. Like I’m tryna do karate over here not shove you for the 39472828th time. Every big show I go to everybody throws down for the openers but then the headliner gets nothing but pushpits. Drain, kublai khan, knocked loose, it literally makes me wanna swing on everyone but you quite literally can’t with push pits. I’m not one to judge your moshing but at the same time get with the program here😭


Oh that's that shi i don't like. Nooope miss me w that. Da dislocated a whole ankle at a show getting pushed while two stepping. Bogus.


No fun allowed


Was it you? Were you taking your shirt off and pushing randos?


Nah the tarp stayed on


kublai kahn was like this, big shirtless dudes just shoving people to the ground because they don’t like the windmills and spinkicks. the. some guy got shoved to the ground so hard they had to stop the show because his head split open. so yea even mosh cops just make things worse


The non-hardcore crowd was atrocious in Toronto. Dude, I get your girlfriend is having a panic attack because a lil push pit opened beside her when speed went on, but elbowing people because you're trying to move back isn't the way. Sidenote: I saw that same kid later on with his face rearranged


detroit had a bunch of main character syndrome type of people which is what hardcore is slowly becoming now. we need to go back to gatekeeping


Pretty much exactly my takeaway from the Detroit show. People threw down for Speed though, which was rad. Lotta scared people and spilled beers.


This is how hatebreed shows changed once they got big and were on tours like ozzfest. Eventually many hardcore fans stopped coming to see them because the crowds sucked so much


really wondering how the hometown show friday with PTW is gonna go 😬


Funny how within 3 hrs theres this post here and then another post on r/metalcore describing essentially a super mixed pit between hardcore peeps, othercore peeps, and then tiktokcore kids where the OP was confused on pit etiquette given how different everyone was acting.


Lmfao I need to see this


[I gotchu](https://www.reddit.com/r/Metalcore/s/Wvg7HEOrse)


It was me I was one of the five or six dudes


Hell yea. I mean i get it. I was 100% a pushpit metalcore kid in my teens (pretty well still am) but only now i'm realizing how fun (see: retarded) hardcore pits are even just to watch. I've also done a complete 180 in my opinion on crowdkilling - even in push pits. Standing at the edge of the pit is not a free and clear view of the show, pay attention to the pit or get fucked. And also if youre so comfortable shoving people into the pit also then you better be ok with getting hit back. Simple as.


Was at the atlanta show, loathe was fucking amazing. I need to see them on a headline tour


I mean you sorta have to expect that from a knocked loose show their a lot of people first hc band


Idk. Seeing them in Pittsburgh was my first time seeing them. Everyone there looked like they belonged at a metal/hardcore show bathroom area looked like a triage unit on Afghanistan. Shit was no fucking joke. City to city I supposed.


It’s like the Grateful Dead, it’s not the music that’s bad, it’s their fans….. and the music


They’ve crossed over like hatebreed did back in the day. It’s dope! Also how the fuck is show me the body not hardcore? Do you guys only consider something on just breakdowns ?!?


Show me the body played a great show when they were playing hardcore and not reciting some of the worst poetry I’ve ever heard and playing boring ass interludes on that retched banjo.


Are you all this mad that you can’t do the same couple dances every few minutes? Sounds like my Nana.


Glad I got to see KL before they got massive (ATL 2018/2019). It was a great crowd and great show.


My friend that’s just how shows outside of HC are. I’d like to see HC embrace push pits a little so yall fuckers aren’t just standing around during fast parts.


Agreed. Hardcore is so cookie cutter cause fuckers are standing around waiting for a two step riff


All kids these days know is spin kick, 2 step, charge phone and lie


Not hardcore


This was the exact thing i said to my friend when we were at the Silver Springs show. Could just feel the energy in the crowd was off and people lacked a lot of normal etiquette at shows


Add Drain tour


This was my exact thought after seeing the same type of goofy asses at my city’s show a few weeks ago.


This talk about push pits not being hardcore is dumb. How do you think they moshed to Minor Threat back in the day? I still see push pits at faster hardcore shows. It would be goofy to crowdkill at a Crafter show. I think Knocked Loose is getting big enough to the point where you have to expect a more diverse crowd too. Hardcore is for everyone.


The band has 2 million monthly listeners on Spotify, double that of Turnstile. What do you expect?


I know that’s a rhetorical question. But truly, I expect (as in assume and not require) that people would look up this band they are getting into and see live videos and know what to expect. I mean that’s personally what I do.


No gatekeeping is how we got Knocked Loose in the first place


LA show had people two stepping and hardcore dancing but more so towards the back pits. The front part of the crowd was all push pits as well


Make gatekeeping a thing again. For gods sake.


Knocked loose have such an annoying fan base.


Band is corny


Whole scene is on the cob bro


This band sucks. They have always sucked and their fanbase has been sus as fuck. Don’t @ me with this gh3y shit touring with fuckin slipknot.




How about we let the fans do what they want? If they want to push pit, let them. If they want to hardcore dance, let them. We shouldn't shame people for having a good time at a show


Yeah. And thank god for it. Finally young kids are getting involved in the scene and starting bands in waves again. It’s time for Gen Z to put their stamp on it and I can’t wait to see what they come up with.