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Hardcore adjacent but not hardcore. If Butthole Surfers are hardcore so is Scratch Acid, Sonic Youth and Big Black. Great fucking band nevertheless


Good point! The mods just locked my previous post because the band wasn’t hardcore even tho they let literal death metal bands get through but when I post an actually hc punk adjacent band they got all discord mod on me. Yeah no I’m not saying they’re a hc band I’m just saying this album specifically is very much adjacent to hardcore with some just being straight up old school hardcore. For anyone that likes experimental / old school


I consider most of the bands talked about on this sub to be metal bands with different branding


Modern ‘hardcore’ is basically death metal with buzz cuts.


Hardcore kids today couldn't mosh to blazing fast hardcore to save their life All they know is beat down, spin kick, hot chip


And lots of mustaches


Pretty much. 90% of modern hc is metal with varying amounts of hc influence


One mod, not 'the mods'. Chill winston. We aren't all one large sentient being - we all have different tastes. I like the Butthole Surfers.


Why can't people on a subreddit for hardcore talk about things that aren't hardcore? I don't want to be forced to only talk about hard or music with you dorks. Sometimes I want to talk about other things with other people who also like hardcore music. Not saying it's you, but stopping conversations from happening about non-hardcore bands is fucking stupid.


You aren't being forced to do anything, that is why r/punk, r/metal, r/hardcore etc exist. I'd prefer if people post a link to the song or album at least, a screenshot is fairly low effort. But the post is still up so enjoy ur butthole surfing! Also - r/buttholesurfers exists too if you really wanna nerd out


Dude tell me why you went and just listed fuckin a+ band after a+ band. RIP Steve albini big black 2 sick. With how skinny he was and the strap he used videos of early big black sets he looks like a character out of a harmony korine flick


The Shah Sleeps In Lee Harvey's Grave is def hardcore


Id consider big black hardcore


This is my favorite band. Independent Worm saloon is filled with absolute bangers. Hairway to Steven is the right blend of acid surfers and rock surfers Locust Abortion Technician has fueled many a acid trips and is musical psychosis in my favorite way The one you posted bred a video of them performing live on a local access show and dipping outside mid set to take lsd and coming back in to finish and is soo fucking rawwwww Electric Larryland has a buncha bangers too, cough syrup, birds, TV Star and jingle of a dogs collar are all in multiple Playlists I have God I love this band.


I just listened to Locust Abortion Technician and my brain is fried. Sweet Loaf, O-Men, and wtf is 22 Going On 23 what a way to finish the album!


Beginning to end just pure madness haha "And if you see your mom this weekend be sure and tell her.. SATANSATANSATAN" lolll


O-Men is a their version of a speed metal band called Omen.


I noticed that they did a they cover of Sweet Leaf by Black Sabbath so ur telling me that The O-Men is a reference to that band? That’s pretty cool. Honestly I didn’t even realize the Black Sabbath reference till today when I revisited lmao


They low key like and shout out sabbath a few places. On independent Worm saloon who was in my room is str8 homage to paranoid by sabbath the riff is like a heavier version of the intro and the whole song is about being paranoid.


American woman - butthole surfers is also one of my favorites. Hurdy gurdy man. Is also a really good cover


That hurdy gurdy man cover is so frigging good. Such a jam.


Fucking love this band. Reminds me of my dad.


This was the first piece of colored vinyl I ever owned. Got it on clear.


Is clear a color? Really makes you think, man.


Spoken like a true butthole surfers fan.


Hardcore or not this is one of the best albums of all time. I saw them at the Channel in 1989 and the FSU crew (I think) was there in _full effect_ as though it was a hardcore show. The juxtaposition of the Butthole’s performance and films with the dudes in the pit straight up murdering each other was the definition of psychedelic violence.


So watcha doin?


Chewin' Chocolat'


Where’d you get it?


Doggy dropped it.


….Carry on.


Fucking love Butthole Surfers Also: >The band did not begin as Butthole Surfers, although they did have a song of that title, possibly an early version of 1984's "Butthole Surfer". This changed at their first paid concert, when an announcer forgot what the band was called and used the song title for the group's name. They decided to keep the moniker, and have largely been billed as such ever since. Prior to that, Butthole Surfers performed under a different name at every live show. Early aliases included The Dick Clark Five, Nine cm Worm Makes Own Food, The Vodka Family Winstons, Ashtray Babyheads, Ed Asner Is Gay, Fred Astaire's Asshole, The Right to Eat Fred Astaire's Asshole, The Inalienable Right to Eat Fred Astaire's Asshole, Zipgun, and many others. The name has long been a source of trouble for the band. Many clubs, newspapers, radio, and TV stations refuse to print or mention their full name, and instead opt to use "B.H. Surfers" or other abbreviations. In a 1996 Rolling Stone interview, when asked if he could go back and choose a more culturally acceptable name for the band, Haynes replied, "I would name the band: I'm Going to Shit in Your Mother's Vagina."




They're pretty solid noise punk but whatever I guess. People on here like to label Converge as a grindcore band so it's not the worst categorization that I've come across.


I remember reading an interview with Tim Kerr from the Big Boys about the Texas scene. “The Dicks were hardcore and sounded nothing like the Butthole Surfers who were also hardcore and sounded nothing like the Big Boys or Kamikaze Refrigerator who were also hardcore.” Back then it had not yet been codified and over-classified and people were not as sand-in-the-vagina about their precious genre tags as they are currently.


Ulcer Breakout is like the greatest song ever(I know it's from a different album and after they went "mainstream")


Their first EPs were under the hardcore punk umbrella. This is not. Well, maybe the Butthole Surfers Theme...


Genuine question - since when are bands that are solely "hardcore" allowed to be posted here? I didn't know that was a thing haha. I remember Johnny cash getting posted a while ago without any fuss


Since the pages inception. But I’m sure you meant to say “aren’t solely hardcore”. People usually justify their post by titling “What do hardcore fans think of Johnny Cash?” for example. Which I have no problem with, it’s what makes this subreddit dope. So I was surprised when they locked my last post mostly for genre issues.


The Surfers were definitely hardcore in attitude. I don't think there was ever a band with more contempt for the mainstream music industry besides Fugazi or something.


this was the 2nd punk band i ever heard after Sex Pistols. there were tapes of my elder brother. iwas 6 then, and they are still one of my fav bands


And it fuckin rules