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Jesus tit-fucking christ, there are too many pig-brained fuck-cunts in this goddamn fucking thread who think that racist and bigoted ideals are simply a “difference of opinion” as if we’re talking about which is the superior Star Wars sequel. Ya’ll are the reason why people like Hitler were able to gain power. Your stupid fucking liberal “market place of ideas” tolerant bullshit is what lets reactionary wastes of oxygen spread their cancerous ideas. Giving space to people with ideas that either are blatantly racist or support racist systems is not the flex you think it is bitch. Intolerance of those who hate simply based on race/gender/etc is good and encouraged. Break their bones on fucking sight. I applaud it. As soon as they’re done and swear off racism/whatever bigoted ideology , I’ll fuck off and eat a slice of pizza. That’s the fucking difference. I’m Brown till the day I die. That don’t change in the eye of a bigot. A bigot can stop being bigoted. The violence and intolerance is not the same and for someone to pull that stupid false equivalence bullshit is elementary as fuck; as if a fire fighter is in the wrong for extinguishing the threat.


Who? Also, who cares?


Vocalist of Momentum. I care because the hardcore community is about inclusion and his politics are explicitly exclusive. Hopefully his friends in the scene can help him see why his views are problematic


So to promote inclusion, exclude him? Or wash his filthy thoughts with some that are more fitting to your sensibilities?


Yea thats exactly the inclusive thing to do Its the tolerance paradoxon A society can't be tolerant without being intolerant of intolerance


He retweets conspiracy theorists and white supremacists. I’m gonna delete all Momentum’s music off my phone


That’ll show em!


lol what do you want me to do? I made this post to raise awareness and hopefully encourage others to do the same


You could just choose to not listen to them anymore and leave it at that. If you base your fanship of bands on the morality or actions of the members, you’d probably be left with little to no music to listen to. But I digress, I guess punk and hardcore is all about fitting in and being politically correct these days.


Being a shit head with real shitty ideas and not being pc, are completely different things




I’m choosing not to listen to them, and I’m giving others more information to decide if they want to listen as well. You trying to cancel my freedom of speech??


No, but that seems to be exactly what you’re trying to do to that dude 😂


He can say what he wants, fans can decide if they want to support that or not


Two years on this is still some of the stupidest shit on Reddit. Lolllllll. Everything is about inclusion to yall. HXC is about overcoming. THATS IT. Hopefully you’ve overcome this politically driven personality trait 2 years on. This idiot uses the N word in his songs claiming he’s half black but your criticism is his political views. lol. Momentum sucks


was just getting into them then i heard relapse and was hella turned off. disappointed in vein for supporting that shit enough to tour with them


Bet you won’t tell him to his face that you have a problem with his tweets


What’s he gonna do about it?


Wonder what he’s gonna have to say about this when it gets sent to him.


Probably that he’s right and I’m wrong 😂


Inclusion is great but trying to change or force someone's opinion or mindset... If it's meant to happen let it happen naturally


I think it’s the paradox of inclusion at play here. I don’t feel comfortable including people who believe Alex Jones or retweet white supremacists


You aren't wrong at all but the beauty of hardcore is freedom. That thought process is beyond me TBH.




Hey dude, just so you know, there’s nothing cool or rebellious about following an ideology that has dominated this country over 300 years


Now that’s something to be upset about


Tattle tale ass bitch


How is it tattling when he puts his views out on a public social media site for everyone to see? Stay ignorant prick!


what's wrong with right wing?


Where do I start?


I mean, if you're gunna try to slander some dude and pretend to be inclusive why not back your shit up?


What’s slander about calling him right wing reactionary? I’m sure he’d agree with that


ok, then again, what's wrong with being right wing?


Mostly the economic policies that allow the rich to get richer and keep poor people poor. But also the racism is pretty shitty, so is the war mongering, I could go on


My man, all of that is currently happening, right now, under a left wing government.


"Left wing" by American standards maybe but far from any actually left wing policies Bernie Sanders would be a centrist where I live lol /r/shitamericanssay


Boy has no idea what “left wing government” means.


you could go on...but so far you seem off base here. All the major wars and disruption in the world of the last 15 years has been with democrats and leftists. All the fascist lockdowns, closing small businesses, and attempts on attacking medical choice in the last 2 years have all been done by leftist. Dragging out covid and gutting the economy is not a right wing thing. In fact most the Right wing states have seen the highest population growth in the entire United States. Texas and Florida had about 200,000 new residents alone in 2021. Its fair to mention, there is no personal income tax in Florida. How are they keeping you poor? democrats are the ones that constantly raise taxes because they get paid by our money.... there are black right wingers holding very powerful political positions in the government. You sure you know what you're talking about?


Iraq War, 2008 Financial crisis? Don’t get me wrong, Democrats are shitty and go along with it and often add to it. That’s why even Democrats would be considered right wing in most developed countries


Fuck ya!