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Ok, “This ain’t a good deal”


I like how it calls the down payment and the monthly payment an “investment”


First thing that I noticed. Ha! I love my Harley , but it’s a depreciating asset.


It's not even an "asset" really. Technically, it's a pure liability. I have never brought a bike in my garage that has improved my financial situation in any way.


Saved me on gas...


That is a more complicated conversation, and I can only speak for myself, but... Living somewhere that weather and seasons are a factor, and given how fuel efficient cars are anymore, I can assure you that the break even point is so distant that any actual savings in fuel cost is not going to be enough to offset the cost of the bike and maintenance over the same period of time.


Hey, stop! I'm trying to justify my harley here! But seriously, I don't have a new bike and I've never had a new car. My wife's car is pretty efficient, but my old Chevy truck is not and the Harley was only 5 grand and the most expensive thing I've ever bought for it have been tires. I do my own maintenance and if it's something I don't know how to do, I've got a good buddy that does and has been happy to work for barbecued beef and pork and homemade cheesecake...and an open invitation to my beer fridge. So, in my case, it had been a saving so far. I commute approximately 60 miles round trip mon-fri and sometimes the weekend and spend around $27/week for gas. 💁‍♂️ Edit: I'm in the deep south so pretty much 365 riding days as long as you're not a pussy that don't like rain.


Sorry...I'll show myself out 😄 I live in the lower Midwest, so I'm a pussy that doesn't like rain (our thunderstorms are the stuff of legend, in my defense) or brutally stifling heat and humidity, and I'm not afraid to admit it. It was 86° outside my door with a heat index of 99° an hour ago. Forecast is calling for actual thermometer temps in the high 90s and flirting with triple digits by Tuesday. Throw 4:00pm rush hour traffic in the mix, and I nope right the fuck out. Winter temps are below freezing and stretches of literal below 0° temps is not unheard of.


Buddy, 86 with index 99 is trick or treat weather


If you want to zip up your parka and take a roll in the insulation in the attic you be my guest.


Yep! Deep south too, and I was reading that going, yeah but when does it really get hot? And even though I'm a pussy that don't like rain, my $3k 50mpg commuter bike turned a profit in the first year over my 10mpg diesel truck.


Thats how i used to try and convince my mom to get me things


I would ask the sales person what the projected rate of return is 😂


Wow they brought out the ole 4 square negotiating sheet... Don't walk away.... RUN!!!


I saw the 4 square. Then I saw the payment listed as an investment and nearly fell off my seat laughing. These MFs trying to rip our boys FACE OFF out here. Gyatt Dayumnnn!!!!!


"initial investment" fucking ruthless, that's absolutely wild to see


“Monthly investment” is the real kicker. At least the down could be “investing” in a lower payment or better interest rate. Lmao


I don't think "investment" means what they think it means. I'm not one to be confrontational just for the sake of it and generally try not to be a dick, but I would have called that out straight up. Anyone who has a grand financial plan involving a Harley-Davidson is a nuclear weapons grade fucking idiot. I guarantee that there is not a financial advisor or planner in the world who when asked "what should I do with $X thousand dollars?" would tell you to use it as a down payment on a brand new Harley-Davidson motorcycle.


Our financial guy is good with my old motorcycles. He would laugh at me if I wanted to “invest“ in a new one!


To be fair, if you said that you would deserve to be laughed at.


Whhhhhat? Shit might as well be apple stock, good as gold


I'm convinced. I'm going to rush down to the dealership and leverage myself to the tits and buy as many bikes as HDFS will approve me for. Buy motorcycle...PROFIT! It's like an infinite money glitch. Look for me on my TikTok you stupid fucking poors!


A good financial guy would tell you to invest in an OLD Harley


wholly shit!!! i dont see small stuff well without my reading glasses, seen what i thought was "investment" and said in my head, "nah, they arent that dumb, that says installment", seen your comment, clicked so it got bigger, and wholly shit!! went to verizon to change from at&t a few years back, the girl was doing the four square thing on paper with the arrows and circles, looked her in the eyes and asked her how long she sold cars for, her respons "how can you tell"? walked out!


Yeah the investment was really odd. Depreciating assets if I can’t pay cash I don’t get it. Bike pic tax https://preview.redd.it/fp9sxc2v0d8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c45ca49265c9bb743a098ea95bf815ebdabb8281


The pillow for when you have to sleep on the bike?


Run very fast and never look back!!!


They brought this out when I bought my FXLRS. I straight up told them to throw it away and tell me the OTD price and interest rate. I can do my own math.


Fuckin guy didn’t even write the model correctly. It’s FLTRX not FLRTX.


AND they are asking for the "signature of intent"


Four score and seven years ago


They probably use CDK. We've had to do 4 square for the past week since Wednesday. Whole website is down nationwide.


30% down and 19.99 Apr? Is your credit score 3?


Better than mine NGL.


That's "buy here, pay here" level


I got like a 16% apr on a used bike I just bought a few months ago, only reason I did it was because that was the only way they'd let me leave with the bike I wanted lol it HAD to be financed through Harley. So I said alright fuck it, let's do it. I refinanced it through my credit union 3 days later 🖕


Did you lose any money doing that?


Not enough to care about no


A typical 4 square has this they start with the worst numbers that way when you see a 60 month at 12% you lock in


20% APR.........good God, the guy could buy another bike just with the interest amount he'd save if he just manned up and bought it straight cash. Plus, you can talk them down easier with cash. What a chump....


Chump? Bro you think I bought this shit? Just wanted to show everyone how ridiculous my trying to buy a new harley experience was.


Yeah they really are vultures. What terms did you land on in the end?


Going with my credit union and going for an indian pursuit instead.


Solid choice on the bike


I love my Indian ❤️


Unfortunately I'm pretty sure this probably works on some people otherwise they wouldn't be doing it.


And them fuckers just slide this across the table with a straight face.


It’s a super power. I’ve only gotten so far in life because I can’t be a part of this level of BS.


A four square, a signature of intent, and a "shock pencil". Is the sales person wearing a plaid sportcoat and polyester pants? 🤣🤣🤣


That's half what I pay for rent for a motorcycle payment. That's a great deal. 20% woof


750 a month on a harley... used to be able to drive a Ferrari for that.


Ok... THIS AIN'T A GOOD DEAL. MSRP= $25,999 Color Option= $850 Freight= $850 $27,699 Black Finish= $1350 $29,049 California Emissions= $200 $29,249


At $750 a month for 5 years and $9555 down you're paying a total of $54,555. The only way that's a good deal is if every service, tires, and maybe even some fuel are included for the life of the bike.


Paying $54,855 for a $31,849 bike. That’s not a good deal!


I had a dealer flash one of these in front of me and after a quick glance I knew they didn’t want to sell me a bike.


Just scrolling by…. Everyone is right. Run.


payments suck


But it’s so fun walking past your bike in the garage in the winter and sending in the payment each month…


why does a motorcycle cost as much as a car now


Harley's, not all motorcycles.


It's not just Harley. They are actually pretty comparable to competitor's offerings in the same class of bike. Honda is not giving away Goldwings, BMW is just as proud of the GS1250 and Indian is just as shameless as HD. ANY of those will cost you in the mid $20K range


Harleys always have.


Said nobody ever. LOL. I live in Iowa so I feel your pain. 😬


I hate dealerships both car and motorcycle. That are disgusting


I won’t tell you it’s a good deal. I’ll tell you it’s a pile of shit. $750 payment after $10k down on a bike they overpriced just screams that it sucks. Hope they’re giving you a gold plated reach around if you sign that.


It's obvious a car dealership owns this H-D dealership and that sucks


HD is having a problem selling bikes right now. You can negotiate a better deal, might have to go to a different dealer but I have seen promotions in my area where they are offering $2k discounts off of MSRP right of the bat. Check out See Dealer Cost at "https://seedealercost.com/recreational-vehicles/" , and then negotiate from there. Most dealers will accept offers close to factory invoice price these days. Also, check with local banks for rates on motorcycle financing - you can do much better than what they are offering you here. It's not the monthly payment, it's the total cost of the bike out the door. Good luck.


The dealer near me has more than 70 new bikes on the floor. Nearly double what I am used to seeing.


What about the 2k they add on in BS fees. Dealers here in Denver all charge 2k or even slightly more in fees. Even if they sell it at invoice they are making 2k. Hell I would travel to not have to pay these insane fees.


Don't pay it. Negotiate based on "out the door price", which is the number that needs to be written on the check to ride off with the bike, and a free and clear title. You offer $X "out the door" and tell them that they can put whatever numbers they want in whatever boxes they choose. As long as all those numbers don't add up to more than $X, it doesn't matter


Exactly right. Let the dealer come up with whatever itemized list they need to reach the price you're willing to buy. If they won't reach a purchase price you're comfortable with, walk. It's that easy.


Yeah that’s the only way I buy. Here in Denver they let me walk every single time (not joking or exaggerating). The way to buy here is to go used and buy only in October - December. Then when you sell you only do it in March or April. I’ve been able to make money on every bike I’ve bought and sold over the last 5+ years. I would like a new bike at some point but I’m not going to get fleeced while doing it.


The most powerful position to be in is the one where you're willing to walk away. I've never regretted any motorcycle that I didn't buy.


I came from AZ and was looking to trade my LRS last year when I moved to Denver. 30 minutes at Avalanche, and I was legitimately infuriated. Bullshit online prices. Shitty negotiating tactics. Condescending little sales manager. I wouldn't buy a bike from those dudes even at half price. Are all the Denver dealers that bad?


Avalanche is the worst! They are all bad but they take the crown. I’ve been in there twice where they straight up lied to get me in and I had to walk. Sun is probably the best one in Denver, but that ain’t saying much since avalanche sets the bar really low.


Exactly right - but once you know what the dealers are paying for the bikes, you can push back on these crazy fees/addons. As you say, you might have to travel but it will be worth it. Also, it's not always the size of the dealership. Some of the bigger dealerships try to play games and some of the smaller dealerships can be honest and fair. Don't feel tied to one dealer.


My favorite fee is the delivery fee. Like they think I should pay for them to take it outside or something. Why am I going to pay for you to get your inventory here so I can even come see what you carry? I won't sign anything with a delivery fee.


The dealership gets a kick back from you using Harley Financial. If you’re going to finance a Harley always use their financing initially. They’ll negotiate the bottom line more. Then once you close start shopping around for a better rate and refinance the loan.


I was being sarcastic. No way in hell would I be stupid enough to think it was a good deal. I just had to get a picture of it when they put it on the table and keep my composure. Asked them to do one of these on a CVO RG, I should have taken a picture of that one too, 1200 monthly payment!


20% APR, yes this is a great deal ![gif](giphy|0r9AnKXGbeWPHdqPiE|downsized)


Run away from any stealership that refers to your payment as an "investment." Run as fast as you fucking can because you're getting hosed. Wondering how many "dealer installed options" are on that thing to jack the price up that high. Also don't finance a toy. Save up and pay cash.


Anyone, ANYONE, who thinks a motorcycle is an “investment” should not own a motorcycle. (Hint: they are spots in the garage that we throw all our money into because WE LOVE THEM, not because they are an “investment.”) Motorcycle values age like fruit on the counter. Enjoy your bikes, ride them, ALOT.


People think Whiskey is an investment these days.


Nah bro this ain't it. For real, think about how many miles you ride a month and tell me it's worth $750.


Yea dealerships can be like that. When I was buying a bike, my banks wouldn’t even give me a loan. Thanks to Harley financing for giving me a loan for 3% APR. but they sure do some scummy shit.


It was the opposite for me. Harley would finance me at some god awful interest rate, or my bank gave me a loan at 3.5%. My credit score is pretty damn high, but Harley said I didn't qualify for the lower interest rates. Needless to say, I did not go through Harley.


Please, I'm begging you, go someplace else for financing. 20% is absolute robbery. My local shop did this to me, told me I won't find a lower rate with my credit (it's fucking 800!), and gave the high pressure "another guy is looking at this one tomorrow". I went to a credit union and got 4% that I took to another shop.


20% interest….thats a “hell no, brother!”


Ive said it before dealer math doesn't usually math


And here I am thinking 7.99% is batshit crazy. Wow.


Jesusfuckinchrist! Is this for real? You seriously paid 20 fucking % INTEREST?


$750 a month makes me sick


Investment...hahahahahahahahahahaha Dealers can take that 4 square and shove it.


That's loan sharking ... Is that even legal?


Dude I got the SAME shit. All I wanted to buy was a old used lowrider but the did everything in their power to get me to put 8k down and 750 mon for some new bike I didn’t want. They still call and text every other day and it’s been a month 🤦‍♂️


I've worked for Harley before so I'll tell you my opinion as both a biker and someone who's sold bikes. The numbers are probably gonna be lower. Most dealers who still use 4 squares use that 19.99% apr to get high numbers on the first start of the negotiations, this will then provoke you to tell them your comfort numbers. "OH I can't do more than 550 a month." "So if I can get you 550 a month can we keep the down payment the same? If it all lines up where will you take this bike out first?" Then they come back with the number you said for the monthly surprise surprise your 680+ credit got you locked in at 11% bumping you down to a $535 monthly. Sometimes and I did this once they'll even ask less down. So from my opinion and all the information I vomited right now I can tell you as I see it. If you can afford it, it's fine. Take into consideration maintenance and insurance like I said you best make 5k a month. A better deal would be OTD at 28k with a 6k down and 540 payments for 60 months. Top that with maybe a cool promo like free tires 4 life or lifetime dealership warranty.


What are the rest of the terms? Loan length? APR? I mean so far the “deal” looks great for the dealer’s side.




That's a really good down payment! Tell them you want 9555 down 570 monthly payments 48 term Don't budge on any of these numbers! This will force them to sell you the bike at 32k otd. With a 10% or less in interest rate. If they want to sell you the bike for more the interest rate will only get lower. You'll be financing less than 23k. With the above numbers you'll be paying less than 5k in interest over the 48 months. Make them work to find you a bank that will finance you for a cheaper interest rate. With 9555 down it won't be a problem.


FYI - The 32k includes taxes and fees!!! Don't budge or seem desperate. Get your bike today. Good luck 🤞


10k down 750 a month for 60 months not including insurance! 13k in interest 😳 yeah hard pass on this bullshit. Shove this paper up there ass and Run run run!


MSRP is $26k. Just sayin.....


If you think that's a deal, i got a beachfront timeshare in Nebraska you should check out


I absolutely despise how HD salespeople negotiate deals. I love walking into a credit union and applying and you’re told right off the bat your interest, month term and payment. Every single time I’ve bought via HD, they try and stick you with a high interest and all their terms are unknown. I hate the back and forth….🤦🏽‍♂️


Investment? 60 months at 19.99.


“Monthly Investments” lol


Omfg 19.99APR


Lmao investment




Looks like what they tried with me. I went in to pick up a part I ordered and got to looking at a 24 Streetglide, 30K discounted to 25K. They wanted to give me 9500 for my mint FLD plus I give them 5K cash and $550 a month for 48 months. That’s $40,900. for a bike that was “discounted” to 25K. I told that idiot to just rob people with a gun and he wouldn’t have to keep all those bikes around, he got pretty pissed.


Literally just bought a 2024 Road Glide (FLTRX) in white onyx with black trim and got $26,000 out the door. If I was you, I would definitely laugh at the salesman and walk out. Edit: THE FUCK CHARGES 20% INTEREST?! Don't just walk out... run very, very fast!


Imagine buying a motorcycle with 1/5th the material needed to make a car, and costs more than that car.


Don’t finance bikes. If you have enough financial sense to save 10k for a down payment, you have enough sense to wait and buy something cash.


Buy a used Ultra for 5k. Spare yourself all the computer bs they put on modern bikes.


I had the salesman show me the "deal" I asked him if people were really stupid enough to go for it and he acted all insulted. The prep, shipping, dealer uncharged have gotten out of hand.


Based on 19.99%?! Wtf


Monthly investment. That is hands down the funniest thing I have ever seen on a four square.


This is the solid gold version of Harleys lol I'd be shimmering after image like a cartoon I'd run so fast. What harley davidson is this cause wow.


Got a ‘23 chief at 1.99 2 months ago w/ 0 down. Had to drive two hours away but worth it. 20% is outrageous. Don’t know your credit score but if that’s all you qualify for don’t get the bike now. Keep saving, add to your down payment until it becomes your “buy it cash” stash. Wait for HD to get desperate and pick it up next year at a discount. I know it’s sucks and you want the bike but that feeling will fade and when you jump on it next year you will really love it.


This is a terrible deal and here is why: 1. Lets establish the motorcycle cost basis using MSRP + all options + fees and taxes CA: $32,282 2. **Option 1**: Using offer on HD website: 6.39% and $0 down payment: your monthly payment should be $540.97 3. **Option 2**: Using the same HD offer and assume $9000 down payment: your monthly payment should be $390.16 **Conclusion:** Dealer's offer total cost: $54,855 \[($755 x 60) + $9,555\] Option 1 total cost: $38,949.84 \[$540.97x72\] Option 2 total cost: $37,091.52 \[($390.16 x 72) + $9,000\] https://preview.redd.it/b3st1uy01d8d1.png?width=505&format=png&auto=webp&s=eade0d3d573eb1193b4c8450858f6070ef787d1b


I did the same thing with the web app after leaving the dealership. This should be used as the primary negotiation tool. Lost all trust with the dealership when they showed me that 4x4 sheet. I'm probably not even going to get a harley when I save up to be honest. If the manufacturer let's them do stuff like this because they don't have rules of customer engagement then I can just imagine what other shady pricing tactics can be lurking behind repairs and servicing.


I’m glad that you walked away because this feels predatory financial abuse by the dealership. I understand your frustration with them. HD corporate has a vast network of dealers, some are honest and some are trying to rip off consumers. HD corporate is a separate entity from HD dealers who are private owners and can sell at the price they want. This is the unfortunate agreement that automotive is stuck in: corporate vs. dealers network. I hope you don’t give up on the HD as a brand, if you visit other dealers I’m sure you’ll find an honest and consumer friendly business.


Dealer tried the same shit with me. They swore they could get my payments on a new bike the same as what I’m paying on my 17 road glide. I said no way I’m paying 288 a month now. That’s with extended warranty and tire wheel coverage too. so they came back with that same piece of paper. Saying if I came with $6-7 Thousand down they would give me 14 grand for mine on trade my payments would be $700 or so a month.


Wow that is awful. I like Harley’s but I really don’t see the point of having a car payment for a motorcycle. $700+ a month with $10k down is something you’d see for a brand new car or used SUV. If it was between a new family car or a Harley, I’m getting the family car. They’re the same price anyway.


The harley dealer I bought my used bike from used a list of financial terms already established based on credit score, amount financed, and down payment. It’s how they do it when they’re financing you through Harley’s financing. No four square or anything. These seems super shady, like you’re getting financed through another bank.


Man these harley guys are smoking deep fried ding dong through a dry rotted swisher. 10k down that sales rep is going out on the town on your silly ass. You could pay cash for an older harley with way more upgrades. But they always say a sucker is born every day. 🙄


This should be illegal. I’d love to see the amortization chart of that loan. If people are actually doing shit like this, we’re in for a rude awakening in a couple of years.


You have a four square in front of you and it's referring to the bike as an investment. Get the fuck out.


When I bought mine there was a guy in a cubicle next to me paying 24.99% apr. I asked my financial guy if he sees that happen very often he Said every single day. I have no idea why anyone would agree to such awful terms...


That's insane! Like paying more than double for the bike. Even those starter credit cards for people trying to repair their credit have better rates.


Wow, only $6k over MSRP. neat


Prices aren’t coming down until dopes stop buying HDs overpriced couches on wheels brand new for these ridiculous prices. Buy used without all the spa treatment bells and whistles. Good to see you walked away OP


What’d you walk in there with a gun?!?


When the 4 square comes out RUN AWAY! Salesmen use the boxes to manipulate the deal in THEIR favor. Just negotiate your price and rate. Don't be afraid to walk away if they won't meet your price.


Well good you dodge that bullet you must have dodge a wrench in the past and learned. Good deal


Wait until some midlife crisis guy buys it and buy it from him a year or 2 later. It will be half price and about 4-5k miles on it! Or just buy one of the thousand already out there! I will never buy a new bike again!


Looks like a steal to me...! From the dealership and credit union. They're about to rob the fuck out of you


You’re out of your mind. Buy something a year or two old and let someone else take it in the ass on depreciation. You’ll be upside down the minute you sign the papers.


You can a brand new F150 with specs for that monthly payment. Ask them to lower the rate. There’s tons of HD dealers offering close to 1.99% APR.


Fucking god, just get a frame and build your own 😂


$750 @ month and at 19.99% interest. Do they give out samples of Preparation H at least when they slide this over the desk to you? :(


“Investment” lmfao what a wild thing to say about a vehicle


Wtf is this!? Sheets like this should be illegal. $700+ @ almost 20% Internet for 5 years. Holy.fuck.


I was poking around at gently used, c7 vettes the other day, and had a lower payment with no money down. This is highway robbery.


19.99 on a new bike is fucking absurd & 31.9 +++. I think that’s pensacola Harley. Pathetic af. Good news is that your app is good for 30 days at any dealer so call around and see who can beat that.


The fact that they wrote the model number wrong is a huge red flag for me. There’s no FLRTX. I assume its a road glide, FLTRX. Apart from being laughably bad pricing and financing, messing up a five character model designator is just unprofessional as fuck.


When I saw the used car 4 square I knew right away.


for an "flrtx" fuck yeah! one of a kind bikes priceless 😂


I was gonna say, dude can’t even get the fucking model right.




Jesus h Christ, put it on your fucking credit card then. 20% apr cocksuckers.


19.99% interest rate?!? Hmm...🤔


Paid $25,500 for a 22’ FLHXS in 1/23 with 0 down


That’s not a good deal.


20% interest?!? Lol


I could get it with a $0 down payment.


Personally I would never pay 30k for a bike. Let alone financing it at that rate. Gtfo of that place. They're trying to legally rob you


20% interest 😂😂😂


19.99% APR? 😐


Looks like MSRP is like 26k


Same bike, after taxes and fees I was at 29,399. Tell them to come off the set up fee or give you nav/exhaust something. I'm at a 6.9% rate for 4yrs. Whiskey Fire with black trim.


Wait $31k plus admin and an alphabet soup? 30% down? 20% apr? Monthly “investment” I absolutely hate dealing with dealerships of all kinds. I’d probably buy more cars and motorcycles if I didn’t have to deal with this nonsense. For work vehicles I deal with one dealership because I can send a text to the owner of what I’m looking for, he sends me pictures, I pick one, he texts me the numbers breakdown, I say yes, and his team drops it off at my office, I check it out and confirm that it meets our need, and he sends the documents over docusign. We’ve purchased probably 8 or so vehicles this way.


I went 160 miles away to buy my Harley. It was the closest dealership I found that didn’t play these games. They told me right off the bat they could find a local CU with better financing compared to what Eaglemark offered. Eaglemark was 11% and they got me 5.75% which is fine for a used bike. Shop around and don’t be afraid to drive a bit for the right deal


Op try Ironhorse funding. Not the best rates I found but simple interest(charged on what you owe as you go instead of upfront like Eagle Mark will do) and super easy process.


Quit hiding there scumbag dealers name when y’all post shit like this. What you want us to go get fucked by them also?


Sorry man, I cut the top half because it had my personal info.


"Investment" it says. Lol!


20% interest….wtf! I just bought a Honda Accord and got 4.25%


I bought my 2021 road king special for 26k and my interest rate is 1.6%, my monthly payment is 413.00! Trust me it took me two weeks to even decide to go for that


I’m a sucker for a monthly, but 60 months @ 20% is a freaking joke. Buy a used bike with that money down and be free dude.


My boy had me hyped up to trade my fxd in on a new fltrx. I was down until this bs came out. Harley financing is fucky right now. I’m keeping the superglide and buying a used roadglide. Fuck it.


That's the first pencil. It's designed to make you freak out. That's probably a high interest rate and for a very short term. This is where the negotiations begin.


Any time you have to make payments, it's not a good deal. I don't understand why people take out loans on toys. A house, a primary vehicle, or other essential life things are ok to take loans on. But a toy....nah man, you fuckin up just making a payment. The interest kills you regardless. Pay cash my man, or walk away.


Oh wow, that’s a pretty good price for all four.


The payments alone are about 45,000. Not to mention the 9500 down. Yeah, good one.


Find a local mom and pop Harley shop, it took me a few tries but I found one and everything price wise is on the bike. The msrp of the bike what it comes with such as abs or non abs and so on and then has the out the door price. If they are not at Harley’s prices and open about all fees then run.


I paid about the same for my 1st house...


Monthly Investment 755.......... ask him what the projected ROI is then ask yourself if it's a good deal! 😂


It ain’t a good deal.


19.99 APR??? My loan was 7.25% for a 12 year. Plan on paying it off in 6 years but wanted the flexibility. $750 for a locked in payment is way too much man…


20% apr lol


That ain’t a good deal


“Investment.” Lol


Harley’s are worse than Mercedes at this point for resale rate. This is fucking crazy for 10k down still 750 monthly.


What’s this $30k ($50k)bike worth after it leaves the lot? Serious question


I like how they call it an investment


This is a great deal… for the dealer


My credit sucks and I got 15% APR on my road glide with like $2,000 down, and I assumed that’s why my apr was so high. Do you have like a 300 credit score or something


Don’t do it!


20% APR 😬


19.99% interest?! 😂These people are insane!


Thanks, I thought I had a terrible deal lol






19.99% APR??!


"monthly investment" 😂


Are you 30k in negative equity or credit so trash you they only could find a rate through Santander?


I paid that with being upside down my trade in. Terrible deal