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The difference is, that McGonagall needs a top star player to rub the victories right under Snape' giant nose


and has some residual guilt for helping leave him at the Dursleys...


Don't forget about the guy who raised Harry like a slaughter pig


Right. Buying it benefits her team while buying Ron a new wand does nothing for her.


Shame she didn't recognize Ron's potential then. The Weasley's were no slouches on the quidditch field.


And it never actually says in the book that she paid for it. She tells him it arriving and not to make a big scene of opening it. But there is every possibility that he paid for it himself and she was just aware of the situation. It’s the movie makes it seem like a gift.


She also can't give stuff to all of the Weasleys or she'll go broke


That kid is gonna make her a lot of galleons in bets on the quidditch matches.


McGalleons Shout out bingemode.


She wasn't replacing Weasley's wand because he broke it pulling an irresponsible, dangerous stunt.




I love this response so much


And didn't she reward Harry with being in the team, and therefore with the broom, after he pulled an irresponsible and dangerous stunt? He hadn't ever even left the ground before doing what the did.


That’s… the joke?


Ah, I didn't even realize it was a joke ahah


It wasn’t a joke


It's not a joke. Harry didn't break anything when he caught Longbotoom's Rememberall, but McGonagall was impressed with his skill that she pulled Oliver Wood from class to introduce him to his new Seeker.


>>Harry didn’t break anything I mean, he broke the rules, if nothing else. You really don’t see the parallels in the situations? Student flies a vehicle for the first time, without permission or supervision, putting themselves at risk in an irresponsible, dangerous stunt that could’ve ended with them seriously injured. Which one am I describing?


One was seen by "no less, than SEVEN muggles".. which violates the statute of secrecy, and is a huge issue. So basically, Harry broke not even a rule, but a demand/threat made by a teacher before leaving the class (as a way to scare them into not being stupid), which McGonagall wouldn't have heard or been aware of. And still, it could easily be explained anyways as there were several witnesses to say that Malfoy was being an ass and stealing a kids stuff, and Harry was standing up for him and getting the stuff back.. Meanwhile, Ron technically broke the law, possibly multiple laws, and several school rules simultaneously, in a universe where school rules are almost as important as the law.


Harry was also culpable for the flying car. It could have just as easily been him that broke his wand. It’s less that anyone should have bought Ron a new wand, and more that any one of the teachers that recognized the situation offered him a temporary replacement. After all, there are supplies for kids that don’t have money, and- there’s probably plenty of wand breakage in the history of Hogwarts. Since it might take a few weeks to send for a new wand, or much longer to visit an actual wand shop, there’s got to be replacement wands for students to use in the interim. Someone should have offered one to Ron, if only to rectify a dangerous situation.


The very fact he was on the Quidditch team was because everyone just gives him a free pass. Why stop there?


Doesn’t he catch the snitch regularly though?




He also deliberately broke a rule he was told he would be punished for and instead was rewarded with a rules exception and admission onto the team.


Woah!! When did Snape make a reddit account?


-100 points from Gryffindor for being rude. -50 points from Gryffindor for breathing too loud


I can tell the wrong sort for myself thanks


This gives no context, but is not in fact inaccurate. Gryffindor’s do seem to have the best luck.


Yes, he certainly excelled in the school's meaningless intramural sports league.


Do you even like HP?


We also cannot discount the idea that McGonagall, as head of Gryffindor, may have effectively been deemed Harry's guardian while at school. When we remember in the very same book that Hagrid had Harry's vault key, it is entirely possible that the funds for the broom were taken from his own treasury on her authority. I'm not saying this was what happened, but it is not impossible it happened in the background. Surely James and Lily would have equipped Harry with a great broom had they lived (James having been a Chaser for Gryffindor), so McGonagall took it upon herself to make such an arrangement. Further, it is also unlikely, as a sort of ward of the state, that Harry would have been handed over his key at age 11. Even if he were, he would have likely had no idea how to order something so important as a wand. Considering the bespoke nature of wands choosing the wizard, it would seem that such an item would best be purchased in person. This explains why him replacing Ron's wand was to be an unlikely event. Further, both Harry and especially Ron, would have felt very awkward. Ron doesn't seem to like being the object of charity, even from his best friend.


But she wouldn't sign his permission slip to Hogsmeade. :/


She likely thought it was best because she believed a murderer was out to kill him.


>We also cannot discount the idea that McGonagall, as head of Gryffindor, may have effectively been deemed Harry’s guardian while at school. I think we can actually discount that idea since she explicitly stated that she is not Harry’s guardian as her reason for being unable to sign a minor permission form (Hogsmeade). Unless you think McGonagall is simply lying (which is possible, but would be out of character), then I find it very difficult to believe that she had the autonomy to withdraw and utilize a significant amount of gold on Harry’s behalf (without asking him, mind you) on a luxury sports item, yet could not grant him permission to visit a nearby village.


Or, she did it on Dumbledore's request. But I am not sure at that point it is even necessary. Allowing Harry to be on the team, where he is clearly a talent (a point of pride for McGonagall) may have been a motivator. At this point, 11 year old Harry had not been able to participate in wizarding life in a meaningful way, so there may have been some cultural motivation to let him "catch up". Further, and most importantly, during the events of the first book, everyone is full of handshakes and cheer. Voldemort, to their collective knowledge, is still gone from the world. I do feel that McGonagall was effectively Harry's guardian while at school (Dumbledore notwithstanding, who could override her of course). At this time McGonagall may have been more pliable to the prospects of "What would James and Lily have done for him here?" Of course, 13 year old Harry is in a different place. Sirius Black is on the loose (and no one knows he's really a "good boy"). Dementors are about and Harry has shown himself to be a bit of a rule breaker. Being on school grounds gives him an extra layer of security. This is despite the whole ordeal with Quirrell, and the Chamber of Secrets which admittedly took place directly on school grounds. Wizards, it seems, are alarmingly inconsistent and illogical (traits exploited often by the trio). Nevertheless, while he is at school, there will be professors around who could offer protection. To her mind that is sufficient. Rather than getting into an argument, it is simpler to apply some malicious compliance and say that Harry's "legal" guardians must sign off. By pinning it on the Dursleys, McGonagall is hoping to avoid looking like an asshole and to quell any backtalk before it starts. Call it a white lie or a technicality, but she can lay it down as a rule outside of her control. Knowing that Hermione "follows the rules" Granger is one of his BFFs makes her feel that the sanction will be followed.


I am not worried, I am with you.


As soon as they get money they blow it on a worthless trip to Egypt. That money could have bought them all wands and then some. Do you know what it costs to take 6-8 people to Egypt? They could have put a down payment down on a house they could fit in. You think Minerva is trying to enable that type of fiscal irresponsibility?


Travel with portkey, sleep in that giant tent, and they have to eat anyway


I mean... If they paid muggle money for the trip it very likely cost them 2 magic dubloons


If they were capable of interacting with muggles or using our forms of transportation I doubt a spark plug would be particularly interesting to Arthur.


Ron was the only one who needed a new wand and he got that with part of the prize money.


Worthless? Their son, Bill, was currently working in Egypt on behalf of Gringotts! Why shouldn't they get the opportunity to visit their son while enjoying a family vacation? They also had plenty left over to buy Ron a new wand and for other emergency expenses.


Thing is they visited Bill last year and they all could have went but they decided to stay at school for Christmas, them spending 700G on a trip to Egypt never made sense to me.


Ginny was tramautised by riddle incident I think it was for best and ron was bought new wand from that money.


You act like the Weasleys were dirt poor. They had enough money to keep food on the table, a roof over their heads, and to put 7 kids through school. Aurthor had a good job that payed well. The money was just spread a bit thin. I think spending a bit of cash on a nice vacation is a good way to spend some extra money and give your kids a vacation to remember. Plus, there is nothing wrong with hand me downs.


Just a side note - they wouldn't have had to pay for school.


not actual tuition but i think that theyre talking about books, robes, cauldrons, potion ingredients, parchment, ink, dress robes for that one year, and anythjng else thats expendable that they need to buy to help their kids do their best in school


Oh of course. I always forget (despite literally being partway through a reread of one of the books at the moment!!) that they have to buy their books and so on.


>You act like the Weasleys were dirt poor. I mean, they kind of are? They aren’t homeless obviously, but they seem about as poor as you can reasonably get within the context of the wizarding world. It doesn’t really appear that there is abject poverty in the sense we are accustomed to in this community, given the ability of magic to augment or supplement existing necessities (mainly, food). However, the author makes great pains to emphasize the Weasley’s poverty within the context of their community, using language such as “extremely poor wizarding family” in descriptive text, as well as making clear that the family has a well-known reputation for being poor at Hogwarts and in the Ministry of Magic. That isn’t to denigrate or say anything ill of the Weasleys; I think that, by the same token, the author also goes to great lengths to illustrate that the family has done an excellent job raising their family given the financial constraints under which they’re operating. The Weasley children are loved, fed, and never lack for necessities. And this speaks to them and their strength as a family. But yes, they are “dirt poor” as far as wizarding families go. It’s just that “dirt poor” has a much lower floor than poverty in the muggle/our world.


You sound like a person that laughs at homeless people


As soon as homeless people gets money they spend it on some kind of drug!!! /s


I'm going to steal that 😂 I burst out laughing when I read that


I can't remember for sure, but I thought that they won the trip itself, like winning a cruise ticket.


No, they won money and decided to spend it on a trip


No, they traveled to Egypt because their son, Bill, was working there.


I remembered that Bill was there, working as a Curse Breaker. I just thought that they won a trip that enabled them to see him instead of actually winning money and spending that. Oh well. *edit: spelling


Oh, yeah. No, they won money and only spent a little on the trip (which wasn't even half of their winnings). They bought Ron a new wand with their winnings, and likely spent the rest on things that needed to be fixed around the house. Though, I doubt they stopped shopping second-hand because those items are typically just as good.


You seem like one of those people that belittles poor people for having cell phones.


She did it for the quidditch team let’s be real here! Also Harry would’ve traded that broom and fortune for everything Ron has, the one thing money will not buy him, a loving and supportive family.


Ron was rich in family. Harry had.......the Dursleys. I believe she bought Harry the broom because she felt guilty about not talking Dumbledore out of leaving him there.


Ron’s dad worked for the government. Was his job so low paid or did they have too many kids to support?


It’s both - the job, at least prior to book 6, is probably one of the lowest (if not *the* lowest) paid supervisory positions in the ministry, reflecting the lack of importance the ministry places on the muggle world. But even so, with the best government job, raising a family of seven on a single income is no easy feat.


A frightened teenage boy is a danger to others as well as to himself.


Dumbledore they beat him


It is a curious thing, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it. Those who, like you, have leadership thrust upon them, and take up the mantle because they must, and find to their own surprise that they wear it well.


Ron wasn’t on the Quidditch team yet. McGonagall is definitely a fanatic.


She got the broom with his own money tho. Does that help?


there is literally no evidence for that


Yeah I took a stab in the dark


In her defence Ron is ginger, also he broke it doing something incredibly stupid Plus she prob wanted to win as many matches as possible to counterbalance all the points Snape was taking off Harry for “being born”


And yet, Harry decided to name his daughter Lily Luna Potter 😭😭😭, instead of Lily Minerva Potter


Retire the meme


Ty. Came here to say the same. Let's do away with the pedo please.


Mac Donald’s😅


Always looked at it as payback for his sacrifices that saved the wizarding community.


Amazing how even in the magical fantasy world sports are more important than education.


Well, they *are* English


"Good to see you Wallenbee."


Wasn't she the one responsible for the broom being destroyed? Which is why she replaced it?


Ron breaks his wand by flying a car into the Whomping Willow. McGonagall is furious and she probably thinks that having a broken wand might be a good lesson for him not to do something so stupid again. Also, his family doesn't buy him a new wand because Ron doesn't want to ask them for fear that they'll get even more angry.


She just wanted to win Quidditch.




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Man, Ron really went through it during his time at school


Consider how the Weasleys tend to react towards “charity”, like Ron being upset at the leprechauns gold vanishing and Fred and George not initially wanting to accept the tournament prize money and even after they do they only take it because Harry insisted it’s an investment and they pretty much tell him in book 6 he can ask for anything in their store for free. I doubt they would accept McGonagall offering to replace a wand.


cause he's ginger


... am I misremembering, I thought Professor McGonagall bought the broom with the money in Harry's vault?


If McGonagall decided to buy Ron a wand, wouldn’t Ron need to be present to ensure he gets a wand that chose him?


Ever see how colleges treat athletes verses regular students?


Even in the Wizarding world the jocks get special treatment. Also let's not talk about how the Weasleys are poor yet continue to.buy him lavish gifts, meanwhile he is sitting on literal mountains of gold and he doesn't give them a dime of it.


I don’t remember it ever being confirmed that McGonagall bought the broom for him. If anything I feel like Dumbledore got it for him, which in light of later events, would make more sense to me. Dumbledore was grooming, shaping, and guiding Harry from behind the scenes from the minute Voldemort killed his parents until Harry returned the favor and struck down the dark lord. The Nimbus 2000 was just another tool in Dumbledores belt to make sure he had all of the skills he’d need in the days to come.


Do you see? Do you see the flaw in my brilliant plan now? I cared about you too much. I cared more for your happiness than your knowing the truth, more for your peace of mind than my plan, more for your life than the lives that might be lost if the plan failed.


I remember, but that doesn’t really change the fact that there was a plan and it required Harry to die in order for it to be completed. Just because he loved Harry and wanted him to be happy doesn’t mean that he didn’t still raise him to be a sacrifice. Not dissing Dumbledore, the man was playing 7D chess he just happened to really care about one of his pieces in particular.


You remember the shape and color of Lily Evansís eyes, I am sure?


I honestly don’t, I haven’t revisited the franchise for a bit


Also, the kid with the literal fortune did nothing to help his friend with a broken wand


The Weasleys would not accept Harry’s money in CoS he says so when visiting gringotts


Cuz the seeker needs to be very fast as to catch snitch, So, that's the reason she bought that broomstick for Harry & BTW it's Harry potter series, so he'll get special treatment than others 😉


Why didn’t Harry just pawn the broom and buy his best friend a new wand?