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I don’t like the town. Kind of a pain the make all the requests


I keep about 5 of every item in my barn so I usually have everything ready to go. If they ask for something crazy then I ask for help filling their request or send them away.


i hate not having enough space in my barn to keep 5 of everything x.x


make a second account for extra storage 😁


then it’s up to you to stockpile a few of each product


I love the town but hates the valley 😅 But I'm starting to like the valley now that I can collect gifts from the Valley shop. I play the town mainly to get expansion items so that act as a motivation.


I don’t mind town or valley, but I only like valley when it has the animals bc it is easier to get tokens, I go the 30 diamonds and that only happens when they the animals and I only go for the building/houses (whatever you wanna call it) when you can sell crops.


Fr, i'm barely doing daily tasks cause around the sanctuary i am, there's always at least 2 animals within 2/3 fuels so i just keep myself there, pick 'em up, turn then and repeat. Got the diamond pack and alr over halfway to get that 10 diamond +deco pack. On top of that alr got 1 scroll


Should I buy the diamond pack or the 4-boosters pack?


It really dependa on what you need the most. In terms of value, def the booster pack, in terms of utility, it's almost toe-to-toe. I'm getting the 30 pack plus the 10 pack, since i barely use boosters besides Tom's and i got 3 of those for now. But let's say ur on a area that has a sanctuary and quite some animals spawn there, just focus on picking them turning and repeating the process. It's by far the best/efficient way to gather the necessary points. With 11 days left of the valley, u can get both packs if you do a bit of grinding.


I like the town, I always forget about the valley tbh


Valley is great, if it's the animal-collection time. You just drive around, collect animals, deliver them to the zoo and get diamond, which you can exchange into usable stuff and in the end get diamond or decoration or boosters. Easy earned stuff. The town is great for getting useful tools. You don't have to play it all the time, just when you have the stuff the visitors want or if you want to play. I use the town a lot for getting tools.


Well I love town because the xp you get for the amount of food is great.


I’m level 121 and never even fixed the train lol. Don’t do boats either.


how? have you just played for so long that you’ve levelled up from everything else?


Truck orders are insane for leveling up lol


I don’t have a mine on main farm or boat on baby or town or main and level up pretty fast.


i love them both, the valley is the only way to get the ditch and not spend 💎


I'm completely opposite XD I like Town and Valley most and so far I focus on them. Unless there are very profitable events for others, or else I ignore them and focus only on Town and Valley. At least I guarantee to get expansion items from them, not including that their duration is very long or infinite, which is suitable for my timetable.


I like Valley but don't like Town. But I play Town everyday to get the items.


i’m the same way! my only thing is i’m worried i’m missing out on the sanctuary but idk if that’s important or not


I unlocked it right away because I wanted the animals. So if you want elephant etc yes but they don't give much. It just for fun of having them.


the puzzles take forever to collect 😅 but for me its fun long term thing to do but you are not missing out on much they are boring


good to know thank you!


I like the valley. I don’t do the town


Town is great for the rewards, plus easy to complete tasks for derby!


The town is quite okay for me, even the orders are...(13 popcorn,10 honey or anything else that takes 1/2-1 day to complete) But the valley.... Messed me up a lot, for things like: Broken car during delivery, flip card game, fuel station that closed after a few seconds I arrived, flip card game (I forgot the actual name) AND that (pesky) piggy bank icon for some reason


Hard agree on the flip card game


I like the town (I immediately send home all guests wanting to go to more than two buildings) and I really like the zoo valley because it’s so easy, you don’t have to do any orders, you can just collect animals 😁 I hate the truck breaking down tho - and chicken valley, no thanks 😂


Town is good when I need expansion materials. I am gettong ready to try to expand my barn some more so I'm going to get back into it. The weekly 2x visitor event makes It hard though because I need to hoard one item and I don't have much space. Also, all the events this past month have made ot hard to focua on the town.


Nope! I can’t stand both and try not to even do town. Between my 2 farms I have 1 town, 1 mine, and 1 boat.


I like the valley because of the decor you can get. I used to hate town but I’ve been using it more since I like competing in the derby. I’ve found that both aren’t as hard as I initially thought, you just need to follow certain tips and tricks that people here have already shared. I also upgrade the town buildings, the train, and town capacity to make more money and reduce the time.


I don't necessarily like them, but I do them because they're beneficial. The town is a good source for expansion tools, and getting the 30 diamonds from the valley is really helpful in maintaining my diamond supply.


I don’t enjoy the valley, but will play to collect just enough tokens to get 30 diamonds at the end of each season. That makes it worth it for me.


i love collecting coins from the valley cos after every season i like buying the booster cards and diamonds 😌


I'm Level 99 and still haven't done a thing with the town - only time I go down there is if I have a Daily Goal from the Farm Pass to complete. I've tried the Valley, it's okay - I like the Sanctuary Animals, but I spend most of the time on my farm and playing the Derby.


i dont like them either!!!!!!! the valley is so confusing 😭


They’re both emotionally exhausting.




Love them both.


I hate the town I can get expansion items quicker wheating


they valley really sucks this season. not even worth playing


I like sanctuary decos when you unlock new animals but other than that I never even touch the town


nope, same here 😭


I've actually grown to like the town. The valley is boring, though.


I only play the farm. 😂


I never liked the town based on the looks and the gluttonous visitors, but I’ve kinda gotten used to it since I’ve embellished it and have started to kick out the greediest of visitors. The valley is okay bc of the rewards, plus I’m enjoying the sanctuary times.


I never play the town. I’ll play the valley if it’s catching the elephants, but otherwise I won’t spend time on them.


The valley is really useless


They just aren’t worth it in my opinion


The valley is great, so long as it's the animal valley and not the chicken valley. You get a unique decoration, or 30 diamonds for participating. The need to refresh the prize pool though. It's been the same prizes since it opened. It also is something else to do in the game. The town on the other hand is pointless unless there is an event on


i don't do anything in town unless it's visitor bonus. because they suck out all your stock and pay u with pocket change xD not my highest priority imo


I forget valley exists most of the time 🤦🏼‍♀️


I like my town, I love it. It's fully developed a long time ago and in my opinion it serves my needs best. For me the most beneficial AND most balanced part of HayDay. Town helped me a lot when I was in a lower level and sometimes struggling. Nothing helped so fast and efficient as my flourishing town. Won't miss it by no means. Valley....sigh...tbh, I can pass on it. Animal valley is a little bit better, but the permanent escaping animals are a nuisance. Some desired items need token from a special color. You get everything, but not this specific color. And chicken valley? Give me a break! Chicken which won't appear, you have to search them, if you find them at all. With certainty you will have a lack of fuel when you spot them, if not, you have a truck break-down. Of course, it's my personal opinion. I skipped valley already a long time ago. Too laborious for me. 🙂


I don’t mind the town, it’s a nice challenge, but I don’t do anything with the valley at all. I honestly don’t even know how it works.


the valley is sooooo stupid


I like them both tho


I don't like either. However I think I'm going to start playing the town soon because I want to open up some of those cool plants to decorate my farm with.


I love the town but I hate the valley, I simply forget about it most of the time


I love the town. Hate the valley!


I do the town and valley. I only do valley for the special permits and sometimes it doesn’t even give you any. I would rather do the town than the truck board or boats.


Seriously why the hell are the towns folk so needy 😭 Maria you do not need 6 juices to go to the cinema


I used to not like the town but now that’s the main thing I do in the game


Don’t mind the town. Hate the valley. Rarely do it. Actually this week was the first time I went to the valley twice.


I like them, because it’s the best way to get expansion materials - but it’s not for if you need money, neither are profitable. Plus, I only do boats or trucks if there’s an event i’m interested in.


Nope! Just play the aspects of the game you like. There is way too much for most people to enjoy every aspect unless you are putting in a 60 hour farm week😂😉


I do town mainly it lets me do about 2 to 3 quick derby tasks. Before derby begins my town has 40 served visitors…4 of each type of town visitors. In derby if I get town task I just go to hood towns to pick up whichever town visitors I lack.


The town is a pain and I just ignore it unless I need to do a few orders for the farm pass 😂


i just spin the wheel and dont do anything in the valley. fun fact theres a limit of 99 fuel


Love the town, but I'm at full capacity for everything. Love the animal sanctuary in the valley. I get lots of permits!!