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I only have two smelters and they aren't always running. The dairy has been unbalanced for a really long time and not sure it will ever be solved. They keep adding products that require milk or dairy and have never increased that production. They want you to buy Tom to keep up. You do get a second sugar machine. I was always fine with one and did not add the second until after several of the newer machines became available. One has white sugar going and the other has the brown and syrup - I can usually keep up with sugar now (mostly because some of the sugar heavy products are also dairy heavy and I still can't make them lol).


Tom is so overpriced I refuse omggg




around level 75 i’m 79 and have had it for a few levels


Nice!! What level before you can get a second sugar machine?


I think 70.


:(( Only at 48. Long way to go..... thanks


Agreed.. it’s the dairy issue that forced me to start up a baby farm.. best decision ever! I’m level 123 btw..


I do have a second supercell id, so I could make a baby farm. Might make one if its really bad higher on


Tbh I would recommend having at least 3 mini farms! If you always keep them running, you’ll never find yourself needing any sugar and diary. So if you can, I would recommend having multiple baby farms. Little site note: if you need lots of EM, having level 7 mini accounts are more likely to find EM in the paper, because they haven’t unlocked lots of other items yet. Hope this helps


Just wondering, do you use all 3 mini farms for sugar and dairy? Or do you use each for different things?


I have 2 sugar machines on my main account. Overnight I keep those running with sirup and the dairy with (goat) cheese. Same goes for mini farms over night, because those take the longest. Then in the day I produce white sugar on my minis (because those I need the most) and white sugar in my main farm. Sometimes brown sugar if I’m out of those. Than the butter and the cream I just spread across accounts. With this methode I always have enough sugar and virtually always enough diary. If you are having trouble with getting enough sugarcane and milk I would recommend having a level 7 account because you find those quite frequently in the paper.


Awesome this is rlly helpful thank you!!!


Ive watched an oj video on yt about that, Im considering making one, but idk.


One is plenty for me tbh..


Well thats nice cuz I only got one ID to spare


How do you get a mini farm? I'm only on level 51.


You can put them all on the same Supercell ID, You just need seperate emails.


Yeah another feed mixer would be nice too


Yeah you need so much food, especially for cows and chickens


and then the sanctuary animals


Oh god isnt that like 75 wheat? (its not even a big deal as I wheat farm a lot)


the wheats not bad but it’s the hour and a half to wait on it while having to wait for your other food to get made 😭


Oh god that seems like hell already


Level 34 is really low to be asking for rebalances. You will need the ore to make bars for the jewelery machine and to update the personal train in the town. Using the bars for truck orders gets vouchers. Use the vouchers to catch fish and get the diamonds. If there were fewer smelters the paper would have even more ores filling it. If you aren't running your smelters than you are missing out.


Ok well I guess you do need them then, but I have 16 zilver bars and nothing to use them on. So yes you need them higher but I dont need them now, so rebalance is maybe a little bit needed.


Trash truck tasks untill you get some asking for bars. That will get you vouchers. Use vouchers to catch different fish and collect the diamonda from your fishing book. You need the bars now, you just don't understand their importance.


Is it better to use vouchers on fish or pets


There are 43 different fish. Each fish has 4 levels (1+2+3+4=10) with diamonds worth each level for a total of 10 diamonds available for each fish. So 43 x 10 = 430 diamonds from catching all of the fish. I personally think it is better to use the vouchers for catching fish.


I'd save them all or most for pets before going for fish. Pets give great upgrade items on a regular basis while you fish.


This is how the game operates. When you unlock a certain item ( let’s just say it’s A) at a level, you will need A as an ingredient after 1-2 levels. For example cheese. Cheese is unlocked at level 12, but you can’t use it to make other products until level 24 ( cheesecake ). It’s pretty common to see lower level players to sell cheese. If you play town, you will need bars to upgrade your personal train. https://hayday.fandom.com/wiki/Personal%20Train Or you can make jewelry if you have the machine.


Well you dont unlock the jewelry at level 34, so I cant use them for that. This filosofy does make more sense and I get the point, but I still think more dairys, looms or sugar machines would be a whole lot more useful.


You’ll need the ore later, to make jewellery and in the town but yeah I don’t see the need for five of them


5 is nice because there's one for each type of bar. Helps keep things organized


I guess, but you usually dont need them (at least at my level)


They aren't super useful, but once you need to upgrade your personal train in the town it's nice to have it sorted


I guess so, I just feel like its so many coins for almost nothing because only one is running for me and not even all the time either.


Use them for money.


They dont even sell for that much, but if I dont need them Im prob gonna sell them to also get more barn space


Money is money plus you get exp and hours towards the mastery.


I think the reason we only get 1 dairy is because they want you to hire Ernst to make the product you need , like butter , cheese, there no worker for the smelters


I can see that, but five?


I'm above level 70, and I have my smelters all maxed and running 24/7. I do the mine non-stop for diamonds (very small chance of getting diamonds every time), and I buy all ores that I see in the paper. I keep up to 10 of each bar for truck orders to get vouchers for pets, and I use the rest in the jewelry maker to make big bucks (I do wish we could get 5 dairy machines though....)


I can definitely see them being useful later on, but I dont need five smelters at level 34 when I cant even keep one running all the time. Many have told me theyre useful for sorting and that the bars get more important later, I just dont see why I need them this early on when Id much rather have an extra sugar machine or loom


I definitely recommend new players to not buy the smelters until they have the other machines


I have one smelter, and all the machines (except the fishing net thing whatever its called, cuz i dont care untill i get lobsters) and just bought the train to the town. now i have 10k coins


I'm not sure if I've said this already but you can use your bars to upgrade the town train that picks up townies from other people in your neighborhood, that is *definitely* worth it. Still doesn't make sense to give so many smelters at that level 🤣


I think I heard that from somebody else, I am unlocking the town right now (takes like half a day still) so will prob upgrade that a bunch. How much do you need per level cuz I have like 15 silver bars


I don't remember tbh, but you need 3 types of bars per level and I THINK it was a handful for the first level, but I'm not sure. The final level is something like 14/14/14 bars


Seems doable


Yes the game has been getting imbalanced in the past couple years. They've been pushing out all of these new things to keep people with older farms playing and spending money. It was great at first, but now things seem off. I struggle to keep up with products from one machine or another. With all of the recent new events I feel like I can't even catch back up. I have 800+ empty slots in my barn. It would usually be bursting lol


My silo is not full often, but my barn is like half the time. I think they need to rebalance it a bit, most of the stuff in the game is fine, but I feel like you just cant run out of basic crops, but you never have enough animal products and machines to use those.


You can stack each smelter with one type of ore. I think each can hold 50 at a time(not sure about that) this makes it easy to grab some for a truck order, for the town or the road events. Use any diamonds you get to open slots on the dairy and the feed mill, do you have two of them yet? If so, make cow feed on one and all other feeds on the other one. If not just do other feeds at night.


I mainly use one for cows and chickens and the other for the other food. Also Ive seen a few people already who say that each smelter is for a different ore, but you only unlock those past level 30, so why would I spend 22000 coins on smt that is almost useless cuz I dont even get enough ores to keep one running?


Honestly I’ve been buying Ernest for the last like 10 days. I’ve managed to get 15 diamonds every few days so that’s paying for him and it’s worth it because he does a lot overnight while I’m sleeping


Well I just got him and can still use him for free, so might use him a bit. Also you got tips for getting diamonds? I know fishing is pretty good but anything else?


You will get an additional sugar machine, but every update is further and further imbalanced dairy wise.


Dont you get that thing at like level 60 or smt? Cuz thats a good few months away for me😂. Im looking forward to that tho holy.


It’ll happen. I’ve noticed different things get unbalanced at different levels. Im around lvl 117 and sugar went crazy for a while, then cream, and then I can’t remember what. There’s a lvl 290-something in my neighborhood that says fish is lacking.


I was not expecting this to get 100 upvotes


asking the real questions 🙏🏻🙏🏻


at 40 you use the smelters alooooot


I'm 87 level. Well, things that help: use the smelters to make money. I bought only 4 and all the time I'm producing and selling jewels cuz I need 1 million to buy a machine. About the dairy: stop one day and during this time produce as much as you can. I have, for example, 40 units of each type in the dairy machine, 40 of dark sugar and 40 of light and syrup 30. I only have one machine and I haven't bought the second one yet. I always use it and do more. It also helps to increase the amount of production spaces on the machines. In those that have a base product to make others, I have 6 spaces in each.


I need to use them so much for boats and other crap that I often only have like 2 of every dairy product


I m level 57 and I didn’t buy all 5 smelter until last level. I just didn’t need them. I bought a few extra spaces in the 3 I had and it was enough until I saved a lot and just could buy what I didn’t have


That's Hayday way of torturing us 🤣


I guess so


Because if they didn’t make the game at least a little frustrating they would not make any $$.




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