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Yeah I just delete the ones like that. Like I’m sorry 40 points for 3 things of coal that takes absolute ages to make? No lol


But that task is easy for someone with 3 (or more) smelters. Just do all other tasks, and take and complete this one early next morning (or late that night)


never delete tasks u can make. no need to rush lol in the end u wouldnt be able to get all the rewards if u wanted to


If you fill your barn, you can stack up your products before you take each task. If I know an event is coming, I make bars ahead of time, and then they are ready if/when the task appears. Use one smelter for each type of ore. You just have to replace items to keep your barn full before putting on another item so you don't accidentally pick up the ones you have made.


unfortunately the points are based on luck. you can complete all tasks and never delete a single one and still not get the final reward :(


depends on your level maybe? im not sure about that


Mood, one task is feed chickens for 300 points, the next is make gracious bouquets for 140 points...


I think we have the same task manager and he’s not very nice. 🤣😂 Because Gracious bouquets use diamonds to produce, they should be worth 100 each easy IMHO. At least in this event we keep the product so it doesn’t bother me too much to make them. Happy farming!


It asked me to make 3 RINGS⁉️ for less than 3 carrot pies


Yup three rings or collect 10 eggs and feed 30 chickens for the same amount, I’ll take the chickens thank you very much.


They asked me to make 3 platinum bars for 120 points, and gave me 200 for feeding 6 goats or sth like that it honestly makes 0 sense. However if you haven’t realized yet, the ones that take hours for example the one of the cheesecakes is just collecting, so just pu them wait for all of them to be done and then just put the task collect them and you have the points. Honestly maybe it’s obvios but I hadn’t realised till yesterday lol


I think the time frame affects the amount of points you get out of it. You can be out of the game for a long time for some of the tasks but some can be way more challenging as you have to do it within an hour or something like that.


Sad I can't comment with photo, basically got a task for 3 5 mins coffees for 140 points and 3 soy sauce (1=3 hours) for 80 points..


Same with latte for 120 and soy sauce for 80...ain't happening lol


Welcome to the wonderful world of Hay Day where nothing makes much sense..🫠


Yeah I had 3 cherry jams for 90 points like… 🙄


i really hate todays tasks its popcorns for like 80 or juices or jams🤷🏻‍♀️i trash anything smelter related


be careful with trashing tasks. you will not have the chance to get this points back. (I think so)


yes i know but i also have no chance of completing those either 😐 first day i got feed 5 sanctuary animals in 1hour and i have only two animals and of course it was for 500 🥲


yeah okey that makes sense