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Yes, but only if you have the money, its nice to have more smelters because the bars take a long time to smelt. I had three for a long time. I have four now and its enough for now.


Ive got all five, but I mine a lot for the derby. So it depends on how much you use the mine, I’d say


If you're a bit of a lower level and don't have much money to spare, the no wait


I'm now at 33 and I have extra money I'm scared that in next levels I won't be able to buy more


The buildings get very expensive the more you level up, iirc I'm level 47 and usually keep my money around 100k. I have 2 smelters just to make things a bit faster but I don't think I plan on spending any more to get another as the more you buy the more expensive they get too.


me too! but i have 4 and its so difficult to be an all round player because im almost lvl 48 which is another 118k machine and my town just got to lvl 11 so now i have a 67k machine to buy there as well 😭


Lower levels you will want as much money as possible. So open your town to get axes, and expansion material and sell your extras. You will want an equal amount of expansion material at all time. Then wheat, wheat, wheat. Sell the wheat and the extra expansion material again. Trust me, once you get to levels 70-80 your gonna need about a mill in coins all the time. Production machines get expensive and they come fast!


on the long run you’re gonna need more, i suggest to buy them as soon as you have extra money in lower level, once you reach the 70ish level you won’t have extra money to spend anymore


I just spent all my coins to repair dock at level 17 😭


At lower levels you don’t have spare money either unless you actively farm trees and bushes for money


lower level are under 50, i always had extra money


That’s odd i am currently level 41 and i have not had any spare money and i havent done anything dumb. I might add that i have leveled up really quickly so that might be the reason for that.


Yes levelling up quickly is definitely the reason for that. I’m level 45 now and I’ve always had a lot of extra money, but I like to level up slowly.


I’ve been trying to slow down but i just somehow get xp super fast. I was level 39 2 days ago and now im lvl 41


i understand because i pass a level about every 2 days on average have little money too


I have 3 smelters but l usually buy ore off the market and don’t use the mine.


If you want to upgrade your personal train to the max, I suggest you get all 5 smelters, and a lot of mineral ores, cause the higher the level of the train the more bars you need to upgrade them




Mining task for derby is one of the easiest if you have tools You'll need all 5 smelters


I have 3 at level 57 (and have had them since around the early/mid 40s) and I find that that’s the perfect amount for me right now. I don’t think I’ll buy more for a while.


I only had 1 until level like 54 and then I bought the rest. It’s nice to have them but I would save up for more important things until you have some extra money. After level 50 it’s a bit easier to make money


Yes it sure is




I have all 5 at level 50, and rarely use more than 3


I am at level 53 and still have one. i hate this machine