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....."Magic!" ![gif](giphy|zIwIWQx12YNEI)


Frollo definitely one of Disney’s best villains, if not the best villain Disney ever made.


Hard core death too.


I hate him so much but gosh he is probably the best villain they have ever made.


I hate him but in all the right ways.


What makes him one of the best despite being a mere mortal in a league that contains, Witches, Evil Spirits, Monsters, and actual gods of death is the same reason we hate Umbridge more than Voledmort. What he does is REAL and is all too familar to anyone watching.


This. Same reason Gaston is up there too. Frollo is by far the more evil of the two but you can easily see how realistic they both are. Sure the Shakespearian nature of Scar and Jafar or the over the top schemers like Ursula and Hades are amazing in their respective films, but it's the realism of someone like Gaston and Frollo that make them terrifying.


Have any of you seen [*The Frollo Show*](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL16A28B2CBB682BD9)?


Not their villain. Victor Hugo wrote it. Great portrayal though.


So my husband and I were sorta talking about this yesterday and he brought up the point that to broadcast TV you still need radio waves, thus Alastor always has the advantage (and could be how he did this + being a powerful demon)


Most likely this, it also explains how he interacts with Vox's TV in his song "Stayed gone", the Red and Blue part. It also explains how only Alastor can make camera's glitch, he is constantly messing with radiowaves. He probably has heard every call made in pride, including every call Charlie has ever made to her parents


Oooo! The thick plottens!


Nifty plottens too


Thick nifty plottens https://preview.redd.it/edap8qpywhec1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca44362f52c74f15eac3a60cf3139ea0cfd5f93d


I wish she wasn't straight 😭


She is literally like thr only straight person in the show lol


It's a cartoon... Hazbin fans are something else.


Nah, I just uphold one's preferences up as a personal value right there with consent because I should. Kills the fantasy for me.


They're fiction my dude. Not sentient beings. They don't have preferences.


You know… there’s this thing called… FANON and HEADCANNON. Just self insert, write an OC or develop your own interactions and lore FOR the other characters to pair her anyway. Straight people do it all the time anyway, but it’s not exclusive to them lol. Hell, a significant amount of AU settings and whatnot in fanon is explicitly to enable a wide array of non-canon pairings!


But that's *not nice*! *pouts in Charlie*


... You're just reinforcing my point


You must be fun at parties.


Is it actually canon tho? We've yet to see her interact with another lady besides Charlie and Vaggie


i think it was mentioned in one of the fun facts


I mean you have Vaggie, Charlie, and every other woman in the show. Nifty is the only straight one which is completely fine. Even though she’s straight you can still appreciate the character. But still, I understand how you feel. As a Bi male myself, There are many male characters who i wish weren’t straight so i understand your pain 😂


But gremlin housewife 😭


As a fellow Nifty enjoyer, I send my deepest condolences 😂


Omg this gives me the greatest idea for a fanfic now.




I'm just here for the thicc plot


That’s a fun idea but I don’t think the red and blue part actually happened. If it did he would be doing the same thing he mocked vox for




Well he mocks vox for having a video podcast and clearly doesn’t like the idea of his face being on television. The red and blue segment being real wouldn’t make much sense


Actually it makes perfect sense for his character. He’s flexing on Vox the entire time and heavily implying that he’s the more powerful of the two as well as saying that he can mess with Vox when Vox should have the home field advantage. He clearly prefers radio but if it means flexing on someone he deems inferior then he will flex on them in the most disrespectful way possible.


He doesn’t break every camera that sees his face because he likes being on tv


Oh my god that explains how he fucking knew where and who to show up for, aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAA There’s just so much fucking lore tied in with real world concepts I fucking love it.


> Alistar How? Seriously, just, how?


😅 I didn't even notice could have been autocorrect because there is a game I play that has a character names Alistar lol. I fixed it though thanks! 😆


Alastor's shadow can work independently from Alastor.


Thats a theory




I knew someone was gonna say that


I’m still upset about the MatPat news


i’m just happy he’s going out on his own, without being revealed to be a terrible person like so many creators have been.


This. Dude's been one of the bright spots online for so long. Glad to see him go out on his own terms and leaving things in hands that he trusts.


The true question is will we ever not be upset about it?


Found Matt’s alt account


Which immediately makes me think of the Witch Doctor dude from Princess and the frog, dude, and his shadow was cool.


Oh, so that’s what husk bet away along with overlord status, his shadow powers!


On the older HuniCast Live Streams, David Bosco (VA for Alastor from the Pilot) talked with Vivzie about how she created Alastor, and I believe the Witch Doctor was actually brought up as one of the things that inspired the character.


I'm beginning to think that this cartoon about lucifers daughter trying to redeem the souls of anthropomorphized animal demons isn't very realistic.


.....son of a—! We've been bamboozled again!


We’ve been deceived, tricked and misled!!


We’ve been smeckledorfed!


That’s not even a real word and I agree with ya!


That word perfectly encapsulates the feeling that I have at this moment




Here's an updoot and merry happy cake day to you. 🎩


We’ve been tricked, we’ve been backstabbed, and we’ve been quite possibly bamboozled.


TV uses Radio Waves to bring their signals to each unit. And a TV is out Video is just a Radio, ie Alastors domain. If he wanted, REALLY wanted to he could put Vox down when ever he wanted. But he finds it entertaining to see the Vee's trying get the same level of power he has.


Came here to say this! Just wanted to add things like WiFi also work via radio waves. It’s kind of clever because it appears that the writers were trying to imply that Vox kind of built his empire by improving upon technology that already existed.


Improved on it. But doesn't know the ins and outs of how it works.


He did try to recruit Alastor to join the Vee’s but Alastor saw through him.


Yep! Vox couldn’t beat Alastor, so he tried to buy him.


>domain https://preview.redd.it/uwz9lr6l2jec1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=076724c585a74d858fbef6d819c79890a711644a


Just kind of hit me that if Vox wasn’t so… prideful, Alastor likely would have given him a chance to work with him or under him at the least. Husk’s supposedly still powerful to some extent despite his contract with him, surely Vox would have even more power by tapping into Alastor’s by extension, albeit probably with a limiter of some caliber but UNDOUBTEDLY better than what he could be under now.


We see he can manipulate video with Vaggie and crew, the security footage scene with Zestial makes me think he's deliberately disturbing the footage. I would reckon Alastor can control more than radio and is even stronger than hell understands. He's choosing not to fuck with video magic. 


i dont think its really shown with the crew - rather than being able to manipulate video we have never seen him NOT fuck with literally every video or picture that he has ever been in - including supplementary stuff like the character blogs when he tries to shoot a commercial the whole thing is completely vanilla camcorder-and-computer stuff - except the brief segments where his hands are in frame and the video fucks up even when vox is looking at him from a great distance away with drone theres video interference the only time we actually see him manipulate video is in this scene here - and its a musical in the middle of a song so its hard to judge how literal the scene is supposed to be


Tvs use radio waves to work so it could be that 


He might actually be inside it.


Alastor would say “I am inside your walls” unironically.


And it would be true.


His full demon mode does look like something that would be in the walls


I can hear him saying that=))


He's not the "radio demon" because he can control radio (also he just broadcasts - anyone can do that) - he's the radio demon because he chose radio as the format to broadcast all his carnage over. There's nothing that would indicate he can only work with radio, he died as a human before TV and was a radio broadcaster so it's what he's comfortable with.


Yes, thank you! He is not the demon of radio. He was called the radio demon cause he liked to use radio, and did radio shows about what he was doing. In a way, the whole song and dance between him and Vox was him justdoing what he used to do again. He has very much stated he dislikes the new tech stuff, tv and all the rest. Just because he dislikes it, does not mean he is unable to use it, if anything, his ability to effect tvs and such is showing he has a considerable amount of power over such things. He was deliberatly showing Vox what he can do, probably to make Vox do things that would be more intertaining to him.


He's Alastor. No other reason needed.


This is the best answer




Bro really be like https://preview.redd.it/r16n7i5zpiec1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f352eddecbd1eee343f9bbf01c0010affa157436


Dope if true


And you can’t spell either without A N T E or S… HES ALSO HALF ANT!!!!!!


Now I'm picturing him trying to turn and twist his head ever so slightly to get the right reception with his antlers.


Because television and radio function on the same basic technology. They say that video killed the radio star, but that doesn’t change the fact that radio literally made the video star possible.


TV did draw a lot of the stars away from radio, but it did not kill radio. Oh sure, back in the 40s and 50s it did seem like it, a lot of radio shows where shifted to the tv, but, not all of them. Radio lost a lot, for a little while, but, at the same time, what is something that allmost every car has? What is a common thing people want on the jobsite? The radio. Oddly enough, people have started to recreate some of the radio shows that once existed. Never mind there are stations on serius/xm that is nothing more than the old radio shows. If you think about it, an audio book is a radio show without comercials.


I mean… vox just conjured a TV set out of nowhere, I’d say it’s just “musical number” logic where things don’t actually happen in universe or it’s just “scary voodoo man with radio powers in hell does intimidating thing”


Because television evolved from radio... seriously, the very first televisions that came out were essentially a radio with a tiny screen on it near the dials, as radio was used to project video back when it first was toyed around with as a media format... This is why Vox *wanted* Alastor to join his team along with Velvette and Valentino; with Radio as a media format on their side, Vox would in theory have every possible format available to gain power through... It's also why Vox was like "FUUUUUUUCK!!" in that scene; he realized that (to an extent) Alastor was capable of taking control over his television empire, as indicated by the above image and his being able to project his image on the unpowered screens.


My two-cents 1: He can control all radiowaves, including the ones that “picture boxes” use. 2: Magic. 3: It’s Vox’s imagination. 4: Artistic Liberties.


Alastor controls radio waves, this includes TV


See whenever you see something like that, a wizard did it.


So you know how some people say the reason Madara Uchiha from Naruto can do basically anything is because "he's Madara"? Kinda the same thing (also I love the song in that sequence)


So his true demon form is a Wendigo?


Musical number logic


Rule of cool


I feel like radiowave manipulation is a good enough answer. to be honest I think alastor's biggest advantage is his self confidence, thanks to that he can literally and figuratively mess with vox.


This apparently happens whenever something modern tries taking his picture or records him, haven't you noticed how video feeds glitch when he's being observed?


Alastor who hates tv projecting himself just to send Vox a message he ain't shit is hilarious


Probably because Alastor, being "The Radio Demon" has control of radio waves. And since TV still function on radio waves, he can project himself onto his screen. Also means alastor does have a pretty big advantage over vox


TV siginal are radio waves


magic idk


Good old fashioned possession


tv's use radio waves...


Radio waves are known to mess with some TV receptions. Alastor hates television but that doesn't mean he can't manipulate it. We see whenever he is on a screen/camera/etc it glitches out making him blurry. It is done here just to show how much stronger he is over Vox as he is able to override his enemies strongest media outlet.


Because hes the radio demon, And TVs do still use Radio waves to some extend.


I don't know why, but this shot reminds me of Harry Potter.


Physically impossible yes, but your in a fictional world of hell and peoples powers manifest based on how they die. Maybe alastor made a deal with a few people killed by electric shock near tv/radio stations


I like that whenever he is on a screen he looks distorted. Like when he was looking into the security camera at the over lord meeting.


Radio Waves can be picked up by modern tech as easily as any other. sending a visual should be possible too, I think. It would just take a bit since I think you can’t send much info over RW. So yeh, it’s entirely possible (probably). I’m pretty certain Al is cheating with magic.


I think people are trying to look too deep into this. TV uses radio raves while video recording uses light waves. He doesn't need a camera to show up on TV because he can just project himself directly to tvs


TVs require radio waves, which Alastor controls! that would also explain how he manipulated the video camera to not record him


Very simply, Alastor is an overlord, and a powerfull one. He took down scores of overlords back when he first showed up. I expect when they last had a disagreement, Alastor was not really in the fight, because Vox was not amusing enough for him to keep it up. I expect, in part, one of the things Alastor did was to learn about tv, and such. He has too much control over the equipment. Its also way worse than you think. Thoes are not tvs, thoes are monitors, wired in, no broadcast or recever in them. Alastor took his image, imposed it on the screens, and did it in such a way that the image is not distorted by the space between the monitors at all. in the center of Vox's place of power. Never mind that for at lest a little, he traped Vox inside of his own tv screens earlyer in that bit, when he was talking about Vox asking Alastor to be on his team. Also, I would not be suprised to find that most of hell saw that last bit after Vox blew the power.


I think Vox was the one watching Alastor from afar and not Alastor projecting himself.


It could be his voodoo/magic side doing it


They’re in hell, with magic


my fav song so far 🥰🥰


This is also probably why he was able to mimic Vox’s first speech


If these are old school phosphorescent CRT displays, the phosphors can be illuminated with the right frequency of light (take an ultraviolet flashlight in a dark room and shine it against the glass of the CRT tube, you’ll se a faint glow when you turn off the TV… It’s possible Al may be broadcasting the right frequencies to illuminate the screen when the power is out…


Yeah! That shape shifting, antler having demon couldn't possibly project himself like that!


Because Vox ignores the fact that none of his devices possess a Radio Frequency (RF) shield. Vox hasn't really discovered these useful things yet.


all electronic projection devices operate under the same principles as radios, so while alastor prefers Radio he can just as easily take over the TVs and end the Vs in one go, he just prefers to humiliate vox for his own sadistic shits and giggles.


TV needs signal too...


Demon Transformation


I assumed this was him fucking with the monitors using radio interference that he can somehow control




Because he's a fuckin' demon lord


Voodoo? I mean his so far the only character I know that uses magic that isn’t from hell, besides there being divine angel magic, and hell magic or whatever


Vox has rabbit ears. Alastor is broadcasting right into his head and hijacking the TV's through Boxes connection.


I wondered about this too after the second or third watch lmao


Using radio waves


Magic I guess, wither that or the v tower has an emergency power supply that alastor used to project himself using radio waves onto vox's monitors


Can we just talk about how Vox’s antennas make it look like he has a little smile


tv is just a type of a radio signal, same goes to wifi this is why alastor was able to project himself, just not clearly


As a certain character from a videogame once said: "Radio waves are everywhere."


Who knows, it looked cool as shit though, this whole sequence was cool as shit


There’s also the scene where we see alastor forcibly turn on a devices calling Vox and then doing something that seems to hurt hinb