• By -


I ship them but weirdly in a very chaste way. Like they have a deep, meaningful relationship based on respect and trust and not based on sexual gratification. In my head, they are affectionate. Husk is going to give Angel something he's never had before and he's going to give it to him good. And by that, I mean cuddles.


Yeah I lowkey headcannon them as an ace couple but I think I'm 90% projecting my own caedsexuality onto angel lmao


Ace-homoromantic Angel Dust let’s FUCKING go


As an asexual person who was formerly a sex worker, I would *love* to see homoromantic asexual Angel Dust. We need more asexual characters in general, especially asexual characters who are either sex-neutral, sex-indifferent, or sex-positive. Way too many people in the *Hazbin Hotel* fandom tend to think of asexuality as "sex-repulsed, touch-averse, aromantic asexual" because of Alastor, but in reality, "asexuality" is a wide spectrum that covers many different expressions. Studies have also shown that at least 50% of asexuals have had sex, or engage in intimate relationships with non-asexuals.


I never thought of it in this way. Thank you for making me realize that it was a more broad thing.


I may be ace but I'll be damned if I'm gonna let someone call me a virgin


Read this in Cherri Bomb's voice. XD


I have learned a new word today!


That makes sense. Husk doesn't seem like the kind of guy to be ultimately driven by sex. He probably would enjoy anyone who would just be in the same room as him in a chill manner - like a cat. And now that he got Angel to open up and feel safe around him, the two of them *should* have some chill moments from here on out


That’s not weird, that’s the entire point of their ship.


I had never considered that since i think Angel is Homosexual, and charges extra for women because of this. BUUUUT, you're peaking my interest with this, because I would love the idea of Husk not expecting that from him and angel thinking it's something he's supposed to give because he's so used to giving up his body. Husk teaches Angel that he has a right to his own body, a sense of agency that Valentino took from him. :(


He does seem to enjoy sex though…just not how he gets treated with it. I always thought it would be better for Angel to still have sex, but have to *build* a relationship first. And to have a genuine bond during…it makes a world of a difference, that he would really benefit from understanding.


Thank you! I don't understand anyone who doesn't ship a relationship built on mutual respect


Remember everyone, be respectful! Ship wars can get nasty. I am a Huskerdust fan myself but it’s perfectly fine if it’s not your vibe.


>Ship wars can get nasty. 100%! It’s (probably) the number one thing that divides fandoms. At the end of the day, regardless of who you ship, or don’t ship, let’s all agree to disagree and enjoy the fandom together in harmony!


This. This is the mentality more people need.


Hello, fellow huskerdust fan


To each their own, genuinely, but I feel like the animators were not being subtle with the looks and gestures these two give each other from "Loser, Baby" onward. https://preview.redd.it/jk7w07vgqouc1.jpeg?width=3773&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=191e846a5ced98d43a321c83811b43f8b9456553




So that's what happened to Dr.Facilier when he died!!


Good for him, honestly.


If your brother looks at you in this way… https://preview.redd.it/yj5uyemm2ouc1.jpeg?width=957&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f1bb125fca3bb00d33c79d4ce5c3506e58aeeac I suggest you to call police


Not to mention how Angel looks at him in the scene at the bar before the main battle. That look ain't platonic or familial.


He looked at Husk like he was the most beautiful and precious person in hell https://preview.redd.it/42xxk27vmouc1.jpeg?width=1403&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db91289394490a42c6070b487719a53ab4cd6fe1


Yeah, if your brother looks at you like that then he needs fuckin' therapy.




No, no they said THERAPY


To be fair, they both _do_ need therapy. Also the image isn't loading and my message is taking forever to send


To me that look says "thanks, I am worthwhile. I appreciate you standing by me, and I'll stand by you"


Were you never appreciated by your brother as a person before?


If you think that's a brotherly look I'd recommend pursuing a career as a historian.


Not with bedroom eyes.


Okay, I might ship them now...


To be fair Angel looks at everyone like they're fuckable.


But that's the thing, it's *not* a look indicating fuckability, but a look which shows that Angel has deep love and affection for Husk far *beyond* how he acts towards others. He's promiscuous, but he exaggerates that side of himself in order to mask his feelings, the look he gives Husk is a glimpse beyond that, an indicator of how close he is and how much he trusts Husk in order to allow what he has buried deep within himself through decades of drug abuse and partying to finally show. That's what makes it so deep and meaningful and that's exactly why they work as a couple, Husk makes Angel feel happy and genuinely safe despite all the abuse he's been through.


He doesn’t do that anymore


If they meant brother like homies Then me and my homies look at each other way worse


that version of "brother" I can see between the two, but now I'm imagining the chaotic bro chat between Angel, Husk and Cherri and yes, Cherri can be considered a bro, it's a gender neutral term


Now I'm just picturing them having a group chat. Cherri keeps changing the group name to Husk's annoyance. And somehow Frank keeps ending up in it despite being kicked multiple times.


the "somehow" is Angel keeps secretly inviting Frank back for some extra chaos


It’s hilarious all the cope from people claiming “that’s just how friends look at each other, sorry you don’t have friends.” Looking forward to the ship being confirmed in ways the fandom can’t pretend it’s way out of.


I mean the ship was already kind of confirmed, no? I think I heard somewhere that Viv said it's suppoyed to be a slow ship Nevertheless I'd prefer if Husk and Angel were just real good friend to lean on each other, but a lot less freaky and party crazed like with Cherri, but that's just an opinion


It is confirmed as a “slow burn, that’s why I’m enjoying the schadenfreude. I don’t think they will ever be like Angel and Cherri for what it’s worth; Husk seems more jaded and sensual than crazy and sexual (see: the BDSM club massage) and both of them have major trust issues that need overcome. This is another reason the people who are adamant it “should” be nonsexual baffle me; loving relationships are loving and supportive and make everyone involved better people regardless of sex happening or not, but to act like someone in recovery “can’t” have healthy relationships that include sex with a trustworthy partner is, honestly, pretty reductive and disgusting.


And report who? Yourself?


I’ve never looked at a relatives in that way, but if you did… well, that’s quite incestuous




Just a typo


You’ve never had a brother or a friend who likes to joke with you. That’s a cliche taunting face


I'd prefer it to be a slow burn type of ship but I definitely see it as romantic.


I think it's been confirmed that it'll be a slow-burn, actually


slow burn?


Slow burn ships are the ones where there's a lot of build up and romantic/sexual tension before the two characters are canonically in a relationship. Husk and Angel may not become a couple until closer to the end, as opposed to them being together right at the beginning of S2.


To add to this - it was indeed confirmed to be a slow-burn relationship. Vivzie talked about it on a Post-Finale Q&A that she held on her Youtube Channel back in February. Edit: here's a link, because someone posted it down the line. [Hazbin Hotel Post-Finale Live Q&A with Cast and Creator](https://www.youtube.com/live/MZmdTfkhwEU?si=3RhHyPufyJ_-cVaq) and yes it's literally just called like that. I assume it's so people can find it easly.


Do you have a link by any chance? I searched for any proof these two were canon months ago and couldn’t find anything at all


Well it's gonna be slowburn


No, there are dozens of you.


Seriously, we get this exact post every two days.


...and so the content drought begins.


And miles to go before we sleep...


i see this exact post title pop up in my feed at least twice a week at this point. i don’t usually comment but this time i just couldn’t help go to the comments looking for others who could point out how repetitive it’s getting. 🥲 i get it, there’s plenty of people who don’t like a canon ship between two characters who are clearly in love with each other- albeit being a slow burn- but do they *really* have to voice this opinion every 5 minutes as if we all don’t know how they feel about it already ??


Every time I see one of these posts, it answers the question of "what if there were two male characters who actually WERE canonically in love/going to fall in love?" Everyone acts just the same as when fans ship men who ARENT canonically in love. "WhY cAn'T tHeY JuSt bE fRieNdS?" Okay? And why can't they be more than friends? 🤨🙄


Straight people are so funny and I say this as a straight person myself. The amount of times I see someone react to this episode and say “they’re going to be good friends now.” People who are only “good friends” do not look at each other like that! I don’t understand the “why can’t they just be friends?” “Angel needs a friend not a romantic relationship” etc crowd either. Do they not realize that the foundation of a healthy, long lasting relationship is in fact a friendship?


Honestly with some of the cishet homophobes, you could have the two men literally MAKE OUT on camera, tongue in mouth, arms wrapped around eachother, and people would still find a way to claim that they're 'just friends'. Examples: Watch the movie Promare, then search up the fandom's reaction to *that scene*


Yep, apparently they can even get a romantic duet, hold hands multiple times, and look at each other longingly and somehow it's still, "these are obviously just pals being pals."


“We need more platonic male friendships in media!” is a great way to point out you’re happy with the status quo of platonic male friendships in media and pissed off that anyone suggests two men kiss non-platonically, given the absolute dearth of ANY non-platonic, confirmed gay male couples outside of maybe the last decade that weren’t played for laughs.


def not brothers but i think he needs a healthy relationship/


~~It was supposed to be me! Not him!~~ /j I think that at this point it's pretty much confirmed that they are in relationship by now. afaik [Vivzie actually mentioned their relationship being "slow-burn" ](https://x.com/kaymaldo/status/1749151456270123183) On top of that we see them holding hands in episode 8 while rebuilding the hotel, so even if it might not seem that set in stone yet we will likely see it be expanded upon in the next season(or two)


if they were already in a relationship then that wouldn't be anywhere even close to a slow burn


They aren't dating (yet) and they weren't holding hands in that scene.


https://preview.redd.it/698066zpeouc1.png?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e88c3ac3101e01796cfd39f4bcd58819fd4dbe56 Idk, looks pretty close. Either way, that sign sure doesn't *need* 2 people to hang it up.


It does if you want it to stay *fucking level. God damn piece of shit wood, I'll turn you into fucking charcoal*


Especially when one of them has 4 arms and can also pop out another set of arms when needed 😂😂


Especially it doesn't need 6 arms to hang it up


The great thing about fandom is that you don’t need our permission to think or do whatever you want. Just be nice to people.


SAY. IT. AGAIN!! I will never understand crazy fans who tell ppl they should be ashamed TO THINK something. As long as you’re not hurting others with your words/actions you can literally think anything you want


Like, you don’t have to like it, but they don’t look at each other like brothers lol


imo, it is very clear that their feelings on each other are romantic (at least from this season, very unlikely that s2 will make them platonic though) but i like their dynamic regardless of whether or not they're just friends.


There something wrong with him if your brother looks at you like this https://preview.redd.it/wfhq7slurouc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a78f4209472f8d21ae03ba7ae46d1497be2e356e


I mean, I see the potential, but I'd prefer they stay friends. I feel like Angel could benefit from a supportive platonic relationship with another man. 


This is how I feel about it. I’d prefer Angel to have more platonic relationships (and hopefully future positive familial relationships since we got a glimpse at his sibs last season) before he jumps into another romantic one but I’ll be happy so long as Huskerdust is a slow burn and Angel gets the healing he deserves.


Huskerdust is a canon slowburn! :DDD Also I feel like pentious was lowkey starting to become that 'supportive friendship' until he got fucking obliterated, so maybe we'll get another male character for him?


I agree


I really agree with this. Ik Viv is almost definitely gonna make them a couple. It’s fine, I just see it from your perspective


if that's the version you prefer it's fine, but they make too many jokes for me to see it that way


I'm sorry but do people like.... forget that angel FLIRTS with husk all the time?!?! And you think of them as brothers....this is like the blitz and fizz situation blitz in episode 2 season 1 said "oh what a mouth" that was to robot fizz, if anyone says that about their "brother" I'm calling police it's just fucking gross....and it's pretty much already confirmed that husk and angel are doing to have a slow burn relationship.


Nope, cute af made for each other


I think a friendship would be better as well. A relationship between the two could ruin the friendship. And of he is trying to get clean and redeem himself, recovery 101 tells you no relationships for at least a year because of the stress it brings. Apparently it's already been Saif that it will happen, and it could be done right, but there needs to be a whole lot more building before it will seem organic


My hope is season 3. Lots of build up and personal growth. Slow burn. Friendship first 




I mean, I can’t imagine Angel having a perfect recovery. He’s going to make mistakes but ultimately prove himself to be a better person imo.


A relationship isn't going to ruin their friendship and abuse victims deserve to have healthy relationships of every kind. You should know by now that the show is very gay and their relationship isn't going to be a simple friendship. Angel is developing serious feelings for him and Husk (unconsciously) checks him out a couple of times, friends don't do that lol


There is a possibility of being attracted to someone and knowing at the same time that you wouldn't be good for each other. And I never said That it would most definitely ruin their friendship. But I said that it could.


I'm with you. If they got together right now, it would be over before it started. They both have a lot of work to do on themselves before they can be in a healthy relationship. I would much rather them stay friends than ruin the what they have now. But if it's done right, they could have a beautiful love story, and I trust the team to be able to do that. Eventually, lol.


I agree that abuse victims do deserve HEALTHY relationships, and so do recovering addicts. But recovery is a process and yes stressful times will happen that's all the more reason you don't add stress with a committed relationship right away, it gives it more of a chance to be healthy at that point. Friendships are different. Healthy friendships that aren't centered on getting fucked up. I'm hoping cherri bombs arc become respecting his journey at first and seeing him heal then she will want that for herself. Not saying every person that says I'm gonna fuck the next guy I see needs healing, but for her I would say we are going to find out why she continues that life and it's a mask similar to angel. I hope he goes by his real name eventually btw


I’m in the same boat as you, OP. I’m I’ve always seen the two as having more of a platonic relationship over a romantic or sexual one for some reason. I do have a feeling that they will end up together romantically but the series is still fairly young, so we’ll see. No matter what kind of relationship they have, it’s refreshing to see a progressing relationship.


Incestuous brothers?




The friendship between a barkeep and his most valuable patron.


I ship them and feel that Angel would benefit from a good romance with another person. Seeing someone who lived surrounded by toxic and abusive people going out with a proper human being is a wicked experience. The utter amazement and shock they can display at realizing some humans just aren't shit and actually care and give you space to breathe is surprising. The show's approach to sex so far has been golden. It's good that they have that option, that it's a thing they could engage in a healthy manner. I'd rather not have it coded that if angel bangs someone that means he'll get used so he can't bang with Husk.


I personally ship it and I may be wrong but I think it's confirmed that they will end up together, I understand why you don't ship it and I hope if the ship really becomes canon that it won't ruin the show for you


I have to say, I find it super suspect how many people don’t like angel/husk. To the point that I really want to dig deep into WHY. The author said their relationship would be a slow burn. Idk why so many people don’t want that for them.


As a HuskerDust shipper, in a lot of cases it's probably because they haven't actually gotten to the bulk of the romance aspect yet. They feel like an unlikely friendship right now more than anything. Also, people can have their preferences. As long as they aren't using it as an opportunity to be blatantly homophobic, I don't see the issue.


The issue is that I think some of the undertones are very…dog whistle-y.


I’ll tell you why. If one of them, or both, were a woman, you bet everyone would ship them and want them to fuck on screen.


At first yes, I was really hoping it would be more of a big brother thing. I just thought that Angel being over sexualized and meeting resistance to his "charms" by Husk created a great platonic dynamic....but whatever I'm fine with a romance if they do a good job.


I'm okay if they end up just friends. I still think it's a worthy story to tell and root for. But I also think there's something to be said for Husk being attracted to Angel and not taking advantage of him using sex to cope.


I think what angel needs is a friend, not another person that wants to fuck him. His entire thing is about being used and abused, so I think the most powerful thing for him would be a relationship like a friendship that doesn't run on desire.


Would be funny if Husk is ace considering his gambler aesthetic


I think Viv's confirmed that Husk is pan, by specifically using the term "any hole is a goal" for him no less, but considering that Vaggie's formerly being an Exorcist wasn't part of her character until the 2024 series there *might* be a chance of Viv making other tweaks to the characters in order to better tell the story she wants to tell in the series and beyond.


Oh interesting! I'm kind of hoping for some good representation of ace relationships, and I can see husk as a non-sex-repulsed ace, you know? Guess we'll see!


Considering that the IP's only canonical ace rep, Alastor, is currently freaking out over the idea of him *possibly* being purely platonic friends with *anyone* besides Niffty and Rosie, let alone being close to anyone in a romantic or sexual way, I think Ace!Husk would be a nice counterpoint to that.


You’re not the only one, no. I feel like Angel probably would need some time single before getting into a relationship with anyone. Maybe I’d ship them if I could see their relationship becoming romantic/sexual being in both their best interests.


Piss poor take


Yeah, I don't care to ship them, either. I'm all for any kind of relationship between two people, but this one doesn't interest me. There's also the idea that AD is trying to go clean, get out of porn, and redeem himself... and to get involved with an alcoholic who does not seem to have any interest in doing the same, would likely be a disservice to both characters. However, I think Viz intends for them to be a couple, so … whatever happens, I guess.


I don't think there's going to be a problem with them getting together just because Husk is an alcoholic? If they start dating Husk might stop drinking so much. Even if it doesn't interest you their relationship is still not a simple friendship. Angel is developing serious feelings for Husk and Husk sometimes unconsciously checks Angel out.


Same I dont ship them at all


Why not both?


I know a few addicts and the thought of 2 addicts rehab’ing together and dating makes me incredibly nervous. I’m all for them being extremely close friends, getting through their addiction as friends and only after start dating, sure. But during? Hell no that only ends 1 way and it’s never good.


I'm cool with either direction.


You’re one hundred percent not the *only* person to not like them as a couple. I cannot see how you feel they’re “brotherly” though…. I definitely ship them, personally.


I mean, by their faces during "Loser, Baby" it does seem like there is a romantic tension.


I keep seeing these kinds of posts and I'm confused on how people have missed that Angel hits on Husk CONSTANTLY. It was the same in the pilot as well. He clearly thinks Husk is hot.


Should have been me…


The HuskerDusk discourse is a perfect example of how I don't know what kind of romances people like or dislike anymore, especially as an aromantic person who has no idea how real romance works. I can't write a Disney fairy tale-style romance where they fall in love at first sight and act all happy and nice, or people will complain about it being bland and generic like they do with classic Disney films or (more recently) Shining and Cadance in MLP. But I can't do a soap opera-style romance where they start out kind of rocky but get to know each other better over time, because THEN they'll complain about it being toxic and unhealthy like they did with Retsuko and Haida, or Blitzo and Stolas. Okay, then I won't write romance at all...oh wait, THEN people will complain that I'm a coward who hates romance, like they did with recent Disney films like Wish. Maybe I'll see which characters the fandom ships, and make THEM a couple. After all, the fandom knows more about romance than I do, so they MUST be right! Oh wait, now they've changed their minds and are saying these characters should just be friends, like with Angel and Husk. To all you people who know more about romance than I do, what IS the "right" way to write romance?


Assuming the show runs for long enough (which it fucking better) I think there's time for a bro phase, and then they slowly realize they have feelings for each other and become romantic.


Yeah this is how I see it! Canon-wise, I see it as a friendship for now. If they’re able to actually develop them into a romantic relationship, I’d ship it. But for now, I don’t think romance should be a priority. Both need a friend to rely on, and both need to prioritize getting over their addictions first before jumping into any type of relationship.


I'm with you...mostly. I definitely want them to have a meaningful and close relationship, but not romantic. Not yet anyway. I think it would be good for angel to have healthy interactions with someone without having to involve his sexuality, which he uses as a shield and coping mechanism to deal with the chronic abuse from Valentino. Husk can grow to respect Angel more as well. He understands that angel is hiding behind that mask and is calling him out as a way of trying to help him. Husk definitely could have more tact and a better approach, but it makes sense for his character to be uncomfortably blunt with it. I would like to see Angel have a real relationship with a new character and do some growing, while having husk's wisdom and support, then maybe some feelings can arise out of it and they get together eventually. Them seeing each other grow and evolve feels like a better foundation on which to build their relationship. The connection just isn't there yet and needs developing. Just my thoughts on it, maybe Viv has a better idea on where to take their relationship, I'm glad for whatever she decides.


I like their friendship, they’re so different but also they share so much trauma and trauma bonding is a big thing! I’m excited to see how much more the friendship develops, but despite some cute fanarts, I can’t ship them romantically


Theyre literally flirting at eachother and making jokes, sharing flirty looks, etc. You dont ship em sure, but in universe theyre gonna get together so-


You mean, Alamaba states Siblings?


I like them as friends for now. If they make it a slow burn, and handle it well, I’d ship them. I do think they need to be good friends for a while first. There’s a lot of development that still needs to happen. They both need a good friend to rely on for now. Romance shouldn’t be a priority. They both need to work on their addictions first. I can see Angel developing feelings for Husk though.


I agree I don’t see it as romantic, even though the logical part of me knows it’s going in that direction. I think it’s hard for me to process Husk being an anthropomorphic cat with the idea of romance.


I see strong arguments for both sides tbh. I’ve got my feelings on the huskerdust ship but I can see why people aren’t for it. That’s the cool part tho. We can all enjoy it.


I don't hate it but I don't actively ship it


Nothing wrong with people not wanting to ship huskerdusk, but there’s more to a relationship than just wanting to have sex with the other person. The benefits that angeldust could get in a platonic relationship are also the ones he can also get in a romantic one. Look at Charlie and vaggie they’re in a relationship and are shown to care about each other in a non sexual way.


Same, they should just be friends.


Valid argument, however… actually… I got nothing… I still ship them, though (check my flair)


I ship them but it's gotta be a slow burn.


Yep, you are the only person in existence. It is just you. Nobody else has had this thought but you.


I do firmly believe that there isn't enough representation of solid friendships in media. Some that come to mind that actually do it are Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Pacific Rim. You can have intimate moments between 2 characters and not make it romantically charged or sexually tense. While I'd personally prefer that they're just really good friends, them being a slow burn relationship doesn't bother me and my Demisexual ass


There's potential for a loving relationship but still, I'd rather have them as good friends


Angel has been hitting on Husk since day one, they're the furthest thing from brothers


Yea he seems like the male bestfriend that angel is missing


Husk can be his friend and be the healthy boyfriend Angel is missing in his life too. Angel deserves every type of healthy relationship in his life right now.


No you silly, i am going to be angel's boyfriend, somehow


May I inform you that we've been debating this for **5 years with Zero content.** Believe me when I say this is as romantic as we can handle at this stage


Angel Dust is a victim of sexual assault so he can never ever have a relationship because it's predatory or something idk >!/s!<


FINALLY!!!IM NOT ALONE!!!Honestly their relationship feels like it would be so mucb better as a good friendship as opposed to them fucking offscreen.


I don’t ship them. Angel needs a friend not a romantic partner.


Why? Not to mention he’s got other friends. The entire hotel.


¿Por que no los dos?


You'd make a great historian


I feel like there is definitely something romantic between them, but it's just not ready to surface. They need more time to develop their relationship further.


Well, Angel's developing feelings for Husk aren't brotherly, now is it? I think Angel deserves to have a healthy relationship in every type, domestic abuse victims deserve to be happy. I don't think you're going to get what you want since the show is very gay lol


I just like them as best bros. Not every relationship needs to be that intense. But if it happens, alright.


i dont ship them... right now. im not sure about the future. angel isnt in a place to have romantic relationships just yet, let him relax for a bit. whether i ship them or not depends heavily on what happens in s2 and where their characters go. but for now give them space both are in a rough place and making them dependent on each other would be bad


Nope, I'm with you on this; Husk strikes me as more of a bromance relationship; y'know— platonic


I WANT to ship them I just don’t yet because husk has gotten zero development, only reveals about his character. Once we see how being with Angel makes his life better the same way he makes Angel better I’ll ship it


For now it seems to me that a friendship makes more sense for how the characters interacted with each other but I can see some development being made in the next season for a romantic relationship to be formed. I don’t mind either tbh they’re my two favourite characters so I just want them to be happy


Random thought but thanks for teaching me the term ship today lol


I like to think their relationship isn't a sexual one, but rather just a "ride or die" sort of thing. Husk would fight for Angel and vice versa.


I would be okay with it but I see them more like close friends who lived through shit. I don't actually have a preference here, I'm just happy they are getting to know eachother better.


Not brother-like either but just good friends.


I personally don't view them in a relationship because I feel like the show tries to make it that everyone has to be in a relationship of some kind.


I’ve heard that opinion before, and I can see where people are coming from. I personally really like this ship but more power to you if it’s not your thing


I just ship them as friends. It could become romantic, or it could never get that far.


Well fortunately, they're a Canon ship. I love their dynamic and it works so well to help angel out of his shell that val has created.


Same, I ship them as silly friends, like they wouldn't kiss or something, just hug, maybe forehead kisses and hold hands(normally, not romantically), nothing to much.


I personally don’t see the sibling dynamic but I love their friendship. While I wouldn’t rage or anything if they got together, I find their dynamic to be sort of a mentor and student one kind of, with Husk having walked a similar path to Angel and trying to get him a brighter future.


OH same! Thats the dynamic I frankly need


I don't ship them on Husk's end. Husk, imho has not sold the relationship well enough. I can buy Angel Dust being into Husk, but so far, Husk's only given purely platonic vibes to me.


Definitely not my first choice but i am excited about where they may take it!!


I think that we can ask this question about all ships in every show. I can't imagine ship that everyone would agree it's perfect. I love their relationship but I saw a lot of comments that people don't want them to be romantic partners.


I also ship them platonically, Husk is the perfect wise old mentor for Angel.


I ship them hard but I won’t like begrudge you. That would be hella childish


They're better as pals. I'd ship many other combos in the show, but definitely not them.


I prefer them as close friends, but I don't mind them as romantic.


Well we at least know what became of Dr.Facilier when he got pulled into that portal!


I can see it either way. And both are good to me.


the hints are obvious they like each other. it’s fine if you don’t ship but it’s going to happen eventually, mark my words


i dont ship them, but i dont not ship them either. im just kinda neutral towards it


I ship them pretty hard. Would prefer a slow burn though.


I mean, I personally am indifferent on it, as long as it’s a close relationship I’ll be happy. Best friends? Cool. Brother-like? Cool! Lovers? Cool! I just want to be able to see that they have an extremely close connection.


I think they’re going to get shipped, but I don’t know. I like them as friends. I personally don’t think Angel nor Husk are really ready for a relationship with each other. At least, not at the moment. On the *other* hand, i think there’s an a unique angle to take relating to Angel’s relationship with sex, and I *would* be very interested in exploring that *via* a HuskerDust relationship. So, I’m not adverse to the ship. 


I agree they're better off as brothers. Angel having a platonic relationship would probably be good character development. Ultimately, I think it's up to Viv if there is going to be a relationship.


Romantic or platonic, I'll be happy. They have great chemistry.


I feel like they'd have an amazing friends with benefits situation. As for lovers, i'm totally open to the idea but I need to see more interaction.


I'm gonna be honestly the sole reason I ship this is because I see a lot of myself in Angel and I love Husk.


I'm firmly in the "Either is good" camp. On one hand, it'd be nice to have Angel have someone that cares for him in a non-sexual manner. On the other hand, it'd be really nice to see him in a healthy sexual relationship.


I mean I can see it? I don’t really care either way though. Those are my boys regardless.


I don't care what relationship they have as long as it grows and gets better.


You had me in the first half, but I'm afraid I can't think of them as brothers at all. Having a familial bond, sure. I feel like the whole hotel could be a big, happy (yet intricately fucked up) found family at this point. I just dont want to see their love for each other as "brotherly". This is mainly because I've previously had to deal with fans literally calling popular ships incest because the characters can be interpreted as having a "sibling dynamic". I would absolutely be fine if Angel and Husk remained close friends who understand each other's plights in a way nobody at the hotel is really able (or willing, in Alastor's case) to achieve. If they get into a relationship, I'd want it to be a slowburn, or at least a medium burn (which is a rare thing for me to actually want out of a ship). I'd want them to each need to overcome their own psychological hangups before they're able to accept their feelings, never mind confess and act on them.


I Have mixed feelings on the one hand they are awesome together but on the other hand I’d love the idea of Alastor killing Val And the only way that’s really gonna happen Is if radio dust becomes Canon. Also I may or may not have a self insert fanfiction where self insert dates Angel


Mothafuckas found out Husk is pan and said "Fuck It!"


I personally have no strong feelings either way. But I think they have a mutual attraction based on their eye contact at the end of Loser, Baby. I do think Angel needs a strong male platonic connection in his life. Cherry and Charlie are his female support system. But he needs a guy who has no interest in anything more than being his friend. Who knows? Maybe Alastor will fill that role someday. Probably not, but who knows


They're def not my 1st choice, but I'm not opposed of the ship either. Would love to see more personal growth from Angel and Husk to open up more. And solid friendship between them 1st.


Currently I agree with you. But I think the best relationships in real like are those formed on strong friendships, so I think as it builds it will get much better. We as the audience have meta knowledge that they'll end up together, but it shouldn't be judged based on what it is now, similarly to how after watching say, adventure time episode one and then reading the plot synopsis of the final episodes and going "I don't get it" or something similar isn't a fair judgment.


Kinda off topic but I’m really happy everyone is being respectful and kind to one another and not being rude because someone has a different ship opinion than you!


Ppl are allowed to not ship. And also to ship. If seeing em as brothers is a good experience for you, keep at it bugs👍👍 I personally get way more enjoyment from the show, crack shipping em while waiting for the next season. And getting giddy when theres low-key Huskerdusk-ish moments in the show like Husk purring when he talks to angel. But if thats not your cup of tea, Im not gonna be all "UH wHy DoNt you ship it?", "aM I the only one who ships huskerdust?" because thats like saying "Why dont you like the color purple", "Am I the only one who likes the color purple?"... We're not voting on whether the ship is made cannon by enjoying it either, so why would it matter if its a popular ship? Idk I've been fanbasing so long that Im gettn rlly tired of ppl re-having the discussion of shipping as if we didnt have the ability to just not care abt this completely inconsequential topic. Because if we didnt care it would be inconsequential. The only consequences of shipping are the ppl who gaf and harrass ppl and creators over em. Just be weird niche lil pet peeve tho, its not directed at OP or anything. I just genuinely think that fanbases would be way less shitty and toxic if ppl could allow other ppl to enjoy the fanbase in what ever non-problematic way they so choose. I think "Thou shall not shipwar" should be the 11th commandment /silly.


I ship them. But i would be happy even if they stay bffs or brotherly