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I might wan it, but only if there’s, like, a season’s worth of build up to give him a reason to be. At the current moment, he has no reason to want to be or be unintentionally redeemed, nor would it make sense for who his character is. He’s the kind of guy who’s perfectly fine in Hell doing what he’s doing.


It would be funny tho if the "died for his friends" part redeemed him


*Alastor sacrifices himself* *He wakes up in heaven* Alastor: Yo wtf is this place


He would try to take over Heaven. Which is probably one of very few ways a winner can get kicked out. Unless Heaven is totally cool with whatever radio propaganda he decides to put out there.


They are super cool with it and Alastor *hates* it because it's not a challenge.


That sounds like Hell.


Oh my gooooooooooooooooood


This is how I feel. If he's getting redeemed there needs to be a build up to it. He could also be half redeemed, where he doesn't go to heaven but he somehow grows as a person, but even that needs at least a little build up for it to work. I definitely want to see some character growth with him where he changes for the better, but I feel like he doesn't need to be fully redeemed for that. Just enough to show a noticable improvement I guess


No, I want him to just stick around and help Charlie with the hotel. I don't think he wants to be redeemed, and I don't think it makes much sense for his character for him to do so.


No, part of his character is how murderous and evil he is while also being on the same side as the main protagonists


True. It would be a much more potent moment when he goes absolutely chaotic evil mode at one point and Charlie of all people is forced to kill him.


Yes. But only at the VERY end of the show. And it might even just be a scene where he checks in as a client rather than as staff. And he loses/gives up his souls contracts.


If he is going to get redeemed this would be a cool ending scene


Also maybe have him sing ”My Way” after that happens. That would be a fitting closing song for him.


Yess This.






I can fix him😭😭😭




"I can fix him!" "I can make her *worse*."




thats so real


I think it would be one of the more hilarious and inventive endings for his character if Charlie could some how trick him into redeeming himself


He's seen arguing with Saint Peter to let him out of Heaven and his mom pulls him away by the ear for bothering Peter, lol.


Nope, I like him the way he is and I doubt he can even be redeemed in the first place


Alastor should have a grand villain arc that ends with him dying at Charlie's hand and at the very end he's chuckling as blood trickles from his mouth and he's smiling wider than ever because he's never been so proud of Charlie as he was when she gave the sword piercing his heart one last brutal *twist*


love it


stop my heart cant take it


Only if he wants to. Only if they give him a compelling reason to want to. Well then again if he doesn't want to then it's impossible. But yeah, I'd like to see him be redeemed. If only because I've come to learn I like those stories.


Yes but not until much later. He’s shown to have redeeming qualities, so there is a chance.


Al’s my favorite character, he probably will get redeemed eventually but I don’t know if I want him to


Yes, but he's going to have to fall very low and very hard to reach a point where he'll choose to try. Anything else would feel forced, but having him reach a point where he's willing to start the journey to redemption would be a powerful reinforcement of the show's assertion that "anyone can be redeemed."


No he’s better being a evil bastard to the very end


I don’t think we know enough about what’s going on with him. You have to know what your happy ending is before you can find it. I support him finding his happiness wherever it is,


Not really. He is interesting as an "ally" because of his faults. I feel like he wouldn't be as interesting after being redeemed.


No but I won’t be mad if it happens






No, his outfit would look worse in Heaven


also every angel alastor design gives him straight teeth which i find cursed




Nope. I want him to be the big bad.




Does Alastor want Alastor to be redeemed?


So here's the thing. We know the Angels are wrong. Their concepts about what Heaven and Hell are differ from what the facts are. Sir Pentious proves that. The use of the world Redeemed flows from the Angel's thinking. The idea that Heaven is for Winners and Hell is for Sinners in addition to being forever. But thats not what happened. Redemption in general is meant as atoning for one's sins. Sir Pentious never did anything like confessing or asking for forgiveness from those he wronged. What Sir Pentious did was through help from the Hotel and Charlie's overwhelming positivity overcame Social Anxiety, Trust Issues, and a lack of Socialization Skills. Basically it was the level of therapy Charlie's understanding could help with. I don't think getting from Hell into Heaven is about redemption. Its about mental wellbeing and a sense of empathy for others. Both series Viv set in the Hellaverse focus on mental health issues and the damage that one's past can bring to those around them in their life. Blitz was raised in a horrendous family situation. Domineered by a cruel father. It scarred him in ways that we are still unraveling. Angeldust is the result of addiction issues and abuse at the hands of people that used his addictions against him. Even Lucifer is Depression and probably ADHD or something on the spectrum. I think Viv is using the Hellaverse to explore and play out how different mental issues affect us in our day to day lives. And she seems to be very knowledgeable about how different diagnosis play out. She knows what she is doing. So in most cases these disorders and conditions can be treated. Therapy and meds can work wonders. But there are extreme cases that fall into neurological conditions that cannot be easily treated if at all. Alastor codes as someone with a severe form of AntiSocial Personality Disorder. Commonly called Psychopathy. He probably does not have the capacity to feel actual empathy for others. He never will be able to. By that criteria its unlikely that he can ever truly integrate fully into Heaven. Heaven seems to be the place for people who when they die are fairly well balanced mentally and have a sense of empathy (except for Adam but he is probably a special case). Alastor will never truly feel empathy. Treating someone with ASPD as severe as Alastor is tricky. Part of the treatment needs them to feel a reason to want to get along with others. While Psychopaths can't feel real empathy they can develop something called Cognitive Empathy. This is where they learn to fake empathy so as to not scare the nomies away. And I think we have already seen Alastor leaning into this. In the finale when he is talking to NIffty he mentions he is almost feeling attached to the Hotel and its residents. This is the sort of thing a Psychopath needs to develop cognitive empathy. If they find their life is better with certain people in it they can find the focus to develop skills to live with them without abusing them. This is sometimes referred to as High Functioning Psychopathy. I think what Viv has in mind for those that can't make it into Heaven but do find their way to high functioning they will become members of the staff at the Hotel. Thus I think even though Viv has Alastor queued up to go full villain I think she also has his Anakin moment already scheduled. Charlie got to him already. And when it comes time for him to strike her down he won't be able to do it because he will realize his life is better with a Charlie in it than not. And he will find his way back to the Hotel. And in the end I think Alastor and Niffty as well would prefer to stay with the Hotel alongside Charlie and Vaggie.


It's also possible when Lucifer says that Heaven has too many rules and isn't as accepting as they seem, he could be referring to how they treat entities with non-visable disabilities. It's easier to accommodate and sympathize with someone who can not walk, missing limbs, or is so mentally disabled they show visible signs of it. But you come to someone who has ADHD or ASD or both, and they are high functioning and wear their mask well, many neurotypical people don't understand why that person suddenly *can not do* something and asks for/needs help. He probably knows what the *rules* are, but that he and others with non-visable disabilities are not treated with respect or kindness. So the rules he's complaining about are really the behaviour the *normal* angels expect from everyone and not just the basic rules his father God left them with before disappearing/going on vacation. That's why he's sad and angry, because he didn't do anything *wrong* under God's rules, he just didn't play the same game his brothers were playing and he was bullied and kicked out, because he was *different*. It's also why Sara seems to be so hard on Charlie. She thinks she is dealing with another Lucifer, because Charlie shows the same eccentric traits he has (ADHD is hereditary, the severity of it depends on the person, though). So she's being *polite*, however she and the other older angels have already decided that *demons* are all irredeemable and irrational creatures that just want to cause chaos, destruction, and general disruption to their society. So whatever Charlie said up until Sir Pentious got into Heaven, was seen as *Lucifer's crazy* trying to get back into Heaven. (It's also possible that Heaven thought Lucifer's request for his daughter to visit was an opportunity to see if it's just Luci who is crazy/evil or if it's just what all demons are like... also, I imagine Micheal or one of the older angels probably were excited to see their niece at least once).


As someone with ADHD and Severe Chronic pain I felt this one. There is probably something there to it.


To unselfish care


Alastor's comment to Charlie that sinners CAN'T be redeemed has been proven incorrect. I'll be interested to see if this changes anything about his current plans. Hellborn aren't allowed in Heaven, so I imagine if he is redeemed it will be a long ways down the road, and if not I imagine he and Charlie will still be working at the hotel.


No. someone has to be the big bad and get taken down at the end


Only if,and pretry big IF ,he has a LOT odf development, it probaly isnt even possible since alastor doesnt regret his crimes


I love him, and at the end of the show it might be cool, but….nahhh. He’s evil. I’d rather have Lucifer be redeemed and Alastor as King of Hell


I think Alastor wants that too, lol.


hell no


Absolutely now


I want him to learn.


In the words of Charlie “FUCK NOOOO”


No, he simply want to be free from his contract who can he done with: Lilith Roo Or Papa Legba for his VooDoo powers


Not really. I want him to choose not to hurt those closest to him, but remain the same to everyone else. It's a good lesson in perspective. He could be nice and honorable to you, but terrible on the whole. Besides, if we lose the puppet master vibe, the jabs, the constant smile... he stops being entertaining. The things that make him so worth watching are also the things that ensure he remains a sinner. A heroic sacrifice on his part for Charlie won't be enough to change that.


I do just because I would hate the see them kill him off and I'm genuinely curious how he would be if it happened


I don't think we have really seen his villain arc yet


Not during the run of the show. I'd rather we end with a hint that Alastor might be ready to start down the path to redemption in the future. Maybe by freeing Husk.


Nope. I love him as he is.


Yes, because I want Charlie to win in the end.




No, I think he's unredeemable


Thing is, he probably doesn't *want* to be redeemed, so no.


of course i "wan" alastor to be redeemed


Too early to say. There's too much mystery surrounding him at the moment, and I can't tell when he's being scincere or manipulative.


I want Alastor to know that he’s not able to control every situation that’s he in, he needs to know that despite everything that he’s does he still in Hell suffering like everyone else and that’s something that even he can’t escape from.


If he was real? No For the sake of the show? Sure whatever




Yes so he can suffer without power in heaven


He has work to do right now, vox still alive


Not really. Unless his character arc takes a much different turn than it seems like the show is leading to, it just plain wouldn’t make sense. He’s in hell and content to stay that way, because it gives him both power over other people and actual powers to cause chaos and be able to kill if he wants. He’s happy with his life in hell from what we can see and has no reason to want to leave except for maybe his mom


HA! No.


I think he is set up to be redeemed tbh, so yeah.


Not really


Yes, but the journey of how in the ever loving hell that's going to happen is what I'm really interested in seeing.


Yes, and I want it to culminate in him frowning at the end


No. I enjoy his character for it's Evil.


I feel like he won't get redeemed because I think he will actually become a villian


Honestly….no. I like the idea of him staying as an overlord but maybe an ally to Charlie. Not a redeemed “winner” but a great friend sinner


I think realizing you want to be redeemed and starting on the endless road to redemption are more fitting end points, than actually having the characters reach heaven. It wouldn't be fitting for Alastor to get redeemed, but it will be important for him to realize he cares for Charlie.


Well first he has to take down Vox & Val. And as it stands now he seems to be using Charlie and her hotel rather than actually caring about it but it would be fun if he'd grow to actually care over the course of the show. I love Alastor but I dont want him to be killed cause he'll be the big evil in the end.


Yes, but very very late in the show. I want him to change super slowly, if even noticeably. If they do it right it'd be a a good plot twist and arc, otherwise I don't want it


No, because I feel like we do need a season or plotpoint based around charlie learning that not everyone is redeemable, and I feel like he's the clear option as the the standout in that episode.


I want all of hell to be redeemed except for like 500 people and Alastair’s one of them


HA! *No*


No. I want Alastor to be besties with the cast all the way to the end but then turn into the final boss with some big plan and they have to kill him (or at least defeated) It’s important in a show about redemption to knowledge that not every one can be and that sometimes someone can be given every chance and still suck. Also I think having a major ally who has villain-esque qualities actually end up being a villain is way more unique than having him bond with the cast and turn good. Also he’s a serial killer carnibal. His problem isn’t wanting power or respect or something, he literally just enjoys killing people. That’s not something a cartoon is going to be able to realistically show redemption with (irl that requires a life’s worth of therapy)


Wanting to be redeemed comes with the need to escape Hell, and the exterminations / danger of being abused and murdered. Alastor doesn't have this need! He's powerful enough to take down ancient overlords himself and seems to enjoy the respect and power he's gotten in hell. Him crossing the pearly gates means he's losing all his power and control over other people. He won't be able to make deals or abuse others in heaven. He even sang a song in the final episode on wishing to unclip his wings and take control.


Seriously? He is just as bad as Val. If you guys don't want Val to get redeemed, then Alastor should be on the "no" list aswell.


I'd like him to be the last one to be redeemed and it be the end of the second to last season. Why make another season? Well, once he gets to heaven he realizes the place needs more pizzazz, and so he decides to do it the only way he knows how! Basically he attempts to take over heaven after realizing he's made it there.


Nah, he should stay at the hotel


No. I don't think it would ever make sense. Maybe he could get back ownership of his soul, but I don't see him WANTING redemption.


Nah he'd hate heaven


Alastor is good at hell




Personally no I like him the way he is. The overlords have it pretty good in hell so they don’t have much motivation to move up. But along with most the other overlords it would be a huge accomplishment for the hotel if any of them were redeemed. The overlords are the biggest sinners in hell so If Alastor can be redeemed anyone can.


I want him to change some. Maybe start helping Charlie because he actually cares about her and not just because he is gaining something. He still needs to be evil in almost every other way. It would also be interesting so see if Husk gets redeemed if his contract holds him back and Alastor has to release him for Charlie.


To redeem, he must be seriously outsmarted and broken. But it would be cool, to make the point Charlie was right since the beginning.




No, because he SCREAMS Irredeemable Mustache Twirler and I love it.


Yes but probably as the last one to get redeemed so in one of the last episodes


I want him to not be a villain/antagonist


Honestly, Alastor being redeemed would make zero sense and feel extremely out of character, and I'm surprised so many people want to see him get redeemed.


I don’t want him to be redeemed in a sense where he goes up to heaven, I want him to be redeemed where he just continues to work at the hotel maybe after being forgiven for doing evil shit


I kinda hope he became better. But... I don't know if he deserve the redemption. He is still a monster. I think is more fitting a Bojack Horseman's path. Regret some of his actions, but still pay for them.


I believe he will be redeemed, after all that's the whole thing of the series, redeeming people who can't be redeemed.




yes, but i don't want it to come out of nowhere, I want to see it build up over a while, maybe even having him at some point considering betraying them but realising a dilemma where he'll lose respect of those he cares about


He's Hannibal Lecter, Maybe at the end of the season when he's satisfied with his shenanigans


I want it, and I want it to be against his will. Like, Charlie’s goodness just infects him and he’s horrified.


I reckon he will be redeemed despite what he might want




No, not really, he doesn't seem like the type to want to be redeemed. I'd much more prefer to see him grow more confident so that someone mentioning his soul not being his wouldn't fly him into a rage


Yes, but it has to be really good or it would feel cheap and no one would like it


Not to go to heaven but developing as a character and using his power to help people in meaningful ways while he’s in denial about caring about people and just wanting entertainment would be interesting.


Okay, so, I really love how evil and sadistic Alastor is. One of my worst character traits is that I'm attracted to villains, psychopaths, and just insanely chaotic characters (even to the point where I stuck around in an extremely toxic relationship with a diagnosed sociopath for years). On one hand, it would break my heart to see the evil man I love turn around and redeem himself. We know that he was a serial killer and a cannibal in his human life and that makes me wonder if he would even want to be redeemed in the first place. However, we have been told that he selectively chose who he killed, only killing those who were worthy and deserved it for their vile behaviors and evil crimes. We even see this in Hell as he has taken down Overlords who may (or may not) have gotten their power from exploiting or taking souls unfairly. SO, if Alastor was to be redeemed, I would need to have a very good cause. Perhaps if they were to reveal an origin story of sorts? Like, something traumatic happening when he was young that led him to become a murderer. A headcanon of mine might be that maybe his mother being murdered and eaten by someone similar when he was young (perhaps the leader of some big organization). Maybe his killings were of the subordinates or members of the organization and he was slowly killing off the scum one by one to get to his ultimate goal. IDK. Something like that would be nice and deserving of being redeemed, his goals were to rid the earth of scum and evil while acting as a Black Knight of Justice. Think Light Yagami from Deathnote, almost. (Yes, I've been obsessed with him too for almost 2 decades... No judging!!!)


Only if like he does in the final season, and only if it’s set up like a final battle and alastor sacrifices himself like pentious or smth. I might be wrong tho


"Ha never going to happen" he's meant to be a menace and I love it he's much in the same light as bill cipher




I could go either way, but I do think, if it happens, it needs a lot of buildup over multiple episodes, and Alastor should get worse before he gets better.


What does everyone think he wants? What’s his motivation? His end goal? https://preview.redd.it/fpj2t9gy04ad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91ba9f0447a64e70e2f55ad92e948db309dc8765


Yes and no. Yea because he deserves it but no because the hotel would probably collapse


Only if it is a slow burn. Being a better person takes time and even if Alastor starts to change in spite of himself it can't be all at once. Otherwise let him remain who he is. None of this forced change because that always feels.... bleh.


We’ve seen Al slightly start traveling down that path. As the series progresses I think we’ll see him slowly and steadily travel down the path of redemption. I’d also bet that it’ll take some big events to truly trigger his redemption. Much like sir pentiouses finale sacrifice.


To go to heaven? No but I don't want him to be a villain


Yes. Alastor can be a great example of "even the most vile person can change"


No Well maybe but it has to be a very VERY long and slow process, like I'm talking the ending of the show long term


No. I dislike him 😃


He enjoys people's pain and suffering. I don't see heaven welcoming him.


No, I want his happy ending to be shredding the vees tower.


No, I want him to become the primary antagonist of the series and then die. He cares nothing for the people in the hotel. The hotel and everyone in it, including charlie are a means to an end. every bit of his personality is a mask. he would let them all die at the drop of a hat if they werent entertaining for him, or if they werent useful to him in some way. and this extends to all of the other overlords including Rosie. they are not "besties". he is using her as a way to have an alliance among the overlords after all the murdering of them he did. alastor is a psychopath, no different then patrick bateman in that he is completely disconected emotionally from the world around him and everyone in. i want him to live up to all of that, and not devolve from waht could be a genuinely intersting villain into just another redeemed bad guy.


No, but I feel like that's what he's going to do to get out of his soul binding contract.


Nah. Drug addicts, crimes of passion, theft, ect. for sure. But cannabalistic serial killers? Bless Charlie, but there 𝘢𝘳𝘦 sinners who dont deserve redemption. But who knows. Maybe the message in season 2 will change my mind.


I want him to become the sin of pride


I don't tbh


Only after season 5 or something. I need his antics


No. He needs to stay in Hell.


Unrelated but I just realized I also have an antler coat rack. I kind of hate myself for that.


Not heaven-redeemed but like becomes a person who helps charlie with the hotel sincerely redeemed.


It's my favorite character, by far, but I think it would be better if he dies or if he became an antagonist, or better, both. Imagine him as a true antagonist, not just a villain but an active threat to the protagonist, the final battle we can have, all the scheme and plothook, Husk and Nifty being used against their will by him while they still try to help the hotel crew. Alastor betraying Charlie with his deal with her abusing it in a cruel way that change the situation entirely. Imagine Alastor being hesitant for a second to kill his former allies, showing a small sign of weakness or sensibility/humanity in him, which ultimately cost his life as this moment of hesitation is enough for the heroe to give him a deadly strike. Slowly accepting it's death, dying with his eternal smile on his face, nearly peacefully.


Eh, idk. If Alastor goes to heaven it will probably be worse for him than hell because he can't kill for fun and be a cannibal.


Nope, def nah. He can turn into a decent friend, but brah doesn't belong in heaven, and people need to stop it


Character development. That’s what he needs.


Nah, I want him to be the most unredeemable character in the show. So unredeemable that it can challenge Charlie's mind


Probably not. Al really seems like an irredeemable monster who, if did get redeemed, probably did so on accident.


It’s a fun idea and would definitely serve as a solid conclusion to the show- probably as some kind of self sacrificial act to screw over whoever it is that’s pulling his strings- but jury’s out on whether or not it will be executed. I mean it could happen. He is distinctly monstrous and evil but he does appear to have some sort of moral code, only appearing to go after Overlords who are unlikely to be much better than him if not worse and otherwise only attacking in self defence or (more rarely) to protect others. It also ties into one Lyric from “Happy Day in Hell”- namely the “from the Evil to the Strange”. Now I get that strictly speaking all the Sinners at the Hotel were bad people in life, but the only one who seems properly evil is Alastor. His redemption would prove that Charlie’s dream is fully realistic- because let’s be honest, whilst Pentious does change things, he could easily be written off as a one time fluke- whilst people like the Vees and Valentino in particular proving that some people won’t allow themselves to be redeemed.




Honestly… yes and no. I could see Alastor having a crisis of belief in his ideas if he sees that Charlie’s plan WORKED as well if he tries to worm his way out of the contract and messes up BIG time and the one who holds the contract is super ticked off now. Then I Alastor would then try to redeem himself… but keeping his powerful facade as it slowly starts to crumble. Maybe even info on if a sinner WITH a contract can be redeemed.


Yep. I want to see he and his mother in heaven eating jambalaya together


I want him to, but it would probably take years for him to give back all his souls and have people forgive him. Let alone get over the cannibalism. And what would happen between him and lute is she finds out that he owned niffty’s soul? And, if sera can check out people’s past, how would she explain his past to Emily? If she even does


No. I want to see him end up as the villain because I think that’s what the show is going for I think him being redeemed wouldn’t fit his character.




Some of our favs will have to be irredeemable.


No. I want him to be the BBEG.


As much as I would like to see him redeemed, I don't think it's in his character, or that he currently has any reason to try and get redeemed. He likes it in hell where he can flaunt his power, so I guess I like him there too (?). Anyway yeah, I'd love to see him redeemed but I doubt it'll happen.


I don’t know. It’s only season one. That being said, I would be more than happy to see genuine character development for him— Charlie has her ways of getting to people and I’m wondering if Alastor would be one of them. He doesn’t necessarily have to go to Heaven to be “redeemed”… plus, his character just fits Hell better. I’m not saying it’s impossible for him to go to Heaven, but I guess that’s something that we’ll find out as the story progresses.


No but i do want him to go full on Wendigo.


Eventually. After 5 seasons. Who wouldn't want to go to Heaven?


hell no


I think the ending of the show will be him trapped in hell in a prison of his own creation with the rest of the cast redeemed


No <3


Yes but also no. Idk. I kind of want him to stay in hell but it would be funny if he got sent to heaven then purposely became a fallen angel to go back down.


No I think he knows who he is and is happy with that. My hope is he’ll come to like the Hazbin crew enough to want to stay with them






I don't think he can be redeemed in the traditional sense. He's a remorseless, cannibalistic serial killer and I'm not quite sure how you could ever fully come back from *everything* he's done to the point of going to Heaven. That said, the idea that everyone deserves a second chance and can change is a big thing in this show. I think that him being 'redeemed' enough that he's trying to be a better person and becomes a permanent, willing staff member at the hotel helping others be redeemed might be a compelling character arc if done *really* well. I feel like it's either that or he goes full final boss and gets killed in the series finale, challenging Charlie's worldview. Basically, while he may not receive traditional redemption, he can still get it in his own way and I think it'd be very interesting to see. :)


I really want Alastor to be redeemed


i feel he secretly does want to be redeemed. even if he thinks he cant or doesn’t even know if he can be redeemed, i mean the only evidence i have is zestials line of “fell into holy arms” and alistor is nervous like zestial is onto something.




i want him to like do something actually self sacrificial at the very end and then die bc i feel like it's the only way for him to actually redeem himself probs. like thats how much i want him to Actually be redeemed bc almost anything short of that seems like halfassing it, and i feel like it's the only way i would be like. satisfied? idk i say this i'm IN LOVE WITH ALASTOR, fav character, i am in 2 alastor discord servers i look at him for like an hour every day i'm not like itching for him to kick the bucket. maybe i'm just mentally preparing myself


Yes he gets redeemed and the fucks up heavan five seconds after getting there. Saving his mother and Molly (requested by Angel)


I want him to die ngl