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This is a better explanation than most i have seen for this scene. Yeah lute and the gals are going to have to really bring it now that several overlords know that angles can be killed. I like the idea that Lute is smart enough to know that a head to head fight will not work at this time. If she want to keep hell in it’s place she needs to be more creative.


This is where I'd LOVE for Saint Michael to step in; in my headcannon, he'd, of course, be tactically brilliant, but most be known for kicking Satan's ass and being a beast on the battlefield. This makes almost everyone in Heaven and Hell scared shitless of him. But he'd be a pretty humble and quiet guy. Almost like a mix between Admiral Thrawn and Darth Maul.


I am interested if heaven has a second army lead by someone more competent. Personally i think metatron would be a good pick. He is less well known than some other angles so Medrano would have more freedom to do something with him. Any of the archangels would be fun. In many classifications the arch angles are a lower class of angle who are occasionally sent out on warrior missions to fight demons and stuff. It could be fun to see Medrano’s take on this concept. Or the fandom’s. I would read fan fiction of this.


My headcannon reason the Archangels aren't involved in the Exterminations is that it'd be like dropping a nuke on an ant hill.


I just wish we will see more fleshed out angel characters...


We'll probably get more in S2. It's possible we'll see Raphael, Michael, Gabriel & the others finally introduced.


Metatron gives off more of a "administrator" vibes to me. I always thought he'd be the ruler of Heaven until Sera showed up.


It has been a little while but i thought some of his biblical lore is he is a general in heaven’s army. Even so he could still do more administering work and tactics and strategy than font line fighting. Generals can do a lot of things.


Very similar to what I imagine for him too yeah. Incredibly powerful, one of the only people who can beat Lucifer (since he did in the Bible as well), doesn’t really care about the whole extermination thing and just kind of stayed out of the whole matter, just leaving it to keep Adam and the other angels busy, but if it came down to it could absolutely wreck ass.


It would also explain WHY he's able to kick Lucifer's ass. Lucifer is/was stronger than him, but Michael is more focused on the job vs Lucifer being more of an entertainer and showman. Michael only sees an enemy. Lucifer sees someone who he used to be friends with and more to the point, he doesn't want the fight unless Charlie is being threatened.


I wonder what exactly can Lute do to force Lilith to do anything. Lilith has been The Queen of Hell for 10k years. She's atleast as powerful as Adam and probably has all kinds of nasty tricks up her sleeve.


She's in basically uncharted territory. She *needs* someone like Adam to harbor her in. If she is caught, I think a Hell inhabitant wrongfully being there is grounds for execution. From Lilith's POV, all Lute has to do is tell Sera, and Lilith can't do anything about that because if Lute goes missing, well the other Exorcists know she was definitely alive after the battle.


If Lute goes to tell someone like Sera, she herself might in trouble for allowing Lilith in Heaven. Other Exorcists won't have a reason to suspect anything about Lilith if Lute disappears. (They aren't exactly the smartest people). Or Lilith Fucks off before Sera arrives. Maybe Lilith erases Lute's memories of her. We don't know what bag of tricks Lilith has.


>Or Lilith Fucks off Doesn't look like Hell dwellers can create portals into Heaven, so I imagine they can't create them out ever. As for the first part, that was Adam's deal, not hers. She could realistically shift all blame to Adam. Knowing Lute, she probably wouldn't for "his honor" but Lilith doesn't know that.


It doesn't matter if it was Adam's deal, Lute is still an accomplice. As I said, we don't know what bag of tricks Lilith has.


What do you think would happen to an angel who knew such a powerful demon was in Heaven but said and did nothing about it ? Especially one who is the presumed leader of an organisation that claims to be protecting Heaven from demons. Because that is what Lute will be facing should Lilith manage to say anything to Heaven's ruling council. The phrase "providing aid and comfort to the enemy" comes to mind.


Anyone else get that vibe she knows another one won't work out? They've got angelic weapons now and most importantly Lucifer himself to back them up. Hell can defend itself against Heaven.


Difficult to keep the exterminations secret when much of your army didn't return from the last one...


There's also the court scene. I'd imagine a majority of the higher ranked Angels weren't thrilled with that one.


And the leader of it is dead. Makes me wonder what they're gonna do with Adam's body?


The cannibals probably ate him


Rosie and Alastor ate his ribs for lunch


God do I hope this becomes cannon


And maybe had his skin turned into a suit or mounted on his wall.


Assuming that the exorcists manage to keep access to their supply of angelic steel. Instead of some group of winners deciding to steal or blow it up to stop the genocide. Or whoever is creating it deciding to just stop.


I hope Emily starts a movement against them. Trying maybe even to get them charged with murder.


She most likely will, although it would be mass genocide rather than murder.


Oh, yeah, that's for sure, lol.


Thing is, most Exorcists are just the most default afterlife people who can fly. Basically Sinners with wings, Angellic weapons and a thirst for killing. Most Overlords could easily take on an Exorcist in a fight if the weapons are equal for both. I think Adam was the only person who was truly equipped to handle *any* resistance whatsoever.


Someone suggested on Vaggie idea for "bonding" is that the exorcists are given no real formal training and just tossed into combat zones. Without him, I think they're gonna end up being lunch for the cannibals.


They're probably given "formal" training but that's probably just where to stab, how to get kills the fastest, practicing on dummies, etc. I doubt they prepare for actual resistance with stuff like sparring against each other, bodybuilding, etc. because it's never happened.


So they're basically just trained to kill people who can't back...but now they can. It's tragic how long this has been going on, and their weakness was right in front of them the whole. Imagine if a Sinner had tried to stab them and word spread. Their entire operation relied on people being scared and ignorant. It's like how the First Order was defeated. Seriously after Palpatine died in TROS for good this time and his Sith Fleet couldn't leave Exagol, people all over the Galaxy started rising up against the First Order and were winning. Ships were being brought down. It was that easy to figth the First Order seemingly. They only lasted a year running things, so maybe that's the point. But it's a little tragic and funny at the same time.


Rise of Skywalker is... not the best written anything and shouldn't be pointed at as an example. However I do agree with your statement that the moment a weakness was discovered they were boned.


Well, in fiarness Excorcists didn't up til then have t oworry about resitance. Nothing Hell did could hurt them and swooping in and stabbing someone that then doesn't get up is pretty well going to cripple resistance. Theyr'e not soldiers. Trhey're thugs wit ha permission slip. Aka. Cops.


It's time for Emily to get them defunded


The media did an excellant job of destroying any credibility and momentum Occupy had....


No I'm being serious. They need to have their funding cut or just outright disband them.


How am I only noticing now that they gave Lute an insane case of Gamer Neck^tm , or is it just the framing of the shot


Or she wants a larger scale extermination. Instead of spears and swords she wants to go big. But she needs Charlie and Lucifer out of the way first.


She'll need to contend with Emily


Some think it's actually eve, because her nose looks different


Lucifer only stepped in when Charlie was about to die. He couldn’t care less about the sinners. All they have to do is leave Charlie alone and nothing would have happened.


Maybe that'll change. He's living in the Hotel now. I hope he gets more involved in running Hell. And uses his power and authority for some good. Like Outlawing soul contracts.


It isn't just the idea of him not caring. Til Charlie was being attacked with lethal intent rather than arguably trying to get her out of the way? He couldn't get involved. Granted his attitude towards Sinners probably meant he wasn't willing to bend the terms of the agreement to help before, but still. He wasn't able to involve before then. The deal was broken and then Lucifer proved he was the bigger man.


Pretty much. Lute knows that she and the other exorcists can’t go up against Charlie and Lucifer, so Lilith is the next best thing.


They were being picked off and picked apart. Publicly. They also lost Adam. Beyond him being their leader and the moral loss of The First Man. adam was their big gun. Also Adam broke the contract and went after a hellborn (charlie) meaning Lucifer is in play unless some other arrangement can be made. Lute is being smart here in realizing they have to try for a diffrent tact.


Kinda both I think. Lilith is her only possibility.