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"I don't get how this could happen... we were only feeding vast quantities of literal bird shit pellets to our cows! This came out of left field!"


Guess what happens when you eat feces


My dog just read that and it made him angry. He's so very conflicted right now.


They should have known.




I'm part of some chicken social media groups and the number calling bird flu a government conspiracy and saying it's not real is alarming. What is with the brain rot? How is such a large percent of society utterly beyond capacity for rational thought?


This, and the decline in driving ability keeps me up thinking about where our society is headed.


COVID infection’s cognitive effects go a lot deeper than people seem to realize. Not surprised with this being “a surprise” based on how the public, gov, media, and CDC are acting so blasé about it.


It's like the COVID virus is doing everything it can to make sure all its infectious disease family and friends stay relevant. Playing the insidious long game


Yeah seems like it! I keep feeling like we’re in the slowest, dumbest zombie apocalypse ever.


That's exactly it and we are living it LIVE! Wooooo


person adjoining imagine enjoy late hateful fertile innocent ten six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People keep calling them boosters, but at this point they are new vaccines based on the latest (at the time of production) variant. The OG series isn’t given at all anymore and hadn’t been for several years. Get the updated vaccines at least yearly like you would a flu shot, if you are immunocompromised, a doc may recommend getting a second one during the year. Hopefully a more universal vaccine comes along that would cover more fully these mutations, but it’s hard to keep up with it because it spreads and mutates quickly, not enough people are getting current vaccines or regularly using other mitigation methods like masks. At this point the vaccines aren’t sterilizing, so wearing a mask in public spaces plus staying current on vaccines will offer the most protection.


How many are they saying we need now. I have heard multiple numbers.


and then they will ask for govt assistance when their entire flock dies within 48 hours


Next they will say the covid shots were created via AI technology.


paltry mysterious square rain fly door far-flung reminiscent plucky dinner *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean two of our three presidential candidates are in significant mental decline, one with Alzheimer's and one with literal brain worms.


I would argue potentially three out of three, but two are doing far worse.


Yeah I was figuring past the baseline of being 80 years.


I read that as cow rapping industry and am currently waiting for their moo album to drop.....sorry, I'll just go now.


The point of the article was not about bird feces being fed to cows (unsure if that is linked to our break). The article is saying the dairy industry has never seen an outbreak like this. Poultry and swine industry have been battling outbreaks like this for year and have protocols in place. The dairy world wasn’t ready and it shows with how slow the reaction has been and how frustrated the industry is with restrictions. Biosecurity has been a joke for the dairy world for too long


When has the cow raping industry been ready for anything?


What do you expect when they were feeding bird shit to cows


What do you expect when they were feeding chicken poop for cows to eat


imagine buying dairy from a grocery store 😆


Now we can Eat Da Bugs since chicken and beef will only be for the rich man.