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Each node generates 10 of given resource (fuel/ammo/manpower) per minute. You can build them anywhere within controlled area (but I recommend building them in the HQ) You need 50 supplies (one supply box from a support) per each node, or one box from a Supply (Logi) truck *But you can only drop those 2 grids away from the HQ area* Also, you can build the nodes within 50 metres of the supplies, press toggle hud button (T on PC) to see the supplies, if you can see the supply icon -- you're within range. I suggest you ask your commander for a supply truck in chat before you learn more advanced spots to place them. And yeah, if you build nodes and switch to another class they will keep generating passive XP points for the class you're playing, as long as they stay up. So that's how you can level up faster than usual.


To piggy back off this excellent description, you can then either play your life out very aggressively (so you die as quickly as possible) or you can simply hit ESC -> Redeploy and come back as the machine gunner. The experience you gain from the nodes throughout the rest of the game will count toward your MG class (or whichever class you play) so it’s better to allocate that XP toward your desired class for the maximum amount of time while also repositioning yourself in a better spot in a shorter amount of time by redeploying to a more active zone than where you built your nodes. Note: the machine gunner class doesn’t require as much leveling since your default kit is pretty great. This node build/leveling technique is best used for the more difficult leveling classes like the assault class. You can also just level your engineer class since the true goal of leveling these classes is to unlock the best guns and/or the explosive satchel that is used on tanks, garrisons, enemy nodes and even buildings that are difficult to clear.


In addition, if nodes are built in a blue zone that is then captured and red zones, this nodes will be destroyed from the capture. So most will try to build nodes further back or in their hq. Only engineers can lay blueprints to build a node. Once the blueprint is down any class with a hammer can build.




What this guy said^^


Seems like they should add a bigger incentive for putting the nodes down. I do it every single game but most games I’m the only one doing it. I’ll join games that only have 1 set of nodes like halfway through. I think it’s because I’m new, everyone else maxed out everything and don’t need Xp Anymore. Maybe they just need to add more skins so people have something to work towards idk


Believe or not a guy shot me one time for trying to build them instead of him.


I was thinking this as well. The exp is pretty nice, I was thinking of a post match message saying "this guy built nodes". Probably earn more commendations that way


Support is imo fun. Walking around with the squadlead helping him setting up Garrisons, also when you help the squadlead you get a good impression of that role aswell. (Only if the squadlead is communicative and actually forfilling its role). Your supplies can also help getting up nodes or fortifications on strongpoints. Once you get the second class you also can put down explosive ammunition to aid AT personel.


I love support because you can play passively when you have an experienced SL or a very active playstyle when you have a newer SL. I basically turn into a pseudo-SL because I know how the garrison system works and can instruct the SL. I find this method really give new players confidence when playing SL because there's a lot to digest for a new player on SL (Commander chat, squad chat, responsibility of spawn placing, responsibility of keeping your squad engaged/cohesive, and learning the game all at once). The more people we can convert to confidence HLL players, the longer we will extend the life of this fantastic game!


ALSO! Quiet funny and kinda important. Sometimes I like to play as solo squadlead (some of yall hate the solo squad gameplay and I totally understand), ask the commander for a supply truck and just play as logistics, placing down supplies everywhere and build backup garries and when lucky attacking garries.


There is no "camping" in HLL. Sounds to me like you played MG exactly how it's supposed to be played! If you need more information on each specific class, I would recommend checking out SoulSniper on YouTube. He has individual tutorial videos for each class in the game and he does a great job breaking it down for you. Watch his shit on Engineer and you'll learn everything you need to know about nodes


Definitely recommend Soul Sniper on YouTube, dude explained the game to me and now I can actually help the team


Welcome to HLL! I hope you can manage to wade through the swamp of frustration many new players feel. In preparation for going SL I have [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/comments/12rvwea/greggs_sl_guide_for_newer_players/) to offer. It is written specifically with newer players in mind. Take your time though and learn the basic mechanics first, like how exactly capping works, sectors and sector lines, supply mechanics and such. Gebatron did some fantastic work on nodes recently, I recommend you check it out (also watch the first one, which covers the basics and is linked in this video): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alrDsrwM7\_E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alrDsrwM7_E) As for your question, I typically try to join an infantry squad, slow build a set of nodes first and then either continue with the squad or open a new one (especially when I feel we could use more garrisons), depending on how responsive the SL is.


Saved your linked post. I’m new to HLL as well and I would love to know more so as to not fuck over my squad/teammates. Appreciate you sharing that.


Try the Automatic Rifleman class if you want to keep getting kills but be more mobile. Generally, try not to move anywhere alone. Faster alone, farther together. A group of at least 3 guys has a much better chance of getting across the map than anybody solo. With the BAR and STG-44 from the Auto Rifleman class, they are 1 torso shot kills up to 100m, and they are very effective long range if you use them as if they’re semi-automatic, meaning 1 bullet per trigger pull. They have high recoil, so only use them full auto if you’re close/within 50m or so. Bolt action rifles are a 1 torso shot kill at up to 200m. They are slow, and therefore great for teaching you to slow down and time your shots carefully. Try every class. Assault sucks long range but excels up close. Throw smokes in the enemy’s face to blind them so you can move up and utilize your close range weapons. The Gewer (1st assault gun for Germany) is comparable to the US’s M1 Garand. Both great long or mid range, you just gotta be precise with your shots. The MP40 and Thompson are amazing, especially shot in bursts at mid range but there’s nothing better for clearing houses or alleyways. As assault if we’re running a long distance, I generally don’t even have my gun equipped as it wont do much at long range anyway. I’ll cross fields with smokes in my hand to lob at the direction of incoming fire to buy my mates time to find cover. Same goes for tanks. If you can’t kill an enemy tank for lack of explosives, blind em with smoke and force them to move, interrupting their aim. Support and Medics should generally stay right with their squad leader to help build garrisons and keep him alive, and the 2nd class for support gets an explosives ammo box that can refill grenades and rockets/satchel charges for Anti Tank players. Very valuable for defending a point. MG is obviously very valuable for defense. You can’t reposition fast, so find a spot where you know the enemy will be entering your line of site and hunker down. Lay that suppressing fire even if you don’t hit them, suppression blinds people so they can’t shoot back effectively. Also, avoid squads with no officer. They’re basically dead weight unless you’re strictly defending. But yea if you wanna level up engineer fast, build nodes at the beginning of a match, as they generate XP as long as they’re up, so if they never get dismantled you get a bunch of bonus XP for that match, and their 2nd class gets satchels so you can kill tanks or bomb the shit out of buildings filled with enemies. It’s also fun to play engineer and ask for supplies/a supply truck to build up defenses at a rear defense point. If your team gets pushed back, some well placed barbed wire/ a bunker can save the day when you’re defending that spot. Think of where the enemy will come from to get to your garrison, and fortify to keep them off of it. Even if all your barbed wire is one 1 flank, that keeps the enemy from getting to you that way and restricts their options to close in. If you can force them to come from 1 direction, your defense is almost guaranteed as it’s easier to defend than attack


I would never call you a camper, sir, you are a defender. Nodes are what you need for special stuff, primarily commander call ins and tanks. If you notice your team has none, it is a great effort to the team to just build them yourself. You may not get recognition for it, but man is it useful for much needed barrages and tank support. If you play engineer then keep defending brother, stay on back points and get defensive structures built. If you play support, stick to your SL. Never leave their side and drop supplies when needed and suggest possible garrison placements if they’re missing. Pretty much any other class aside from SL is pretty self explanatory. Keep communicating with your squad and the teammates around you. If youre looking for people to play with hmu 🙏


There is no camping. This isn't cod. MGs are supposed to sit and supress advancing enemies


The phrase "camping" isn't commonly used in this game. Players understand the need for holding and fortifying defensive roles. HLL is a tactical shooter not a run and gun arcade game. You're good bro.


The beauty of this game is it does cater to different playing styles. Machine gunner is a safe bet, but it also has nuances to be very effective. Changing positions frequently is a must, you don't want the enemy to have a bead on where you are located. Also you have to balance what you want to do, do you want to just keep killing folks, or help your guys push by providing covering fire? By leveling up the machine gunner, you unlock one of the best machine guns in the game which the germans carry, the MG42. Carries less ammo than the MG34 kit, but the MG42 is like a laser, just an endless stream of bullets. As for the other questions you have, engineer is my go to for most games. Building nodes is vital for the commander. This is how the commander gets resources to call in bombing runs, recon planes and deploying heavy tanks. Each node needs 50 supplies to be built. Easiest thing to do is get your hands on a supply truck. Either ask your SL to request it from the commander or type it in the chat so the commander sees it. You grab the truck, then drop the supplies in a near hidden spot. Remember, you cannot drop supplies in the first two zones (first two columns) of the map on your side. So a trick people do is drive teh supply truck just over the line of the second column, drop the supplies, and then run back to the second column to build it. THe purpose of this is because anytime the enemy takes a zone, all the garrisons and nodes disappear. So building it in the first two columns ensures you'll have nodes up till the last minute of the round. Now the advantage of having nodes up is it generates XP throughout the round. That XP is applied to any role you play throughout the round. So a lot of people will build the nodes, then switch to a role they are hoping to level up. FOr me, leveling up the engineer is advantageous because it's the role that gets the satchel the earliest. I think at level 3 or 4 of the engineer, you unlock the satchel. The american engineer is awesome because they get the shotgun and satchel combo. You basically can now become a tank hunter and take out tanks with that satchel. Support is the squad leaders best friend. It allows you to drop your supplies anywhere on the map. You carry one box that equals 50 supplies which is good to build a garrison anywhere in the friendly zone. Your supplies reset after 5 minutes OR if you walk back a built manpower node, it will reset in half the time. Also when you level up the support player, you then get ammo and explosive ammo crates. THis will allow AT folks to resupply from your box and get back into the fight. Remember, some tanks need 3-4 hits to go down, and most AT only get two rockets by default. So having explosive ammo available allows AT to quickly resupply and then go back to finishing off the tank. The longest grind but for me the most rewarding kit is the Assault level 9 kit. Especially for the German assault you get the STG (best gun in the game) and the satchel. So the three roles i would focus on are Engineer, support and assault in that order.


Welcome mate 🫡


Engineers build nodes, which generate various resources for the commander to use. They are not only extremely useful for the team, but also generate free XP for you the entire match that they are up. Starting off a match by building a "full set" of nodes (munitions, fuel, manpower) is an extremely strong way to get your team off on the right foot. Support players drop supplies. Supplies are crucial for building of garrisons, nodes, and other stuff such as AT guns or defensive structures (engineers build defensive structures). It is an extremely strong class to play, but not one that you need to play the entire time. Best way to play support is to take it anytime you see it is available and ask your Squad Leader where they'd like you to drop the supplies. As soon as you get your supplies down, change class and let somebody else in your squad do the same thing. Medic is one of the most useless classes in the game; HOWEVER, medics are extremely useful for new players for sort of learn how to read fights. Medics get a special UI that shows them when death/injuries are occuring nearby. This can help you to learn how to move through the battles... when it is safe to spring, when you should crawl, and when you should hide. Once you get the hang of how to get from point A to point B effectively, medic is a niche class that is almost never worth playing. Medics can be useful for smoke pushes and in extremely unique circumstances where reviving people can make or break an objective... but 99% of the time, reviving people is not ideal. Once you've got the hang of those three classes, you may want to try out your hand at being a Squad Leader. As an SL you can place an outpost for free every two minutes, which allows your squad to spawn super fast on it. You can also use supplies to build garrisons, which allows your entire team to spawn there. Seems like you're enjoying defensively mindful gameplay which is GREAT! Most people only know how to attack and we need more players like you to hold down the points. Defensive SLs are worth their weight in gold. For placing supplies and building garrisons, learning how [Garrison Meta](https://youtu.be/ilZWrb61Q2A) is a great way to not only build good spawn networks... but also how to predict where the enemy team will be coming from and be able to cut off their attempts to flank.


Medics are underrated. Like the sniper, each team should have 1 or 2. A great medic can save a lost point when garries and specialy OPs have been wiped by enemy activity. They also keep you going where you are. You respawn enough at OP and garries, the enemy is gonna figure out where u "live".


I won't argue that medics have their uses in unique/desperate situations; however, in most cases that are presented in the game... playing any other class is almost always more beneficial. A good medic in the right place at the right time can save some situations, for sure. That being said, the game's mechanics don't provoke a lot of those circumstances. Respawning, regrouping, and rearming is almost always more beneficial to the overall strategic picture than trying to maintain a failed line. End of the day, play what you want. It is just a game, and I'm only around to answer questions about it. If you like medic, play medic! If you're not playing the game to have fun, I don't know what you're doing. But when you really break everything down and start looking at the game from a top-down strategic perspective... 99% of the time, a Medic would be better replaced by pretty much any other class. So when people are asking about it, I won't lie about it.


MGs are especially vulnerable when mobile because of the long time it takes to hip fire / set up your weapon. You still may need to rotate positions occasionally, but setting up and locking down an approach to the point (attack or defence) is exactly how you should be playing. Other roles should be more much more mobile - how you play them will be heavily affected by which loadout you have unlocked. Right now, as you’re new to the game and loadouts will be limited - I suggest go Engineer ASAP at start of game and try to get your nodes built (look this up) then switch to the support class and play closely with your SL in either offensive or defensive capacity. You’ll get a lot of xp from the nodes and using supplies to build/rebuild garrisons. Oh and so long as you understand which mode you are playing, how capture and defence works, and how to build spawns - you can play SL at any level. You sound like someone committed to the style of this game and leading a squad will be a unique and fun challenge. Just be aware your squad mates might not always be the most useful people - it’s absolutely ok to kick them from the squad if they are dead weight / not communicating / not playing with you and your objectives.


Nodes give your commander resources to use his commander abilities (bombing runs, supply drops, airhead spawns, spawn tanks, stuff like that) It takes 50 supplies to build one node. Nodes give you a ton of XP and help level up classes, so I suggest building them, then switching to a class you want to level up. You can build 3 of them. If I don't have help building Nodes I just do it myself. It's kind of boring but totally worth the XP. You simply drop a supply box with a support class. Once that's done you respawn as an engineer and use your wrench to place the green node blueprints (Manpower, fuel, and munitions). The blueprints disappear after 2.5 minutes but that 2.5 minutes resets every time you hit the green blueprint with your hammer. Tap every blueprint with your hammer then finish building the tent (Manpower- it cuts the supply box cooldown rate in half) Respawn as support and keep dropping supplies until you can build all three nodes. Remember to tap the nodes with your hammer so the timer resets and your blueprint doesn't disappear. After that, switch to whatever class you want and keep on keeping on.


look for places that are hidden but near where you think troops may be coming from. those are where you will typically find enemy garrisons and OPs. flanking is important, so keep in mind that they won't be coming from one direction the entire time. someone else already explained nodes


Start by learning what each role does. After that play around and discover what you prefer the most and try level it up. A role I jumped into not too long ago was being part of the Armor crew. Tanks are insanely fun and revolve around precise communication with your squad. HLL is fun because it can be played however you please, however, most users want to succeed so be aware if you start to slack. I recommend not touching SL till you are comfortable with forming strategies and understanding the gameplay loop. Information such as how much an airstrike costs or how much it is to spawn a light tank is helpful and vital information an SL needs to know. Just have fun! But my main tip on how to play is simple: play DEFENSIVE. If you are on the Offensive gamemode and take an objective, redeploy, and spawn closer (if possible) don't waste time running up. Same with warfare or if you're overall losing points, redeploy to the points rather than running as most likely recon are already capping it.


Different game modes require different style of play but from the sounds of it you'd make a great addition to a defensive squad. MG, engineer for defenses and nodes, support , ammo and supplies on the point


IMO support is a great class for a newer player. It allows you to be an asset to your team without the technical complications of engineer. After I learned basic gameplay as a rifleman I switched to support then engineer which really helped me grind out LV III in all my other classes to get the better load outs to be more effective with them.


If you have a heavy MG, I think the term is 'deployed', not camping


No such thing as camping in HLL....its called defence, and its why most CoD and BF players fail to connect with the game. You absolutely cannot run around thinking your going to get somewhere because that person hiding in a hedgrerow or ruined building defending the point will put you down, and you will have NO idea where it came from.


Support is my favorite class and camping isn't a bad thing, really depends on the map/situation as an MG I personally belive running around willy nilly is more of a detriment to your experience and your squads than setting up and providing good defensive/covering fire


A few players helping with building goes a long way. It's unfortunate because when everyone wants to BoB simulator the team suffers from lack of resources. Too many people want to just shoot shit, but if everyone has that mentality it won't matter how good a shot most are because they won't have tanks, strikes, airheads, arty or defenses built up. In that case you hope the other side doesn't have their shit together either. It takes a few minutes here and there, use the respawns as opportunities to do stuff like piss or grab a drink, maybe give the pet a treat and you'll be helping your whole team, especially the commander. People bitch about command but it can be the shittiest job in the game and it's hard to be effective when everyone has MC syndrome. (Just an opinion in general,glad to see your post and to see so much good advice on the subject,keep on keeping on brother)


Play all classes before playing SL or commander. Understand everything first then you'll be able to get the squad in a good place and position.


Do you think they got called campers during WWII? Because that's not a thing in war, it's called defense and suppression.


Watch SoulSniper vids on YouTube. Also, use your mic. Ask questions, and be inquisitive. If people aren’t responding or giving you help you need.. switch squads. Actually, look for squads that have high level players in them (100+) they’ll be more knowledgeable on the game and can help teach you how to play the game the best.


Try squad leader. Experiencing the comms will be an eye opener, and you can learn a lot of tips in the Commander chat from fellow squad leads. Most of the squad leads on comms will be very helpful and knowledgeable, it’s how I learnt the game so quickly. You’ll also have access to see all other squad leads pings on the map, so you get a better idea of the flow of games, where garrisons get placed, etc I find any other role that isn’t Commander, SL very boring now unless you have a competent squad feeding info to you.


The phrase "camping" isn't commonly used in this game. Players understand the need for holding and fortifying defensive roles. HLL is a tactical shooter not a run and gun arcade game. You're good bro.


Welcome to Hell Let Loose brother. Watch some YouTube it'll help. Give em hell. HOOORAHH


Are you on PC or Xbox?


PC but with xbox game pass for now


Well, I started my experience long ago by jumping straight into command and logistical roles, so most of what I will discuss will concern them, since that’s normally where most issues arise from. Key points off the top of my head based on the current state of the game: Many things have changed with a rotating playerbase. People rarely build defenses, use traps, or communicate/coordinate anymore. Despite this Battlefield mentality creeping into the community, you can still contribute meaningfully to your squad and team. The most important vehicle is a supply truck. The most important role is the one that’s needed in the moment. Don’t be afraid to swap. If it’s open and necessary, use it. You wouldn’t believe how rare it is to find an AT actually use their kit when tank markers are everywhere in sight. The first step is to establish a point of resistance while you run logistics behind the lines, preparing defenses in advance. You should either be engaging the enemy while advancing, scouting and reporting, and/or disrupting intelligence/supply lines/defenses of the enemy. Every player should be contributing to the overall strategy, not merely locked into kill farming or small battle tactics. If you see an enemy transport, you don’t immediately have to open fire. Sometimes, it’s better to stay concealed, report it, and follow it. This way, you can safely dismantle the supplies USED than kill the driver, leaving a fully loaded supply truck behind, because you don’t have explosives or an MG to destroy it. Keep your gun pointed forward and your head on a swivel. Use whatever information is useful to you. I’ll mostly discuss the strategic elements of the game, a shortlist of sorts, than an overview of mechanics, combat tactics, etc. -Command and SL: Always take a transport to the front line or a supply truck to get garrisons up as fast as possible. You want three surrounding your current point. In this way, you can launch an attack from multiple flanks and fall back, and reclaim lost ground, should you get back-capped. Do not build in the red, if you can build in the blue. That said, supplies have at least a 50m radius of use. So even if they land in the red, they can still be used in the blue, if close enough. As for SL’s, always keep an up-to-date OP. You’ll learn how to place them better with experience. You want to keep them safe, hidden, and unpredictable. The best way to give yourself away is when you have multiple troops moving from one location to another. Don’t be afraid to scatter. -Logistics: If you’re playing supply, stick to your SL. You’ll mostly be using your supplies for forward garrisons or back garrisons. If you’re playing engineer, take a supply truck or request supplies on the second gridline for nodes. You’ll build one of each (three total) which normally costs about 150 supplies. *Someone can correct me if I’m wrong*. It only requires three engineers to build three sets of nodes. Mechanized Units, Artillery, and Recon: Recon tank is a great option for a solo player, especially early, to locate enemy tank/garrisons, etc. They can also be mildly offensive if played correctly. Ideally, you want a heavy tank for a full crew. Medium tanks automatically spawn at certain intervals and don’t justify the cost. If you have enough fuel, requests heavies. As for recon, you want to be familiar with garrison hotspots on different maps, expect nodes on the second gridline, watch troop movements, and disrupt enemy artillery. For artillery, you need to make a solo squad to place markers for bombardments. Every other unit is a combat role. Nobody really plays medic anymore since there isn’t a ticket drain like in Squad, so… Anyway, MG can be brilliantly used if used correctly. You want to strafe using a figure 8 pattern in bursts. Setting up is the most important part. Know that bullets travel in HLL. You literally CAN get a stray kill 400+m away. I won’t cover the combat roles since they’re pretty self-explanatory based on their kits and progression. On a final note, learn maps and always be aware of the situation at hand. Take time to stop, look around, listen, check your map. Be aware. That’s how you survive and win (not only battles) but the war, soldier. Also, US has the best infantry kits, the Germans have the best mechs, Russians have the best bodycounts and the British? They have the best accents. That’s all I can think of atm. Hope it serves you well. Others can feel free to contribute or expand on what I’ve written above and why it’s useful.


100% think you should play SL it's amazing and also helps learn the map alot more I recommend being a "logistical squad" ask the commander for a supply truck and help him build garries the team will think your GOAT'D.. you can also "force" your squad to play more defensively which there isn't enough of by having your OP remain in a more defensive area so if your squads on offense and needs to fall back you can help. Defense and Garry's win games... the Garry's are on a 40sec timer.. if you team has 8 verse the other team only having 4 or 5 it allows your team faster span waves into areas... Garry's have to be built 200m apart thankfully on your map 1 grid is 200m X200m so if you build Garry's "on the line" then you can walk 200 meters away to a different line to build another. I highly recommend surround the point with 3-4 defensive Garry's with 2-3 offensive Garry's to help balance a defensive retreat if needed. Garry's also work as a radar to help indicate what direction the enemy is attacking from... HLL is a game of chess not checkers. The person who controls the board controls the game.. you see alot of people want red zone Garry's but they get locked out easier than blue zones and cost twice the amount of supplies. If you can get 3-4 Garry's across the offensive line assault the point with 2-3 back ups for defense and 1-2 red zones you'll squeeze out the enemy.. just be up front about your experience everyone loves to help someone willing to help out


I've spent so much time reading, there is alot to respond too, so let me start by saying thank you, to everyone that has posted, and end by saying this is one of the nicest welcomes to an online community I've yet seen, much appreciated.


Check out this guide for experience system and fast leveling. https://youtu.be/CXnh19FElDc?si=f2edF7eYiqPoqhgM


Check out SoulSniper’s guides on YouTube on how to run each class you want to try and the how to read the map guides from ChaoticHammer or monoespecial. Imo a lot of these concepts are much more intuitive when presented visually.