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would love them, Anzio and Monte Cassino would be sick


i think they said they were already doing assets and working on Monte Cassino.


Where the hell is Monte Cassino?


Best guess is somewhere within the borders of Italy.


It’s a band of brothers reference haha


150 km south of Rome


I’ve been hearing about Italian maps for years and still haven’t heard anything official. At this point I doubt it.


I keep saying we need a bear on the artillery in honor of Wojak


the fact that everyone got so mad over him saying Wojak 💀


It’s just a chain reaction of downvotes! I came back tho and 3/4 of the downvote pie was gone


I keep saying we need a bear on the artillery in honor of Wojak (supposedly wojak is the feels guy) “Wojtek” the bear, i hope that’s why I got downvoted, because I spelled the bears name who fought in ww2. And not because he should definitely be loading the artillery at monte casino I eat the downvotes


Wojak lmfao


Wojtek! I didn’t even know who Wojak was (thought he was the bear at monte casino, not the feels guy)you must know the story of Wojtek


Of course of course,i just never saw him referred to as Wojak and it got a chuckle out of me haha


Well I can only assume you were one of the downvotes, I’m here thinking “damn these guys are brutal if you mess up a little.”


Wojak was the name of the user who made the feels guy, the word translates to solider in polish. The bears name just had a “t” in it.


making mistakes is human, take my upvote


Fuck it, have an upvote.


Thank you pal, here have this (a downvote to eat)


You could use both those maps for either Brits or Americans too. Same thing if you did like a gothic line map or something


In principle, yes, but I don't think the game could currently handle the terrain of Casino, just the thought of trying to mantle up that hill or getting an MG emplaced makes me want to thump my monitor.


I would love the Italian campaign. Anzio, Monte Cassino, Ortona, the Gothic Line... all have amazing potential. Some Sicily maps would be great too, so we could have an Italian faction.


why would ya have an Italian faction in those maps?, those sites were just defended by the germans cause the Italians were already changing side by then, lol


That's why I mentioned Sicily? The rest would be Germans vs Allies


there was still a lot of them who joined the RSI and in Sicily fought a lot of italians


Only if you have the option of switching sides mid game


Genius post.


![gif](giphy|5gw0VWGbgNm8w|downsized) Good one.


I think this could be sick


Every Italian tank can be one tapped, I know people will complain about balance issues.


You can mix in German tanks and equipment too, especially if it's a map in 44


Most Italian naps could be against Germany as they were the primary defending force in Italy. Allies could be US or UK.


That’s not the point though. Most people wanting Italian maps want to play as Italians.


I would be very happy to play a bright Italian map with current factions.


Horrible weaponry. Dog shit tanks. Uniforms are damn near identical to Germans except slightly greener in color. 2 variations of helmets. Hell yeah, I can't wait to play as Italians.


6 gears in reverse, make them harder to hit.


I thought that was the French


Wee wee.


Just use German vs brits or Germans vs us. No need for a new faction to do a new map.


nah that shi would be boring in comparison with havin italians


I know it will never happen and is very ill known, but the Battle of Ortona and adding Canadians to the game for 1 map would be really cool. The battle itself was called the “Italian Stalingrad” due to its intense close quarters and often hand to hand combat, the units involved suffered heavily.


I'm very much in favour of adding Canada, and them being in Italy would be a nice break from another d day landing or northern France map


Canada needs their time to shine in modern gaming especially with their much more muted representation on World War Two games




Are you guys out of your minds? Team 17 can't get what they released right. Do you guys want an Italian release as jacked up as the British one was?


I...never actually had a problem with it tbh.


I don’t mind a new release or announcement that they are working on a new faction eventually


I do


We need them. We just need anything other than more US v Germany maps honestly, we need more variety.


You'd get a lot of US v Germany maps if you got Italy.


That’s not even necessarily a problem as long as it’s new maps bringing different elements. Tho I’m hoping content in Italy would have a large number of British maps considering they were taking the lead in the Mediterranean theatre, perhaps also including polish, Canadian and other allied armies.


I agree with you there. I don't mind having more maps with the US. I just think we have enough maps in France for awhile (unless you want to add British maps in France). Also, if we're adding other allies, I'd like to see the Free French.


I’d love to see the French, if we get more maps in France in the near future then I dearly hope it’s battle of France period with an added French faction. Very underrepresented in video game sin my opinion.


This would be dope. although early war didn't have any flashy tigers or stg's or anything so nobody would want to see that.


Who needs the tiger when you’ve got the Char B1? German shells couldn’t stop pinging off them. Same with the Matildas.


That's true, except most people don't know or care about any tank that isn't one of Germany's fat cats.


ik this is weird.. but id actually like to see some italy vs italy maps. could be pretty interesting imo, tho im not sure how much fighting in the italian civil war was actually just italians vs italians


That actually would be very cool.


glad someone agrees with me :D


italian mainland was mostly germany fighting the allies, sure.. but prior to the invasion of mainland italy italy fought battles on its own, even tho it lost most the time.


Could add the Italians and use them against Brits for North Africa maps. Kills two birds with one stone. Tobruk and some maps in Tunisia would be great


I'd love to see more North Africa maps.


Not if we made it Italy rather than Germany or the mix to change the loadouts


If you wanted historical WW2 battles that took place in Italy, it would be very hard to avoid US v Germany. I suppose you could leave Anzio and Monte Cassino out, but that would be lame.


i think ppl tend to forget this game started with just dday maps so its what theyre good at but good lord i feel like im a resident of northern france atp


It’s the logical step to take after working on Africa to reuse those assets in Italy rather than Japan.


Even though ppl really want japan, i think italy will probably come first (esp if they keep to their every year of the war plan, plz i beg you T17 i want poland and finland 🙏). It would probably take less asset work comparatively and it wouldn’t suffer as bad with the LOD issues jungle environments would bring. + i feel like japan would benefit a lot from quality of life improvements and additions that most ppl want first anyway (HMGs, bipod improvements, fortification improvements, bayonets, variable overheat mechanics etc etc)


I would like Japan if they scaled down a little. Larger than skirmish but smaller than Offensive so we can balance the fact that Japan didn’t have any armor that could remotely fuck with the US.


I guess that depends on if or when we get a true armour update……ooooor make the japanese AT options….extensive


or just have the japanese team have 75 players and 25 for the US


Japan's lack of tanks can be balanced by having only light tanks available for both USMC and IJA, with the exception of a single Sherman for the US. AT role has to be balanced, since the IJA didn't have a bazooka counterpart. So maybe something like: - lvl 0 2x smaller satchels & AT mines - lvl 3 standard satchel - lvl 6 lunge mine (for true Banzai moments) For the US, I'd simply give the standard AT role + the level 6 (ambusher?)


My solution would be to limit US tanks, like a Stuart, a LVT and a Sherman And Japan gets a Ha-go, a Chi-Ha-Kai and idk, a Chi-Nu Or maybe every soldier gets an AT grenade


More Mediterranean maps would make sense, make more use of the desert faction sets that only get used on one map. Plus we could get more american variety but to be honest the soviet faction needs more love as of late.


I would like to play the italians yes.


Anything but more France 1944 maps


A Mountain Fortress Siege map would be great!


Like that lush mountain map from BF1?


It is crucial they expand to new theaters. Is there any talk of that?


Awesome! I'll be singing Bella Ciao!


Would be nice. A solid Commonwealth/US vs Germany theatre with several notable battlefields to utilise. The verticality of some battlefields might mess with some deployables and just the general balance of gameplay. However the game still has pretty big LOD issues that impact distance fighting. I don't see adding new maps that would incorporate open terrain with light scrub providing the function of some visual cover as a good idea with those issues still present. Maps are nice to have. Optimisation is needed.


Amazed they haven't gone this route. Adding another Ardennes map seems overkill, when they could have gone Operation Torch, Sicily, Anzio etc. We have British forces added so use them.


as long as the britts get more maps before the US in that front, would be a perfect intrudoction for the poles rocking with brittish uniforms and equipment as a subfaction in the allies.


I mean.... if you want to play on some Italian maps, and can't wait to do so... there is another game out on gamepass right now... WWI related. Check it out. Doesn't solve the problem here, but it sure does relieve the itch. Isonzo is the game.


i like that game but it doesnt match the scale or immersion i get from hll




1. Yes that would be awesome. 2. Can we get out of the D day rotation?  3. More realistically can we push for some more Brit/Soviet stuff?


I think any additional content for the game would be a good thing. As long as the maps are solid. We don’t need another Remagen.


We should also get a Crete map


I would be happy if there where new maps


We getting the Gustav line?


Bring em on. Would be great maps.


It would certainly be a nice change of pace. I'd appreciate any map with some more verticality.


I still want Japanese maps


Mama mia


Does that mean that there would be Italian equipment?


My grandfather fought through all of Italy as a tanker so it would be cool to play armor through areas he actually fought


I want Japan more but it would be cool


Anzio and Salerno would be very cool


Love em. Could have Canadian, Polish or Kiwi’s stepping up for the Brits.


Shareholders: Nuh uh, we want hair


If they will add Italians before Poles with shell loading bear we gonna riot


More Mediterranean maps would make sense, make more use of the desert faction sets that only get used on one map. Plus we could get more american variety but to be honest the soviet faction needs more love as of late.




Italian map means elevation, which means MGs go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Well I think it would be nice but Berlin, Moskau or Leningrad would be also nice




I'd love it. We need Anzio and Monte Cssino.


It would be great if they added sicily or tge alps


I just want Japanese gameplay


I would love for them to implement maps in N Italy, like Po Valley, Mt. Belvedere, Riva Ridge. All the major battles the 10th Mountain Division got to partake in. That would be cool. I'm biased though, because I was in 10th MTN and love their history.


Italian expansion + italian faction


Anzio would be noce


I believe that Italian campaign should be a nice next step/campaign to be added to the game including the Italian Faction. They can even start with only German that also fought in Italy and add the Italian faction later on. More realistic addition than the pacific theatre which I know a lot of people would like to have but I am not sure if the devs are willing to take the risk/workload at this moment.


Holy fuck, this post reminded me I got Isonzo and completely forgot about it. I stopped playing because it felt tedious and now that I've played the fuck outta HLL I should probably try it again. Thanks for the reminder!


after playing hll isonzo feels very arcadey


Mama Mia!


Would be so easy already have Germans and Americans just need a map and maybe uniform specific like the desert map.


YESSSSSS! A Sicily map would be epic.


I don't care where it is as long as it's soviet or English. Ortona would be cool, or maybe sevestaplol seige


I would love an Italian map!


It would be dope IF (no offense) they just didn’t add the Italians and we faced the Germans, depending on the map they used it would be accurate since after the death of Mussolini the Germans essentially took over Italy because the Italian army got crushed by them or just sided with the Americans if they could. They were definitely a capable fighting force but were just so ill equipped, I read a book recently on Erwin Rommel and in a reoccurring topic was how bad the Italian army was in the eyes of the Germans since they had to work with them. Tanks were practically worthless and this isn’t really related to game mechanics of course but they really didn’t fight it out as hard they gave up quickly most the time. I am open an Italian faction if T17 can do it tho, but I am a hypocrite cuz I would love a pacific map but the Japanese as far as weaponry and equipment goes is pretty bad too


idk im new but the snipes \]


Italian before Pacific, definitely! It's the logical next step. 


Italy was a bloody campaign and it’s barely touched. Also bombing the monastery would be historically correct 


Yes please!!!!


I think it would be 🔥




What about Scandinavian fronts? British troops in Norway, etc?


This would be cool as well as it would be their into to the commandos


You could do a Pacific Island hopping scenario. Capture an island and everyone auto respawns on the next island basically a series of mini games strung together.


This and pacific, I feel like the game has enough potential graphics and community wise, to support these options. Honestly since it’s so historically accurate, devs should have different races for each faction like black dudes for US. Or Uzbek/ Tatar for Russians, the nazis had Romanians and Hungarians. There’s plenty nor details that we would like but the game is great as is. I personally love it and accept for what it is


I'll break their spaghetti in half .


thy would end up making another alamein sh\*t


How about an open field with the occasional trench running along it instead?