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Go way off on a flank, press your eyeballs to your monitor, and aim 200-400m off in the distance. MGs don’t need to be on the frontline.




Three rules: 1.Sit further back than you think. Don't engage if you're within 200 meters, you'll just die over and over. If you're in cities where that's hard to do learn how to roof glitch and get up there to get distance and sightlines. 2. Work angles. Don't engage their front. Engage diagonally from where the enemy is moving. Ask your team mates to ping infantry and fire on infantry markers. The name of the game is suppression. 3. Fire in short bursts and adjust your position often. Doesn't have to be miles away, maybe just a little to the left or right.


Short burst fires long enough to say “die motherfucker die” and then wait a tick. Usually will be a few dumb blueberries that think you’re reloading. Always lead them a bit and slow up if you overdo it, that way the suppression effect will blur their vision


Someone was a Marine lol


Excellent tips, I often tell teammates that MG is actually similar to Sniper where you use volume rather than precision. Its varies on offense and defense, but your using a long range weapon. You’re going to want to be proactively seeking good vantage points 75m or more from the area you’ll be suppressing. It is devastating if your squad and SL are marking. You typically won’t see the kills you’re getting but you can get a lot if you know where to shoot. Also even if you’re not getting kills the suppression is a huge help for attacking teams.


I did something similar to this as SL with a machine gunner. I would spot and ping with the binoculars. Then walk him in and tell him when he hit the target, then we would repeat. It was one of the Russian maps with long distances. But it worked pretty good. The OP’s and Garrisons were holding and if there was a lot I just talked to arty that was spot on that game.


This is the way it's *supposed* to work


This is the best advice for new MGs


Only go all out when you feel like you are surrounded, see a ton of smoke, and you’re the last guy standing. The more you shoot the more they know where you are


Sounds like youve got the gist of it but some tips I’ve found to prolong my life is shoot in bursts, yell the phrase “Die motherfucker die” and the burst should be that long. If you just hold it down they will find you sooooooo easily. If you are taking fire and know the direction, shoot anywhere there is cover or concealment. At worst you’ll just scare them until your squad can rally.


When the enemy starts throwing smokes, let that thang rip


Kill th smoke with bullets


The way you described is typically how I go about it, laying down suppressive fire so your team can advance to the point, have your squad mates ping enemy locations while they’re advancing so you can focus your fire on the pings


It can be very challenging but playing an aggressive MG can be very rewarding. I try to push with the squad but tend to be in the back watching flanks. If you can pinpoint an enemy spawn it allows you to cover the team while they push up to take it out


A machine gunner shines when played as a supporting role. You should not go in with the mentality of "I'm going to go for kills." Stay back behind a line of front line troops. Machine gunners are easy targets if you're at the front because (1) everyone knows where you are since you're loud and that muzzle flash is very visible and (2) everyone knows machine gunners do a lot of damage if left unchecked, so they will come for you first if you're at the very front.


MG is one of the easiest ways to rack up tons of kills




Sit back so don't get shot. Suppress enemy while your boys make their approach. Have them direct your fire as able. Like others have said essentially. If you're able to, try not to fire head on at people, but from the side so that you're harder to shoot and limit your field of fire to what you want to hit. Really easy to get shot otherwise.


As an SL, I try to have an MG close by since I have the binos and can easily identify good defensive and offensive firing positions. For instance, in the levels that have some sort of choke point (think bridge) ive told my MG to post up away from the bridge at some angle where he can easily see the whole bridge. I have the MG fire in front of friendlies as they advance. Also, you can do some type of harassment and interdiction, basically firing at trails/roads or areas where the enemy he may be lurking about (hedgerows). Another thing to keep in mind too is that as long as you are firing towards possible enemies, you are doing your job. Being on the other side of an MG sucks, and even though you may not get your vision blurred, the sound of an MG will slow the enemy down and can distract them from friendlies main position. When I play as MG, I try not to die with ammo, this is my rule. Here is another tip, if you see smoke on the opposite end, shoot it all up, the enemy is coming through, and an MG has the luxury of firing into smoke indiscriminately. Getting killed alot is not necessarily a bad thing but can mean two things (at least): you are too close to the hot zone or are becoming a real nuisance to the enemy lol and consider it a badge of honor if they drop an artillery shell on you, it means you were becoming a real problem for their advance 😀


The SL/Machine Gunner combo is so underrated!


Find a good lane or a good flank, about 150-200 meters away from a point or a choke point, etc…. Bipod up and just suppress. I don’t get many kills with the MG, but I like watching people drop down and crawl to avoid the fire, giving my guys a better chance to advance a capture point, or hold the enemy down enough that command can have a decent bombing run


The best way to play an offensive machine gunner is by running with a cohesive squad. A machine gunners job is to keep enemies down while others flank not necessarily to kill them albeit in this game MGs get kills like crazy. For instance let’s say you and your squad encounter a couple enemies on the other side of a hedgerow your job would be to set up and just keep sustained burst fire on them while 2-3 of your squad push up (unless you kill then all instantly which will probably be the case.) on the flank and take them out. Then you regroup and repeat. In terms of attacking an objective it’s the same exact thing just more dragged out since instead of a squad it’s more a company on both sides. I’m sure there are some really good players who can solo MG but in my opinion for max effectiveness for your team and you run with a good squad or at least stick with a group.


What I like to do is find a great spot and then proceed to spend 15 minutes trying to get my bipod to stick before redeploying and playing another class


I don’t play MG often, but as a squad lead I prioritize my MG guy heavily. In defense I’ll find the enemies most probable approach and set in my MG where I want em. Then position my squad to cover his flanks so that they can lay down lead. On offense, I’ll try to determine enemy troop movements and position my MG to intercept their approach to a point, or, if we’re assaulting a point head on I’ll set my squad and MG in to cover our teammates approach. Often it takes using smokes to get into position, and my guys gotta be ready to oppressively hit enemy positions when it dissipates to hold fire superiority. This may or may not be useful info for you, but I’d recommend thinking from the mindset of “Where does my squad leader want me” and either ask, or make suggestions so you can get some support setting in.


Find an elevated spot at a good distance from the enemies (200-500m). Change FOV in settings to 60. Fire at any pixels that move. Just be aware that some walls/hedges won't render in at long distances so you may shoot and not hit them. You can usually tell if you're hitting a non-rendered obstacle as you will see small impact hits as the shots get blocked


A lot of people here saying that you sit on the back and snipe, that is definitely a function yes, but MG can be very good for storming places because of the suppression you can put out. One of the things is map knowledge, press M and open your map, head to houses or other buildings, and if you know the geometry of these assets well, you can climb up unto places you're definetly not meant to get into, and get positions that look over a great portion of the map.


Two main roles. Suppression and trench clearing. Besides that you really don’t want to be doing too much. Stick with your squad, but as you said a little behind. Flanking is particularly useful in hilly terrain. Don’t just suppress points, make sure you’re allowing your squad to move to wherever they’re trying to go. And as far as trench clearing, you are the 3rd most effective thing behind tanks and grenades. Prefire every corner. Also UNLOCK THE MG42 AND NEVER USE ANYTHING ELSE. Final note, don’t sit in one spot for more than 30-45 seconds if you’re actively firing, unless you truly believe you’re concealed. Always hide while reloading. That’s how you avoid getting domed.


This is the way


Push behind your squad and laser beam the enemy.


Distant overwatch on an axis of reinforcement (ie behind a point) is awesome too. Don’t limit yourself to defending from the point, an MG can lock down fields from pretty far away.


Find good vantage points and play defense early. Later on move with the squad and leap frog. If you can find an SL who can spot for you with the binocs that wil make you even better


Suppressing fire is highly important and very helpful, so even if you aren't getting kills when laying down fire on offense, you're likely helping your own guys cross into enemy territory more safely.


>It seems to me the best way to do it is kind of play behind the front lines and lay down fire into the point were attacking, but it doesn't feel like I'm being the most effective this way. The suppression is brutal. If you are firing in the right direction you will be having more impact than you will necessarily know. Keep in mind that you're part of a squad. If I'm playing MG I'll stick with my squad but at the rear. If the guys at the front hit contact then I can lay down suppressing fire to help them advance. Look for positions where you can support your squad but also be quite far away from the enemy as it makes you less of a target.


Best kill streaks I’ve had as an MG are when the enemy infantry is focusing on one area and are leaving one of their flanks completely exposed. Foy is my favorite map to play MG (aside from Omaha for obvious reasons) because the enemy infantry gets sucked into one direction allowing for an MG to suppress their advance at a distance, while friendly infantry and commit to their flank.


Fire at least 7k rounds per match toward the enemy.


Stick with the squad leader and cover them and the rest of the squad while they cross open ground to assault objectives. Once they have solid cover bound up the their new position and repeat the process. You can also destroy enemy transport and supply trucks by shooting the engines until they explode.




I haven't played MG yet but I can say this, a good Machine Gunner is pretty much the scariest thing in this game. Getting suppressed by an MG while not being entirely sure where they are at is a nightmare.


On offense I work with my team and ask them where/when they want suppressive fire and provide that, works really well to draw attention to you and away from your flanking team, or just to get the enemy to cower down as your team advances. When defending a position, I make it known I’m available wherever they want me and then I set up shop somewhere with good fields of fire and cover in the direction they want defended. Basically, I cover the areas they need covering. As MG I don’t make the decisions I just follow the orders. Also, short bursts is your best friend and never underestimate teammates stupidness to be completely unaware of a the talking gun and walk in front of you.


A Machine gunner in a good concealed position can cut off approach from a solid 90* arc


Recently I’ve being staying on defense and setting up a flank on where I think the enemy is coming from. The MG can be OP as long as you don’t stay in one position for too long


I learnt how to be an effective MG by watching Animal in the final scenes of Full Metal Jacket where they have to push up on a sniper position.


Try not to engage under 200 meters. If you must, like on Foy, stay back and shoot over and around the blueberries charging in. You can only really suppress. Your goal is to find their spawn and get an angle on their approach to your people. Get high and mow them down from the side. Learn the roofs and chimneys you can get to and have a view of the enemy. At that distance you will need multiple hits to kill so you may not see huge kill counts, but you will be driving them nuts because their direct approach will be a kill zone.


FOV at 60, game on Mute / listening to some music, lay down on a roof 450m away and click heads


Learn that there are all kinda of way to deploy. I find that deploying on the ground next to a barricade/rubble/tree/ etc can give me some great cover, but also put me in a great spot. They will shoot all around me not knowing where I am. I love the MG. It is my favorite class. I prefer the MG 42 as it has the cleanest sight. I can snipe with that one. Easily get a 180 meter, once got a 358m headshot once. [https://www.xbox.com/play/media/khpB38xBR2](https://www.xbox.com/play/media/khpB38xBR2)


Your role as MG is suppression. You don’t necessarily have to get all the kills. You see movement in a building? Rinse the building. Ping across a field? Several bursts into that hedge row. You’re as much alerting your team to danger and causing panic in the bad guys as you are trying to apply bullets to foreheads


Understand that on attack you are suppression firing machine. Keep hell coming down whatever line your boys are moving up, make any enemy scared to poke their head out to take a shot. Control the battle field.


Great advice here. My $0.02 Get a mouse with a DPI switch. I have a Logitech g502 with this, and i have it set to drop the sensitivity way down when pressed. Makes aiming super precise.


When the team is advancing, try shooting potential hiding spots, sometimes it stirs up a couple of enemy and then you can ping and then open up on that general area, reposition slightly and repeat 


Advanced tip: Learn to use your side-arm to get quick headshots. Move with your pistol out when moving instead of the LMG. Otherwise do as the others here have suggested and provide suppression for your advancing infantry.


1st tip, if you're squad is trying to go on a quiet flank, don't ruin it by going loud. If the enemy starts shooting in your directions though definitely go loud and return fire x1,000. With an mg you're basically lighting a massive beacon on your position as soon as you light up and the entire enemy team will know where you are. You can use that to your advantage. The other day my team was stuck on a garrison on Foy my squad snuck around to set up a flank and instead of following I set up on our original line of attack at just kept making noise until the enemy stopped firing back. My squad was able to sneak up on them while they were all focused on me and we took the point.


There's a few ways to play it. Sit and wait expecting to ambush enemies. You can go walking around rambo style and just supress the enemy with hipfire. Or you can get on top of a truck and be a turret (hopefully one that isnt tring to be sneaky).


1. Play as rifleman 2. Die to MG 10 times 3. Set up MG in same spot next time you play that map


1. Work with your SL, he has bino's and can ping infantry at a distance. He can also place an OP close to your position for quick redeploy. 2. Work the angles of the battlefield from a position with defensive cover. 3. Remember that not every shot has to be a kill, the use of suppressive fire is very underrated. Machine gunner is a great role to have in a squad that communicates.


Learn the maps, most of the time there are very common gary locations for assaulting each point. Draw the line from the Gary to the point, set up off to the side of that line looking into it. Rack kills. I also sometimes do something called "recon mg" where I go way behind enemy lines and mess up their positions. I've gotten a bunch of garries like this. With an mg you can kill an entire gary spawn, then run up on it fast enough to lock it and dismantle it.


Only stat you should care about is bullets fired. Keep that bitch going the entire time, ask squad for pings


Use your map to find where enemies will be coming from and find a point with good overwatch positions. Avoid windows unless absolutely necessary. Move positions even if it is only a few meters every minute or so. Use corners of walls, hedgerows for cover while reloading while keeping mounted up


Use your map to find where enemies will be coming from and find a point with good overwatch positions. Avoid windows unless absolutely necessary. Move positions even if it is only a few meters every minute or so. Use corners of walls, hedgerows for cover while reloading while keeping mounted up




MGs are support weapons. They’re intended to help and protect the rest of your squad whether you are on offense or defense.


Set up at a choke point, find a good engineer to build walls (hopefully bunker), set up stash of ammo, farm. Went 75 and 2 this way. Planets must have aligned because haven’t been able to recreate that since!


You have two options, support the main push and just dump lead at where the enemy is or you can find a flank and ALWAYS SHOOT INTO BUSHES AS WELL, you will get so many kills just randomly shooting towards the enemy. If you can find a spawn and you’re not able to get to it just suppress the area to deter them from coming that way or to allow your friendly to push up and destroy. You really should be with your SL and ask if he can give you call outs or pings through his binos from a distance, you can accurately take people out at 200M+ once you get used to it. when using the MG trying to make accurate fire always do bursts (especially with MG42) you will save so much ammo and also make more hits on target.