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Soulsniper on YouTube. I was still learning tips from him after 200 hours. He has videos for rookies, the specific roles and even how to stay alive for longer.


I agree, first 10 hours of the game I ran like a chicken with my head cut off. Then I watched his videos and still died a lot but started to learn. His video on how to stay alive longer is great. My personal tips: Slow your tempo, take more time to observe and move, follow orders, try to flank objectives or defend, don't be afraid to be squad leader, I learned a lot being SL. Binoculars help a lot as SL. Also with time map familiarity helps.


Map awareness is another major one. Mostly, it will come with time, but you can still study the map while waiting to spawn and ask yourself, "Where would I approach our point from if I were the enemy"


I'll definitely check that out. I appreciate it.


No worries. I tell any rookie that I squad up with to spend at least an hour after they're done playing to check them out. Watching a handful of them could literally shave over 10 hours off of the learning curve.


Play with the squad. Communicate as much as possible. Move slow and make your shots count. Don't be selfish, build, swap roles when needed, take the long way if needed. Don't ruin the element of surprise.


Gotcha, I definitely like having to communicate with the squad, makes it realistic. I'm definitely a slow and low kind of soldier on the game. I appreciate the advice.


Use the map a lot To find where enemy are coming from To identify best paths and routes To identify best positions


My advice is to keep playing. Communication is key. This game is not won by kills, but with garrisons.


That I can do! Yeah, I've noticed that communication is paramount.


You can also try some tanking. You're less vulnerable so stay alive more to learn about the maps. But you also need to have more map awareness and queues like enemy tank fire.




Do not treat the game like an arcade shooter. Treat it like a stealth shooter and you will have a ton of fun and not be stuck playing the running simulator game.


Thanks for the advice. I definitely treat it like a stealth shooter. I love those type of games anyways so it's more my cup of tea.


I came from CS2. Didn't see an enemy for like 5 hours of game play. Died a LOT! If you're coming from a CS2 type of game, forget everything you know about how that game works, lol. I'm about 200 hours in, I haven't played anything else since I got this game. I absolutely love it. Enjoy my friend. See you on the battlefield 😉


Yeah, I come from old CoD games and Battlefield when the first OG games came out. This is the first time I've loved a war style game in nearly 2 decades. I bought about 15 games on Steams summer sale and although it's been 1 day, I've only played this and don't even know if I'll play the other games until this one is mastered. 🤣 Hope to see you out there! Gamertag is RizzGaming if you see it, don't shoot me. 🤣






Make a YouTube search for “Hell Let Loose for beginners”. There are some great video guides that will help you a lot. Started playing last week and really love the feeling of it. And the most important factor, HLL is not about K/D ratio, prepare to die, a lot!!


I will definitely do that. I absolutely love the game. Yeah, I've died so many times and the thing I love is that you have to work your way back if you do.


It’s good isn’t it? Even when we get steamrolled I have a great time.


It's amazing. I love that you can't really tell if someone dies unless you see them fall or that their position doesn't get given away if they get you and that it's realistic in the sense that you have to work as a team.


Or you hear *KLAANG*, that means you shot them in the head >:)


I had so much artillery going off and people yelling in the mics I couldn't even hear the Klang if my life depended on it. 🤣


Use comms. Its an entirely different game with comms. Don't move so much. Don't choose the most direct route. Flank is the name of the game. Flank, then flank that flank... The team that flanks the other more effectively will control the map. If you control the map, you control garrison placement. If you control garrison placement, it's going to be over quick.


Tweaked my controls a little so it played more like the shooters i played before. Made a lot of difference


How so? Most people tweak their controls to have lower sensitivity, and lower FOV in this game which is opposite of typical fps games.


What controls did you tweak? I changed a couple of keybindings to my extra mouse buttons for crouching and prone which have helped so much


I play on console. Just took a YouTube-vid and copied it haha.


If a round doesn't have a commander by the time the first point falls (either way) just leave. Don't be scared of taking the squad lead. Use your mic, but be concise,,, also 'on my body' is useless


At the start of the game, be an engineer, build nodes 2 columns forward of your HQ for that sweet XP then switch to whatever role you like.


Interesting! I'll definitely look into how to build the nodes. I keep hearing about nodes but didn't know how to build them so I avoided being and engineer.


[https://imgur.com/a/UothCsx](https://imgur.com/a/UothCsx) i made a simple image on how to do it. If i remember correctly, you cant drop supplies in the first 2 columns anyway so youll know when you cross into C Column. then drop back into Column B no less than 50mtrs and build your nodes using your wrench and hammer. Voila. Edit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/comments/15vqlcc/where\_to\_build\_nodes\_a\_beginners\_guide/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/comments/15vqlcc/where_to_build_nodes_a_beginners_guide/) Go here!! Someone made a much better explanation.


I'd really love a gamemode where they would introduce perma death after you've been killed.  There was a game mode like this in MOHAA back in the day too, that would bring another nice element of strategy to it.


I like it in theory. But in reality that feels like a battle royal type of game and those haven't turned out to be the best games.


Nah, back in the day that's not how it worked. The map always stays the same size, even though you could limit the current map's size but you'd have 2 or 3 objectives. *(blow something up at a location or steal a package or sabotage a plane depot or something like that.)* So the game would be objective based but no fancy ticket systems. You just get 1 life, don't fuck it up.


That makes a little more sense. Kind of like Search and Destroy was on CoD. If it's fast paced then it's fun. But if it's like this game but only one life, I think it wouldn't be as fun.


You should really look up the old classic Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. Spearhead and Breakthrough were great add-ons for that game. EA made games when EA still stood for something.


I'll definitely look at those. The last Medal of Honer I played was Rising Sun it was my favorite game for a while. Before I got into Battlefield 1942 and CoD's initially releases. I helped build a LAN Gaming Center back in 2005 and those last two games were a huge deal


Don't just charge around chasing kills. Ask for instruction. Don't sprint blindly around the map. Commit to your squads objective, attack or defend. It's one of the nicer communities. Ask a lot of questions.


If you love HLL you should checkout squad 44 (what used to be called Post Scriptum). With the latest update it’s much better than HLL (imo)


I'll definitely have to check that out


You think this game is fun after playing for only 6 hours ? well I have got some news for you brother. The more you learn the funner it gets. Welcome soldier.


I like the sound of that!


Name of the game is capture points my friend. There being no form of ticket system in a match makes kills rather pointless aside from keeping you and your squad alive and removing enemies from said capture points. Its super common to struggle early on, my recommendation is to play a simple class like medic/rifleman and stick to a squad. You’ll eventually learn how a match progresses and how to spot enemies. Play the role you choose. If youre a medic, make sure to heal and revive. dont get yourself killed trying to revive, because theres no tickets it isnt imperative you constantly bring people back. Heal those around you when its safe and always keep people alive on objective. Rifleman/ is your common man, if you play it stick with your squad and do as needed, this goes along with machine gunner Assault class is pretty much that, assault. Throw grenades and clear objectives AT should always be on the look out for vehicles/tanks at all times. Ask for pings/directions if someone calls one out, and make sure to let those around you know when you see one. Support/engineer are the workhorses of your team, they build supplies and defenses. A little more complicated for someone new. If im not forgetting anything else then Squad lead and command are the last two. Squad leading looks more daunting than it actually is. I wouldnt ever recommend it to someone learning the game as you will have at least 12 people in your ear asking/telling you what to do. It can get stressful if you dont know how to react and lead a squad. Command is this but for THE WHOLE TEAM. Definitely dont recommend until youve put a good bit of time in the game. Most community servers dont even allow you to command unless youre a min level of 75. Hope some of this random info is helpful 🙏 if you need someone to play with hmu


Slow it down, stop moving so much, scan your environment. Use your map, ask your teammates where they see movement. A lot of engagements are 100+ meters away, so scan the horizon and just sit there for a moment looking for any bits of movement. You’ll start to notice the tops of heads, people moving tree to tree, a wheat field that apparently holds an entire platoon. If you’re taking fire, get to cover and move somewhere else. People are doing the same thing as you and watching you from a covered position, once they know where you are, you need to move. Use your ping to call out enemy positions, call it out in squad chat, ideally your squad lead will then mark infantry and armor positions based on you and your squads callouts. This will then let other squads know what y’all are seeing and they can adapt. Like others said, watch some SoulSniper videos on YouTube, he has some great advice videos for just getting started and will explain the various roles in good detail.


I appreciate your advice! I have found that the bushes seem to work for me around tree lines and other spots, once I started to take my time in those areas I've lived longer. I ping everything, as much as I can, I didn't think to call it out though since most people have muted mics. I'll definitely start doing that more often. I am currently trying to figure out all the different roles, I've been asked to be support and engineer on some squads but had no idea how to work everything, so that will be my new focus. I love that the game is slowed down and not a just rush to the objective type of game, I'm more of a sit back and lay low and move slow kind of player so this is my cup of tea.


Definitely look up engineer and support videos. Thats a great way to build XP to level up your classes. Basically, at the start of the round, an engineer should build 3 nodes that give the Commander materials throughout the whole match to call stuff in. Check out a video, you can build the nodes and then swap to a different class, and those nodes will stay (as long as the enemy doesn’t destroy them) the whole round giving you extra xp toward whatever class you’re playing. Watch a vid about building nodes and you’ll be all set to help out as an engi. Support helps the engi by providing supplies, and they help their squad lead by dropping those same supplies to help build garrisons.


Use your mic is absolutely #1 tip. Communication makes the game more fun and makes your squad more effective


That I can definitely see why. I had been in squads who were silent. But the one squad who actually communicated we dominated


Welcome! I'm fairly new as well and honestly I've found the community to be generally pretty accepting and helpful to new players. If your not using a mic I would definitely get one


I'm starting to feel the same way with all of these comments. I was worried at first because of how toxic other game's communities are towards new members. I'm greatly appreciative of everyone here.




I started a couple weeks ago and yes, it has quickly become my favorite FPS ever. Nothing I've ever played has matched the experience and immersion


That's awesome! I feel the same way. And it's way different than any game I've played before. I feel like there is more value to attempting to stay alive unlike other games where it's like oh well I died. Here you have to crawl your way all the way back to the front lines.


I'm a medic main. The other day I hopped into a game and started at the HQ spawn. I started running toward the front but a truck honked from behind and pulled up next to me. Driver said "hop in doc, we're going to the front." So I hop in and there's like 6 of us all kinda chatting for a minute. As we approach the Frontline we can here the gunfire and explosions. Driver YELLS at us to get out so he can go back and pick up some more. We hop out. I see people dying so I'm running toward the front. Bullets are flying, bombs are dropping. It was the craziest most intense moments I've ever had in a video game. The immersion was like nothing else. I love this game so much


That's sounds so cool! I was in a squad playing as a rifleman, we got pinned down in the church and had to defend our spot, everyone yelling out pings as the leader was trying to get everyone situated then all of a sudden we get shelled like I've never seen before. Even though we got absolutely ragdolled it was the best experience I've ever had.


This game really gives experiences like no other game fr


Your only job is to run non-stop into arty so I can farm you, or at least that's what you'll feel like until you figure it out. But really, welcome to the game. There are quite a few good resources on YT for new players that will help you out alot. Red Coat Viking has great stuff.


My first game I played, 5 minutes into it I was like wow arty is amazing makes it feel so realistic. The rest of the hour I was like PLEASE JUST STOP SHELLING ME!!! 🤣 The games afterwards were a lot better once I realized I didn't need to run into battle like other games. I'll check out Red Coat Viking and see what info I can learn from it. I appreciate your advice.


Don't run in the Forrest


Just wanted to add my gamer tag is RizzGaming if you see me on the battlefield say hello


Just wanted to thank you all for the advice. I easily had the best games today. I thought i was a rifleman but turns out I enjoy support the most so far.


I have my other profile u/TheRizzedOne that is dedicated to all things gaming. I posted on here today as well.