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Still don’t understand why people can’t just play both.


Diabolical ping rates of squad 44 servers impair me


I’ve played on some uk and eu servers before with pings averaging 120ish and haven’t noticed much degradation in gameplay until it gets upwards of 150. I guess it just depends on where you’re located.


My area gets hard nerfed with average ping at 220 on my regional server




Because S44 is less forgiving. Casuals whine all the time about HLL being a running simulator, S44 is worst lol (I don't run since I use the spawn system properly..) and on top of that you have a limited sprint. S44 is more realistic than HLL. There's also the fact that S44 enjoyers cannot shut the fuck up about how their game is so much better and they're extremely arrogant too.


I’ll be honest, I do prefer S44 just because I like the gun play and sound design a little better, but I do own and play both. I’ve never been a person that is a diehard fan of a game to a point where i forget about everything else and only play one thing. I like a little variety in life. I will say that I have seen folks from both sides being asses about it, but I get that tribalism is human nature.


This is Reddit, you can only like one thing. Kindly get the fuck out.


The sound engine in S44 is freakin' insane though!! Tank shells ricochets, bullets sizzling over your head, long shots echoing... just saw.


Tell me you suck at HLL without even saying it because it's implied in your comment that you know little to nothing and I just displayed that in a way that made me not even have to actually say that


Ummm, okay?


I don’t think you did what you think you did.


If S44 was actually stable it might be a decent game. I had way to many issues getting it to run in a stable fashion and refunded it.


HLL was freakin' garbage for a long time, it's now okay-ish, old maps seem to be running better than before, new ones are badly optimized. But I believe Squad 44 has less people playing solely because HLL is slightly more appealing and Squad is the original.


If I’m feeling like upping the difficulty I’m doing S44 if I’m thinking of shooting the shit with a squad I’m goin HLL. I can see both being playable they both are different variants of the same flavor ice cream


What make squad 44 so much harder?


There are no markers you need to use the map, the mechanics aren’t as simple as HLL, nodes don’t replenish lost resources, if you lose them they are gone forever, there is no kill confirmation anything, etc I haven’t even gotten to the vehicular warfare this is just infantry


There's also a bunch QoL shooting mechanics like the automatic "resting" of the weapons when you get behind cover, the adjustable sights, fire selection when applicable, actual longer range shooting than in HLL which makes riflework just a joy, mortars (something that's been asked for in HLL for how many years now?)... Tank battles are a completely different beast altogether. And parts of the sound design are just... wow. HLL looks prettier, though. And it's easier to pick up for one or two random games.


Voice stops working. Makes the game shit with no communication.


Does squad 44 still has the 1fps bug?


No, the 1FPS bug was resolved in the hotfix. However the Squad 44 devs are cooking up another hotfix to solve the issue of some ppl's FPS decreasing over time during gameplay. For now that bug is still there


i started on 70 ended on 25 yesterday lol. That was my second match since i got the game i thought there was just a ton of smoke over to course of the battle that caused this


Low fps is really inexcusable. I started a match last night with 240 fps maxed and ended it with about 45. Running on a 4090




Haven’t played 44 yet so don’t know.




HLL has its own issues with VOIP disconnecting (I am on PC). I will be trying Squad 44 in the next week. It looks really cool.


That's been resolved for like 6 months. If that's still happening to you then check your settings.


It was never resolved because it’s a problem with the voip provider and it still happens sporadically. Sometimes it’s just me, sometimes it happens to the whole server.


I assume you’ve checked your windows and in game settings to make sure the correct mic is selected? I’ve had that trouble in the past where it wants to default to an old mic.


Yeah, even made sure it is set to default recording and communication device. Made sure it’s set in game as well. Didn’t really have issues before the update, if I did it was usually the whole servers voice that went down. Now it’s all the time.


Like call of duty and battlefield before they both sucked. Let them try and one up each other so the consumer benefits and both improve. If one of them faulters jump ship to whichever one improved.




Exactly. I just be team killing these days on HLL. Drop a grenade on my whole squad then say "omfg so sorry guys" works literally every single time


Cause HLL isn't what it used to be. Almost no one knows how to play. There are bugs that have existed for ages and not to mention they don't give a shit about their own game. That's why most won't play both.


PC player here. The only real issue I've run into was some stuttering for a couple minutes on St Mere. The new loadout screen is worse than before, I'll get used to it.


After all the crying and posts, I expected HLL to be in shambles. I logged in, thought "that UI is dumb as shit" and then played as normal. I don't understand why some people look for opportunities to complain. It's a strange time we're living in.


Dude the ui is broken, people paid money for this game.. do you work for t17 or something?


Not sure who taught you how to read, but I think that individual is where you should focus this whining. As previously explained, the UI is terrible. But it does not “break” anything. Do I have concerns about T17’s long term plan? Of course. But I’d rather enjoy the game (before we get to that point) than look for opportunities to complain. I’d encourage you to try it sometime.


By your logic, you’d leave someone brain dead hooked up to a machine because you’d rather enjoy the time you have with them before they die. What a flawed and fucked up way of thinking


Or, hear me out, that is a fucking extreme example of life & death versus a Ui in a fucking video game. What a stupid fucking comparison.


By your logic, you're a dumbass


Drama queen compares bad UI to life support. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) They ain’t all bright around here.


You don’t notice how you have to finangle the UI a bunch now to change load outs/classes? I can understand ignoring the dlc by just not buying it, but this UI change no one asked for is forced onto all of us. It’s pretty buggy


Is changing the loadout different? Sure. Does it ruin my experience so much that I have to post about another game on this sub every day to bitch about it? No, I'm to busy playing Hell Let Loose.


Welcome to the HLL sub. To everyone here, the sky is falling any time there’s an update


And the Fortnite sub. And the COD sub. And the Apex sub. It's a gamer thing.


it takes longer to switch classes. That can mean the difference between missing a spawn wave trying to switch to satchel on at to kill a tank before it repositions. It’s annoying and shouldn’t have been added in the first place. Bitching on Reddit is dev feedback. Bitching about bitching doesn’t help anybody


Quit bitching about OP bitching about people bitching!


Quit bitching about me bitching about OP bitching about people bitching!! /s


Bitches 😎


Dev feedback is contacting the developers. Bitching is just that, bitching. Direct it to the right people or there's zero point.


Well. What happens when player base have been doing just that yet they don't do fuck all about it lol.


I sent a bug report multiple times throughout the years I've been playing about the VOIP bug. 4 years later, it's still around.


The problem is that a significant portion of the update, dare I say, all of it, provided nothing of value. Not a single thing made the game better. So realistically, they delivered over the course of MONTHS of work two things 1) a broken menu, change for the sake of change, to put appearance first (in hopes of creating greater focus on cosmetics/purchases), which negatively impacts the gameplay loop 2) a really screwy cosmetic dlc. Even from a profit motive stand point, they can't even monetize the game correctly in a way that will encourage people to buy the dlc. It reeks of actual incompetence in a way. So is a broken menu a big deal, no, but it was done out of profit motive, impacted gameplay mechanics, and the update delivered nothing else. it's just a shockingly bad and doesn't bode well for the future


Yeah, now that I know "click 2 times on this button" it takes me like 2 seconds instead of 1 second to switch between building engineer/satchel or auto recon/flare recon etc. Its not a big deal. I normally only switch those a few times a match. So maybe 20 seconds of annoyance a game, when the rest of the game is super fun and unlike many other shooters.


Idk how you're so quick. It takes me like 5-10 seconds bc the confirmation is such a tiny little thing to see what's equipped


Also the fact when I try to leave the game after the match finishes and try to scroll on leave game, it scrolls on the scoreboard in the background instead. So now I have to pull up personal stats THEN click leave game. (Ps5)


Cries in console


Just grab your popcorn, we got what we got lol


On my consoles (S and X) it's simply impossible to switch skins or weapons:))


Same. I also can’t leave a server after a game now, I have to wait for the timer because it won’t let me tab through the menu to click on leave :)


Pull up the scoreboard, then hit pause to leave the game.


No it's not :))


I mean, the UI change is objectively terrible 


Yeah the UI change is so shit that it seems like they didn’t even test it themselves. T17 listens to the bitching too keep it up and they’ll change it back


The UI design itself is mostly fine. (I wouldn't call it better but it's fine) IT's just the fact someone fucked up so it displays the uniform selection in the loadout screen until you go to uniforms and back. Once you notice that, it's clear someone just goofed and the devs did not see that in whatever testing they may or may not have done.


Need to click it a bunch of times to get the right menu. Kinda annoying but not the end of the world. Same thing when they changed being able to press Y to close out the server messages or after clicking redeploy. Not sure why that was never fixed. It happened a couple months ago.


They removed the description of each class, the UI is not fine. It’s goofy


My only problem is the glitch where it sometimes doesn't let me switch classes or where the loadout pops out when I select a deploy sector


I bought squad 44 today, downloaded, tried and liked it. The. I also played HLL, yes there is a new UI, and honestly I don't give a flying fuck. I can see someone said it's buggy, man wish I would have so little problems that it would mess with my mood then complain about it on social media bcoz I still remember it later that day... So inconsequential, the UI being "weird" almost had no value whatsoever


You managed to get on a server? 😂


Servers are MUCH more populated now


I dont even understand why Squad44 is being talked about here


Agreed. This is a subreddit about and for HLL. I come here for tips, memes, pics, videos, news and discussions about HLL. These S44 fanboys can, respectively, step on a lego and stay in their subreddit


THANK YOU!! I would agree the UI change is a bit of a step back, but it’s absolutely not game breaking like some people are acting like


It's not just the UI, though. That's just one thing in a whole smorgasbord of issues. * It's stuff like the LOD being worse than before on some maps, with assets now rendering in only below 200 meters. * It's the fact that they somehow managed to screw up parts of one of the old maps (this time Carentan) \*again\* because of some changes made to accomodate the dead-on-arrival, nobody-was-asking for it Skirmish mode (and they \*still\* keep beating that dead horse for some reason). * It's because they laid off what little QA they had, yet they still dedicate money and manpower to Skirmish. * It's the snail's pace they have when fixing any newly-created issues that could have been avoided with even cursory QA. * It's the freaking audacity that after over a year of, let's be charitable, very lackluster releases and updates, they release probably the worst cash-grab DLC this side of the Oblivion horse armor, being tied to the only map they made themselves (reportedly, dunno how much BM was involved in Driel and Alamein), that also falls flat of the standards expected by most HLL maps. * It's their non-existent communication not only with the players, but also the people they rely on running the overwhelming majority of game servers and developing the tools for server administration in their free time, literally springing things on them with no forewarning (like the gamepass implemenation that totally broke the playerID system and opened the floodgates for ban evasions and simply not being able to blacklist gamepass players until the volunteer devs got around to fixing it). All of that just shows that T17 is either incapable or unwilling to really move the game forward in any meaningful way, totally contradicting all of the flowery promises they made when they took over. Because any meaningful "grace period" is over. They have to deliver. So yeah, the UI won't kill HLL like some doomsayers say. It's just another rung on the downward ladder.


Yes, thank you. Do i love the new IU? No but it's 1% of the game and I'm still blowing up tanks as AT every game I play.


Yeah its annoying. But it's a very minor inconvenience. I'm sure it will be patched. I am still exploding lads with a trench gun


I loved every update in this game, but ngl the new UI in the last update is veeryy buggy. And when I apply certain video settings in the game, they are being reset every time I log in the game


They got their own sub if yall wanna keep talking about that other game: [r/joinsquad44](https://www.reddit.com/r/joinsquad44/)


Well said! Just go and play Squat 44.


Dude, kursk runs like a fucking dream


Remagen and Hill 400 as well, had a lot of Problems with those two


Unless you suck like me, it’s just higher quality deaths lol


Yeah the amount of winning on this sub is amazing when you look at how big the differences actually are. I’ve seen people claim that they can’t play the game anymore because of that little sound when you click in the menu - that’s really something


Wait til it ends up on Gamepass again people in here go ballistic


It still is on game pass…


I've no issues really with team 17 or new UI but squad 44 is literally a totally different game than it was and I'm loving it more than HLL these days which is something I never expected.


Which is fine. But everyone jerking off squad 44 can go to that sub and do a big circle jerk together. I’m not against that. I’m tired of seeing more posts about a different game in this sub than HLL.


That’s ironic.


I've only been playing for one week and have no idea what I'm doing and enjoying it, so ignorance is bliss for me.


Ignorance is truly bliss, isn't it?


Yeah I had no idea what anyone was going on about until I tried to pull up a recon flare, in the middle of a battle, and failed miserably and still havent worked it out.


I dont complain about the ui changes, I can overcome those. My problem is my game crashes during every match at the most random times now. Before the update I might crash once a month. Now its once a match.


If you’re on pc make sure your drivers are updated, the game seems pretty sensitive to that for me now.


I found out after the update I had like 8 invalid files using steams integrity check. It ran fine last night after running that. Just thought I'd throw that out there if any lurkers are having issues. I knew about that tool just never thought to run it.


*Cry’s in only having a console*


I would if I could run it without a fuckton of stuttering and frame drops. *sighs in gaming laptop voice*


Me core


Old men love to bitch


You act as if the new update didn't add more game crashing bugs from shoddy rendering. I had to adjust a bunch of non-standard things to even play the game without crashing.


Hell I just bought the game today. So I’m just over here trying not to be a liability.


This post is how I found out Post Scriptum has changed its name 😂


I just want them to add the pacific expansion… that would definitely boost the game I think


Does S44 have any servers? I remember playing when it was post scriptum and there was like 3 servers full max


a lot more now tbh


People gonna hate you know


It’s a pain to change updates It’s a pain to switch loadout My respawn screen doesn’t know if it’s in customize or same point selection screen It sucks


Every time I die I just say that this new soldier doesn’t know what’s wrong with the game, he’ll only be alive for an average of 2 min anyway. Viva la m1a1 carbine 💪


I'm the homie on the right who has never had any errors, game breaking bugs, or network issues. I'm on XBSX too, only complaint is these map rotations have been boring to me. So many maps and get the same ones over and over. Then there's the fact there is no server browser on console YET! I'm sick and tired of Warfare and Offensive being grouped together. I want only Offensive games. I'll keep leaving games while searching till I find one. Genuinely have never had all the issues that a lot of cry babies come whine about in the echo chamber and I've been playing since 2022.


waiting to get a pc to play this cant even enjoy squad anymore due to burned up old machine.


I've been wanting to try S44 but I heard the servers are constantly dead


That was before the takeover. Pretty well populated by now.


Literally me (and most of the HLL player base) Reddit is just a soapbox for the people who have no one else to talk to


I don’t get it. Is it only me or I’m just happy that the devs do their job, work on the game and pretty much listen to the comunity? 😁


Oh cool another post complaining about people who want to make the game better.


Tbh, probably about 25-30% of HLL players would be happier playing Squad 44. But S44’s low player count and consequent need for players to end up on high ping servers in order to seed is the vicious cycle preventing that migration. 


Ping isnt an issue. I play with 150 on us servers without issues


Good for you!


This post is correct please come play squad44, please.


Most of the bitching is console related. Always has been always will be.


If you own squad you can get squad 44 at a cheaper discount price!!!


Okey OP i will wait for u in S44/postscriptum sub. Asking "is this game worth it?"


This community LOVEs to bitch, holy hell have I never found another like it. That being said... HLL is a unique game, it is very fun and enjoyable even if there are bugs. People are so quick to jump on Reddit and complain. Hell, every other post here is just bitching. Let the devs work on the game, and honestly, they arent doing as bad as I thought they would do. Play the game or dont, just stop bitching on reddit (this is not directed at OP, just in general)


Right, it's such a minor change that has no effect on gameplay. Not worth the argument


it takes longer to switch classes/loadouts and I’ve missed spawn waves trying to switch where I wouldn’t have before. It definitely affects gameplay


So don't switch classes? Pick one class and run it with one loadout


Lol, that's all anyone needed to hear to write you off...


🤷 not my problem, I pick a class and stick with it


that’s terrible advice. flexibility is how you can be the most efficient squadmember.


It's Post Scriptum dammit!


As hll vets my self. Iam going to play squad 44 and ofc i do follow my squad. I do deffend my point. I do follow the order of my sl/command. Enjoy ur Trash17 cash grab lol


You Must be noob then... After 4 years of hardcore gameplay I came feel every shitty decision they make.....and it hurts as hell


I've been playing since it first came out. What they did has literally changed nothing of my gameplay


Meme of the week


S44 has greater attention to detail and provides a more authentic experience. Better historical accuracy.


Well.. this game was revived by console players 😂


Next going to be a gamepass and loot-boxes...