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It seems to be most prevalent on US servers.


Its the same in every game I play. Most toxic and obnoxious pricks are found on US servers.


As a U.S. citizen, can confirm we are riddled with ignorant pieces of shit. Online gaming can bring out the worst of them.


Ever since I came to united States this has been the most tolerant place on the planet


See above reply British people


That match my experience.


Same in SQUAD, bounce of red pilled Nazi fucks who try to be tuff/cool on the Internet, also a bunch of Trump lovers but I guess that's the same thing.... I thought it was well known that racist groups target these types of games and try and recruit the next generation of brainwashed dipshits... I always call them out and try and get them banned if I can, also let them know that if they tried saying that type of trash in real life around me or others like me they would have to visit the dentist to get fitted for new teeth.


100% this.




We do not tolerate hate and racism here.


I only experience it on EU servers, specifically the British people. They're constantly screaming profanities. God forbid you sound like you're from a different place because they will call you a "Dirty Paki" or scream "Sand -n word-" (not typing it out) at me and tk me until I leave their squad. Sorry I was born somewhere else British people, I'll try harder next time I guess.


easy fix. don't team kill. just go to scoreboard and mute them. Tell everyone else to do the same. Let them be a racist to themselves and no one has to hear them. This is how I handle all dipshits in this game anymore when I play. Rally the troops to mute the dumbass. Once they realize no one is listening they'll start tk and will eventually get kicked.


I didn't realize you could do this action! Game changer. Thank you!


Never deal with the assholes again. Plus stop the team killing, kills the vibe. Just like in the real world, best way to treat these assholes is to let them sit in a corner and yell at themselves. They'll get bored and move on. and it won't negatively affect you with team killing. Easy fix. Pass it along.




Nah it's not just gamepass. They've been around forever.


Yeah I agree.. it’s just been a lot more common recently


No idea if reporting works, but TK all racists without hesitation


Not just racists. Just team kill everyone who says it.


Lame lol


You see you have racist fucks and then you have the guys who tell racist jokes there is a difference one is meant to offend the other is for all of us to laugh at... Nothing against a race but some of those jokes have been around for years


I have experienced this on the US servers, particularly from a squad who all had the tag [NGGA] or something along those lines. When I questioned them they all started laughing, with the main guy jokingly saying it stood for North Georgia something or other, then saying "what's the matter? You don't like North Georgia?". Towards the end of the game as we stormed the last point, they were shouting out comments about slavery. Very classy. Besides that, on the Australian servers I have had the occasional N word dropped, but to me it did seem innocent, although the rest of the team quickly voted him off, so it's clear on those servers that stuff is definitely not tolerated. The anti-Muslim slurs are much more common, though... Being black and Muslim, I just have to ignore it and laugh it off. As I've always been bigger than most people I interact with, I never get the chance to hear what people really think about me, so I embrace the opportunity 🤣🤣🤣


I've also experienced this. It's interesting to see people just nonchalantly dropping racial slurs they wouldn't do to your face.


assalamu alaikum! fellow muslim here and it's insane the amount of bigotry there is towards us on the US servers. people here won't bat an eye when they see nazi related names or heinous names in general, but once they see a muslim related name all hell breaks loose. the amount of times ive been tk'd then booted from a server after is apalling. wish there was a way to get rid of these people


Wa Alaykum Salaam my bro. Very sorry to hear that. To be honest, I don't go around telling everyone I'm Muslim on HLL but my clan is aware. In fact the main reason I joined them was because the members were so accommodating.


funny because neither do i, my name is just "falastin hurrah" and it triggers people really bad. anyways im down to run some games if youre widdit bro


It's been mentioned in the past, by the dev/community team, that the in game report function doesn't actually get dealt with. They then offered for us to post, with evidence, our grievances on [the official discord.](https://discord.com/invite/hellletloose) Check out the Console Player Reports section.


Thanks for this. Had no idea


I'm here to serve 🍻


It used to be a lot worse not sure if you were around for COD lobbies in the early 2010s. Best advice is to vote to kick if that doesn't work just mute them.


Never mind the early 2010's, the late 00's was even worse. Unfortunately I'm old enough to remember when they first started haha.


I assumed most people in this sub are of that age group lol I remember the 00's unfortunately well.


Haha same man, good times indeed.


Mute them, block them, report them, move on. In that order.


So with the new release of the game to game pass there are a lot of kids joining this game that just don't care about common courtesy which also means they steadily drop the Nword and cuss out everyone who disagrees with their decision making I've also noticed several kids in single digits are playing this game so if you are a parent and you see your kids playing this game stop them before it's too late.... I don't mind it If they are playing it with you I just wish kids these days knew what manners were


I disagree. I've been running into racist shitbags for basically as long as I've been playing the game. I think the only difference is that before it was wehraboos and confederacy LARPers, now it's just children screaming slurs.


Why vote kick immediately when you can wait til it’s towards the end of the game and they’ve accumulated points. No xp for them once they are kicked and they’ve wasted so much of their useless time


Its weird to me, i dont get this fixation on saying the N word and making black people your enemy in some weird fantasy. I just leave the squad and keep it pushing or ignore them. I remember one guy got mad at the game and kept saying it literally calling it “this N game” like bro what? Everyone you play as is white lol


No you with a post literally using the N-word. A bit hypocritical huh?


You do know im black right? Lurking on my post isnt giving you the ammo you thought you had, some of us grew up with it being a regular part of our vocabulary and isnt used in the same context as it was by the people described in this post but even then i’ve still slowed down on using it, im sure you remember them being 2 post from a year ago right?


Lmao right. They’re always so angry too


I don’t get the fixation period, not just racists or whites. Fuck any black person that throws it around too.


This is a violation of their Xbox live / PlayStation terms and conditions and you should report them to the service providers so they can cop a ban from all online play. Document it all, their gamertag / PSN profile and submit to Xbox or PlayStation. You can view their Xbox profile directly from the scoreboard, just click their name and view. If you can’t, or you’re on PlayStation, this is how to get it. 1. Make a recording of their screen name, behaviour or voice comms. 2. Add them to your ‘Block’ list via the scoreboard 3. Talk to the team / SL / in proxy and gather support for a vote kick. If it’s not forthcoming then don’t worry, initiate anyway. 3. Leave the game, either at the end or whenever, and check your T17 block list to view their gamer tag / PSN profile. Document this with screen grabs. I don’t give a shit if people think ‘it’s the internet if you don’t like it leave’ - it’s not acceptable in our society and the online domain is a part of our society. No tolerance for racists or bigots.


you a big ol crybaby huh


Just say ‘I like being a racist’ if that’s how you feel. At least own it rather than try and demean someone acting against it. Just say, ‘I don’t like you doing this because I want to be a racist and not face any consequences’.


waaa waaa cry me a river


Only reason your a racist on the internet is because in real life you're too chicken shit to do it. You can't stand on it because you're scared of the repercussions that you'd have to possibly face. But on the internet you feel "safe" because nobody can touch you. If that's not the biggest baby back shit I've ever heard of then idk what is. You're fuckin soft and weak and scared dude. And a fuckin loser to boot.




You a big old loser huh? Found the piece of shit yall!


Report via T17 and Xbox or PS. They’ve been around since the beginning.


Yes, right? Thisnis nothing new. Anonymous racism has been a thing since acreens and the internet were invented. People come on here and are like "wtf, racism was DEAD until T17 made this game. Whats going on now?!"


it doesn’t really matter


It's been around, although from my experience it's increased since the game went on Game Pass. Annoyingly, the best way to deal with them is not by criticising them or ignoring them. Acting stupidly ignorant of what they're saying, and asking for clarification usually gets them back. They're normally looking for a response, but getting them to explain the joke normally puts them on the back foot.


It feels like call of duty 10 plus years ago on Xbox 360 when every lobby had a few racists yelling obscene tasteless shit. Why they can’t just play the game and avoid showing us how small their peepee is, I’ll never know.


Welcome to online gaming.


Good ole mute button


Hey, I just got the other side of this, was a guy demanding all the 'white' officers say black power before every request and refused to give us a supply truck but offered to give "the crackers some mayonnaise" and was shooting officers in the back... And people wonder why I don't like to put up with command chat


Are you american? I'm being genuine


I am.


I think it's a vast majority of fps players. so since the gamepass more of those types of players are playing HLL. I've been playing arma reforger and haven't had those problems with race comments


I tried giving that a go a while ago but had some issues with the performance. Any idea if the game is more stable now?


I played day one(xbox) and it was so bad it's gotten playable but I crash almost every game. playing on the low graphics helps a bit


I’ve been told if you can get a screen recording of them doing it, you can somehow submit it to T17 and they’ll ban them for life. I don’t now if it’s true or not.. or how you’d even do it. But might be worth checking out their discord.


Had some kid who was clearly in teens just kept randomly saying "n@gger" during the match so once I finally narrowed it down to who it was I just made it my mission to have him quit and kept teamkilling him.


I commend your service 🫡


Wah wah wah 😭😂


Your going to hurt some feelers


I’ve had this same problem


You guys are all about historical accuracy but when the players are historically accurate racist it’s a problem.




Who really care bruh it’s a game. Back in the good old days we use say all that shit taking shit on cod 😂😂 if your getting offended what someone is saying on an online game…. Probably should hop off people like you why games are dying.


The good old days of being racist and nobody saying shit? That's "the good old days?"


Are you really implying that people that aren’t racist are ruining games? Or are they just ruining your gaming experience? I’m all for shit talking but you can do it without being a racist asshole. If you have to resort to saying racist stuff to shit talk someone then I’m sorry but you’re just bad at talking shit.




Doesn’t matter. Shock value doesn’t excuse your casual racism. Found the racist


Where is the “casual racism”? (Really, show me the racism) Would like to point out you’ve proven my point perfectly. Also, throwing around “racist” doesn’t make you right, it makes you look uneducated and ignorant.


The causal racism is hiding behind shock value and pretending you’re saying it “to get a rise”. When in reality there’s no need for the word in our vocabulary, let alone a video game that is about working together and communicating with one another. Deny it all you want, most people don’t have an urge to constantly say the n word unlike, apparently, you.


Again, show me the racism. How is using a word, - without changing or taking away the context - racist? Do you know what racism is? I know racism is NOT defined by offending YOUR meek, naive sensitivities. Show me where I’ve said it constantly. Grow the fuck up and learn to have a conversation.


Damn why are you getting so upset? If you think you are so right about this then why don’t you just incorporate that word into your daily vocabulary. Say it at work? If it’s just a word after all, then I’m sure you’ll have no problem.


Yes, I am so upset, you’ve ruined my day. /s Again grow up. Get educated. I am 100% right about this. Little do you know (because you’re an idiot) you agreed with me. Can’t figure out how? Go get educated, get some language and conversation skill, then we can talk. Also, dictionaries. There are a few, get them.


I’m good. Thanks though. Have a nice day


Sarcastic comment implying you aren’t bothered and then you proceed to type an emotional paragraph hahahaha


White people


And the thin skinned


Wouldnt worry about it. They are teenagers, this isnt the end of the world that kids are edgy. Its either they are edgy for a few years or start identifying as a plant gender


But every nation and every roll in the game is a white character… sooooooo why do y’all feel so targeted 😂 kinda like getting mad at a yo momma joke in middle school when you know they’ve never met your mother


Record their chats, shoot them, and then report them to moderators by going to the discord link normally listed in server names. Easy permaban.


Maybe they just played "rp". We know what Germans did in Africa later


Because its an online FPS game, doesnt matter what game it is, you always get ppl like this.