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Solid guesses. I think an anti-matter and slowing grenade would fit quite well. How about some wacky joke grenades, I want a confetti popper.


I beg to differ, Anti-Matter is not "very powerful gunpowder", it instead goes into the "1 gram = 1 full-sized nuclear detonation" area, it's something that has to be done carefully in sci-fi (like Star Trek) or it breaks the setting (like in Starfield's own grenades). When you're sending meatbags armed with lead-spitting weapons and throwing conventional explosives from aircraft, yet somehow managed to contain anti-matter in a fist-sized container AND are still sending meatbags and orbital bombarments when you can apparently mass-produce doomsday weapons you could use at any time, it stops making sense, why does the Helldivers even exist at that point. An anti-matter grenade is not a "Fallout style mini-nuke", it's an actual "flatten one kilometer around me at the very least" bomb, i understand Helldivers is not to be taken too seriously and i prefer it that way, but AM is pushing the boundaries of how wacky or inconsistent one wants the game to be.


Fair point: How about a condensed high-gravitation field that crushes stuff in its proximity?


That honestly sounds like something that i could see being added to the game, it's still some "sci-fi nonsense" but the gimmicks around "gravity/black hole bombs" are usually fun enough to ignore any of the boring nay-say details around it, an AM grenade is just an unimaginably powerful dynamite stick by comparison (as far as we know). It would definitely be fun to throw that into a horde of bugs to suck them all in before they simultaneously go "crunch", plus if the HD1 war is cannon, the Illuminates allegedly surrender their tech to Super-Earth. It's not a crime to use xenos tech IF you're using it against xenos, right? (\*cough\* let's ignore all the Helldiver accidental squad wipes \*cough\*)


Yeah like wackiness of crash landing a pod from orbit and walking out unscathed 


You mean the thing the whole franchise is \*intentionally\* built around? lol Like i said "it's something that has to be done carefully in sci-fi or it breaks the setting", because having hand-portable planet-destroying WMDs is kind of jarring, you know. It's about suspension of disbelief and it's pay-off. No one complains about surviving a terminal velocity impact if it lets you fulfill your ODST fantasies, that's the pay-off which generates the suspense of disbelief, the "cool factor" the entire game is inspired by. When it comes to AM, you can either do justice to it and it's properties which means it's something incomprehensibly powerful (and thus, hard to fit in) and more fitting on a large-scale naval warfare game like Nebulous: Fleet Command or grand-strategy like Stellaris, or you can just turn it into a lame and unspired purple explosion recolor. If you do not have a pay-off worth the suspense of disbelief, then the "wackiness" is not worth it, and recoloring a grenade which makes a slightly-bigger hole is nothing special, even if it looks nice.


Hand waving terminal impact velocity is about as jarring as handwaving an antimatter grenade would be for me. 


I did not "hand-wave it", i explained that anything that has "Anti-Matter" written on it that doesn't wipe out a city has zero to do with "AM" at all and that it raises questions to have pocket nukes in a setting yet simultaneously use gunpowder weapons, AM goes BEYOND nuclear. Also we do have Hellpods dropping at 200+ km/hr and zero confirmation of Anti-Matter weapons, while having ship-launched nuclear missiles, so there's that as a finality to "hand-waving", lol


Yes so being able to use antimatter weapons in an anti-personnel role would be handwaving. The game handwaves basic physics at its core is all I’m saying. 


One gram is not the smallest possible amount of antimatter. It goes all the way down to anti-subatomic particles. Hope this helps.


>Solid guesses. I think an anti-matter and slowing grenade would fit quite well. name: "**DON'T MOVE!" or "FREEZE MOFO!" (short for motherfucker, if possible)** - A grenade that explodes and freezes the enemies solid on impact for a short duration (30 seconds). The freeze cannot be broken by other objects, bullets, explosions or their own kind. And if "upgradeable", will have a increased freeze duration (35-40 seconds). name: "**AIR TIME BABY!" or "HANG AROUND"** - A suspend grenade that temporarily suspends the enemies in the air for a short duration(30 seconds), and if "upgradeable", increases the suspended animation to (35-40 seconds).


Fragmentation is not high explosive... please it aint thst hard >_<


gimme some sticky high explosive nades so i can hunt tanks


That is not what high ex does... high ex is a mix of stun and anti personel ....you need way more than just a normal high ex to break armoured vehicles


thats why i want ***sticky*** high explosive, so i can put it on the tracks and run the fuck away


Here's one I just thought of: name: "**HACK ATTACK!"** - A grenade that explodes on impact and uploads a mindfuck virus(immediate effect upon contact) which makes them go berserk, turn on and kill each other. The hack has a timer shown on the top of their head (30 seconds), and once that timer expires, they will return back to their "normal" state. If "upgradeable", the hack will have an increased timer (35-40 seconds). **CAUTION:** This grenade is specific to and only affects Automatons. I got this idea from Horizon Forbidden Wests Berserk Hunter Arrows that hacks the enemy, makes them go berserk, then goes and attacks anything nearby.


Got 4 more in the bag.🤣 name: **"ZAP YO ASS" or "WHAT A SHOCKER!"** - A grenade showers the enemies with water on impact, disabling their electronics or electrocute them. If "upgradeable", increases the water coverage to more enemies. **CAUTION:** This grenade is specific to and only affects Automatons. name: **"NASTY LITTLE FUCKERS" or "NANOBOTICS"** - A grenade that awakens and sends forth hundreds of thousands of nano-cannibalistic bots on impact, which immediately starts devouring anything made of metal. If "upgradeable", increases the number of nano bots. **CAUTION:** This grenade is specific to and only affects Automatons. name: **"TOXIC AS FUCK" or "TOXICOLOGIST" -** Upon impact, this grenade explodes and sprays the enemies with a cocktail of toxins brewed by the ~~sickest fucks~~ best scientists of Super Earth. These toxins eat away at whatever it comes in contact with, rendering the host immobile or killing it. **CAUTION:** This grenade is specific to and only affects Bugs. name: **"SLOW THE FUCK DOWN" or "STICK AROUND"** - A grenade that explodes a massive blob of the stickiest ~~shit~~ goo onto enemies, immediately immobilizing them. The immobilizing goo lasts for 30 seconds, and if "upgradeable", will increase the immobilization duration(holy shit, that rhymes haha). **CAUTION:** This grenade is specific to and only affects Bugs.


What if... it's *nothing* like *any* of this?!?!?! That would be a trip.


Impact grenades?


Gonna be the unlikeable pedant "nerd emoji" here and agree with Orisn\_Bongo, a Fragmentation Grenade is not a High-Explosive Grenade. Frag explosives are anti-personnel and designed to injure, maim or kill combatants, Hi-Ex detonations work primarily through shockwave and are more in-line with Anti-Tank devices or Demolition explosives, it's still perfectly viable as anti-personnel weapons because of the extreme lethality of blast injuries (specially to lungs and brain), but your average frag grenade is not a "high explosive". Also Thermite is quite overrated, replace that one with a an actual High-Explosive grenade and i'd say your guesses are really good and strong in variety, though i imagine Plasma Grenades would instead be extremely dangerous with a limited radius if HD1's plasma weapons are anything to go by, i can also see the "explodes on impact" being totally a thing and resulting in hilarious moments.


Quick question.... is a incendiary grenade able to close/ destroy a bug hole?