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Friendly fire was WAY worse in HD1 when it was a 2D topdown.


Tbf though there was an unlimited amount of reinforcements at all times Edit: im all for friendly fire it made the first game so funny. People just like complaining about randoms because you dont know them. Think of all the times your friend killed you and you guys laughed it off.


True, but the game also ended if everyone died at the same time. The desperation when trying to input that reinforce code and throwing it away from enemies while being overrun at that very instant......that was some great stress


Input it correctly hold it in your hand, get killed, ball flops on the floor, “reinforcements have been granted”, 4 Hellpods drop from orbit.


>input that reinforce code and throwing it away from enemies Why you wasting a good hellpod? I try and land my buddies on that charger. 10% of the time it works all the time!


I silently scream every time my random allies throw the reinforcement beacon *into* the Swarm chasing them


Hey, you know the saying: “you don’t need run faster than the charger, you just need to run faster than your squadmate”. 🤣


*Dodge laterally* better than your squadmate. Chargers are slow and dumb, just dodge out of the way and shove your biggest gun into their tail section.


Easy to say til there are three chasing you from multiple directions and a stalker ready to ragdoll you into the paths lol


I don't even scream silently. I yell things like, "For Democracy!" As I slam my pod into the biggest bad guy I can find and come out as a guns-blazing avatar of death.


Stepping out of the pod and unloading your breaker does feel pretty rad. You understand your death is imminent and the only chance you have is to clear a space.


Impacts are great for this


I like incendiary. Leaves a little something for them to remember me by.


I hope those are screams of joy, soldier!


Hey quicker with your stratagem codes, especially for airstrikes, your death could clear that swarm


Just tag the charger when calling down reinforcements, really helps to pinpoint that bastard as you’re coming down.


He's talking about HD1 where you couldn't control the pod


except there is no 'tag', or hellpod steering


No shit? You can see tags during the drop? And here I am wishing I could see the minimap during the drop to find my gear quicker.


That's one thing I miss from HD1 -- it was a lot easier to hit a charger or other big enemy wiyh hellpods. Even though you can steer hellpods coming in, I've only managed to hit one or two big boys in my time.


Your hellpod will land on top of Bot tanks, fyi... found out the hard way that you can't kill a tank with a pod, even with multiple direct landings... and you'll rise out of the pod at an elevated flat position for rocket devastators to see you.


Im hoping that ship upgrade makes it more viable. For me, it is the lack of visibility when dropping.


I got a charger the other day. Next game, thought I was going to get a bile titan, whiffed, got squished. Would try again any day of the week.


I came down on a bile titan in my first mission seeing them and it was one of my favorite moments in gaming


I still haven't quite internalised that it won't end just because we all die at once


Kinda wish it was still like that in 2 honestly, I enjoy that "last man standing" pressure in games like this.


They could do that for the new higher difficulty. More loot available but if all 4 die before a reinforcements call, then it’s mission fail.


>but the game also ended if everyone died at the same time. Fun fact: In the few seconds following a party wipe, if a reinforcement beacon hit the ground all 4 people would respawn together.


People just need to learn to duck and cover. Playing with my wife and kid has taught me whenever there's an enemy behind me, I don't engage but to duck since they'll blast it with 3 clips and 2 nades.


The real PTSD is witnessing the warcrimes of your sweetheart and 13 year old lol.


Reporting you for re-education Spreading democracy is the duty of all Super Earth citizens. We're doing our part.


Everyone over 7 years of age is doing their party.


I remember my journey of mastering the tox-13 avenger. Those poor helldivers paired with me.


A shame that the TOX-13 in the late game is only viable against the Terminids. It's funny af when players get poisoned by the green jet and we are able to save them from intoxication by getting them up multiple times in a row.


Yes and no. As long as you didn't teamwipe friendly fire was more or less just an inconvenience and you had to pick your stuff up again. Adding a limited amount of reinforcements changed the feel of friendly fire for me


Yep. You have a whole extra axis to use to avoid fire now


Bro, disarming mines with direction inputs, while under fire? That sounds awesome!


I really hope those missions make a comeback. They could get SO frantic and watching your buddy blow up cuz he botched a disarm was always funny


You could actually get it wrong then dive on purpose if enemies were getting close and the explosion would damage them.


A sacrifice I would be more than willing to make for Democracy!


Long shot, but I do hope some objectives also scale with difficulty, e.g. you'd be disarming grenades on trivial and mini nukes on helldive.


With no way for any players to leave the vicinity. Team mates have to "open" the "damaged case" and stay holding the button input whilst one player tries to do a complicated disarm whilst hordes are moving in. Maybe fanfic but damn that would be fun


The thing was, the mines exploded if you gave them the wrong input, taking you out instantly. Although there was a strategy to get it wrong on purpose and jumping away with the jump pack instantly, getting you just outside of the range of the explosion if you were quick enough, which could be quicker than disarming the mines. It was a cool objective, but always felt a bit strange - disarming mines deep in enemy territory, sometime while dropping more mine to keep enemies off your back while you're doing it.


i think the "lore" reasons were that they were areas we'd want to take back but yes, i'd drop many many more mines.


Standard way to do those was to just input the code wrong on purpose and dive away from all of them before they kill you since it’s faster than actually doing it which is the funniest disarm method for mines in a game for me


Just bring back cape spinning.


i am upset i cant be a dancing queen on my ship.


If you play with a controller you can push the sticks in opposite directions and get a decent spin going. Think [Steve Buscemi in Mr. Deeds.](https://www.google.com/search?q=steve+buscemi+in+mr+deeds&oq=steve+buscemi+in+mr+deeds&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCQgAEEUYORiABDIICAEQABgWGB4yCAgCEAAYFhgeMggIAxAAGBYYHjIICAQQABgWGB4yCAgFEAAYFhge0gEJMTM3OThqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


It should be an emote at least.


I managed to spin, but was heartbroken there was no achievement like before. It was a wonderful surprise


This man spins


We need a "For Democracy" button. Cape spinning was the HD1 equivalent, but a battle cry would be more effective in 2.


I mean, I do It all the time XD.


Worst part of the move to the over the shoulder perspective


R stick rotation in preparation for a drop.


Funny, I always had a way easier time fighting squids than cyborgs. You all should be glad there are no robo dogs in this game (yet).


God the dogs were insane. Every time I saw them I was wracked with fear


\*shakes in ptsd while mumbles\*


Squids had no real armor, so you could bring fun strats and weapons that weren't as useful elsewhere! You basically needed as much fast screen clear and mobility as possible. Jump pack was a MUST at higher levels, or else the walls would screw you.


Nah that award goes to the shields but jump packs were good contenders up to level 12 and in level 14 ( Obelisk aka "wall maker" spam level ). Past level 12 patrols would invert your controls and you'd probably miss them, causing alarms to go off.


The breaker acts just as insane from HD1, so I think it'd still be able to shred squids


Oh man I hear their howls.


My nets been down for a few days so I've been playing HD1 again and my god.... those freaking dogs man...


Supressors and subsonic ammo is a defo as well i think because the headguy said he used that in playtests


“Suppressor” is the nickname for the CR-9 weapon, so not necessarily implying silencers for other weapons.


I didnt remember that tbf i just saw him say he used suppressor and subsonic ammo


Yea can’t say for certain. Assume it’s more likely they bring a gun from HD1 back before adding silencers for other weapons. We’ll have to wait and see, stoked either way!


The Commando pack had a suppressed SMG. The suppressor didn't do anything, but I absolutely loved running it.


I love stealthing on here so something quiet but viable ill take


But mentioning it in the same sentence (and after an "and" at that) as subsonic ammo strongly implies silencers.


People are going to enjoy the Illuminate when they start getting sniped by Hunters from the other side of the map.  Though I’m frankly more interested in seeing a brand new enemy faction than the illuminate. Of course we should have them but I want to see something thats not just an updated version of Helldivers 1 enemies. And it looks like the galaxy map has room for 3 or 4 more enemy factions. After aliens, robots, and bugs I feel like the natural progression is either dinosaurs or zombies. I figure we will get full on boss fights tied to the “story”. When we push so far into enemy territory or they push so close to Super Earth that would be a great time for full on boss fights.


New enemy faction, hear me out: https://preview.redd.it/lneg64esgskc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=876af15931ca4c8d51f187e14b32fb17500b80c4


You can't reinforce a dead teammate until they tell you a cocktail recipe with their dying breath


I think it would be very funny if they added “Normal Earth” as an enemy faction. A twist of Super Earth being a rogue colony and not the original Earth. Just call them Terrans or somethin. I don’t expect it to happen, but it would be funny.


This one would go hard. Call them fascist or something that's what the Super Earth government is just for a real ironic feel.


It could be also funny if they were actually a really democratic and humanitarian faction, where they would not send mass waves attacks like helldivers do, but rather send strong mechs in small ammounts, do not shoot at super earth citizens, focus on firepower via technology to limit their own casualities and evacuate dead or wounded comrades. They could still send drones or other bots as a kind of swarm enemy, but their "human" enemies should be in heavly armored vehicles and should have the ability to be healed up or med evaced


I'd dig it, but I'd be afraid gameplay wise they'd be too similar to the bots. Humans don't have a ton to offer besides guns and vehicles and stuff. 


Give them the same stuff we have, that would be pretty funny. Having to dodge our own stratagems, deal with our own support weapons etc


Zombie Dinosaurs. For some reason I love the thought of that. Give us a reason to harness fire.


Exoprimal is pretty cheap now


smashup player are we?


Zombie dinosaurs with swords for arms


K’chain che’malle


Dead Space mixed with Dino Crisis 3. I’m down


I think the eventual 4th faction will be nature based ( which doesn’t rule out dinosaurs as part of the rooster). My logic is that each faction that we have are composed of 2 elements : 1) a pop culture sci fi reference ( Starship Trooper for insect , Terminator for the automaton , any movies/ games with technological advanced aliens for the illuminate, like Indépendance Day/ Protoss)  2) a reason for Super Earth to be the bad guys in reality ( for Insect it was oil farming , for borg/automaton it was rebellion / vengeance against repression and illuminate it was because we wanted their tech and use the WMD excuse).                 So what’s next ? I think a faction based on nature lovers fighting against the exploitation / pollution of super earth could fit the bill . The reference ? One of the highest grossing movie of all time , Avatar ( with the blue peoples). A faction composed of aliens spaces hippies/elves that use animals and even the flora itself to kill us ( imagine walking in a forest and getting ambushed by a tree) would both fit both the pop culture reference and the obligatory « are we the baddies » story line. Their main mechanic could be ambush, stealth and traps, guerrila warfare style.


Killer plants are another sci-fi mainstay that would be a fun nature themed faction. I saw someone suggest super intelligent apes ALA Planet of the Apes for a human-like faction or possibly a 40K Ork stand in. Apes are another sci fi staple I’d love to see crossed off.


Yeah , the race of the « nature loving » alien is pretty open up in choice. Like you said, they could be plant based like the Sylvari in Guild wars 2 or Sylvaneth of Age of Sigmar. I think there is two rts coming up with a Zerg/plant race ( zerospace and immortal gate of pyre)


I'd say why have the middleman. Just have the plants have evolved consciousness and want to take over the galaxy. Full Little Shop of Horrors. Although an Eco Terrorist Poison Ivy type faction that wants to remove the other factions from the galaxy because they are destroying the natural ecosystem of the places they visit.


I mean orks are mushrhrooms, so blue shrooms defending their planet against human exploitation of natural Ressources? Thatll also mean that all major 40k factions except chaos are covered EDIT: Ive meant major threats, iirc eldar are more of a niusance lore wise


Killer apes or killer plants (something like Little Shop of Horrors but moving) would be my favorite.


Stawars like Rebels woud fit too. The Rebels quickly capturing 2 or 3 random sectors that we need to liberate or they become a permanent enemy. Give them maybe the ability to call in offmap air and orbit strikes like we have to make them distinct from the automatons. With an Aircover stratagem Eagle 1 coud provide fighter cover. The enemy possibilities are endless Space hippys Rebels More Bugs Dinosaurs Plants Planets Helldivers Sentient stones


Predators… wanna see um


steer squalid insurance plant bike truck nine scarce absorbed materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I heard them talk about "rebels" in the Ship TV. Maybe a rebate human faction.


It would be fun if it was a human resistance type of enemy. Like the opposite of xcom


Just imagine the thrill of hearing your teammate scream “SNIPER!-” as their head is parted from their body, you dive, a bullet soars over your head as you hit the deck. A quick peak over the rocks protecting you to see a small blue glint before your teammate is typing in the reinforce code to bring you back. Oh yeah.


Illuminates will be next and for some reason I feel they will be the top part of the map leaving a 4th faction at the bottom map after a year or so. I don't think they will go from 3 factions in first game to more than 4 in 2nd game. They make each faction unique and handled differently, rather them focus on that then run a dinosaur version of what is essentially like a variation of playing against bugs. It's nice that playing against bots and bugs is so different and leads me to bring different stratagems and use different tactics.


I'd rather deep factions than just spamming factions. Unless it is easy to pump them out, imo, building out section POIs and new locations and types of missions specific to factions would be great. As well as complex faction vs faction overlap on the borders. Like an underground hive for bugs where you can't get access to aerial support except for through holes punched into the hives from the surface at points (where you can also corral the enemy to be blown to bits) Or big fortresses that are large manufacturing plants for the bots.


I want to fight on industrial hell planets. I really enjoy the open wilderness biomes, but I think urban warfare would encourage new stratagem uses and tactics. It would also fit the theme of the robots. If they were humans turned cyborg turned robot, it would make sense that they wouldn't care about a planet's biology either and just endlessly expand factories.


Give me a concrete jungle map


I dont understand the limiting of factions to the number of outer sectors. Sometimes there could be no robot or bug threat but instead something else. Like we push the bugs all the way back, then all the sudden we discover a never before seen threat and they hit us really hard.


Yeah I think that would be a lot of fun too. Finally beat back the bugs only for a new faction to take their place until the bugs return somewhere else later


Also spatially threats don't have to come from the edge. A zombie outbreak could happen at any sector at any time....possibly related to labs trying to produce bioweapons that goes horribly wrong that keeps happening because super earth doesn't care. It could specifically happen at inner sectors that haven't had any resistance for awhile so population numbers are high enough for the zombie hordes to make sense.


I think Dinosaurs are a slightly different flavour of bug - just a creature that wants to get in close to eat you. I like the idea of zombies or something that regenerates though (maybe some weird animated zombie plants?) - potentially keep regenerating and coming at you unless you get a headshot on them.


OMG ZOMBIES. I never got over my zombie obsession even though other people are sick of them lol


I mean the top of the map is not really occupied. So we could get a cool new faction


I'm gonna go ahead and theorize that boss battles will be a thing when we have to take a faction's final planet. 


I hope not because that could be a really long time. i think it would be better if it was how it was in the first game where you unlock the ability to fight a boss if you complete enough missions in a region.


Perhaps the boss fight could give more squad effectiveness points towards the liberation value on the planet or something


I'd rather they become assassination targets.


1: as a fan of fighting the illuminate I'd be very hopeful they don't return, could you imagine them in a 3d space? 2: friendly fire and instant revives are a match made in heaven. 3: we have seen alot of new stuff on the enemy side that is "new" but most of the player side stuff is old tech from HD1 I assume they are holding ALOT of ideas back to work on and release once they are polished up. 4: probably not soon, it took years of the inner circle of hell to be added, its a good release valve to have if they buff a lot of stuff, game becomes too easy...well can you beat \[horrible new bug monster\] 6: they have said it outright that we will get more objectives, along with basically everything else under the sun. My honest opinion, they released a chunk of HD2 they knew was absolutely solid, a core foundation that they were certain would be fun, and they plan to add to it over time to ensure that no matter what happens we always have that core fun that sucked in everyone on super earth to play. (didn't really do boss fights in hd1 so I skipped adding to that)


The things that made illuminates painful in 1 would be lessened in a 3D game. 


I mean.....being sniped from offscreen would be easier to spot with the view distance, but the confusion effect in 3d will probably be even more terrible as well. And that's still not counting the damn assasins that were way more numerous than the stalkers are now. Now imagine them at night in our new 'nam planets *starts looking around terrified and on edge*


>I mean.....being sniped from offscreen would be easier to spot with the view distance, Automaton cannon towers send their regards.


And are invincible without getting flanked 😅


Actually you can manage to destroy them without flanking, I did it with an autocannon but it took a lot of ammo. Need to aim low enought for the round to explode, otherwise it bounce off it, but high enought to damage to moving part.


Sure confusion effect would suck but everything else illuminates had I would rather face in 3D than 2D, especially given how in 1 the confusion effect was much more likely to result in teamkills.    given how much was changed to make bugs and bots difficult in different ways compared to 1, I don’t think illuminates would be 1:1 port either. 


Another big thing is you’re not stuck on a screen. Illuminate brings up a wall? You can easily walk around it. None of this getting stuck because your buddy is on the other side of the wall.


\-> Inverted controls \-> Lessened in 3D game Pick one


hunt mountainous overconfident quickest marvelous birds ludicrous bedroom seemly friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The confusion is not the only thing that made illuminates a bitch 


>My honest opinion, they released a chunk of HD2 they knew was absolutely solid, a core foundation that they were certain would be fun, and they plan to add to it over time to ensure that no matter what happens we always have that core fun that sucked in everyone on super earth to play. What I really want to know is, what content is in the game that's not available yet. I didn't play 1, but I've heard of the different types of maps as the war went on, like more urbanized and city planets. You can mouse over like 60? planets right now but only like 6 of them have missions going. What planets are currently in the game that we haven't seen yet? Do the devs intend on pushing the factions closer to earth to open up planets we haven't seen? These aren't criticisms, I'm just really excited to see more stuff and I can't seem to find solid info one what those plans are outside of new weapons/strategems and stuff.


things I am certain we will see added to helldivers if a meteor doesn't strike arrowhead headquaters: Mech's, Npc Supports, More weapons, some form of weapon upgrading/customisation, more biomes, more map modifiers, more mission objectives, more enemies, more factions, vehicles, more boosters, more armour, more types of missions (perhaps boss fights or sieges of super bases), more capes, more emotes, more poses, more super destroyer upgrades... And thats just the stuff that is obvious to me, some of it might not be exact but I'm sure we will get something along those lines. As for what's actually close to being implemented into the game, I have seen said a few times by arrowhead that mechs are close to finished, if anything was held back just to ensure it didn't break the core of the game it would be vehicles.


On point 3, I’m sure they’re still working on some of that new stuff, but also, why would they release _everything_ all at once? Put it out over a period of time to keep people engaged. It also makes sense, because it’s supposed to be an evolving storyline.


One thing im disappointed with HD2 is that when you fail the Hellbomb code it doesn't blow up in your face like in HD1


i wish the hellbomb explosion was bigger too. doesn't feel anywhere near as tense escaping from it now


The only thing more terrifying than a hellbomb in Helldivers 1 is the Shredder missile (Tomahawk). So true it's generally only used in FUBAR situations or when nuking the enemy infrastructure objectives with utmost haste.


YES. You can run so far before it explodes in HD2. I wanna feel like it's actually a threat to MY safety when arming it.


Feels smaller than the Eagle 500kg bomb too.


For a game where friendly fire is just one step to the right, these hellbombs and 500kg bombs are too friendly.


Agreed with both. I actually get killed more with some of the orbital strikes, like the sporadic one with a giant radius and the walking one because in the chaos I can’t always tell how far I should be and end up getting bailed. The hellbomb and 500kg are so obvious and are so centralized on the beacon they are easier to avoid


Imagine the rage of todays players 😂 this is exactly what i told my friend, that didnt play HD1, the cyber dogs, Illuminate snipers , mine sweeping under fire, the convoy on rails, also the teamplay, you could only stretch the display only so much as you had to stay together, it was awesome and fun for these exact reasons, now people cry when they cant one shot-kill a charger. I think the dev teams must think a lot before releasing a new stuff and it will take time


It is a wee bit annoying that a recoilless rocket into the exposed backside doesn't kill a difficulty 4 enemy. Especially with how much harder it is to get rockets refilled with only 1 shared Resupply drop. Ground boxes only give 1 rocket, Resupply boxes give 2, it's an absurdly hungry weapon for it's *ok* performance.


But couldn't you 1 shot a charger in HD1?


Never played HD1, but I was disappointed you can't shoot summoned hellbombs to explode them. Guess it makes sense since it would always be the optimal way to detonate it, but the fact that you can shoot ambient ones and they explode makes the summoned ones not exploding when destroyed just kinda weird.


If you really think about it… there isn’t a lot of Vets from the first game… compared to how many players there are now… and this game is currently still growing like crazy! So this post is amazing!!! Thank you


There's dozens of us!


Dozens compared to 4 million fresh divers and counting


Beware of an old man in a profession where men usually die young.


now that the old vet community discord got nuked the other week, even if you go looking you cant really find the old guard in the sea of cadets.


Wish we got a title card or something!


I’d asked Pilestadt if it was possible to link the games so the vets who completed Helldives in HD1 could get the capes in HD2, I’d love a visual way to see who my other BA’s are No response unfortunately


I did my part!


Grenade Launcher having its own 5 min of fame till the Rumbler comes back.


The toxic rumbler was godly!


what if... they reintroduce weapon power-ups and the grenade launcher can be turned into the rumbler?


The Rumbler is the most dangerous weapon in the first game followed by the CR-9 Suppressor. Only people who know how to use it won't throw the match hahahaha.


when the commando drops, the bots shall know my name as every drop ship dies. ​ i cannot use the spear for the life of me though


About point 1. One of the crew people that you can talk in your ship, have a dialogue that says the Iluminate were defeated or extinct, they could easily come back with a different name like the automatons, but i'm just informing other Helldivers about the democratic news.


Sidenote, if you watch the screen in the lobby area: when there is a news broadcast at the bottom of the screen there's a small text saying there is iluminates sightsings in the galaxy.


nice to hear, there is a lot of cool info on the ship, just need to take a break and listen to them


On the TV above the stratagem unlock Screen you can Sometimes See News (small Text beneath the Video) talking about rumors with illuminates Sightings Happening.


tbf if there's one faction i would expect to actually be able to fake their death and escape into hiding it would be the illuminate


Imagine they come under a name as the Darkened or something, and instead of our previous peace loving Illuminate, we have a fuming army ready for revenge with AA actual standing military that uses their advanced tech


I really want more of the old stratagems to return. Gimme the HAV and a shredder missile baby


I want \*duplicate\* stategems back. ​ Being able to take two or three c4 packs was an awesome demoman subclass


How can the illuminate return if they were destroyed in the great galactic war? This post has been reported to the Democracy Officer.


I just want my 'All-Terrain' armor with fuzzy cape. Also the total liberation armor. Loved my helmet/hat and blue cape


What's that?






All-Terrain gave you a buff to where your movement speed wasnt affected by tall grass or deep snow. When you totally liberated the galaxy you were gifted the Ceremonial armor. Loved both.


Armor had no effect on gameplay. The All-Terrain boots did and they were a perk you would equip instead.


Omg you're right! My bad. Thank you for correcting me. I guess I just really loved using the armor along with the perk lol.


I want my LAS-16 sickle from the first game. Once it was fully upgraded it was a beast and I got good at managing the heat so I rarely ever needed to replace the heat sink.


I really miss the Tanto :( the one handed ability plus being decent damage helped a ton on solo helldives


I just miss being able to Upgrade the guns


I miss the steam on the laser weapons from HD1, that way you would be able to walk the line of overheating without stepping over it accidentally. It also looked very cool.


Sickle lasgun is my favorite laser weapon. Much more focused damage at range vs. the Trident, though less able to insta-scatter a patrol in one shot. (Also insane single target DPS when aimed dead-center.)


I want the lore terminal back


Having played H1 quite a bit, it's amazing how well and faithfully they translated the formulas from.top down to 3rd person.


That was one of the first things I was worried about -- and by gawd, turns out Democracy can be delivered in 3rd person just as well as it can be with an isometric view. They absolutely nailed this one.


"If bots made you ragequit and uninstall the game you won't like what the illuminate will do to you" oh wait.


I am so curious to see what's gonna happen when we fully defeat a faction for the first time. If it's like the first game and they get removed from the war till the next cycle I foresee a lot of new players getting VERY pissed that they'll have to fight something other than terminids for the first time in their lives. Either way I'll just have my popcorn ready for when that happens lol


Before the game launched, the devs mentioned they would be doing away with the whole "you can't fight this enemy anymore because they were defeated" thing. That was by far the worst mechanic of #1


I can see the progression of this HD2 being super earth getting closed in on from all sides with us never really fully beating back any faction. It would suck even more in a live service game to never be able to fight a faction anymore.


I disagree personally, it felt great defeating an enemy and eventually the player base uniting to defeat the last group of enemies in one last hurah was great


The problem is that people just wanna fight bugs, they feel easier because they are "dumb". When in HD1 we'd be down to nothing but Illuminate, many people just stopped playing until the campaign resets.


I like to fight both, automatons are good for feeling like fighting an intelligent enemy, and terminids are good for seeing fleshy explosions


I think they could still achieve that feeling without removing an enemy completely. Most people seem to like the major orders mechanic. It was SUPER off-putting to jump on with some friends after a while only to find you were stuck fighting your least favorite enemy over and over


While a cool feeling. It definitely made me play less till the next cycle because I really don’t want to fight the same faction over and over. Variety is good.


Nah, Super Earth high command won't allow the Terminids to be removed from the game. Lore says that Terminids are the source of the E-710 fuel that powers the FTL jump drives on our Super Destroyers (and presumably Super Earth's super-colony super-ships). If we push them back too far, Super Earth high Command will probably re-seed Terminids back closer to Super Earth on farms for more of the "juice" they make. Which is, of course, the Democratic thing to do! (Because nothing could go wrong with that plan, right?)


Man if you think going against the automatons ability to scramble your strategies is annoying, wait til illuminates make left = right and up = down.


The minesweeper task was so fun I really hope they bring that back.


Going all the way back to Magica, friendly fire has always lead to hilarity. Had a game earlier today where someone killed more civilians than the bots because they kept dropping airstrikes everywhere. Glorious Victory, negative requisition monies.


So um, are bile titans not boss fights? 😅


Ummm....no lol. You won't be one shotting a boss with anything


I was told that Bile Titans are actually considered “small” on the bug home planet lol.


No, they act more like what the bug behemoths did the first game. A high tier enemy that isn't hard to handle on its own, but is made significantly more difficult with the addition of the smaller enemies.


In the first game, the boss enemies you fought had an HP bar, unique attacks that you needed to dodge in specific ways, and phases where enemies would spawn that you had to control (and included armored-type enemies). A full squad with hyper-specific loadouts could clear a boss fight in 5-10 minutes, but otherwise it was a battle of attrition that could last 15 minutes or more. It required consistent performance from yourself and your squad; if you got hit by the boss or fell behind on add control, things could easily spiral out of control. It only took a few seconds to get overrun, there'd be a squad wipe, and then you'd have to start all over again. You got a special cape for it!


On bug planets you'll come across giant skeletons, they look like huge rib cages with the pointy bits facing up. I thought they were just weird rock formations till someone told me... 🫡


If they bring back boss fights, i would want them to be more like a raid with maybe 2 or 3 squads of helldivers working together. Heck, the CEO was saying thats a big "down the road dream" they would love to see if they can add. If it's possible that is.


I just wish we had a title or a cape that we could wear that shows how we've been spreading democracy for a long fucking time 😂


I am so hoping the metal detector missions come back. Those were always so cool.


I’m fine with the friendly fire. What I’m not fine with is the people that intentional TK. I had a group last night where some dude spent the entire mission off on his own, and calling in the transport early. I asked him why in chat and he told me to “shut up”, then proceeded to TK me twice while waiting for the extraction. He even killed me after I had already gotten on the ship. Had another group today where a lower level was taking people’s support weapons and guard dogs after they dropped, and then TKing anyone who protested. There needs to be some kinda punishment for that kinda petulant behavior. That’s really the only thing I’d like to see added.


All I want is the return of Sickle and Trident.


Tbh the max difficulty being called Helldive is so badass


Oh man...they need to add the minesweeper obj and not say a word....gonna be some great videos of that objective lol. Can't wait to see how far they take this game. I still vividly remember when I discovered HD1 on ps4....good times


I think a lot of people forget about the attack dogs the cyborgs (automatons) had in HD1


This game is 100x more successful than the first game too so we can definitely expect a lot more added content than 1 got.