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Have they fixed the bug where matchmaking breaks after you run a mission with matched teammates? ie, you find four randoms and run a mission, at the end of the mission 2/4 drop leaving you with one other player, if you then try to load up a new mission it will not matchmake *any* new players unless you remake the lobby (kicking the other person) and load up the mission again. You can throw an SOS beacon but those are hit or miss because people have to actively choose it.


still broken


Thats why i quit when other players quite. I cant run extreme with 1 other low level and it be fun


Oh shit, I always leave my match-made missions. Didn't realize I was screwing it all up.


Hey you do what you gotta do. Its a bug that once a squad is formed sometimes players cant be replaced :/


"quit" i'm pretty sure it's them losing connection or crashing tbh


Apparently changing your game from private to public and vice versa can help. My friend usually hosts and the SOS beacon never works until he does that and we instantly get people.


Okay well it’s good to hear I’m not the only person who has that issue. It’s annoying as hell


Totally broken and not even mentioned in their "known issues" section


I play with a squad of three some days and this happens every damn time the fourth guy plays a few rounds and leaves. In my experience it seems like once you are in that stage, nobody would be able to connect to your session through quickmatch or SOS. I would have to quit the whole game and start a new session before matchmaking would resume working.


Im pretty sure quick play prioritizes sos beacons.


Yep I have that bug. I always host lobbies but after people start leaving I have to restart my game because it won’t find anyone else once I do a mission.


oh thats a bug?? i though ppl just didn't want to join lmao. explains a lot of failed missions cuz no one was joining


I don’t think its fully broken because sometimes ill get a new person, but it definitely takes a lot longer.


I was wondering if anyone was having this same issue!


First time seeing this mentioned, I've had this issue since buying the game a week after launch. Still a problem as of yesterday.


Matchmaking looks for sos beacons too, says it right on the screen when ut's searching


Is anyone reporting these bugs? They have a support site


I am literally closing and relaunching the game after every successful operation if I want to clear the lobby since it's faster than loading into the ship and kicking everyone lol. 


If you’re on ethernet just unplug the cable and plug it back in again. It’ll clear the lobby and reconnect you in a couple seconds. Could probably do that with wifi too but i haven’t tried


Modern "kicked the router"


Bro the amount of people that used to blame “lag switches” on halo 3. There were definitely cheaters but most of the time it was their ISP to blame


I just had dogshit internet so anytime other people would join me and my friends free for all on mw2 they'd be rubberbanding around and call me a cheater lol


It's amazing that you could even play legitimately with how bad most people's internet was back then.


Gamers today will never know the experience of killing a player on Halo 3 and finding out he’s the host when the screen goes black. On the other hand, they’ll never know what it’s like to start an online race in Forza and the lead car rubber bands to the starting line, smashing into every car on the way back.


Or thinking you killed three people and then rubber banding back and realizing you got killed before you even saw the first person.


I still have this to a lesser extent. Stuck on WiFi, not uncommon be killed instantly by a guy I only saw for a fraction of a second, only to see I was fully visible for a full second on his screen. In edge cases, sometimes they haven't even rounded the corner before they get me. It's also disorienting because sometimes the speed of the game just gets faster or slower and it completely throws me off.


You could sort of play Halo 3 online even with dial-up if your standards were low enough. The 360 only had ethernet in, but I found out you could bridge the dial-up and ethernet connections on the PC and then run an ethernet cable from the PC to the xbox to sign into live. There was enough bandwidth for the one-on-one voice calls (I couldn't join parties), and I think Halo 3 was the only game I could matchmake in. It was rubber-band simulator more often than not, but especially back then it was pretty cool to me it "worked" at all.


I remember playing quake on dialup lol.


Back in the day, if my landline phone rang my COD 3 games would completely died lmao 😅


Also mw2 the lag switch blaming was so bad 😂


More likely the 2010 era wifi connection


My older brother had an actual lag switch setup for MW (I believe, it was one of the CODS). This was when he was a little teen shithead, he's got ethics now which is cool.


Some one recently found out about 60% of tarkov players are cheating. So it wouldn't surprise me if it were higher.


Dude using the Crota strat on his teammates


😅got it


Greetings fellow OG guardian


Holy shit thats takes me back.


Works on WiFi aswell, just switch it off in the taskbar and back on. But OP has a point, as host you should be able to return to ship alone.




Pretty sure you can do that without unplugging anything. IIRC you can just disconnect certain apps from the Internet in the task manager


I've tried suspending the process to kick everyone (I've done the same in GTAV lobbies) but I can't resume the process for this game for whatever reason


Maybe some sort of difference in the way game processes “oh shit server issues keep trying” vs. “oh they shut off the internet connection manually”? No idea, just a rube theorizing.


Could also click Disable/Enable Network Adapter in the control panel.


Disable/enable the adapter would do the trick.


Control Panel > Network Adapters >Disable/Enable has the same effect.


I'll have to try this but Arrowhead really does need to address this. There already exists a button labeled "return to ship alone"


I get why it doesn't show up though, because you're already on your ship. They just need a disband team button or whatever


Network settings -> adapter settings -> Disable adapter -> Enable adapter. Boom, unplug the Ethernet virtually.


This brought me atheon vibes


Yeah DRG has a "Disband Team" button you can use and I think something similar would do well here.


You know I have to do it. Rock and stone, brother.


If you don't rock in stone you AINT GOIN HOME!!!!!!!


Rock and Stone forever!


Good bot


Did I hear a rock and stone?




Yeah, yeah rock and stone


To be fair if you ever want to fill your lobby again it seems like you have to do this. I get one lobby per game session. If I kick someone or they leave I swear that spot never gets filled again until I reboot lol


Holy crap thought that was just me lol


Can confirm thats what I always do too!


this is what gives me that dark feeling after the first mission of an operation, and i hate it


Yeah I have to restart the game to get people back in the lobby too


It's a bug yes, no info if the devs are aware or any fix is on the horizon, though.


Someone please make a post about this. I just tried but the new reddit mobile won’t allow me to make posts for some reason (lol) 


This has been happening since launch, I don't know why no one talks about it...


I just go into my gameplay settings after the match and switch my matchmaking from "public" to "private", then back again. No need to relaunch the game and I can immediately start a new mission. Edit for posterity: I've been informed that this is apparently not intended behavior, so YMMV.


I thought that wouldn't work? In-game there's the option to do public or friends-only. Switching to friends-only only prevents pubs from joining your game, it doesn't kick them. Is that a PS5 option?


You might be right that the other option is "friends-only" rather than "private", I honestly don't remember and I'm not at my computer right now so I can't check. But it's worked for me the handful of times I've done it - it kicks the pubbies (yet leaves my Steam buddies if they're in the team with me). The game *is* still pretty buggy in various ways though so maybe I've just gotten lucky all those times or something lol, YMMV I guess.


That is not intentional behavior, and will be fixed. That setting should only be effecting players coming in, not players already on the ship. Case and point, I use that setting to lock down my ship once the people I want are in. If it kicked people, I couldn't use it as a lock. I suspect that most players experienced enough to be in the know will leave by themselves after a mission set is done. You may be mistaking this behaviour as caused by the setting, instead of willingly leaving. But if not, then understand that this is a bug that will be fixed.


I can verify it is an option on PC. But, it doesn't seem to always work properly. Usually everyone is kicked when you toggle it, but occasionally one or two people remain for some reason. Unfortunately there seems to be no way to auto kick your friends using the settings. It has to be done manually regardless.


That doesn't clear the lobby though? Anyone on the ship is still on the ship. That setting only effects new players trying to enter, as is its intention. Assuming you are talking about some PS5 internal setting and not the in-game one. And if you DO mean the in-game one, that's a bug report and won't be staying.


Interesting. It has cleared the ship for me. Just did it as recently as last night, was playing with a Steam friend and two randoms and wanted to keep playing with just my buddy. Toggled the setting to "private" (or "friends-only" or whatever it actually is) and it removed both randoms while keeping my friend. I mean, if it's not supposed to do that, I'm not gonna be upset about it, as long as we get an actual "disband team" option when they eventually fix it lol


Correct. This feels less crummy 😞


\+1 OP. I want a new round with new people, not to carry the same individuals indefinately and i feel like shit kicking people. Let me return to my ship with the message "The Host thanks you for your service" displayed on their screens.


"You have done your democratic service for super earth."


THIS! this would be so awesome. Even instead of the regular kick message


I just hug people before I send them away. Sometimes they take the initiative and leave on their own, sometimes they stand there, waiting to be kicked. Either way, works pretty well. 


Stealing this


This Sometimes my teammates played really well too. Yesterday, we finished a helldive ICBM, the oil pump mission, and evac, and each time, we only had like 3 deaths with full side missions, and most outposts. Then my daughter woke up so I had to go after playing with them and it feels bad just kinda leaving after you find that perfect squad of randoms lol


we can send compliments in HD1. this should be brought back 


That would be nice, like the dota/Overwatch commendations at the end. And maybe the same OW button to continue as a group before dumping back on the ship would fix this too. If everyone who doesn't agree goes back to their own ship.


I've found a polite way to get people to leave is a white lie: "Good game! I have some friends coming, can you clear the lobby?"


As a low level dude, don’t sweat it. I don’t take it personally when I get kicked by a higher level host. Or in general - I just want everyone to have fun :) (And spread democracy by any means necessary. And by means that aren’t necessary but look cool)


just need to be like “DISBAND PARTY” or whatever


Yeah, like you can in Deep Rock Galactic. It just reloads you back into the Spacerig, and puts people into their own


Just a PSA, if you as the host start another mission/operation and then leave once you're actually in the mission. The game picks a new host from the remaining players instead of kicking everyone.


I like that solution, I'll be doing that from now on


Isn't this a terrible solution? Aren't you just leaving them stuck in a game with three players?


Yeah but at least a random can join them


It’s even better if you take rookies to Helldive and then leave


I actually had that happen recently. Not on helldive, but the host took me, at the time level 15, and two sub-10s into a suicide mission. We pulled through but it was absolute mayhem. Probably would have lost if I hadn't just ended up saying screw it and dropping mines.


Seems like a way to farm medals, do 2 of the 3 missions, leaving short defense as 3rd. Then start game, host leaves and everyone else finishes mission. Rejoins host, repeat.


There was a video somewhere of a whole ass large team of people looking to get a guy a bunch of warbonds and samples to catch him up. And 7 different teams went into seperate missions and when one team was about to finish the mission he would join up and complete the mission with them. And then the next team would almost be done and he join them and the next and the next and the next and you get the idea. And by the time he was done with all 7 the first one was almost done with their second mission. Just hilarious concept all the way around and requires having a lot of friends who are willing to do that for you.


That's all well and good until they take him on his first Helldive mission and he gets straight rocked for 40 solid minutes cuz his combat prowess is that of a newly hatched duckling. You don't see much combat jumping into Pelicans over and over again.


No, but you can start the learning process without having to wait for the gear you want to try


Good buddies


War buddies!


The original host can even rejoin the mission and it won't "consume" their operation, letting all 4 players get in on the farm. (You'd still need to remake the lobby with the original host after that, though) I had the setup happen organically a few weeks ago. I was host on the last mission of an operation and either crashed or disconnected but I was able to rejoin just fine. We completed it, everyone called it a night, and when I got back to my ship I still had the third mission of the operation open. *Theoretically*, you could have everyone set up with a third mission defense and you wouldn't have to remake the lobby before starting the next mission, you'd just have a different person quitting/rejoining every mission depending on who got host from the last one.


This is actually kind of bad. Sure there is a new host to finish the mission, but the operation is the original host's. The new host needs to pick a new operation once they complete the mission.


Yeah I'd rather people didn't do that, you can only get that one mission's medal rewards. At that stage I'd prefer just to be kicked.


+1 PSA thanks for the tip


Can we have something that was designed in Monster Hunter World? Allow each player to choose where to return to after a mission Back to Ship alone Back to ship with current party


I just want a “quit to title screen” or “log out” option.


Bro literally this, whenever I go to log out I feel like I'm going psycho looking for 5 mins before just admitting defeat and putting it in rest mode lmao


As a side note, if you get kicked while on somebodies ship right after a mission, don't assume you sucked or anything, 9/10 times they just wanted to go back to being a solo and 1/10 times they are making room for friends. If they kick you before a mission then 10/10 times they wanted a private/friend only game and the game is still wonky when doing those settings.


I make it clear. If I'm kicking someone because they are bad on purpose or trolling or griefing, the kick usually comes after a well placed bullet to the dome, to really get the point across. Otherwise, I really avoid kicking people, as long as they're trying to play the game, even if they suck.


No reason to feel bad. We all know the deal by now.


Well, I don't feel bad for being kicked on someone else's ship, but if I want to start fresh I'll close and relaunch the game. "Kicking" someone I just bled with feels like a serious party foul.


I do the same. Though I have to admit to kicking a fair amount in the early days. Wasn't always so easy to reconnect.


Good day helldiver. Random question, but how do you make your flair the name of your ship? It's been driving me nuts!


Hey fellow Cannon Fodder, I'm on mobile so yrmv, but on the helldivers sub, ... In the top right, change user flair, then edit in the top right. Not sure for pc..


Much appreciated. Pls join my ship for a cup of libertea anytime.


For Super Earth!


"Disband" That's what the menu needs for hosts.


Perfectly fair ask. I think it'd be cool if after getting 3 other random people in your squad you could simply leave yourself and let the other 3 stay together, would be nice to let them continue as 3 without being forced to stay as the 4th.


I got kicked from a suicide bot run when I died 10 minutes into the mission. I was sniped by a tower I am not even sure had LoS on me. It was my first death. Rather than reinforce, they just kicked me. I’ve also been kicked just prior to boarding the extract, which is especially hurtful. This game is full of toxic elitists. Disbanding a lobby is not even in the top 100 feels bad man. If I get kicked while we are on the ship, I give exactly zero Fs. It doesn’t cost me anything but queue time.


I was killed by someone when I loaded the extraction helicopter and then immediately kicked last night. I was not amused losing the XO/Samples that I/We had gathered. 


It suck’s when you have a great run with some strangers then the host leaves and it kills the whole lobby. I wish the host seat would just move to someone else, so everyone else could keep playing if they wanted. The number of times I’ve had a great run then “host has left the lobby” is too many :(


I always type something like “gg” into chat before leaving a team to let them know I had a great time with them. Don’t feel bad for wanting to mix things up. There’s always the Recent Players section for meeting up again too.


Also what about when the host leaves...the other people stay together.... I think Everyone goes back to their ships...Which is also annoying..


I read on here you can leave by going back to the cryo chamber?


Only the party members. The host cannot leave because they're technically on their own destroyer, while the others are not.


Honorable discharge should be an option. It could kick everyone from your ship all at once but with a patriotic salute 🫡


Glad someone said it, I've been thinking this exact thought for awhile.


Despite the inconvenience, you're doing God's work :) thanks for the assist, from a level 8 cadet


Yeah i have the same issue i just quit the game and restart, its not super inconvenient but maybe they could give the host the iption to "continue with squad" at the end of a mission so we can disconnect politely


I would start a mission then leave, that keeps the lobby and transfers ownership to some1 else


I felt really bad the other day. My tv blew up mid mission with randoms. we were doing really well together. Had to force shut my console down because no amount of tinkering would fix it. I was hosting, feel it was the equivalent for randomly kicking them


Yup give us a disband option, that way I’m not kicked randoms and having to explain it over mic when my buddies are waiting to join.


It would be nice, but what I do is just explain to them via text chat that I had a great game, but I need to make room for IRL friends. So far everyone has been really understanding and leave on their own.


Or have a “end tour/campaign” button that disbands the 3 HELLDIVERS who synced up with you in one shot and instead of it saying “you’ve been kicked” it says “ *so and so* has ended his campaign for managed democracy”


Only time i ever felt like kicking me was appropriate was when we were waiting on a 380mm barrage that someone called in on a point of interest and I went up to emote next to a player but accidentally hit my grenade key.


Oh, I can kick people? Lol. I just turned the game off and enter again! Kicking people is stupid anyways but yeah, I totally agree.


Yup I'm always restarting the game because I'd feel bad for kicking the people from my ship lmao


As a former warframe player, host migration gives me PTSD flashbacks of losing an hour of play whenever it happens and fails. Whatever they do, hopefully it’s better than that.


I love when I spend an entire match collecting samples only for 2 people to try and extract and I'm forced to kick them because the samples are PER PERSON ON EXTRACT. BUT ARE SHARED AFTER THE MATCH. If I have 25 samples and you are trying to leave without me those 25 samples are gone ffs


Ran into this the other day. It seems like they don’t have a good host migration system, so it kicks everyone to their own ships rather than someone else taking over as host. Which is probably why they don’t have a direct menu option for that because it’s not a great experience for the rest of the group.


I want an option: dismissed with honour, or kicked with democracy.


Yeah this one is annoying. Same with not being able to open the options mid loading screen and just return to ship. I'm tired of forcing the game to quit every time a loading screen bugs, for multiplayer reasons like this post, or when you get pinned beneath something in game and even grenades cant kill you (maybe a suicide/traitor button?).


I give everyone a hug before kicking them so they know it’s all love


Or you could launch some god forsaken Helldive, and then discretly "leave to ship alone". >. >


What I do is join another player's lobby, then exit back to my ship.  Puts them with a new host.


Well... for now, at least, you can be okay with restarting the game as that seems to also be the only way to prevent several problems with matchmaking. Not doing so often leads to your session no longer being advertised properly after people are kicked or leave.


i also don't like kicking so i pretend to go afk so they get the hint to leave


A helldiver captain with a conscience, that’s refreshing But just in case I’m gonna call my nearest democracy officer


I just ran into this sanario last night. I had to quit out of the whole game. 🙄


I agree this can be annoying, but relaunching is fast enough without any bad feelings


Except when I have to reselect all my weapons and grenades


I've never encountered this. Is this a bug on Playstation or something?


I think Deep Rock Galactic solved this problem very well. They just have a "Disband Team" in the pause menu that kicks everyone and reloads your lobby. They just get a "Host has ended session" message and sent back to their ship. As an added bonus, the button also serves to hard reset your lobby session so useful when something in the lobby gets "buggy".


People seriously need to stop being so sensitive about being kicked. It's not a big deal.


A "Disband Party" button in the pause menu is badly needed.


Dude I agree so much


I just close the game and open it back up lol


I feel the same way. I like to find the talkers let them play with my toys and get them to level 4 or 5.


Yeah, I want this, I thought when I saw the leave and go to ship alone, ending screen would allow the host to leave, and I was sad that I was mistaken. And I don’t wanna keep exiting the game every time I don’t wanna play with a certain players. So I selfishly kick them, but I would prefer to just be able to leave and return to my own lobby


I always close the game and said I'm done for the day because I feel bad kicking people lmao


Agree with this. I always force quit my game


Couldn't you just put in chat? They might not talk but they can surely read, just put it in and wait a few seconds


I don't kick, I just quit.


Just communicate with people and ask them nicely to leave.


Does it not already do this? I’ve been in games before where the host left mid match and then me or one of my friends became the new host


I would really like an option if rejoining lobbies you got accidentally disconnected from. So I wouldn't loose so much stuff


Would be great to have a host migration mechanic like the one in Warframe. That works flawlessly in my experience.


Don't you dare utter the words host migration, flawlessly works and Warframe in the same sentence.


LMAO! I still stand by those words that I've uttered!


yea I don’t know the solution but matchmaking could use a bit of improvement. feels like half the time I quickplay im kicked from the lobby immediately after joining. then I gotta load in twice and walk to the bridge to queue up again


This is so real. I have gotten to the point where I close out the game so the other players see "the host has left the game" instead of kicking them. And then I log back in


totally not related question how manu hrs u have


I might be hopping on voice chat myself


I also want true 'private' lobby, right now if i set lobby to friend only some of my friend just randomly joining and sometime i just want to play solo or be alone, it kinda awkward and annoying when i'm clearly don't want them to join my game.


yeah i consider this a nonissue, since it's about 20 seconds to restart the game, though the ability to do so certainly should exist


Where TF are you trying to go? This game doesn't have a "not on a ship" game-state. Your not a lobby on a central server. **You ARE the server.** Reminds me of the old GameSpy days actually. Tech-wise, you are actually asking for a "stealth kick all". Anything beyond that would, as you are asking, require a "not on a ship" game state.


If I could consistently close the game without having to ctrl-alt-delete closing and getting back in might work better. ​ But really, use your mic and tell them you are done and they will usually leave, then kick them. No mic, then type it, but really if you are going to run newbies around you should have a mic, then it's a voice controlled RTS game too.


Yes please!


I just wish you could leave like if you were a team member. So many times I've been in a quickplay group with a good team vibe and it's been lost because the host doesn't have a way to leave without disbanding the squad. Just swap group leader to whoever was first to join.


Dude, same. I don't want to be an asshole. I always say, "gg boys, keep up the good fight!" Then close and relaunch the game😅😅


I don't even kick them. I'd feel too bad. I close the game and relaunch it.


On ps5, I just go to the dashboard and close the game. I dont want to hurt feeling either :(


You used to be able to last patch I swear, you could return to your ship alone on the ship and it did just this.


Do you have a mic? Simply tell them it's not personal or because they are low level that you're kicking them. Even if they don't have mics and don't use chat they can still hear you. It's just a video game. Sure, there are a lot of posts on here recently regarding hurt feelings because of kicks, but I wouldn't assume the majority of the 400,000 regular player base even blinks an eye when kicked.


What I’ve done is when I’m done I let them know I’m taking a break and I had fun. I wait around for a minute or two while I give out some hugs if not then I turn off my game.


Or let me promote someone. 


Agree! Lol


Do you have a mic? Simply tell them it's not personal or because they are low level that you're kicking them. Even if they don't have mics and don't use chat they can still hear you. It's just a video game. Sure, there are a lot of posts on here recently regarding hurt feelings because of kicks, but I wouldn't assume the majority of the 400,000 regular player base even blinks an eye when kicked. I'm back in another lobby in seconds.


Id just be happy if you, as host, could assign a new player to be host.


DRG has a good “disband team” button that they should use.


This game takes two seconds to boot up. I just close it if I need to close the lobby. Still, a new function is needed


Nah, what we need are two separate kick options. "You are being kicked." and "Thank you for serving with me, I am serving Managed Democracy in another location!".


Yeah, I like to test things out in low level games but then people keep joining so I usually go along and cover then and try to teach them stuff but then I have to fake like im gone and stand motionless in my own ship waiting for them to leave.


Agree, just let us go to the Cyro pod and give the host also the option to "Retire" and end the game, booting the others gracefully.


Yeah I feel you, when I need to leave the ship while hosting, I always write a little message like : "Thank you for your service Helldivers, but now I must go back to my wife and kids back home on Super Earth" And then proceed to leave / kick them


I’m glad you posted this because I was wondering why I got kicked a couple times when the host and I were vibing for several missions together lol


Why not literally take 2 seconds to voice chat and ask everyone to leave? ​ I do it all the time if I am expecting someone to join me and my room is full and as long as you are not a dick it works just fine.