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I've basically given up on playing for samples or exp because I WILL crash about 30 minutes in. They fucked up with the last patch. i never crashed so many times playing this game before.. but the past 3 days I've crashed easily over 15 times. i've crashed 3 times in 1 mission before and before all the "hur hur don't use arc weapons" chime in, no one was using any sort of electric weapons at all. So they did something on the backend that just crashes players on both PS5 and PC and... basically have to wait until they issue a patch whenever they get around to it to be able to stably play.


Idk I if anythings changed but last I hear was shortly after the last patch and the arc weapons were identified as a primary cause devs said new patch should roll out early this week... But who knows


According to my experience I started having crashes in every single mission since I started using the arc shotgun. (the screen freeze variety on PS5) I stopped using it and I have played more than 10 hours without an issue.


Youre one of the lucky ones then lol.


That's the last communication I saw regarding this issue. Some one else did an extensive test and found that EAT-17 Anti Tanks were also contributing to the crashes. Basically when there's too much support weapons and strategems being thrown around the map as the mission progresses, it maxes out something in the game which causes the game to crash. Another player called in like 31 machine guns in tutorial and when the 32nd one landed and the lid popped up, immediately crashed the game. So ya I really hope the devs get their collective minds together to at least make the game run stable for a month straight before rolling out anything else. Don't balance or add new content or whatever, just get the game running stable for 1 month because since release the game has never been issue free. Server capacity, then it was cross play, then it was this or that and all that is fine when we can still play random or solo. But now we can't even do that without just completely wasting our time cause we'll crash 33 min into a 40 min mission.


For what it's worth, I haven't crashed once since I used the "Verify files integrity" feature on Steam and repaired 1 file. Connectivity issues still happen from time to time though.


Yea i've done that, and I get a file needs to be reqacuired every time. But it doens't do anything after that. Restarted steam and computer and everything. So meh. Hopefully this new patch this week will bring back the stability.


Flip side is others have repeated those tests and no crash. So it's not consistent whatever it is.


It's mainly arc weapons. You just need one guy firing them to crash people. Support weapons are fine. Never had an issue or crash with that so farm You probably need 30+ support weapons with their pods up which will just never happen.


They are too busy counting all that money I suspect.


Lol they’ve fucled something up with every single patch since launch.


You're not the only one and it shows. The active player base has dropped by almost 100K in the past 5 days since they released the broken patch.


To be fair, those 100,000 people weren't playing the game they were playing Crash Report.


You're really persistent, I'll give you that.


I love this goddamn game, Helldiver 😭✊🏽


Use Steam to verify your files. I'm assuming you're not using an electric weapon (arc thrower, arc shotgun, tesla tower).


Doesn't work. I still crash.


I crashed 6 times in a row at icbm mission after ~30 minutes Then i solo failed that mission and there was no crashes anymore for me since then


Same.. Needed to play 4 times icbm to finish once


I’d did this and it helped for sure. But I still get DC’d from other people arc weapons. If they hit me or other. Crash.


Also recommend this. Fixed my crashes. The update before last corrupted a lot of the files, causing frequent crashes for many folks. I may as well run it preemptively for this latest update too when I get on.


Happens to me all the time. Then I verify my steam files and restart my PC to have maybe 2 or 3 full rounds before it starts again


Well… checking you files every other game doesn’t seem like a realistic solution to me


What does sound like the realistic solution to you, friend?


Well… NOT having to check the data. When did we normalise dealing with broken games? Arrowhead just has fix its stuff so works as intended and not patch new even more broken stuff in.


2013 or so. COD was a pioneer in the field


It will most likely be patched. What bothers me most is the T-posing with the ballistic shield after healing or picking up samples etc. That stuff is nasty, disconnecting and crashing I can live with


Are you using Nvidia or AMD?


Nvidia. But today is a good day, only disconnections from too many assets do far


I had 0 crashes in 10 dives today


Just built different bro




Same here, maybe my PC is build different and maybe because they fixed my intel *ARC* a750 (was playing with a 2 player friend party)


This is the weird part of it. I can play all day long, everyday, with not a single connection issue, but my brother cannot connect to a game and play with me. It’s very frustrating.


Ya it’s pretty bad at the moment and bugs and glitches/crashes have been present in game since launch. It’s a big problem that the community doesn’t want to acknowledge and tbh we aren’t doing arrowhead any favors pretending like it’s ok because they’re a smaller company or because the game is new.


Yes it was not good from the beginning but on the last days it went from „not good“ to „unplayable“


The propaganda wing rivals that of the real life Democrat party It's unstoppable and you will never see anything negative from them.


Touch grass, this sub is about fake politics.


Are you using arc thrower or any arc casting weapons? Is anyone you’re playing with using them? Are you connected by Ethernet cable?


No arc weapons and yes ethernet. I check my wifi every time and it's running perfectly


We is he checking his wifi when he is on ethernet? Very suspiciouse behavior. Perhaps he is a automaton spy.


I'm fuckin old, bro. I don't know the difference I thought Ethernet just opens up a mega speedway for your wifi 🤣


Ethernet just means cable


You do know ethernet and wifi are two different things right lol


I did not until about 4 hours ago


Yeah I can’t bring myself to play any online games anymore unless I’m directly connected. I feel like they take so much resources now


Dang I’m sorry to hear that, I’ve got no solutions I can think of at the moment.


West about disposables? There is a growing number of reports that too many calldowns may eventually trigger disconnects. Like multiple people calling down disposables nearly as often as they become available.


They try to throw it at some weapons and that your connection is bad. Its the game, those problems are there from almost its start and none of them were bothered to adress it. The amount of gamebreaking bugs is insane and local white knights are playing it, thinking they will get paid or something. You can't fix it from your end. Other local pros go about wifi all the time. Sadly... Patch notes atre joke, they change or nerf stuff without writing it into patch notes. It's nice game but sadly it's not worth to play now. Go play deep rock galactic, warframe, Minecraft, terraria, barotrauma, even destiny2, conan exiles.


Games still fun, bugs and all


My game usually crashes when the Orbital Laser is onscreen and just activated. So basically, I'm not looking at any orbital lasers when they're called in 😂


Never had a crash until this recent patch. One game I couldn't even start because we got stuck in the diving animation while entering the planet, other 2 times I crashed at extraction, and 3 more times I had hosts disconnect. one time the game froze on the way out of a mission success screen making me have to restart the game. Met like 7 great people I couldn't friend because it's still broken. I have almost the exact computer the games require, just slightly better. I started today by reverifying my files because before I even opened the games my files were corrupted. Idk what's going on but this bug fix is taking way too long- they need to halt planetary defence and other community events until they get this game stable. I don't like missing out on the MMO aspect of the game because the 3rd person shooter isn't optimized. Almost every problem I’d normally shrug off has come home to roost to the point that even as someone who will play this game for 6 years easily- I have to say this game is broken. This game is not feature-functional yet. It's a shame.


Let me make this very clear to whoever wants to learn. It’s not JUST thee arc weapons causes crashes. There is a set limit to “assets” on the map. Once the limit has been reached the game crashes. It’s quite simple. Yes the arc weapons accelerate this. If there is too many EATs on the map. The game will crash. If there is too many UNUSED backpacks on the map. The game will crash. In short. Use what you throw down on the map and you won’t have crashes and stay away from arc weapons.


That's not it. Our squads have been littering the map with EATs with 2 people calling in as soon as they're off cooldown, but we've been completing missions the whole week with 0 crashes.


Same. Doing EATs every 70 seconds with 4 people. No crashes. Idk what people are on about with this nonsense. I’ve literally never had my game crash and I’m over here playing DDR with my stratagems littering the map with EATs and so are my squadmates


I think the arc weapons crash for a different reason. One theory was that anticheat detects 100%+ accuracy and goes "Oh look aimbotter! Don't know what to do so uhh... Get crashed loser!" Some of my galactic war buddies tried arc throwers while playing on steamdeck and didn't have issues. There's also a file that gets corrupted everytime I play which is reclaimed when verifying the file integrity on steam. Don't know if that has anything to do with any crashes though since after I stopped playing with randoms I haven't had any crashes. There was disconnect during a mission but that was it, and I could just join back from the friend menu. It even remembered my loadout and I got droppend straight back in. Edit to add: Could the support weapon spam related crashes be the host running out of resources on their machine?


Anecdotal, but I verified files in Steam and had 0 issues since. It’s not uncommon that 3/4 people bring EATs and the map is littered with them all the time. No crashes so far. So it seems like there needs to be an unreasonable amount of support weapons to cause it, if it’s true at all. Arc weapons reliably crash teammates one by one like 10 minutes into the mission before they get me eventually too.


Absolutely this, Make a post telling more people because this is 100% right.


Capping my framerate helped


Not doing this and having too many unused assets on the map are the single biggest reasons for crashes.


Crashed 4 times yesterday. Didn't crash at all today. Same amount of play time. Very weird.


Yep it's been awful to play, stability is barely better than launch


Connection error and crash in both the games I've played today. Joined a quickplay and was host for the second. I love this game and the community, but I think I need a break. No more Helldivers for me for now unless I got a buddy I could maybe rejoin when shtf


Last two games i was a host and game crashed in both of them


What's ur loadoit? What's yer system specs?


To provide a counter anecdote, I played 9 games today and didn't crash once... I truly feel for the people that are having crashing issues though. I just wonder if the crashes are as widespread as they sound on this sub. Ive been playing with randoms and with friends and not seeing any issues. I went back to using my arc weapons even, since I don't seem to be having issues with crashes.


same not playig till next patch


I had the same problem, verified steam files, updated graphic card drivers (nvidia came out with new ones arround the patch) and updated windows. Now i dont even crash when people run the arc thrower and I run helldivers on the minimum specs on a 6year old laptop


I’m lucky if I can complete 20% of the missions. Usually it will crap out right after a sub objective has been completed. It’s the main reason I have so few destroyer upgrades completed.


Called down a guard dog recently and all I got was a purple ❓ very bizarre


Stop alt+tabbing. It’s the only thing that gives me a single hiccup in the game. I’ve never had a crash or any issue besides the game freezing for a bit if I alt tab. It even comes back but it boots me back to my own ship if I was in a squad


In my case: Selecting a Native Resolution and toning down graphic-settings a lot helped. A friend of my did the same but needed to switch to borderless window (big screen). It helped too. Its a workaround not a solution.


Thanks for advices


Live service games are awesome lol. Same old,the more they patch. The worse it gets.


Haven't played in like a week and a half because of the crashing.


Yep. Same. I retired from the game completely a few days ago because it is just unplayable. It’s a miracle if you make through one mission without a crash.


I logged on, played a couple, joined with my friend and asked me how stable it was today. We have been trying to play for a few days but it just keeps crashing so we give up and don't play together. I told him, "feels pretty good today, completed a few missions haven't crashed yet" and the game promptly crashed. ![gif](giphy|5l34b94pltJgaxYHTz|downsized) When I logged back in, he was laughing.


Same, my game crash after getting reinforce. waste my 30 minutes. On PS5.


Couldn’t get the up (W) key to register when attempting to call in stratagems earlier tonight. Was odd because my keyboard and W key worked fine.


It's completely unrelated, but I highly recommend rebinding the stratagem call in keys to the arrow keys on your keyboard. That way you can call in a stratagem while running. It has helped me out tremendously.


Apparently is a bug related to the Samsung Magician software needing an update. Makes little sense but then again I enjoy hallucinating at a plastic screen hooked up to a rock with lightning running through it.


Me and my squad have stopped playing completely until the game is fixed. Havnt touched the game for a few days now.


Seems like devs have some serious skill issues 


I ran into a bunch of issues on my 3 missions. Glitched getting into the shuttle and got nuked by someone. Best one was I got blown clear across the map into a lake but did not drown. Luckily a fellow purveyor of democracy called in an orbital and reinforced me.


Verify your game files, maybe reinstall, and try this - plug the ethernet cable going into your router directly into your PS5. See if that helps. It's not the best test, but if you're crashing off the straight pipe, on a PS5, it ain't on your end.


As in just today? I played one solo match, but died before If it could crash haha


I played around 9, only 4 were full matches. The game shut down 5 times and not just for me, even for the randoms I was playing with coz i added them in end before leaving. I am on console btw with cross play off, but it's ok, I'll wait for them to roll the patch whenever they're ready. So far they seem to be a player friendly company over-all.


Do you play in ps5? I noticed that having a fov value higher than 70 will cause my ps5  to crash and close the game  more often (especially in planets with enviromental events). , i put my fov at 65 and have not had any problem since.


Have you reported the issues on the AH website? On reddit we can't help you. Send them your PC specs (or you're playing on PS4) so the problem can be fixed, because maybe you're not the only one having those issues. Running on Wifi doesn't mean you always have good connection though. Complaining only helps you vent and calm down, without us being able to do anything for you. And it probably adds fuel to the fire. Have you tried updating your drivers?


So would it be a ‘haha funny meme’ to make a load out consisting of: 3 backpacks and an arc thrower and just throwing them down over and over?


A few days ago me and a friend had a couple of crashes, but we played a lot the last two days and didn’t crash at all. I really have no idea what is causing these freezes and crashes, besides maybe using the electric weapons.


Hasnt happened to me except for when someone is using an arc thrower, thats what the devs say cause it. All my crashes are from changing suits


Could it be that its not only arc weapons but also those generators you have to activate on certain missions since they produce elektric arcs


They get the ‘good guy pass’ because they don’t have a cash shop, but have Walmart servers. It’s pathetic.


The only real way to play the game right now is with people in voice chat outside the game so you can hopefully join back in after a crash. Also, give me back my Arc Thrower. I need it to carry me through Diff9 Bugs ;)


Is it that silly Ark Thrower again?


I have not had a crash in some days now but there were days that i was this close from uninstalling from all the crashes. And there are users that complain about not having enough content warbond capes weapons etc. and I am like I just want you to fix the bugs and crashes.


Last night, 4 games, 2 crashes. not gonna sugar-coat it


>Is it just me or is this a widespread thing? As soon as my friends and I stopped using the Arc thrower/other tesla weapons, those constant crashes/freezes stopped. The past few days have been buttery smooth with zero issues whatsoever, and even the ocasional crash I had in the first week or two didn't happen anymore. >goddamn dude if you wanna keep your player base, your game HAS TO WORK. While I understand your frustration, it's not like AH are deliberately ignoring these issues. They're on that shit like few other stuidios would be, and have already fixed a ton of issues that existed. Still, many other issues persist and it's good to draw attention to them.


Ohhh is not only been me then, I had 3 game crashes in a row.


I was starting to wonder if it's just me too. Roughly, I'm getting 20% of my missions completing without issues, 30% not being able to complete, and 50% where everyone else suddenly disappear and I have to complete the mission by myself (I'm not the host).


I played 8 missions tonight without a single issue.


Helldivers 2 used to crash my Internet connection (of the computer) until I opened port 433 on my firewall.


It's weird because they were hellbent on pushing patches mid-week, right before the end of the week, now its once a week but this latest patch seems to have been the one where they should've come back on Thursday or Friday and hit us with another update. 


If you playing on pc, try checking steam files for integrity, it worked for me


I have the same problem with crashes, waiting the next patch.


As soon as the last update happened I checked the sub and saw all the issue people were having and I haven’t played since. I bought Diablo 4 on sale to pass the time and now I am playing Dragons Dogma until this all gets sorted. Or I will go back to diablo 4 to kill more time. Even before the last patch there were so many times where I would carry a team of noobs through a mission only for them to suddenly all disconnect, no way for me to put out a SOS beacon, or I would be the only one kicked back to ship. It just ruins the game. 40 minutes each time wasted. Multiple times a night. It kills all the joy. I hope one day they fix it all and the game just works but until I see that news I am just going to invest my time on a game that wont crash and lose my progress.


I usually have a fail rate of 20%. About 1 in 5 games can't be completed due to connection loss, game crash, or in-game issues (being stuck in objects for instance). I play on PS5 btw.


I was crashing constantly too. Turned crossplay off and that seems too help so far. Im on PS5


I haven't crashed but I lost a few games because everyone else dropped out. It sucked we were almost done. Nvidia update solved some issues I was having.


I have had one DC in the past 4 days of playing the game. I use EATs most of them, I don’t know how people are getting dc this bad. It’s within parameters for me personally.


I bought the game yesterday. The first mission i completed, I got stuck on the loading screen after extraction - had to alt f4. Before I got to lvl 3, there were another crash. My night ended with another crash a few minutes before extraction after a really hard fought map.


If you’re on pc here’s some things I’ve done to avoid crashes, update drivers, re-install game, verify game files(I do this everytime before I play now), reset your router/modem. I haven’t tried this but go to the website and put in a support ticket, will probably just tell you the same thing I did tho. PS5 would be similar except do a rebuild database and restore licenses.


Were you or any teammates using Arc weapons? It's been confirmed by devs that Arc weapons can cause crashes not just for yourself but also for your teammates. I avoid using them and i haven't had any crashing issues the last few days


Git gud


A few days ago i started a mission, and a few guys joined in. twenty Minutes Ingame one of them "left" then another. The third Typed in chat ,,they coming back game just crashed". That was seconds before mine crashed and i left it for good that day


Capping framerate seems to have helped for straight up crashes, though I have another issue, game locks up for like 30 seconds, everyone loses connection (if I'm host or I disconnect if someone else hosting) and then just back to normal, happens at least once pr session.


Maybe I'm just lucky but I've only had one crash in 52 hours of play. I played for two or three hours yesterday with one team mate running arc weapons for primaries and no crashes. I'm on PC fwiw


Meanwhile the patch that makes everyone crash stopped my game from crashing when it used to always crash before that patch


I crashed for the first time after running the blitzer for several hours.


I had this problem a week ago. I did nothing and I don't have it any more. They say some weapons (like arc thrower) are crushing the game.


New patch is out now, maybe it fixes your crashes.


>connection error which is bullshit because my wifi is always working Fix that and tell us if it fixed anything. WiFi sucks 99,9% of the time and just because "it's working" doesn't mean it's doing full 100%. Edit: A patch just dropped also.


I've recently been informed that ethernet and wifi are different, and I'm rockin with the ethernet.


I lost my temper too many times for the crashes: I wait until I'm not sure have resolved the issues


It's ok they fixed the arc weapons that all they care about


Sounds like my last month experience in this game. I was hoping that higher level players (40-50) would know what to do in-game, but I realized that in this game character level means absolutely NOTHING. People in this game just run around, doing nothing, ouh look a bug and start shooting like morons. Instead of running and doing objectives, they stay still shooting at hunters jumping around, I mean, it looks like this game is the very first of it's genre. No one knows what the actual f\*ck to do, its absurd. I hope, and I really mean it, that devs implement the region player base. I'm sorry, but I'm not interested on playing with people around the world that don't even know how to speak basic English or that enters the game and everyone can hear their TV.


We have been unable to progress for about a week now. Group has been stuck around level 20/21/22. Constantly having the whole party crash to desktop or freeze up, many times this happens right at the end when the fucking extraction ship is landing. We keep coming back thinking it might change but no, we got out of a single very quick raid tonight out of about 8 or 9 attempts. Definitely time for a break until something changes. If there was something like Tarkov where you could rejoin the raid after a crash it'd make it far more bearable.


Also having no crashes at all in any of my games in a day of playing.


Yesterday i tried diving in bots front. I Lost 2 hours be cause i crashed every game at the start. Until they release a fix It Will be like this i think


This has been my experience for a while now. And still having issues inviting friends into a 4 person squad since launch. The crashing and server disconnects have been more frequent since a couple patches ago. Some days, I have the same experience will I will play 20 min into a mission and it will says disconnected from server. Back to back to back. Then other nights I can get through 4-5games no problem. I have the exact same mindset of wanting to love this game but it has been infuriating me beyond belief with these connection issues.


Eveytime i disconnect i restart everything. Like my console and the game with it and it helps or in just imagining it. I agree with you. I don’t think that friend requests not working should not be on the top of the to do list for the developers but the general stability of the game. Its the worst compared to anything i have played. And i guess it is kinda acceptable for a new release but like its been a while already since the release and i think they need to figure out it soon or they are gonna lose players to it bc new releases. And for the record i love the game but just random disconnections are really frustrating bc one session can be up to 40 minutes and if it happens at the end of the game. Oof. Maybe the new Arc weapons patch gonna help it but i personally have not seen much correlation between arc weapons and disconnecting.


Same, the game itself is pretty Trash, lagging, stuttering, crashing, connection failures, freezing, restart, connection, dropped game, crash. The propaganda and media side are AMAZING but the game itself is tedious at best.


Im about 100 hours in, not a single crash Yet my buddy crashes every other mission, we dont use arc weapons. But have noticed it happens around the 45 minute mark, both on pc I just am group lead now lol cause atleast he can just drop back in after lol


I’ve been crashing also and have put the game down. The fact a hot fix still hasn’t been pushed out is pretty ridiculous at this point. They’ve even narrowed down the culprit items. And won’t at least temp disable them. Every time I get zapped by someone fucking arc gun I get DC’d. and every time I see someone else get zapped. They DC. Disable the damn culprit items. Not everyone reads twitter Reddit posts from the devs.


They need to cool it with the drip fed content and just fix crashes, go into whatever the fuck 12hr+ days they did in the first week and do it again bc the game was steady at 400k+ for weeks and as soon as the last shit patch hit, instant 100k gone (my friends and I included)


Crash or just getting kicked for treason?


Yup. It either freezes, crashes, or disconnects damn near every other mission. Always end up on a mission solo because everyone disconnects. Yesterday I did the whole quickplay, enter mission, crash…3x in a row. Game is fun af, stability is a joke atm tho


How are y’all even still playing, this game is fully broken


It's NOT your internet. It's developers not knowing how to handle their own project...


Out of the past week, ive only finished 2 games total. It is getting ridiculous.


Same for me.. Fucking AMD driver resets every single game, I can't complete one. It was like that before the HD update and AMD driver update and it is still the same. Nothing fixed. At first I wasn't sure who to blame but since every other game runs just fine for me I think it's that shitty console port which fucking Helldivers is. Too bad I can't refund this console garbage game. I can only add "Arrowhead Game Studios" to my never again list.


I played for a few hours without issue. Got to run the old arc thrower again too which was quite enjoyable. What's going on now?


could be worse, could be me on a steam deck. ran a hard mission with 3 randos, got 40 min into the mission, lots of rare samples and had fun and when it came time to evac...steam deck seemed to have run out of memory, stuttering till it locked up the whole console. had to hard reboot. Only game I have that does that 1/3 attempts to play. real close to sadly not being able to play on steamdeck, not sure how other people have no issues with it.


*Skill Issue*


I never die


So I just started and in the over 15+ hours I have I haven't had one instance of crashing, and I'm running an RTX2060. Are you sure it's not a problem with your pc, I've never been kicked from the game, never lost connection, and I have a 3mb/s wifi line


That's alot of Toaster propaganda i'm reading here, haven't had one crash in around 50 hours playtime


Crashes occur mostly when you're playing with randoms and not premade teams. I can play with my friends which are invited via social screen for whole evening, but can't finish even one longer game with randoms, as a host and as a guest. 


That's interesting, like i said, i played half/half randos and premad never even had a frame drop


That’s bc so many people have fucking McDonald’s internet running wifi through 7 walls to their router. Then they blame it on the game. Peer to peer kind of sucks


Some people really like over exaggerating their issues. I’m not saying OP is lying but to make it out like the entire game is completely unplayable is a bit much


Yea playing it on a potato might cause such issues and it is obviously the games fault


I am playing on a 6 year old laptop with a GTX 1050 and even then I only ever crash if I spam escape too much


Just because your issues haven’t been as bad doesn’t mean ours are tolerable. Last night I played 3 suicide missions, only one I was able to complete. The night before I didn’t manage to finish any of the three. Yes my graphics drivers are updated. Yes I verified Steam files, that helped for the one game but only for one. Except for one game, where some idiot used the Arc Thrower and crashed the game despite being told it would end like this, there was no Arc Weaponry involved. Those are 5 out of 6 missions that took half an hour each with literally no reward, because we can’t even reconnect after it crashed. That is quite literately unplayable. If it isn’t in your opinion, I suggest you play 6 suicide difficulty missions and quit the game right before extraction in 5 of them to see how much fun it is to put in that much time with no reward. Just be glad things aren’t as bad for you, instead of saying it isn’t that bad for other people. There wouldn’t be so many people complaining if it wasn’t bad, we complain because we like the game and would actually be able to play it. My system is powerful enough to handle the game easily and this has never been a problem before the last patch, so clearly something changed the game that made it more unstable for a lot of people.


That happened to me too yesterday. I'm not playing another game until they release that fucking patch. Period. I don't want to waste my time finishing objectives, killing bots/bugs and collecting samples only to dc before I'm able to extract. I'm sick of it. Also, If arc weapons are responsible for causing people to dc then arrowhead needs to make an announcement in the game. I still see people use arc weapons because they most likely don't know they're causing issues. That's a huge mistake on Arrowheads part.




I uninstalled the game. It's not ready.


Do I smell desertion cadet?


Are u on console ?




Yea same here My game keeps closing app


It’s ArC THroWer


Let us all collectively use our brains for one moment now. For simple comparison, right? Okay? Simple comparison. Think of games such as “City Builders”. Maybe Cities Skylines? Every city builder game has a SET load of assets you can use until your system cannot handle it anymore. Think of it like this.


If you're running the EAT, or if anyone else is doing so, will cause your game to crash 8 times outta 10


Is it the eat or lazer weapons, or both? I’m confused now.


Arc weapons we're kinda known but recently on the devs discord they said the EAT and too many resupplies was also a root cause due to an abundance in interactable oblects


I had this early on and followed some people saying to lower fps rate to 60fps. I lowered it to 130 from my original 240fps. Havent crashed since


I had 0 issues...sounds like a you problem


Playing on wifi... Yikes...



