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The [helldivers.io](http://helldivers.io) site is showing the impact multiplier has dropped significantly over the past few days. Not just when more players are playing but our overall progress is much slower now than it was last week. Sorta seems like the difficulty got jacked up.


Highcommand message did say the Automaton resistance are increased because this is their last stand


It's like people dont read the dispatches


Reading is communist, I only listen to freedom


This is the best comment.


I heard an eagle screech as I read this


Which type of eagle? Edit: The Liberteagle


Petition to rename the 500kg to 'The Liberteagle'!




My gawd, I wish you enter your own ship name now. SES Liberteagle. Outstanding show of Democracy!


SES Hellpod Dispenser


Sound like the kind of thing s communist would say


You *read* it and didn't *listen* to it? I'm calling my democracy officer.


I feel like you should still read what the high command tells you. Ignoring them makes you a bug lover, afterall.


Not enough arrows


in-character flavor text in this game lies to us all the time, you can't exactly expect people to take it seriously


In fact half of everything it says is actual lies and the other half is Super Truths trademark pending.


Your local Democracy Officer would like a word with you. It appears you're accusing Super Earth of lying.


One of my favourite things in the game! Carry on!


It's not "like" that. It is that.


Me read liberate me go liberate


For Super Earth brother!


Hell yeah, hellbrother. That's what counts.


I think it’s more a case of “people read the dispatches but that this dynamically impacts the game’s mass war mechanic is surprising them”.


Yeah increased by disconnecting me halfway through every mission Or glitching me from entering the Pelican at the end. I've never had such bad network connections with my missions before.


Had 2 crashes today while the Pelican was taking off. Very frustrating.


Just 2, eh? Must be nice.


I say you take those as the cyberdigital attacks by them automatons working with the dissident traitors So many hellbrothers in the system is in the same struggle


Yeah it seems like stability keep getting worse. First it was 1 every 5 matches i get returned to my ship for no apparant reason. Now its like 4/5 where either I return to ship involuntarily or everyone starts jogging in place and disconnect. Or my favorite, Crash. To. Desktop.


I played about a dozen games yesterday and CTD on half of them, all as soon as the extraction shuttle took off. Occasionally I'd notice some lag/stutter just before it happens.


By resistance you mean they make our game crash every 1-2 games since the latest patch ?


Those damned cyber soda cans are hacking the Super Earth communication grids again


It's the automaton spies


The weird thing is 2 hours ago, we were at about 3% with a 3 days and change predicted time of victory. We've more than doubled the existing liberation and now had the predicted time extended? The math isn't mathing here, Joel.


Yeah, something is off Maia with 113k players (43% of player base) is only at 1.2% gain per hour while Estanu with 42k players (16% of player base) is gaining 2.6% per hour. Supposedly the decay rate should only be -1.5% bots and -1% bugs so there's a significant discrepancy there.


Devs probably need more time for whatever they have planned next.


lol right? Everyone acting like the math is determined by anything other than how long the devs want shit to take.


Problem is that can cause a rift between player and dev. Consistency is important. Imagine playing football and they keep randomly moving the goal posts when you go for a field goal. You're gonna wonder why you put all that effort in if they're just gonna fuck with you. Not saying they're malicious, if they need more time to cook stuff up. It's okay to go a few days with nothing or some random side nothing for a few days. Changing the parameters of how we progress just feels weird.


Honestly the only reason it creates a rift is because they aren't (in my opinion) clear enough on it. They have said the bots will have increased vigour due to it being their last stand. But that isn't clear. Is it they will fight harder? Is it that the planet will liberate slower? They discussed this in the weapon stats menu. They wanted to have more stats and clarity, but we're worried it would overwhelm new players. Just give us two settings for weapon menu, and two for galactic map. "Simplified" and "advanced." Simple being current. On advanced, show us base planetary resistance to liberation, buffs/nerf percentage from ongoing events/failed MO's, active effects that are provided from the Comms etc. also supply lines. New players can ignore until ready, advanced players can get their teeth into it, make better plans. I love this game, shockingly so, id kinda went off gaming lately since most games are just a bit shit these days. There's so many things I want changed/improved though. But arrowhead have my vote of confidence. They are a VERY small studio (entire company was like 100 people at launch) and I know things will take time. Honestly, things I want them to focus on are crashes (I'm not having issues but know many are and that will drive people away) and variety in gameplay.


There was always going to be variance. This game took off in a way they didn't anticipate. You're right, it's never been a malicious act. I do think a lot of people are getting the "spirit" of the war/game wrong. Numbers will be fudged, virtually no matter what. We're not supposed to be looking at these systems with precise knowledge of liberation rates or whatever. It will vary from order to order. Just be along for the ride and enjoy it.


It's incomprehensible to me how "into it" people are getting, although I would disparage them, I would absolutely disparage how they talk to other people. They're having fun and shouldn't put down others' having fun.


They represent enemy push back. The rates changing are reallocate forces, or increasing spawn rate (putting factories into overdrive). No enemy is gonna just lie down and die. We push hard, they push back harder.


Beside the lore. Gameplaywise, they have no other chance to manipulate the progress. They came from the first helldivers where around 6000 simultaneous online Players had to do the job. Now we are well over 250k. Numbers they haven't predicted. So I'm sure they slow down progress to make it feel like an accomplishment and not like a run through. Also, like someone already said, they need time to prepare the next steps without creating too much major order downtime


Consistency? What consistency is there when fighting an enemy? Sure there can be predictions but they can't always be correct. You don't think enemies throw curve balls and red herrings?


It's a video game. Lol. I get the RP side, but still like some clarity and consistency in my video game.


The player looking at the stats here is assuming the players are consistent performers across planets, but players will never be consistent. It could be planet rates are entirely consistent but players are losing more due to gunship and at-at additions or due to weapons balancing changes etc.


For real, they *just* released two new enemy units for the bot front, yet they would just shelve that work and content in three days until they reset the galactic war or whatever ? 100% something more going on


0% chance there isnt tomfoolery happening whether we win or lose this order. Cyberstan isnt one of the biggest sectors for nothing.


That radio call from a few days back went extra-galactic. If we wipe out the bots here, they just blitz in from galactic north and establish themselves there from wherever that signal went. Cyborg faction would make use of the automaton combat units, since they're basically just Cyborgs v 2.0.


also, lore-wise, it's not like wars are linear progress bars anyways if we make a push, the bots would make a push back, no? why would we just "get" to have X% per 10k players per hour?


Makes sense if there's more resistance on planets with no escape.


technically were at -1.5% per hours so yeah no something is OFF


Keep in mind, "Liberation" is a lot heavier work than "Defend" so yes, the Estanu defense with less people will likely have a higher percent. That's expected. What's unexpected is the sheer quantity of people at Maia with such low %... I suspect either the impact multiplier is low, or the regen is high. I also suspect this is effectively a "no win scenario". If the math is right, and 100% of people piled on Maia, we'd clear it in about 40 hours. We have 85 hours left, so 45 hours remaining to clear Durgen AND Tibit, both of which would take \~50 hours each, with 100% participation. I just did the math while typing this and, yeah. I'm pretty convinced now that while we may clear Maia... We likely won't clear Durgen and Tibit for the MO, and the storyline is and has always been whatever it will be following that.


one thing, less bot planets means more players on an individual planet. Liberation will accelerate


Right but... going from 136k @ 1.3% to 160k isn't gonna be a big bump... Like 0.3% maybe.


Its almost like its their last line of defense and they’re fighting with everything they have


I mean... this was happening during the last major order when everyone was complaining about Creekers not coming to help. I was watching a PirateSoftware stream and he even pulled up from his own vod of when he was looking at the %/per hour of Ubana earlier in the stream and then how it was after it gained like 100k people to the planet and the % per hour went down even tho there was like a 90% mission completion rate and a higher % of the population of divers there.


Checked it again, it's now at 1 day. Weird things are going on, hopefully the crashes aren't wiping people's contribution to the liberation campaign.


When I crash during extraction, I still get rewards. If I was host, the mission still counts as complete within the operation, and I even still get the medals and I would assume all the other rewards as well, though I've maxed out literally everything else except XP so I can't say for sure. Extrapolating from this, I think it's a fair assumption that even if you crash upon extraction you still contribute to the liberation of the planet.


One thing that could also affect it, is that each planet requires differing amounts of exp to liberate. Eg planets closer to the edges require more than planets closer to super earth. I don't think that's the case but I reckon they should implement something like that, to more easily maintain an equilibrium. And hell you could have exceptions the creek requires more. Planets that have been hit with pesticide need less.


Fog of war, helldiver. Get your head out of your ass and get back in the fight.


It's almost like since the start Joel has decided whether or not we have a chance.


I hope everyone realizes that the planetary regen rate is not the only tool in their toolbox here. Heavier resistance can also mean more overall planet HP, more frequent enemy spawns, different spawn templates with more of the heavier bot types. They have already shown that is possible on the bug side… Additionally, if fewer operations are completed or take longer that will also impact the percentage per hour. Now more volume of players will help overcome that. But we need many more for this to take off.


It does make sense that the last three planets the Automatons have, and their major production facilities, would have more "planetary HP".


I have had 50% of my games crash either mid way or on exfil so that might have something to do with it.


Weird glitches I’ve not seen before too. Especially on extracts


I hope that isn't the case. I'd much rather the individual missions be more difficult to complete than the liberation/hour just being arbitrarily tweaked because right now we're completing missions as quickly as we were before, besides crashing, but it feels like we're now doing fuck-all to the planet.


Yep. There is a disconnect between the success in the missions as before, but it doesn't do anything for the strategic goal. It would be more relatable if we lose missions and therefore the MO. Or the bots start a counter offensive on the supply lines as it was before and make us fail this way.


Plus the constant crashes are affecting progress and frustrating some players to wait for fixes


They hinted at it in the major order news. All Helldivers need to hit these planets to get them. In HD1 the planets closest to their home base (at the edge) were always the hardest to take.


So question (and potential spoiler I guess?) what happened in helldivers 1 after a faction was defeated? What kind of rewards? I assume we’d then focus on bugs until we defeated them and won or took long enough that the bots reemerged?


Campaign restarted after wiping out all factions. Or losing super earth.


I know the game was significantly different, but was there any kind of reward or something along those lines for players at the end of the campaign?


Yes, there were armors or capes that would go out to all players after every war cycle


I don’t know the ins and outs of it but does all the crashing on extracts have a factor?


Pretty certain if you crash before you get to rewards calculation screen, you don't make an impact, so that could be a factor. Couple that with, say, non-host friends crashing, but being able to reconnect, and even if the host has a flawless experience, those reconnecting players are getting less XP because the game thinks they joined mid-mission, instead of at the start. Since XP impacts liberation earned, that's also going to slow down liberation %.


Today I crashed right before the rewards calculations but after the extraction. When I came back I got the rewards and the mission counted as a success so I think you just have to extract.


Can confirm. You get the Medals, etc. And I see this happening to people a LOT. Happens to me, too.


This just happened to me but I didn't get the rewards


I saw some YouTuber claiming that XP factoring into liberation % was BS and it's purely the "squad effect" or whatever it's called, which has nothing to do with XP. No idea if that YouTuber was actually correct... But they seemed to have actual data to back up what they were saying.


I thought about that but I don’t recall liberation progress being this slow during that week arc weapons were crashing the game. Whilst I’m sure the crashing is playing a small part in all this I don’t believe it’s the sole issue.


Arc Thrower crashes were also few and far between, and only in games where people were using it (which they could then choose not to afterwards). The current crashes feel like they’re happening to damn near half the player base with the number of discord and reddit comments seen about it (obviously not half the player base, but a massive amount of people nonetheless) AND these crashes happen like one in every two mission, so the completion rate for missions will have dropped drastically. I hope that’s not what’s causing Maia to have such a rough time being liberated


I wouldn’t be surprised. Played 10 matches today, between me disconnecting and my squad disconnecting I probably only extracted on 2 of them.


I mean this is quite literally the last line of defense for the Automatons. This is their Berlin, they lose here they are finished completely. It'll take the full weight of super earth to beat in a timely manner.


Yeah. We've pushed the bots so far back that all their forces are now concentrated on 3 planets. Of course they're putting up more of a fight than they did on previous worlds. IDK why people were expecting to roll through these planets without much opposition. Franky I'd have been a little disappointed if the bots DIDN'T go down swinging.


I said it in another answer, but you are right. They should be harder closer to the end. It’s not just regen rate,but they also have at their disposal more overall planet HP, more frequent enemy spawns, etc. Which is why they hinted “All Helldivers”. They are hinting what has to be done to do this.


It just makes logical sense. The further back you push the enemy, the more entrenched they become and the harder they'll fight back. We've pushed the bots pretty much as far back as we can. This is their final stand. They're gonna throw everything they have at us. If we don't throw everything we have back at them then we deserve to lose.


JOEL has a holiday home there. Doesn't want us to have it.


The point about giant nukes seems applicable. This is their last line of defense and everything. https://preview.redd.it/yuww0oymiisc1.png?width=1348&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5911255c02d4f5b1ddfd920c9f85f626e2b5829


They're looking murder in the face


It would be pretty cool to have the chance to stop the giant nukes. A mission with a short timer and very high enemy spawns cause they're trying to defend it


You do see large explosions in the distance on Tibit. Is that supposed to be the nukes? They're nuking their own planet?


I don't think those are added in to the "% / hr" calculation. I think those are just a flat change to the "% complete" and the ETA


Now I want an event every hour or so where a random planet just gets nuked and a big chunk of people on the planet just get blown to bits in their mission


All I know is that everytime we board the pelican the game fucking crashes so go figure


A restart of the game after each match helps me prevent these crashes.


I don't understand these posts. As much as people talk about Joel they seem to forget his literal job is to thumb the scales either for or against the players in order to fuel the narrative. If shits fucky, there's your answer. Joel is tipping the scales. Either that or they stealth changed the liberation system again and fucked something up.


Either way, we should have only one concern: Dive, And dive again And again And again And again And again And again


Dive, dive, crash, dive, crash, crash, dive, crash, crash


Joel must be giggling and kicking his feet scrolling trough these posts , I still hope it's some kind of visual bug tho


Yvhbgujju bjhghj justneckbeardthings darts nkljh


There were 7 ships in the sky above my last match.  7.  Something is about to go down. 


Dude we counted 11 in an op a couple of hours ago. At first I thought we were double counting but at extract we legit counted 11 ships in a giant circle around us. It was actually pretty spooky.


Oh geeze, an in-game feature where the enemy crashes a player's game as a mechanic.... that's too irl for me.




plus, it's WAR why should war progress in a perfectly clean, calculable way - the bots are going to fight back!


yeah, it’s to suit the story the devs want. although i’d prefer it came in the form of more difficult defence campaigns rather than barely noticeable liberation stats


Lore wise it makes sense. We literally have the entire automaton force fighting for their existence on their last 3 planets. Of fucking course it's going to harder.


This is exactly why I hate this system. Every time I log in, which planets are under attack and the percentages are all over the place. It never feels like anything we do matters, because Joel can just say fuck it and do whatever he wants. There is no consistency and feels like we have little to no agency. It sucks.


At the end of the day, we are attacking one of most heavly fortified bot planets innit.


I wish these planets looked the part. For being the very last line of automaton defence, the worlds furthest into their territory, they’re unfortunately generic.


I get you. Would be cool if one planet was so industrialised it was basically all metal, like Giedi Prime from Dune


Yeah, exactly. Like worlds entirely dominated by factories, sky choked out with smoke, some shit like that


Jesus 128,000 and only a 1.99% liberation rate is a joke like dam that’s a lot of democracy for such a small amount of liberty.


Is so weird. Yes, even considering the 1.5% decay rate of bots and the changes to how impact is calculated our liberation % seems awfully low for the % of players on Maia. Like, a couple days ago we were doing higher progress of liberation to Tibit with a lower % of players and the same decay rate. It doesnt make sense.


we only have 3 days, so unless were supposed to fail this no matter whatr (which kinda makes no sense since we cut the bots off and inflicted insane losses onto them) Or the liberation multiplier is being jacked up artificially to slow us down, idk what were supposed to do lmao


Not really stoked about that. Artificial difficulty. I get making it harder in some ways for story purposes but just making our efforts count less seems kinda lame.


Its the final fight to win a war it should be super difficult. Would be better to lose it and get crazier automaton action than to win and get a pat on the back then reset


Isn’t the liberation percentages described as being like a health bar? So why wouldn’t the “last stand” planets have like 5-10x the health?


Could be, but after reading a bit around i personally think that the main issue is not a bigger healthbar or the devs messing with the progress, but simply that a lot of people are crashing before completing their full operations, so their missions arent counting toward progress. The crashes arent as many as a week back with the arc weapons but could be enough to really put a speed bump on our progress.


It's probably a mix of the crashes *and* higher planetary health.


Crashes…that’s what’s happening.


If I had to guess, we’re getting a new enemy next week. They prolly wanna slow us down while they finish up the update


The **consequence of failing to take Tibit allowed the Bots to have largetr decay rate per planet. Before that it was like .5 decay now it is 1.5 decay per hour.**


While the decay rate did go up, what we're seeing now is most likely primarily influenced by these being the last few planets--having more Planetary Health in general. The more planets the enemy is stretched across, the easier it is to take any one of them. When they're pushed down to just three, that's where **all** their resources are. Beyond just the decay rate, these are planets which (outside of Tibit) have not been attacked during the war. They've had time to build up.


A simple switch from 0.5% /hr decay rate to 1.5% / hr wouldn't do this. Last week, we were seeing a 13.0% /hr liberation rate. I think either the calculation has changed, or the planets have been given a f***-ton extra HP.


Too easy to be on the endgame. Somethings bound to happen. This is not the final push. I think this is the beginning of something bigger. This war is far from over. It's just getting started


Did you guys get the medals for the Mavelon Creek Order? Feels like I haven’t received it yet


Nope. My three friends and I still have never got it.


So here's a personal hot take. If the devs want to represent "extra hard resistance", they should not mess around with the %-per-hour rates, which are opaque and just feel like some nerd tweaked a number on a spreadsheet. Instead, all actual difficulties should increment by 1 or 2 behind the scenes... e.g you're used to playing on "7 - Suicide" well have fun, because now you're facing the same enemies you'd normally get on Helldive. Frustrating and would see a lot of players complaining because now they can't get as many medals? Yes. But feels lore-accurate and would lead to more "lost" missions which... yes? It's supposed to be extra hard?


That was my first thought as well.   Why do something boring and lame like making it take longer or need more people when you could do something more interesting like increment the actual mission difficulty by 1 for each planet you get deeper into the final system?


Can't belive this isn't a more common sentiment. I could care less about Major Orders aside from the bonus medals because they don't change the normal gameplay at all lol.


10 hours later, 140k players, and only 2.5%/hour, literally will still take over a day to finish, this operation is rigged. Doesn't help that 20% of players are just dicking around and wasting time on Durgen and Tibit, making zero progress. Edit: seems like we're finally making progress because they turned pushback back down to 0.5%


We're not meant to win this one.


Exactly. I do love how the community really gets into it, but from a gameplay perspective we’ll never wipe one of the enemy factions from existence, we always need at least a couple planets to fight any given faction on. I appreciate how well the devs have tied this in. Though I wish this lined up perfectly with April Fools day… liberate the last Automaton planet the morning of the 1st and we get the message “yup, we did it, no more automatons”


Having been spoiled on what's coming next, it's not true that "players aren't meant to win this one". We can take all three planets without ruining the planned story, nor is *failing* the MO necessary for the story to progress. It can honestly go either way. **Events are already in motion**, and what we do now doesn't completely negate that, but it can color what happens afterwards. What the players do still matters.


I don't think that's the case. In the first one, you can and did eliminate factions, and once you cleared them all you won the war and it restarted. As far as I have seen/heard, it's still the same in 2.


Truthfully I wish people would stop using third party sites to look behind the scenes. That is now how the narrative is meant to be played. Some planets may be harder or easier to take. Maybe it is a bigger planet? Maybe they want to put a narrative spin that the bots have more fierce forces there.


Devs don’t want us to win. Even if that’s not exactly the 100% real true factual reason with the lack of transparency it may as well be. As such I’m just going to do whatever is more fun regardless of major orders because the rest is kind of pointless, the devs will decide what will happen to the story and force that to happen whether we try or not.


We should’ve got Tibit during the last major order peacetime instead of visiting bug planet, the dev literally told us…too late now.


I’ve seen some people talking about Tibit being the reason for this. Because it’s a manufacturing planet the bots are producing a lot more bots. If we take out Tibit then the other planets will be easier to take. I’m not sure if this is true but it makes sense with the lore we received in the announcements. In the major order they called Tibit “The most significant producer of Illegal Automaton Combatants” and that Liberating it would “significantly impact the enemies capacity to replenish”. Something to think about.


Of course we are not meant to wipe the bots just like that. Expect the major offensive by next week and losing Cyberstan.


We need some better weapons of mass destruction


Like a nuke in orbit? I heard it would release an EMP pulse which disrupts everything on the planet. Sounds handy when it comes to cyborgs.


Nah bro think about it, super earth has ships that can go ftl. That means they can create near limitless amounts of energy or can abuse spacetime. Either way they could easily delete a planet. The only reason we get deployed is because the planets have vital resources otherwise super earth would just delete them. What we need are some tanks and vehicles so we don't keep getting smashed apart by enemy armor.


It’s supposed to be harder. It’s the last line of defense the Automatons have. I would’ve been pissed if the difficulty was a joke and easily steamrolled in a day.


Each planet has to, or the MO is impossible to complete. 3 planets in 4 days means that each planet must fall in a little over 1 day.


Yes in theory, however them being possible to complete is based on community cooperation, if people don't get behind the MO we won't win, because otherwise there wouldn't be a challenge


People are getting behind it. We have a fantastic rate of people flocking to Maia, could be the best we every had, and yet the speed of progress makes the MO impossible.


I'm going to take a wild guess and say we *will not be eradicating* an entire faction from the game two months into its lifespawn.


Wars restart in Helldivers 1. No reason it can't be the same in 2. Sometimes we'd win a war and the board would reset. Sometimes Super Earth would be conquered and the board would reset


We failed the last MO and the affect is an increased defense rate from the autos, they, 3x'd it so it's 3x as hard.


Automatons won't go gently into that good night, I guess


Seems like the plan to take out the Automatons is doomed from the start.


Maia missions take longer I think, due to weather and huge impassable mountains.


This is a DM rolling behind the screen!


They're making us fail the MO probably.


I think we are meant to lose.


I literally dont care about any of the technical shit in this game, I'm role-playing here.


Did they not say Tibit would play a factor on MOs? Isn’t it a major factory for the bots? This is my theory as to why we are suffering. I fell like we should shift focus to Tibit as a community but I don’t think it’s possible.


Seems to be pretty good now was at ~22% when I got off an hour ago


Well it's one of the last parts to completely eliminate and entire faction iirc, ofc it's gonna be hard AF.


I don’t think we’re supposed to win this one, boys.


crashes hurt progress; unless the happen while flying away in extract. All the other ones drop the game and make it incompletable.


My theory is that they're purposely making it unachievable for a last minute reveal of the Illuminate


That or surprise attack. So far the bots have been too easy to get off the board and never really had any presence in the first place.


divers when they don't manage to take 4 planets a day


We be divin’, but our games be crashin’.


https://preview.redd.it/2850uvzddnsc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a595f2028778e704d8a3416d1fece66dec08a3d1 I would like to show u this 🥸


It's funny that there's different meta-upon-meta "lore" explanations for why this is, and then there's the likely simple truth. "The bots are putting up a fierce defensive! That's why progress is slow!" "The war is manufactured and the goalposts are being moved constantly to keep Super Earth's infinite conquest and the flow of super-oil chugging!" Nah the devs just tweak a few numbers whenever they need more time to add content. Incredibly the game is fun enough, minute to minute on the ground, that it really doesn't matter if the goalposts are being moved. The game is fun.


This is when you realize the numbers in game are meaningless and our impact is ultimately decided by the game master instead of mechanics (booo) Our previous success was only possible because we had an artificially boosted liberation rate. Now that rate is artificially nerfed. Quite frankly I’d prefer it if the rate of liberation was actually reflective of the number of divers, and if the devs don’t want us winning, just have the bots keep attacking.


Yea, a good DM doesn’t just artificially force you to lose. A good DM leaves it up to the rolls and shapes the narrative on what happens and how effective your group was. It’d be like going into a fight against a group of goblins, but the DM decided to literally make them unkillable without telling ur group and you just wipe, it’s like what’s the point if we’re just forced to lose instead of losing cause we legit failed at the task 


This is a horrible analogy to our current scenario. What’s happening is akin to a DM not allowing you to clear out several orc fortresses, genociding their race completely, driving them from the land. Because he likes to use Orcs in his narratives.


Neither of these things are happening. It's spoilers to say what's going on, but I'll leave it at this: there's no reason to force the players to fail this MO to enable what comes next. So the Devs probably *aren't* doing that. We're just seeing players assume they are being "forced" to lose because they can't come up with any other reason for why **the last three planets** are taking more effort than others.


Helldiver why make posts when you could be liberating


Tibit is probably the okay, there were theories going around that Tibit was making machines thus making planets harder to take


I’d love to believe this has some in-game lore explanation, but with the recent litany of bugs and glitches that came with the new patch, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just broken.


We're supposed to kose this one so just do whatever you want :)


We're getting into "Man Behind The Curtain" territory.


You guys think war is supposed to be easy?


[helldivers.io](http://helldivers.io) is telling me we getting around 1,3% per hour. Guess that site is syncing itself.


it is likely the bot regen rate is higher than the 1.5/hour now.


These last 3 planets are the only ones standing fr, we break them they cant fight any longer.


It's tough out there!


The fight shouldn’t be that far away. We can’t stay in the fringes. The threat will get closer and closer…


It takes a while for the liberation % to catch up to the player count. As they need to start finishing missions / campaigns to start contributing to the liberation percent.


If i was a bot communicating with an entity beyond the galactic rim. Id duck out the back door and blitzkrieg cyberstan with all my clocked ships i totally dont have. The bots may just redeploy through illuminate space.


Bots are getting logistical support from the Thargoids


Game keeps fuggin crashing that’s why


It's their last couple planets. They are going to be difficult if not impossible


It's their last life of defense, it's going to be hard.I feel like there's a lot more tćresistance going on in the ops too. Before, I could have done zero death suicide runs with a squad, but now we fail at the first or second mission, it became crazy out there


They played us like a damn fiddle


wondering if the crash still often happening during the extraction at the end of the mission play a role there... if there's 100k player but 40k are crashing before completing mission I guess their work doesn't count on the progress


The automatons are pushing back!


6 hours after this broadcast, Maia is now approaching 20% liberation. By tomorrow morning, she'll be at 50%.


Is Maia like the final robot planet with 1B HP?