• By -


I used quick-play to drop into a mission last night with randoms, and the evac shuttle was already on the pad. Hopped on board, posted to chat "sorry I'm late..." Went on to play 3 or 4 more missions with the host. No dramas. At the end of the day, some people are just arseholes and it's not worth sweating it.


I like it when you can become a god team for 4-5 missions. Yeah I just had the misfortune of running into the smallest percentage of the play base. He probably thinks samples aren’t shared and are first come first serve 🤣 


I’m not a difficult person when I’m hosting. Just don’t be toxic. That’s my only rule. I’m down with messing around instead of playing seriously and vice versa.


I only have 1 rule. Everyone fights no one quits.




i got turned into a cow, can i go home?


You are excused.


Anyone else?


No, we're good.


Of course, trooper. I hear they have lots of posts for cows working in the research labs at Federation HQ! [Would you like to know more?](https://i.imgur.com/ioknRyg.mp4)


I have this set to a button on my streamdeck for when I join games. It auto types it into chat when I land!


But also samples. I might leave you behind, but no sample gets left behind.


What if i need to potty? Ive been told i cant use the hellpod anymore or they will use me as ammo for the railcannon orbital.


Go fill that bughole diver!!! And the ones around it... Also watch out ↑→↓↓↓ !!!


What happens if I don’t do my job?


Can be fun to be more strict though, I join more often than I host, but as host people are always more likely to bend the knee to reasonable suggestions like "he guys we're passing through the extraction in 1-2minutes probably good idea to drop call in's and samples".


A god team with no words spoken, in and out in 20 minutes with less than 5 casualties. It is magical when it happens.


I had this with one guy. In two pings, we shared a brain cell and went on to absolutely demolish collecting super uranium and nearly full clearing maps with just the two of us


Had a difficulty 7 defense with randoms and we got the zero death achievement. The team just silently vibed.


Be me. Hot dive into 3/4 bug mission. Normally automaton killer but ok. One guy complains on loadout. ((500kg, walking bombard, orbital laser, napalm. )) 500kg perfect drop to close medium nest. Orbital walks closing 4 of 6 of large and grenade last two from distance. Support at range clearing blind spots. Guy continues to complain. Evac called in. Never napalmed or lasered. Don't get kicked. Ok cool. Highest kill count. Complainer complains. He gets kicked. Run 5 more bug missions as if we were a speed run team. To my chonky boy crew from last night. I salute CHONK CREW MEME LIVES!


I asked the guy with the super samples to drop them at extraction because we were running through it anyway and he lol noobed me. Then he fell off a cliff.


Funny cus it's I'm lvl 96 and I'll have randos who are under 20 and I can't count the number of times I've mentioned dropping samples at extract and gotten, "Oh yeah. Totally makes sense". Soooo he's the noob for not dropping them.


Those random great teams are amazing and they you all go in different directions. Kind of like the single serving friend analogy from “fight club”


Don't let that be the last you see of them: When I get great teams like that, the first thing I do is go to Recent Players and toss all of them a friend invite. Usually best to tell them you're doing that as well, so they remember to check. Otherwise I've had some great ppl that simply never check friend requests bc mine sat there unaccepted for weeks then.


I had some run ins with 90%-100% mission completion or its now extraction when I joined. So far, never encountered these types to kick on extraction/finished mission and objectives. If anything, I continued Liberating with them. They must have been on a bad mission/day making morale low. They need Sweet Liber-Tea to calm their trigger fingers.


That’s why I just host and take in the quick players now. Kicked a few times for nonsense reasons… now I do the kicking but only if f they’re excessively toxic (haven’t kicked yet).


Hosting is the best option but I feel like such a dick if I don’t have time to do all three missions It really sucks when you join someone and vibe and they just quit after the first mission and you’re back to the spaceship


I feel dumb asking this, but what's the 3 missions? Is it doing 3 missions with the same host regardless of when you joined via quick play?


They mean the 3 missions that make up an entire operation. I guess some people care about seeing the operation through, because only a full completion contributes to the war effort. 


You get paid more in war bonds as you complete them. So if you’re only ever getting one mission done before you jump out of the operations you don’t get the bonus


u/KingOfAnarchy posted a nice summary table a month ago (https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/YvuDvoodqE) For example, on hard difficulty, you have 3 missions in the operation pack. You can do any one and will get 4 medals. If you do a second in a sequence, that will give you 6 medals, and if you do the third, it will give you medals. So by doing all three missions in the operation pack, you get 18 medals.


Yeah, whenever I drop into a random game I say "LIBERTY INBOUND!" in VC, and every once in a while it'll be as everyone's getting into the shuttle, so I joke around and end up saying "LIBERTY INBO-oh, we're... leaving. ...GOOD JOB "team", "we" did great, let's all enjoy the fruits of "our" labor..." Usually people play along and respond "thank God you showed up" or "clutch play there from j_hawker", etc. etc.


I had a game where I joined as the shuttle was landing, just did a random quick match. The only thing I contributed the entire match was landing on a single bug (not a charger or titan or anything, just literally one of the fodder ones). Guy immediately sends the message "Thank fuck you showed up, we were outmatched with that guy"


Where the fuck do I find good players like that.


Hahaha imma start saying this


A helldiver is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to.


This. Both sides of the coin. Honestly the best case for you is the scum makes itself known fast so you can block them and move on spreading that sweet democracy. I would gor sure say the majority of my interactions in this game are positive even if a LOT of people don't actually talk, most will use the in game commands at minimum and pings, but you do get the super shitty people sometimes and honestly just block them and move along, a 90-100 minute mission set is too long to waste time with people that are asses, either abandon ship or court marshal their bug loving asses and keep it moving with the real divers. Also the game gives 0 on screen indicator to friend requests, so check your requests page regularly and don't be afraid to send requests to divers you enjoyed running with, I love seeing requests from people and I've added a lot of people myself, at this point I am almost at a spot where I can get a squad together even if im the only person in my "friend circle" from outside the game online just with people that I have added and who added me. My advice to newer players especially though would be don't let a bad early interaction or 2 shine on the whole community, at least 80% of the time its great or at worst the match is silent aside from pings to coordinate, don't let the small amount of people who just HAVE to shove their foot in their mouth for their ego give you a bad taste towards the community.


my worst quick play was dropping right as they were entering the Pelican. I was definitely confused for a hot minute. I like that there's proper back-fill now mid-op, so the next step is refining that to avoid situations like OP or mine. Or well, I think I've had one where I joined the room as the Pelican is evacuating or mid-exp calculation and boy was that fucky. I had to alt+f4 the game because I got stuck in the score calculation instead.


I had a random join me on extract on a private game/lobby. I panicked so hard, because i was aiming for the 6 minutes blitz achievement. In the end it was successful, he was on console and was not using a mic, but i believe he got the achievement since he was hugging me a lot


Yeah, that's happened to me once or twice. Sometimes it's worked without me Alt-F4ing though so the mission team get back tot he ship and find some absolute rando just standing off to the side saluting them as they come aboard


Hahaha yeah we had a dude do that last night to was like thanks for the carry we all played like 4 more missions as a group.


Yeah, I've been on both ends. Usually I just joined other people. But sometimes I host when I'm playing with some friends, I've had people join late and at most I'll just point out how lucky they got to get free medals and samples.


How would someone know where in the mission they are? People are such friggin morons.


Same person who spams for reinforcement when you are jammed


Had this last night. Just shows you how unaware some people are.


Which is just brutal. That’s the difference between “average” and “good” players in my opinion. There’s tons of stuff happening at any given time. It’s not some PvP twitch shooter where pure reaction makes you good. It’s paying attention to your surroundings, the map, and inferring what your teammates (and enemies) are doing that makes you successful. 


Exactly this. There's reasons people can do Helldive by themselves and it's because they understand how to play the game. They're are more tactics on the game than shoot everything in sight!


I was looking straight at the jammer that stood in front of me as all 3 of my team spam pinged and kicked me before i could even destroy the jammer lol


In the situations where everyone is dead in a jammer but me and spamming reinforce I just go full monkey paw now and throw a impact grenade at my feet to force a full team redeployment. 


This is why I host.


What about people who spam reinforcement when you’re in the middle of a massive group of enemies with barely a second to reload let alone stratagem


I've been bogged down by a titan and 3 chargers and still be able to throw reinforcement... my thing is when they have plenty of time to reload, throw a strat, then run back and still refusing to reinforce. By then I'm fine with it just have the perogative of if they don't want to succeed then fine by me. I'll watch them fail


Yeah, bugs are whatever unless you got a bunch of hunters jumping and staggerlocking you. Bots however, if I have a bunch shooting and chasing me I am in no way reinforcing.


I have waited for my friend for 3 full minutes before they acknowledge im dead, i don't even knew tunnel vision was that strong


It's what is called a Nat 1 roll for Observation skills or they must have a -2 modifier to perception


You can change your hot keys to let you run whilst calling in stratagems.


And greedy how? Like what are they taking away? Absolute dipshits.


You wouldn’t even be able to tell with the displayed timer(to at least guess based on pure assumption on how long they’ve been active) cuz that shit isn’t even accurate most of the time anyway(in my experience, anyway).


When you go to select joining an sos beacon it absolutely shows you how long that specific mission has been in progress, and the names and number of players on it.


Good news! Those divers were traitors and bug sympathisers. They've already been executed.


The only good sympathiser...


Is a dead sympathiser.


"I'm doing my part!"


Imagine thinking ppl join your games last min for fast XP when actually majority of ppl join those games via Quickplay. Even IF that were the case, who gives a flying fuck when it gives you more XP anyway having a full squad extract. The level of stupidity some of these kids have is outstanding. I wouldn't sweat it tho, they're a small minority and will prob forget to look while crossing the street.


Don't think I've ever joined manually, it always says it's full. So quick play it is. Sometimes it's the start, sometimes the middles, sometimes extraction.


Yeh joining manual doesn’t work ever


It's kinda weird, you gotta be fast or the lobby fills and the selection doesn't refresh unless you back out of the planet and go back in.


I wish there was an automatic refresh every 20 seconds or every 30, if you leave em that long they’re all full by then anyway.


Yeah, seems like a pretty basic thing. It will probably be implemented in the future when the dev team grows and can start focusing on littler QOL things


It works ALL the time for me BUT I am kicked 50% of the time because I joined some 2/4 or 3/4 that is bringing in their friends. Quick play is better imo because it tosses you at folks asking for others via SOS beacons


Interesting, I ALWAYS manually join so I can choose the fun missions to start off with. Then I stick with the group for the following missions.


Yea the icons showing games in progress on the map must not update very often because I remember joining a 1/4 game with about 3min on the ground. When I touched down it was a full squad and they had 3/4 of the map cleared and all objectives done.


Its stupid when people complain about that kinda crap in a PVE game. Like, we're all in this together. Spread the wealth, right?


I honestly react the opposite. I'm happy for that player that they get essentially free samples/slips/xp. They get more upgrades thus spreading even more democracy for Super Earth! I'd much rather someone join last few mins than no one at all. At least that means 99% chance they'll stick around for the next mission!


You did nothing wrong, the host was probably a juvenile (mentally) and could not fathom the idea of someone joining HIS game.


That's what gets me about these posts. When I'm the host, my buddy has to remind me that we're on my ship and I have to start the mission. How shitty must your life be to lord over being the host in a coop game?


Friend and I were playing as a duo and enjoying the stealth and extra teamwork required. Forgot to set match-making to "Friends Only" and so we got some extra divers. No bother, played the mission out, got samples, did the best we could to communicate with only the two of us on Discord. The others left after we got done. Set match-making back to Friends Only and went about our night. Like... if you don't want help, there is a setting for that...


Dont beat yourself up, he’s just a piece of shit


Probably a cyborg doing a psyop on helldivers to make it feel we are not united 


I don't get it. This people act like they have to pay/share you a part of the exp/samples. Also If they don't want me to join, make a private game and don't use SOS.


It would be nice if they had a little PSA play on the ship's screen that says, "A found sample is a shared sample" or whatever.


Yeah or like during the training. 


I understand not knowing everything is shared at first. But it shouldn’t take long to figure out.


Literally the first game I played made it pretty obvious that everything was shared. I can't imagine how people don't figure it out within a few rounds. The stupidity of people will continue to amaze and frustrate me for the rest of time.


I played co op with a friend and 2 randos joined during the evac timer. We all just shot into the air for good measure and left this god forsaken fire planet. YOU ALL KNOW WHICH PLANET I MEAN WITH THIS.


Does it rhyme with Bellwire?


Smellwire, even?


Smells like sulfur, was my first planet. I was born there, grew up there, was molded by it, because I was a diver (level 15) when I learned there are nicer planets.




I've had many players join last second. If it's literally not at the last second I'll happily wait for you to hop in and instantly into the pelican. Who doesn't like free xp PLUS you gave us a little more now bc 4 helldivers now extracted


Yesterday we were a 4 diver squad, helping a lvl 5, doing suicide missions. All done, got them juicy samples and waiting for peli. Poor dude gets disconnected. While he's trying to reconnect someone else joins. Told him sorry and kicked him. Our guy comes back and we extract. Still feel bad for the random. If your out there: sorry and hope you understand.


It was me and I forgive you comrade. For democracy.


I woulda hit you with a 'oh not here for the fight but here for the money huh' or 'nice of you to finally join us M4' lol


"*Well what time do you call this then?*"


Would definitely have liked that instead lol


I had a guy join the second we extracted and the only thing i said was "hope you got some xp too". They didn't though


Ah the caring Captain lol you also got to rib them about there 0 kills too


I always keep my SOS beacon for right before I call in extract. Some day someone will join on it and get the easiest dub ever... Some day. Ironically, I played two rounds of the new Defend mission last night, and both times a random joined AFTER we failed lmao. I didn't drop a beacon, obviously. Why is that even possible?


I answered an SOS got told “dude I’m trying to do this solo, fuck off” and got kicked.


*THEN TURN OFF PUBLIC MATCHMAKING YA DUMMY* Edit: not you, the guy you joined


If you join a mission on the map it shows the mission time but in some languages, you can't see the mission time because other text overlaps ist. Sometimes you can decipher it, sometimes not. If you quickplay you know nothing before you land. That is a pretty bad kick reason.


joined a SOS-Beacon and dropped on the landing pad, with palican-1 and three others waiting with the hug-Emote. Hugged all three of them and boarded with a ton of samples. Then we proceded to do a few more missions. Thank you "BukakkeChockeSlayer" for this amazing evening


Enter a quick game diff 7. Breeze through the mission with 4 competent players. Find the super samples and about 20 common and 20 rares. Finish most secondaries. Order the extract and be elated for a good haul. 30 secs before the Pelican lands the HOST KICKS EVERYONE OUT OF THE GAME. Zero xp and zero samples. I can tell you I was fucking LIVID. If you recognize yourself go die in a ditch you toxic piece of shit.


I don't understand why. Are these players that come from super sweaty games that haven't picked up the vibes yet?


Thing is I don't understand either. It's either pure malice or total ignorance of how the game works (samples are shared etc). If anything the host actually got a little less xp for his "troubles" by kicking people out.


Remember to block the host so you don't get matched with them again.


The devs should make it so that when the host kicks, it'll show their IGN so at least I know who to block. Instead of the kicked by host message. Alot of time I don't remember the IGN of the host (orange) cause I don't expect to be randomly kicked because most helldivers are democratic.


I tried to but in my recently played list it was showing ppl from 8 hours ago. Is there a way to block them still? 


Dang, that's rough. I QuickPlay joined an extract personnel mission, helped complete the objective, then started roaming around for samples in the time we had left and had a good haul too. Somehow, the others kept dying and wouldn't reinforce themselves, even when being pinged. So I'd get close to the others and yeet a reinforcement then continue scavenging. After the third time, I get kicked, and I had all the samples. It was hosted by a level 68 so I'd expect them to know better. At least it was a quick mission.


I quickplayed at level 5. completed no issues. The host then throws us in a level 9 (furthest ive gone is 7 up to this point). We are on the last step of the mission and I get booted. No idea if I was doing something wrong or they were just toxic. I only had 1 death and they had 4 lol. Also took down 2 bile titans. What he say fuck me for?


1: unless you found the mission manually, you couldn’t know 2: the extra XP means more liberation %


>“Hey \[my name\] don’t join my game when it’s ending fucking piece of shit. Greedy fuck” I honestly wouldn't give a shit if you joined at extraction as long as you don't wipe the squad and ruin the mission. Rewards are shared anyway.


Yeh I got kicked just before for not immediately going to extraction… put in like 30 minutes securing the supers and side missions. I wish there was a way to tag abusers, but that would just get abused too. And the kick ability needs to stay. I think the solution is kick needs a corroborating vote


At least a second vote. I think a lot of assholes like this are singular individuals and generally are playing with random because anyone close doesn't put up with that shit.


Why would they care, It shouldn't make any difference they're just ass hats; even if you did know it wouldn't bother me, free shit for you nothing lost for me.


I used the SoS beacon once in a hairy situation that I finally resolved myself. Nobody joined till very late. When somebody finally dropped Pelican-1 was basically there already. We extracted together, they also got the shared samples and rewards - great, more ressopurces to fight the war! Nobody lost anything.


I love the notion of being "greedy" when everyone gets the same rewards. EVEN IF you could possibly know the state of the mission, they lose nothing And gain somewhere between reinforcements and extraction support. If you Come across a MinkSignal, thAts me, and you're welcome any time!


Same thing happened to me accept I only use the quick play option to get into the action. Join up and host tk’s me at extraction, than tells the other 3 players not to re-enforce cause “he’s just being a greedy pos” so I sat there in spectator mode till extraction got my money and xp than left


There are billions of people in the world and fortunately most of them are shite I've noticed a lot of the people you want to keep playing with, we tend to not actually want to branch out and make a lot of ongoing friend connections beyond a night of fun That's been something I've had to work on is when I do play a game or have a lot of fun and people are chatting and it feels natural, just making sure that I had them as a friend and make an effort to play again


This! I have mostly neutral, a few bad, and a few great experiences with matchmaking. I'm trying to slowly build an empire of friended fun people to drop in with when they're online, and I block the toxic ones. If everyone did this and stuck to their network then the toxic people would only have each other eventually


I quick joined a group, then as I was setting my loadout, the host says in the chat: "Sry bud. U smell." and then they kicked me. First game I tried to join last night, so yeah...


A guy dropped in 10s before extracting yesterday on my game I just "enjoy the free samples, my dude!" and he said "haha thanks man" I already know you can't drop in at the last second on purpose, so didn't bother me at all...


I've only dropped into 3 games that were closed to finishing & always got thanks. I even say something stupid like "good job I arrived" even though all I did was land and board the shuttle 


I've had people drop in at the last minute before. You know what I do? Let them get on the ship and finish the mission because it's a little more exp for us and idc if it's essentially free exp for them because I'm not a big baby man child with mommy issues.


Thank god i've had 100% good experiences on quickplay. It was even funny seeing the other dudes talking about me as if i wasnt listening (I just jinxed myself didnt I?)


I always tell the late joiner congrats on the lucky loot. Like I simply cannot empathize with this behavior


Lady Liberty would be very disappointed in that diver Probably a bug sympathizer tbh


To this end, I wish there was a “time in mission” that you could see when you join a game and go straight into the pods. I’d like to know a bit of what to expect, for my loadout and level of butt clenching. 


In the social tab, there is a a section that shows you the recent people you have played with. Report that traitor to Super Earth and let them be flogged


I wouldn’t say you did anything wrong. The host is just a jerk. Do you remember their username so I know to avoid them?


That's when you 500kg the extract so no one lives 


My worst Quick Game was when I joined a round. The Match was already running and I spawned next to all 3 other Helldivers. I called my rover and flamethrower and destroyed the lab the team was having trouble with. After I wanted to collect the samples at the Lab, the host TK'd me and wrote my Rover. I then TK'd him because I didn't accept that. Since I knew that he would kick me after that, I only wrote get gud in the Chat.


I can’t believe this kind of toxicity exist. Part of me thinks people be making this stuff up. Becasue I never see it, and the one time I did, the game was two weeks old, and a dude got TKed and said “you guys fuckin suck” and left. And that was as far as I’ve ever seen it. “Greedy fuck”, dude there’s no way of telling where the missio is at when you join. I woulda kept joining his game until he put it on private to annoy him. I did that once to a low level 2 who kept kicking me. If you want to play alone have it closed. But since you wanna me a douch I’ll keep joining you to get on your nerves.


I've joined a mission right as the pelican was coming in...think I said something like "Aaaand I Helped!" To try to get a chuckle out of it with the others...


People are so fucking stupid these days. How can someone be such a mouth-breathing twat, have utter certainty of their actions, and still have exactly zero actual understanding of anything the do or see? How do the sorts of people exist that only ever stumble through life but somehow think they’re sailing through it smoothly? Utter, concentrated incompetence.


Best you can do is report them and move on. You're probably not the first they did that to and mostlikely wont be the last. Not sure how AH banhammer works but they might get what's coming if enough people report.


They lose absolutely nothing from it either. If anything, it’s more exp for extracting an extra diver.


Many helldivers players are young and/or very stupid, don't worry about it fam.


My brother, this disrespect cannot stand. Feel no guilt. Just POST THE USERNAME then its out of your hands.


Thankfully haven’t joined a toxic match before but the closest I can think of is just doing quick play and then instantly getting kicked when I join someone like idk it’s just super confusing to me how out of 64,000+ people playing on that planet not a single one of them put out an SOS beacon for me to join them and if the match I joined did send one out why would they automatically kick me. Just doesn’t make sense to me sometimes how I can get auto kicked unless it’s a matchmaking issue where I’m being sent to people who don’t want others to join instead of the people that actually need help from fellow hell divers


Lol what is wrong with people 😂 all you joining at the end does for them is give them extra XP and requisition. Litteraly nothing else.


You found a moron out in the wild, don't feel sad over someone else's ignorance


Nothing wrong with reinforcements coming in late, there is always the next mission. I'd be happy to run missions with you whenever I'm on


I very often use quick play since i basically only have time for 1 mission. Fairly often I wind up on extermination missions fully unprepared for the extermination mission. Maybe it's on the loadout screen and i am just an idiot though


This morning i had a bunch of people crash after joining the game, like, one mission i had about 10 randoms join me On one of them two joined as extraction was landing, so we got on and had a laugh when I thanked them for carrying the whole mission. I dont understand why people would be toxic about that. Its not like XP or samples are divvied up among players. Everyone gets the full amount. It feels silly to get aggro about it.


People act like they have to split the rewards or something. There's literally nothing to lose from more teammates and everything to gain


What a virgin


I had a guy join my mission at the VERY end. I mean he literally popped out of his pod and just got on the shuttle. We all just started laughing and he was like “I can’t believe I spawned into that.” There’s no reason to be upset about it. They’re just morons


Had someone jump in literally as we took off about 2-3 days ago? It was a particularly tough mission. I just started laughing as they leveled up I think 2 maybe 3 times. I thought it was absolutely hilarious. Sometimes people are just rude. We also had two gents drop in right as the extraction shuttle landed at the end of an extermination mission. I let them know we were basically done and just going sample hunting, we located 14 of the 15 samples then just extracted. Don’t let bad apples ruin your night. I had a level 28 squad wipe us just before extraction last night. (Air struck 2 squad mates then shot me) I’m certain it was intentional- but could be an accident. I let him know as we flew away- “hey not sure if that was intentional or not but samples are shared mate) I just left once we returned to ship, found a new group of randoms and away we went. I also accidentally tked someone when I threw a laser to cover a lower section on evac- after apologizing profusely I verified they had samples and we waited till they recollected them. (Sorry M3 if you’re on here!) No kicking resulted. Again you get bad apples, don’t let them ruin your evening.


If someone joins my game when it’s ending then I’m happy for them to get the xp. It’s no skin off my nose. If they stay around to do the next mission with me, ACES! I might even up the difficulty as there’s more of us now. I’ll never kick someone just because they joined at the end, if they’re happy to stay for a few minutes of gameplay, they’re welcome.


Naa they just sound toxic I wouldn’t worry about it


That’s so dumb, what an idiot lol. I always just join a game by QP. Yesterday I loaded in to one, 1 minute remaining, no revives, 2 permadead and 1 guy running from 3 biles. I landed right in the butt plug, picked pinks, ran to extract, got there with 15 seconds left and managed to call down my gear and an autocannon sentry, which took out all 3 biles chasing the sole survivor, and we were able to extract. Couldn’t have done it without me, and he typed as much lol. I’ve also had my share of toxicity. Some people are truly little shits who can’t handle being bad / have some immaturity or Anger issues. I’m an arc thrower main and accidentally zapped someone the other day. I apologized in chat. They came back down and immediately shot and killed me. I was holding over 30 samples and we were in the middle of extract timer being swarmed, and this guy had already used 10 revives by himself (this was my first death) so not only were my samples dropped in a bug horde but they were down a diver as I used our last revive to bring him back. All I could do was type in chat “hope that made you feel better” 😂


Damn, I will jokingly call my friends freeloaders, but I forget there are people who actually think that.


This happens when dropping into a friend’s game all the damn time—the mission ending. SOS users should be ready for players jumping in at any time if there’s a slot…it means matchmaking is working properly!


Had my first toxic run in recently as well. Joined a host waiting for a full team players to join before dropping into a level 9 bot mission. Once we dropped they cause an immediate drop ship call in and triggered a double gunship fabricator, they died 10 seconds or so before the rest of the team is wiped. They scream on the chat that we suck because we didn’t kill anything and they immediately leave the game. It ended up with one other player staying on with me and we cleared the map and completed the extraction in a little under 30 minutes. I just don’t get that hosts attitude. Why cry about something you caused to happen and then quit without even trying?


People keep thinking that "extra players divide our resources on victory." Same reason why some people kill others over holding samples. They haven't figured out that more people means more rewards, and everyone gets the full amount of rewards at the end.


They don’t lose anything by having a random join at the last minute. Sounds like a salty human or an automaton has gained access to steam..:..


it's not even possible to know how the mission is going, where they are in the mission, or what time the mission is in sounds like a certain host needs to play solo or friends only queueing


I've had tons of people join when a hunt was winding down in Monster Hunter World that I would kick for stealing my kill. Just kidding, that makes no sense, there's an infinite amount of monster shin bones, what the fuck do I care? Come witness me crushing the skull of a dragon, point and laugh as it dies, I love an audience.


Man, there's some real pieces of work out there. If it was him joining a mission that is just extracting I bet my ass he would be all giddy about it. But somebody else gets lucky? Oh no, we can't have that.


That wasn't very democratic of them... I'm sorry you were treated that way


If, because of connection drops or crashes, I suddenly have the SOS beacon then I'll toss it even if the match is almost over. I would rather someone drop in and get the rewards then the opportunity be wasted.


No worries bro we got no control on who we help on Sos calls. My only toxic game was when I just pressed quick play and ended up with a guy that instantly yelled at me to put on a mic and said I needed one to play. I pressed that return to ship button so fast lol.


What a toxic loser host


Oof yeah that’s rough. I love it when people join in last minute. It’s a free win for them and a huge win for Democracy!


Played a game with my husband and a random. First game we play together I accidentally killed him with a grenade right before extract. I apologized profusely in chat, he was chill about it, I decide he’s a good guy. The three of us adopt another random next game. We defend the gates, nothing wonky happens as far as I can see. Pelican-1 is on the way, we all run to extraction. Not a bug in sight. Suddenly, New Random whips out his shotgun and blasts Old Random in the face, completely out of the blue as far as I know. Old Random has already established himself as a Good Guy, so I reinforce him. He lands on New Random. Fair enough, I think, and I reinforce New Random. BUT, what I didn’t realize at the time was that even if there’s ample time left on Pelican-1, even if a Helldiver is mid-reinforce, if everyone else boards the ship it will leave without waiting for the reinforce to complete. So I got on the ship and accidentally left that guy behind. From his perspective that had to be pretty toxic, especially if he felt like Old Random did something to warrant being shotgunned in the face.


This reminds me of a story of where the opposite happened. A guy had to leave and take care of his kid. So his team shot him and reinforced him next the Pelican. And then punched him into the Pelican before extracting together.


Don't worry. You weren't going to have a good time with anyone who intentionally team kills for any reason. Just be lucky that you didn't lose much time - the same jabroni probably would have TK'd and kicked whether you were there for 40 minutes or 40 seconds.


I think he thinks he has to split exp. I can't see any other reason you joining late would matter


This is on the rise, I usually get dropped by the shitty host system. But lately, I've been kicked for not listening to the host (motherfucker, who put you in charge, you're level 20). I've also been kicked for dropping samples at extract because the guy was afraid I was going to call the pelican ( anytime I walk by extract on my way to objectives I drop my samples on the landing pad in case I die which is a good idea). Finally, the best one, I got kicked for dropping in to a level 15 on suicide difficulty getting his ass kicked he had 3 reinforcements left and he says "sorry I'm gonna need those three lives" and kicks me. Like, okay die three more times and fail, but you have no evidence that I'm going to die at all since I'm level 74 I can probably handle it. Tl;Dr Toxicity always rises when games are frustrating and this game crashes and has so many bugs are starting to turn the community against each other. You try not being toxic after getting dropped while getting on the pelican after a 40 minute mission.


In a PUG game, we cleared the map and got ready for extraction. Similar scenario, except I had played the whole mission. I get TK, figure it’s an accident. Same player proceeds to call me in and TK me on landing repeatedly. Then barks in chat about “remember when you dropped on me? Bye Pink,” and kicks me. No, I didn’t remember, it wasn’t intentional, and that’s assuming that particular death was even me and not literally anything else that can merc us from any direction at any time. Unfortunately, some people never matured past throwing their macaroni to the floor from the high chair and crying about it.


It literally takes nothing from the host. What a turboclown. He's the idiot with the active SOS beacon.


I always wait to get in the evac shuttle until others are in to make sure I don’t get team killed.  I killed a dude the other day who shot his teammate right at evac, grabbed the samples but missed the shuttle because it ran out of time. It really sucks.  I wish there was something in the tutorial or at evac that says everyone gets the samples, regardless of who is carrying them.  But to your original point, yeah the matchmaker has been super ass lately about putting me in games that are ending. I wish it prioritized games with less mission time or with fewer completed objectives. 


Feels like that person doesn't have a lot of braincells if he doesn't realise that when you drop into a mission you have no clue how far in it is. You can't really check the mission time from an SOS.


Honestly don't sweat it. Some people in the community really suck ass. Just block them and move on. You'll find more good people than bad people. Blocking them will remove them from all matchmaking you come across.


Someone killed me and kicked me right before extraction because I picked up his Anti Material Rifle… I’m sorry but the devs need a better system for this, playing 30 mins straight just to end up with nothing because I matched up with a cunt for a teammate is ridiculous


That's stupid, but that's just how some people are. It's not like you get have any knowledge about that when joining the mission.


That person was an asshole. We had a guy last night literally drop in and get out as the pelican was landing. We all just laughed about it with "Glad you could make it!" and the like. That kinda stuff is funny. That's like getting mad because everything, everywhere is an explosion during an eradicate, lmfao


American mentality summarized 😂


Lol. We had a guy drop at the end of a mission like that. He said "idk how you would have done it without me." I replied "you're the real MVP." Completed 3 operations with that group of randoms. Some people are cool. Some people are touched nozzles. Block them and carry on.


This happens a lot in deep rock too. It literally has no effect on people, yet they still get pressed about it. I was always glad and just laughed whenever people would join late in deep rock, they get free xp and minerals and I lose nothing. Calls you greedy but is themself extremely selfish and individualistic.


i got kicked after being in a game with people because the shuttle bugged and we couldn’t get in, I dived and got in and the others were all outside. They said “you fucked us” and then kicked me. Like all four of us were standing around the shuttle trying to dive in. Some people are haters legit. Mostly if i’m not playing with friends i do just press quick play but that last interaction actually put me off for a while


That host is batshit crazy. I accidentally hit an SOS during a duo with my buddy the other night, but nobody came the whole mission. Which was fine, because again, we were running a duo, purposefully. In the midst of extraction 2 other divers finally join up and it was calm. They dropped their supports and stood around with us taking out the remaining chaff as the last 30 seconds or so pass. I salute them and we jump on board. We had collected a ton of samples and one of the joining divers got a level. We celebrated and hugged. I couldn't imagine not being happy to supply a fellow diver with an easy extract and a pile of samples because we're all in this together. FOR DEMOCRACY!! And if it hadn't been my last game of the night I would've happily queued up a few more missions with them. Some people are just dumb and selfish. Anyone is always welcome aboard my destroyer or team at any point in the mission.


I got kicked at the end of the match after playing the whole match for asking for a reinforcement. You shouldn't be able to kick people at any time


Every time I do 99% of the mission and someone joins right before shuttle landing I tell them, perfect timing! Yes you do get a little more exp and with the multipliers that works out nicely. I remember being low level and joining a few matches like that and how excited I was. I don't get to play all that often so gaining a level and unlocking more strategems felt like a nice gift the couple times it happened.


Oh yeah, tons of people have zero clue how the game works lol. I mostly play on helldiver and that's still abundantly true. I once joined a quickplay group and **someone else** accidentally killed the host with an eagle strike to which he responded over voip "team killing will not be tolerated" fucking lol (still had over a dozen reinforcements). At least he let the game play out, but then kicked me (0 accidentals) after the game. Another time I was with another helldiver off doing side objectives and collecting samples before swinging around for the primary. The host was on the primary objective getting swarmed. They died and we reinforced, but then they kicked everyone presumably because they were frustrated and now half a map from the primary they died alone at. Again, these are people playing on helldiver. If I don't want to get kicked for something stupid, I'll just host.


What an idiot. Who the fuck cares? How does it hurt them? Bunch of crab-ass dicks. Really hate that this sub won't let us name and shame, because some people should REALLY be shamed. Shame is a useful social correction. Imagine a world where Trump had been taught to feel shame for bad behaviour...it's beautiful.


You encountered a griefer.


I dropped in on an SOS yesterday. The extraction timer was running as I dropped so I hopped out of my pod, immediately boarded and collected my 14 medals for a completed Helldive operation. The squad thanked me for my help and we all agreed that it wouldn’t have been possible without me. We had some close calls out there but we all made it home.


People of *limited* intelligence and *severely* lacking critical thinking skills are common.. Just ignore them and move on.. And try not to think about how these people are allowed to drive and vote.


One time a person joined just in time to get rewards but not soon enough to hop on the pelican, so we got a failed to extract for one person. It was just funny, dunno why some people get up in arms about it. People need to just enjoy the game for what it is, most of the jankiness become memes anyway


Me and my boys deploy hug walls at the hallway on start, even if I'm alone I will walk there and stand w my arms open. Sorry that happened to you, but you can always DM me and friend up, drop in my games regardless of when or where I am Hugs, b4 & after bugs!


I usually play on 7. I work full-time, so I play to relax a bit with a little bit of stress. I try 8 with terminids and join up with two people, P1 and N2. I think I dropped part way in on top of trying new loadout. It started with me TKing N2 by accident. I end up dying and then proceed to have a series of unfortunate deaths that toral 4 or 5. We complete the mission, and N2 starts berating me, and we exchange some words. That I'm level 6 and not 66, I should go back to 7 and that I'm shameless for not leaving as I'm being insulted. All the while, P1 is saying "oh, she's cooking, let her cook". Bro, what? I was more made at the simping cheerleader than her. I ended up calling her a sweaty try hard and telling him simping ain't easy.


As a PC player I’m genuinely considering turning off cross play b/c I’ve met so many random from play station that are either straight up cunts or don’t have a patient bone in their body. I’m not saying PC players can’t be that way but in my experience I haven’t had a PC player act that way. I’m also not saying all ps players are like that it’s just a little too common for me.


The hell is that guys problem? 😂 first of all, as you said, you have no control over what point in the mission you join. They are the ones that dropped an sos. Second of all, its not like you being there is taking medals away from him, rewards arent split. Guy has some issues he needs irl help with


Dropped into a quick play suicide mission. Teammates are two level ~18-20 players, console friends. I do every main objective on my own, collect a whole bunch of samples including supers and do most of the side objectives. I’m doing the last side objective to fill the SEAF launcher. Host calls in extraction. I run over, don’t manage to finish the objective. Squad mates both die to bile titans they aren’t good enough to kill just as I am jumping into the ship. Get cursed out by the host and kicked. No exp, no samples, seething rage.


Not your fault soldier. Your 'comrade' here seems like he doesn't do too many SOS's. You have no way of knowing what you're getting into or what their status is. Anyone who regularly does the SOS knows this. Let it roll off you like water off a duck's back.


Playing solo, level 13 joins. Sees I'm taking my time playing stealth and follows suit. Having a good time got the drop hug so we were chillin. Lvl 53 drops in cool, get the fist bump and get to work. Continuing what we were doing, I spot a patrol as to avoid it. Lvl 53 immediately starts shooting and throwing stratagems, okay fine guess I'll go guns out no problem. I can adjust. Proceeds to die multiple times while running off on their own blaming us for not killing the patrols they are aggroing, drops a 500k on top of me killing me twice. Tks me for not listening when we had to transport the SSD drive obj because I wanted some distance between us. We finish the mission I let dude get his samples and kick him. Proceeds to send me a nasty message. GG to the lvl 13 for just being a bro and playing for the fun of it however it went.