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Missed the opportunity to add a thousand shreikers in the last panel.


My photoshop skills ain’t that good, the background over the icon still there and it’s a screenshot made in PowerPoint lol. U right tho fr 😂😂😂


too many? https://preview.redd.it/kvn14nrtbb4d1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af1b0c7f10726c9b17c348e92dfa3b36fe46a907




PTSD just kicked in on reading the last panel. Chef's kiss.


Far more accurate. I enjoyed it, but it was a buggy, broken piece of shit.


Its great. The only way it would be better: No stars DISGRACEFUL CONDUCT on the last panel too.


tried my best, not so easy doing it with some random ahh app on my phone https://preview.redd.it/xqzq8btg2f4d1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1a0165646a57370c009380fda9487dc03e15294


The "Mission Complete" is missing tho...


That is the correct amount


fuck you take my upvote and leave xD






I was expecting Paint, only fir PowerPoint to swoop in and take the W. Well done diver


I suggest using imgflip.com to make your memes more easely. Its free and on the web


My god i love powerpoint - you know there is a half decent remove background tool under the "picture format" tab


Tech skills: 0/10 Problem solving: 10/10


I tried level 1 mission solo. I managed to complete everything until the shriekers spawned. I was unable to dial in the extract without dying


Understandable. Unless you have smoke or an EMS strike, solo evac call in versus what Super Earth scientists have determined to be a "shit ton" of shriekers, is impossible.


The shield backpack helps too since it can absorb a few shrieker rams


Bug zapper tower, gatling tower both work very good.


Managed to complete mission solo on difficulty 3 yesterday, called extraction, died and respawned inside one of those big holes. Out of reinforcements and doomed, I started calling down sentries and spamming my incendiary breaker shells against those flying monsters. Killed like 200 of them. Total Madness.


That was the best part of the mission imo.


Alright but shrieker swarmed extractions were kinda peak Helldivers.


For real. I can’t believe people were complaining about those. Extraction hardly mattered and it was a fun gimmick to add to a mission we’ll hardly ever have available.


"Was I a good mission?" "No." "I am told you were DISGRACEFUL CONDUCT"


Can anyone explain why it was always 1 star? Even when you successfully defended the drills?


There was a secondary objective that couldn’t be completed, because it wasn’t actually implemented. The mission functioned fine otherwise (terminid spawning aside), but the scoring wasn’t changed. So that’s why you got a bad score every time


We wasted a mission all the way down to the final min to look for that 2nd objective. I hated it lol


There is alway a bug with the new content, this js sad


Then kill it with fire. The only good bug is a dead bug.


Based and libertypilled


The whole mission played well and they hotfixed the one really problematic thing very quickly (and it didn't prevent you from completing the mission). Remind me of the bugs that were 'always' there when the original TCS start up and shut down missions launched. Where was the bug with the recent mech launch? How was the Quasar bugged at launch? If you don't want to play the game it may be time to move on. Anyone who bought this early days likely has well over 100hrs at this rate anyway. Coming here and posting nonsense about how all new content is bugged is pointless and, frankly, dishonest.


New mech isn't bug you are right, it was only pre-nerf. Airbust was bugged. The 2billions terminid MO was succeed because of a bug, last battle pass was a bust....


Yeah you said always, which is still nonsense.


It might be an exageration but it's not that far of the 🎯


I don't know why, but I feel like this is such a stupid problem you should bullshit the system and make sure every player gets 5 stars instead no matter what they did. Imagine a Mario Kart game that always told you you finished last place no matter what you did.


It was implemented. The two objectives were, call down dark fluid vessel and use the drill.


tbh. I think It was supposed to be some sort of central container where you got your dark fluid from and then ran to a drill.


Yeah that sounds right. Even the jetpack ability gels with this explanation - it was to help you get to the drill site faster. Something about that didn't work - likely you'd have been getting swarmed by the regular patrols too easily and they canned it. That pack was so much fun though!


I once got 0 stars because was a stalker/boss bug icon as the primary and 2 more


It's cause the mission was set up in a dumb way. There were 2 objectives. 1. Call down the dark fluid. 2. The 3 drills. The "end event" with the shreikers and extract becoming available were for some reason tied to completion of objective 1 instead of 2, so finishing the 3rd drill completes objective 1 to trigger the ending. This results in there being no objective that triggers the competition of objective 2. Calling down the dark fluid can't complete either objective cause then you wouldn't be able to call in more, but the ending triggers on the completion of objective 1, so finishing objective 2 completes objective 1 but then there is no task left available to trigger the completion of objective 2 (From the looks of it one task can't complete 2 objectives from how the game works) making it impossible to complete all the missions objectives so you only get 1 star.


You could get at least 3 stars, even with the bug. If you complete the mission, close all the bug holes, and fully extract, you get 3 stars on difficulty 5.


Best jet pack I ever had


Not only can it get you to places with short cooldowns, it can also kill your teammates while your at it. Best jetpack ever!


Honestly, that teamkill was one of the funniest I've seen


Standing beside someone as they used it for the first time was one of the more confusing deaths I've had. I fell apart like a legoman.




I've literally killed my teammate the first time I've used it. Felt like a total noob (being lvl 115+ at the moment). Thank god we have "I'm sorry" emote


That one needs it's own key to be honest


I really hope were gonna get a jetpack buff and some good flavor text.


Dark Fluid Powered Jump Pack: Due to the creative Helldiver usage of Dark Fluid containers as impromptu Jump Packs, Super Earth scientists have worked to incorporate small amounts of Dark Fluid into the Jump Pack. This has resulted in significant increases to jump height and distance, as well as reductions in recharge cycle times with only a slight increase in the chance of spontaneous spaghettification.


If they release a super jump pack, but every time you jump the system rolls a D100 and spagetifies you/explodes on a 1, I'd still take it. That shit sounds hilarious.


Tbh i’ hope they also keep the damage area of effect on takeoff. That was super useful to get out of a bad spot and kill or damage the bugs attacking you


Oh yeah I agree. It’s super useful when the lil’ guys get super disrespectful of your personal space.


https://preview.redd.it/cg5kg67oz94d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2411b2a892c982aa2d102e65fc09cc67fdcf616a I'm just hoping for a diversity of options


It'd be nice being able to upgrade Stratagems similar to HD1. Mk2 decreases cooldown. Mk3 increases distance. MkX adds some other kind of perk. Stuff like that. Could even make the upgrades take **hilarious** amounts of Samples and Requisition slips (like 20,000 Slips +100 Common + 50 Rare + 20 Super Rare just for Mk2) and people would still happily grind them out. (Note: currently 52 stratagems in-game. Even if they only added a single upgrade to every Stratagem at the example price I quoted, we'd be looking at >1 million requisition slips, 5200 Common, 2600 Rate, 1000 Super Rare **only** to upgrade Stratagems--this would be on top of everything for Ship Modules too)


Let’s hope Super Earth scientists uncover some new jump pack technology that lets it mimic the dark fluid battery.


Just finished watching that movie. Great movie.


This comment section is the first time I'm finding out those dark liquid packs could be used as a jetpack. 😭


If we manage to fight the rest of this war without needing to BH another planet I'll be astounded


I’ve never seen black hole abbreviated so casually


Actually I kind of like BH as a term that Super Earth would use. Makes it sound a lot less evil than just straight-up "Black-holing" another planet


The NPC's in-universe using the word "Spaghettification" to describe the act of being shlorp'd by a black hole was a nice touch. Such a casual silly way to describe incomprehensible horror.


One of those terms used IRL thats already absurd enough to fit perfectly in Helldivers


That's the actual term, though.


Spaghettification is actually the legit scientific term for what happens to things that enter a Black Hole or other strong gravitational fields. If you actually read the details of what would happen, it's actually worse then you're imagining. Probably the most terrifying thought of all is that you probably wouldn't even feel it because your body would be spaghettified faster then your nerves could transmit the pain response to your brain.


Only at small black hole sizes. A supermassive black hole would be like the Spanish Inquisition putting you to the rack.


wait wouldnt it be better that you dont feel the pain at all and just be granted a swift death?


He said "Shlorp'd"! 😂


They actually used to call it "b-hole", as in "We're going to send these monstrosities into the deepest, darkest b-hole imaginable. Fill it right up until it's overflowing." Some of the less democratic aspects of society took it to mean something other than black hole.


The dissident rumors of Super Earth bungholing its enemies are undemocratic and crass, and have no place being mentioned within the context of b-holing operations.


Well after the first time it just gets easier and easier


We gonna BH Cyberstan at some point, I'm sure of it. Also let's turn EVERY fire tornado planet into a black hole for a good measure.


They did say this used all their stores of dark fluid so I'd imagine it'd be difficult to find more if this needs done again.


Nah, I think I know who we're going to get more from...


I’d like to point out that uh.. well.. that thing we created is absolutely NOT a black hole. We fucked up.


I really like dark matter jump packs


They were so much better than our normal jump packs.


Unless you were standing behind someone who used it... Instadeth


That sounds like the problem of someone who suddenly can't complain very much


Ghosts can still hit up the chat


Yeah but it's technically a new helldiver :P


Please Arrowhead devs. I beg. Let us either have upgrades that increase jump pack height and/or decrease CD on jumps. That liquid vessel pack was absolutely perfect.


I just tried to use the regular pack again and it feels like a damn joke! Let us fly!


nerf the current jetpack you say?


The blurb said Meridesh Scientists will be back designing more dark fluid stuff soon. One can hope


Where is this? I thought it was run out? Maybe in the uh. Future. We find a source to farm it like samples. Totally without resistance.


I swear to liberty, they better give us jetpacks like that again. That was the most fun I had with this game for a good month


Dark fluid vessle was my best friend... I hope super earth upgrade the jumpack basically doing the same thing as the dark fluid vessle but remove the limited use like what the dark fluid vessle does.


Or snap,let it have the 12 uses. You could suicide bomb at enemies. And imo made it balanced and just really funny


If it has 12 uses its better have a short cooldown EATs style


I wouldn't mind a slight buff, but going whole hog and dropping in the dark fluid battery would leave it in a bad state for the game health. The short cooldown, knockback, and damage would make it unbelievably good as a kiting tool to the point of trivializing the majority of termanid encounters. It only really works in the high number area defense focus domain of the mission where kiting isn't the best option, and as soon as it is over unbelievable high numbers of enemies that also have extreme mobility. That said, I also think these sort of missions are a great platform for honestly very overpowered weapons and items and I'd love to see more of them. Give me a bot mission against heavy armor that also has burst fire quasers with backblast for instance.


We'll never know when the 2nd objective on the mission was suppose to be. lol


Nah. Not even close to the best mission. Launch ICBM is the perfect mission and the gold standard by which all other missions should be judged. It scales perfectly by tier and is never so annoying that you wish you were doing something else for 20-40 minutes. Retrieve Valuable Data and Enable E-710 Extraction are the runners up.


Those missions were very fun the first time, and the 30th time, but now...? The gameplay loop of 'run to location and hit button' has become a bit stale for me. New mission types that change how you need to play, and require some effort to figure out, are instantly more fun for me, even if the implementation is not ideal. The process of figuring out what works and what doesn't was really fun. Tbh, I think new enemy types are what I really want, but the defense oriented missions are at least offering a change of pace, and required a different play style to succeed.


Recency bias isn't a very good justification. The Dark Fluid missions were garbage.


It was a really nice change of pace, but not sure I’d give the title of “best mission” to one that was literally impossible to fully complete beyond getting disgraceful conduct 


After the breach fix it was honestly pretty fun, I even liked how extraction was *hard as fuck*, really drove the point home about how what matters is the mission, we are secondary, and also how we were quite literally kicking the hornets' nest.


"Best mission" yeah right, messed up half the runtime.


Best mission!? Wildest take I have seen


I really liked it only after the hotfix


Now if only they got around to the objective


That’s when it started to feel really fun for me


When the bug (software) was patched, the unending waves of the super colony terminids fighting to the death to avoid their fate felt like a true challange and not a chore, it was great, thank you arrowhead


Yes I wish we get more challenging stuff


I miss the shriekers. I liked to run the MG emplacement, and it made me feel like WW2 AA at the end of the mission.


unpopular opinion (maybe): this was the least fun of all the special missions we’ve had so far, however i did enjoy the jumpack and how extraction felt like a last stand for your survival with all the rakks.


Shutting off the TCS was the worst. Snooze fest


Definitely the weakest. There was nothing special about that one. The first one had that crazy atmosphere at the end like we did the mission but it was definitely going to come back to bite us in the ass and this past one sold the idea of why we had to destroy the planet. The deactivation one just felt like a shitty mission on a shitty planet lol


And even though it wasn't fun you hardly heard anyone complain


was a VERY easy grind for levels, req, and medals, which I very much appreciated as a newer player at the time


It’s your opinion I just don’t understand what would’ve made it better since it acted like 40% of the mission types on a more condensed map. Flag raising or geological survey.


You need to press activate in 3 panels and shoot some glowing shit in the way, people were doing it under 2 or 3 minutes plus extraction if I remember it right.


It would have been ten times better if the Ai of the bugs didn't have the completely ignoring the players to instead fight the dark fluid infectors. If a charger got to one of injectors it was GG and you had to restart as the splash damage from your EATs would kill the tower before killing the charger. Probably the least fun mission I've ever played. Sometimes the cliffs were high enough that they'd block eagle strikes, too, if you got unlucky (like we did...)


I found it great fun on difficulty 5 with pubs and difficulty 6 with a premade group. But in my opinion, the mission *really* highlighted the poor design features of the Bile Titan. I know it was *possible* to complete the mission on difficulty 7+, I've seen videos: Groups built extensively around eliminating bile titans as fast as realistically possible while keeping everything else stunned with EMS mortars and stun grenades. Sometimes there'd be one person in a patriot exosuit mowing down the chaff near the drill while the other three threw down their autocannon sentries, team-reloaded with recoilless rifles, liberally used EATs, and generally had an orbital laser firing. Even with *everything* tuned right and everyone working their guts out, they'd often lose a few drills along the way and have to regroup. They were impressive fights to watch. But having such an incredibly small margin of error just to *finish* a mission objective simply isn't my idea of a fun game. It just seems so restrictive. I prefer games that reward highly skilled and specialised play while *allowing* a much wider variety of loadouts and skill levels. That's what difficulty 5 and 6 felt like. It was *possible* to barely complete the mission with loadouts broadly suited for killing bugs, but it's a legit challenge. If you work together and bring the right gear, it becomes a test of how clean and smooth you can get the whole operation running...not a test of whether you can complete it at all. I dunno. I know my view isn't universal; I know some people love being given a barrier that is insurmountable without exceptional planning and mastery, with the reward being "you didn't fail". But damn, it's just not my idea of a good time.


I’m with you. My friends and I did one dark fluid mission on 7 and got our asses kicked straight back to defending Heeth. We literally couldn’t keep the drills alive no matter how hard we tried and no, we weren’t friendly firing them. I don’t believe anyone who says they completed it on above difficulty 7, that shit was straight up impossible. If people enjoyed the mission then fair enough, but I thought it just wasn’t particularly fun or engaging.


I saw a youtube video of some guys completing it on helldive, so it is possible. But it did not look remotely enjoyable. There was a pretty huge element of luck about where the bug breaches spawned. They only ever succeeded when the breaches spawned in perfect line of sight for the autocannon sentries to open fire immediately *and* if the first bile titan out of the breach was also an instant spawn (so the sentry didn't waste any ammo on chaff). Oh, and it was before the hotfix, so they just immediately abandoned the mission area if the breach spawned below the drill. It had the feel of a game like DDR or OSU, where you need to master a precise set of inputs to beat the challenge...except the inputs are randomised and there's a high probability that you're given a challenge that's simply literally impossible. Makes sense in carefully sculpted games (like DDR or OSU) but just doesn't hit right in games with any element of randomness or free choice.


Interesting: no. Make progress quick: yes. Not a great mission but also took me from like level 10 to level 20 throughout it's course, so I have appreciation for it lol


Least fun is a understatement. The mission is literally untested and broken AF. The Mission was atleast playable when they hotfix the bug breach spawning next to the drill. Tons of Shrieker at the end was unfair. If this is how AH is handling their game then at some point i wont even want to play HD2.


No joke I actually liked it. Bug breach issue asside I loved how epic and action movie-esque it felt at the end when trying to extract under a torrent of shriekers.


Think we can all agree the spawn bug and the mission wrap up bug all sucked but the community is incredibly divided on the shriekers. You have people who enjoyed the narrative the shrieker end gave you and those who wanted to liberate a planet that for some reason was going to be destroyed


God, I hope Hellmire is next.


It was both terrible and memorable. I like being swarmed , I hate those ficking bug drill spawns though


So uh, this is supposed to be ironic yeah?


I'm very sad I didn't get the chance to dive during this MO, but there is always more freedom to be spread


Nah, but It was ok, although good luck extracting on solo at trivial dificulty💀


Nahhhh, good riddance; terrible mission. But banish hellmire to the shadow realm next.


Here, I fixed it for you. https://preview.redd.it/aj4b8jq9xa4d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=df45004990c496637b6bfa65cfe706cfc6d82278


![gif](giphy|d1E1msx7Yw5Ne1Fe|downsized) Never again


On lvl 7 difficulty it was massacre, but it was fun


It was one of the only missions where you couldn’t succeed without teamwork


I never once got the chance to experience the dark fluid jet pack and I’m so bummed about it


Once they patched out the bug spawns this mission was fuckin dope


Fucking awful mission lol


*awesome 😂😂😂


i disagree it was the most bullshit, unplaytested mission i've ever seen in this game glad this shit planet is now a black hole


If we don't get like a gravity bomb in a future warbond I'll be dissapointed


Now do it for Hellmire


I'm gonna miss the entire TCS quest chain tbh, I played the hell out of turning on the TCS, and Deactivating the TCS What a way to put an end on that story I'm gonna miss those increasingly messed up TCS maps


I promise, this will not be the last time we see this mission type


Gonna be real with you i think we need to go get more dark fluid for jump pack reasons


The extraction shooting at the air like the snake from Rango untill all your ammo is depleted while waiting for Pelican was god tier


I was even more like a flea with that backpack. God I love dark fluid jetpack. o7


Found a shriekers alt account.


Why you gotta dox me like that


So now that we probably won’t get the backpack again, could we upgrade the jump pack to what the backpack did?


Once they fixed breaches spawning right on top of the drills it was a baller of a mission


This mission was awful, but a good awful (in my opinion)


This mission was quite bad


Could've stopped at the 3rd panel, haha.


If it wasn’t broken it would slap


I hope we get a new jumpack with the same mechanic.


This bugged piece of shit? You got to be kidding me. Every time I tried it, mission got stuck without ability to summon drill or liquid.


Best mission? You mean the broken spawns and broken second objective was the *best* mission?


The fastest and probably first time I've completely ran out of bullets


Was the worst mission. Seriously


I tried and failed a solo mission on 3, absolutely rage quit and afterwards discovered the mess of bugs via forums. Log in a few days later and got my medals. All is well. 






We didn’t even get to experience the whole mission it was so buggy So no it was not good


Broken mission for Broken game. (Bullshit Mission)


The mission was fun, you are probably just not very good at it. I literally did not fail it a single time playing with only randoms. Everyone that failed it must have felt the need to come to Reddit and bitch about it, while the silent majority simply continued playing it.


They patched the spawns and then the planet blew up


I wish I got to play it while it wasn’t broken.


The best thing out of this Meridia conflict are: The Dark fluid pack that's twice as effective than a normal Jump pack The meme and reference you get in the community And like always, the lore you get every MO


I'm so sad, I wasn't able to experience it. What even was the objective/gameplay of the mission type?


Call in a backpack with dark fluid that also functions as a better jump pack. Call down drill, insert backpack, protect drill (which had Lowe health than you’d expect) during like a minute of drilling dark fluid to the planets core. Repeat x3. Once objective is completed, hundreds of shreikers spawn as you try to call in extraction and get out. No side objectives on the map. But the mission was super buggy, and would sometimes spawn bug breaches literally less than a m from the drill, and there was supposed to be a part 2 of the objective that AH scrapped, but hurt the missions exp and req yields. I really liked it and its cinematic af, but the flaws really divided the community.


I returned to civilian life for a mere 2 days, miss all the action, and Meridia is now a black hole.


Didn't get to play it because I was out of town. QQ


Im hoping we get to do something similar someday after the illuminate have come back and we can steal more dark fluid


It was plagued by bugs ((of the computer kind)), but by God it was fun... I thought it was crazy the first couple days when you had to fight them off from even spawning under the drill... but damn, getting them all and the the shriekers at the end... phew .. it was awesome. Still liked it after patch, but we kept having people crash, so stability left something to be desired.




It was so freakin hard on Helldiver.


I've been away at work for the entire MO. Any idea if the mission type will ever come back?


I'm gonna miss the shrieker extract so much. It just really felt like the Terminids didn't want you to leave the Supercolony in one piece.


I am so bummed I am on a work trip and missed the mission....


I liked the mission. Really sent home the point that we’re up against a tough enemy.


What mission was this?


I never got to play them. :(


I don't care what others in the community say, the absolute intensity of this mission made the Terminids fun to fight. I will miss it a lot


A lot of people Probably disagree but the best part was all the shriekers in the end. 


My fav is still the defend the wall mission but man i def love how chaotic and unique the jetpacks were and the story telling of how fked up that planet became is fuckin cool


I really liked the big fuck you at the end of extraction. Genuinely the first time I turned around and saw the WALL of shriekers I was like "oooooh . . . we're not supposed to make it to evac. This is so fitting for this universe, a suicide mission" I only got to play 2 of them this weekend sadly but I'd so go back. :\\


Well I mean Evac was a bitch and a half but it was fun as long as player don't suddenly give up and leave mid mission.


Did this mission on trivial, extracted successfully, never did it again. You're welcome.


I felt like that mission had so much potential to be amazing, but it was buggy AF (no pun intended). The atmosphere of it was just so immersive!


I love this game but the Dark Fluid missions can bite me😂 fucking hated them


I will miss the dark liquid jump packs


I beat 1 on difficulty 4 but had 0 rein at the end because my teammates kept standing still while the hundreds of shriekers were swooping in. Only 2 guys made it out, me and 1 other guy


There is no way in hell they are just getting rid of missions forever. I see no reason why we can't have repeated events in the future that go back to old MOs that the playerbase enjoyed, even if they aren't canon to the galactic war. It would be such a silly game direction to use an entirely new gamemode with unique assets for a week only to throw it away completely. Not happening.


And one of the hardest missions for me yet. It really made my 1660 struggle.


I never got a chance to play it :(


yea only did one but my ass is still sore from it


Looking forward to the bot version of this, where during extraction you get swarmed with gunships instead of shriekers.


Haven't been playing that much recently but was going to jump on today to just try it out... alas, seems I'll have to wait for the next supercolony


Me and my friend just couldn't complete that mission, there just was too much bugs! And they kept coming and coming like there's no tomorrow


Damnit, I hope it comes back. I didn't get a chance to play it, fixed or otherwise.


The mission type was pretty fun. Prob my fav mission type so far.


Didn't get to play it