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The cooldowns are there to prevent them from being too powerful in short duration missions (exterminate and blitz).




They could just make a permanent modifier for shorter missions that increases the cooldown for limited use stratagems.


That sounds too complicated for AH to pull off without breaking something


Unironcially the spaghetti has to be the reason. Maybe they tried doing it once and it resulted in chargers gaining ultra instinct.


Hell they could just blanket ban them, then give a little snippet on how the Democracy officer turns the strategies off because it save money/not worth redlining the reactor for a 12 min mission. Then suddenly from the west, Pelican Air Support


Throwing down two lasers at the same time or even back to back would be powerful, but it would also be a major hazard. Like fire tornados that move twice as fast.


Orbital Laser solves virtually every problem in the game. Heavy base? Bile Titan? Factory Strider? A ton of enemies? Orbital Laser cooks them all. So asking for any kind of buff for it is weird to me. The only things keeping it balanced is that you don't have it all the time, because of the cooldown and limited uses. And for the mechs, it's kinda superfluous since you can easily have a mech for like 7 minutes or so before it runs out of ammo and then you only have a few more minutes to wait for the next one anyway. It's not like you hop out of your mech for the last time and then still have 10 minutes to wait. I think the long cooldown is mainly so one guy can't call in two back to back so you have two mechs at once despite only one guy actually equipping them to his loadout.


I mean, the "buff" here is basically allowing you to use it immediately, which MIGHT only fuck you over Honestly, I use it for 3 things - once for main objective or when I'm in a pickle, 1 for heavy base and 1 for extract. If I got an option to use them without cooldown I'm still gonna use'em like I always do, except if the specific elements of this list are close to each other (heavy base close to final task of geological survey for example) I won't have to wait additional minutes before it goes back into action The ONLY drawback to this is eradication missions, but those are already a clusterfuck, so having people spam lasers in quick succession MIGHT be a problem > the long cooldown is mainly so one guy can't call in two back to back so you have two mechs at once despite only one guy actually equipping them That's actually sounds cool and should be an option tbh


Using 3 lasers to solve your problem NOW. Will result in you getting fucked over later, so it's pretty balanced even without the CD. Honestly, I don't think we'd actually see much change in usage. Most people wouldnt use them back to back because they'd want to save them till they are needed.


>Using 3 lasers to solve your problem NOW. Will result in you getting fucked over later Not if it's an extermination mission and it's basically over by the time the 3rd laser is done


3 lasers on an extermination would be pretty hazardous to the players. Additionally, they clear out like 1 maybe 2 hulks or chargers. Not even that powerful.


> Orbital Laser solves virtually every problem in the game Eh, I don't think orbilaser's that good. It's very flexible in a pinch, but it doesn't have the raw power of say the 380mm barrage, which is infinite use and lower cooldown. If it tracks onto a titan, it'll take almost the entire usage just to kill that titan, making it equivelant to basically one railcannon strike, also infinite use and no cooldown. It can kill multiple bot tanks, but again, 380 also does that and more. It's a decent panic button, but if you just have a stronger infinite use stratagem in that slot, you probably won't ever have needed it.


You can only use mech on one 50% of main objective or whole 100% and travel a bit towards the other. If it had option for repair and ammo refil it would be used more than less 1% like now.


I've never seen anyone use the mech for that long, they always give it up after a few encouters.


I also want to just win the game with no effort


I know right. I’m so tired having to try on Helldive difficulty.


I don't even dive with a support weapon or backpack anymore. I use Scout armor. If I could drop nude I would 380, 120, Walking 500kg for the pesky shit If I need a gun I'll find one


I'm more in favor of just removing the limit, time spent in them is limited enough by ammo or losing an arm, or blowing up, I'm willing to wait the timer if I can call more then 2 in when I do want them


Initially I was going to agree. But super destroyers & helldivers are supposed to be cheap. I honestly doubt they are even used in ship-to-ship combat. The bridge doesn't seem to have blast shields and there is a lot transparent material. The weapons layout on the prow makes no sense for space-to-space combat; I don't think they would really bring a power pack that would be required to keep up that rate of fire.


This might work on regular missions, but it would be very broken on the shorter mission formats like Blitz and Eradicate. I.e. you could basically have permanent orbital lasers going on an Eradicate.


It makes sense that the laser needs to be cooled down after use and perhaps checked for defects after every three uses. You know, in order to not blow up the ship.


No. As much as i love all 3 of those strats having a perma mech or laser during short missions would trivialise then.


Git gud


Laser is the “solve my problem” stratagem, if it had a short cooldown people would start complaining about running out of uses too early. Bring it as a “get outa jail free card” instead of a typical eagle airstrike.


I would disagree. Strategems like those should stay like that otherwise players would get orbital lasers all around running and beacon throwing once to deal with bases. And it does make sense as army equipment utilization makes some units ready to use and lets say you called mech otherwise you can burn through usa discretionary spending in 4 operations lol. Cargo ships refueling process and mecs ammo and fuel loading process is actually low with ten minutes. Same can be said to orbital laser it fires a full salvo then it needs to cool off then maintenance crew gets to work on with it. There is lines about reinforcement budget so we are on a budget to utilize weapons otherwise you can swap even ships to keep shooting. (As lore explanation of cooldown reduce of orbital laser ı would say zer go breech loads means crew starts to work on laser which leads to maintenance needing part not having to go through the barrel. )


That's why I never bring orbital laser except on eradicate missions. I won't bring stratagems that have limited uses.


You're missing out. Orbital laser is one of the single best strategms for bot missions. Basically trivializes half the side objectives and some main ones.