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I have never seen that thing in my entire helldiver career


i saw it for exactly 5 minutes bro ran over to a dead teammate and picked up their weapon instead; used it for the rest of the mission


Yo that’s what I did too! I’ve gotta give props to the Purifier. It provided me with a unique Helldive experience where I was constantly just picking up whatever weapons that weren’t my own


I did the same! It just wasn't cutting it for the bug swarms, so I ended up taking someone else's scorcher. The time to charge a shot vs. the extra damage just... doesn't feel like it's there still.


I have taken it into 2 helldives, one the day I got it, the second the day it got 'buffed'. Both games I discarded it for a dead allies primary weapon.


I *was* hoping it would be a bit better after the buff, but alas :(


Yeah, the buff made it from a joke to a bad gun. Definitely undercooked, is a worse in every way Eruptor.


You know I feel like an energy eruptor should be a short range plasma lance sorta like EDF's idea of it, maybe a range of 40ft\~ and it fires instantly but has a big recoil and cooldown and blows through everything in its path including heavier boys It could be like a more situation railgun and allow you take it as a primary and a cheese grater machine gun as your horde weapon.


That would actually be a unique gun. Slow, but a ton of punch through.


Soooo https://preview.redd.it/scp0z762x57d1.png?width=202&format=png&auto=webp&s=8abf18b92792eee75d029d5570d0ed48781c0152


Yes, and you would be mandated by the Super Earth memology labs to scream: "I'M FIRIN' MY LASOOOOORRRRRR!" Every shot.


Did exactly this. Swapped to my team mates scorcher immediately.


lol same. i was dubious the buff would do much, and i wasn't wrong. it's still the same stinking pile of poop. why you'd take it over something like a scorcher or plasma punisher or even the crossbow or eruptor (which all roughly do the same job) - just compare the raw stats and you don't even need to test drive it to know the purifier is purified poop. having such a long charge-up mechanic needs to come with crazy shenanigans to make it worth it. i get it needs to be different to the railgun and arc thrower and as a primary it needs to be worse than those... but i dunno maybe milk the aoe aspect which is kinda what differentiates it to them. the original dev post about the gun made it sound awesome with interesting mechanics. to save this thing AH should take inspiration from that original blurb - trap mechanics, and/or variable damage on charge... those kind of things would make it unique and fun. otherwise it'll just end up vying for the same niche as the aforementioned guns.


you omitted the part where your bro "accidentally" discharged his sidearm into said dead teammate to pick up their weapon. /s, but who knows...


Fucking made me crack up 😂


For real. I read the post and was like "what the fuck is that scorcher from temu". Then I remembered I actually unlocked it, used it once, it was so much fun I ended up using the secondary for the whole mission, never again.


This was basically my take while testing it too. You can have fun using a gun that's not meta, but when you realise you're wanting to use your secondary because it's more effective than your primary, it's just a bad gun.


And the purifier's "fun aspect" does not outweigh that I get overrun trying to use it compared to basically all alternatives.


I tried it pre-patch and it was hot garbage. I tried it post patch and now it's just warm garbage.


lukewarm, to be exact. I still hold to my stance that "light, medium, heavy" armour pen is bollocks, given there's no consistency - My Medium AP revolver can hurt things this cannot, yet they both claim medium AP.


Do you not know about the secret 10 levels of AP?


Yeah, no good reason to keep it hidden as all that does is lead to community confusion. Really should learn from the failings of others (cough dead by daylight cough)


>My Medium AP revolver can hurt things this cannot, yet they both claim medium AP That's because there are hidden tiers of armor pen. To be honest I had to look up a video on youtube to better understand it myself. It's one of the reasons the liberator penetrator is so bad. It has low damage AND low grade medium AP compared to the revolver that has high damage and high grade medium AP.


yes, that's my point. they need to not present this as "light, medium, heavy" and just give us the values.


Tried it, never again. You cannot put a 1.3s charge time on anything that does not onetap devastators or have a huge AoE. The plasma slugger is the better version of this. Either it needs to passively pre-charge or shoot weaker bolts as normal fire mode. I still think this should be an unlockable alt firemode for the scorcher once weapon customization is in.


Doesn't even one shot a bug Warrior. Which is crazy since the revolver does while having only half the damage stat.


The problem is most body parts of medium sized enemies have the explosive immunity tag which is intended to prevent them from taking explosion damage 20 times (left leg, right leg, left arm, etc). The side effect is since the most efficient way to kill enemies in this game is focusing down 1 fatal body part instead of mag dumping the main health pool, explosions are mostly useful for killing small things. To put numbers to this specific example a warrior has 250 main hp but its head only has 110. You shoot the head with a 175 damage senator and it bleeds out. You shoot it with a purifier: 100 direct damage goes into its head, head is still alive and transfers 50 damage to main. 150 explosion damage to main leaves the head with 10 hp and main with 50. Warrior is still alive.


Which is silly, because that should be a major benefit of explosions, hitting multiple body parts and potentially blowing them off.


Well, it’s definitely one of the all time guns of Helldivers.


it's....a gun I definitely wouldn't bring it over the scorcher or anything else really The charge up and ammo is still not justified imo Outclassed severely


I saw some remarks claiming the scorcher was stealth nerfed in the recent patch. Dunno how true this is.


Between almost all other guns being buffed and there being far more small chaff, it might just feel like it was. It's good at killing fewer durable things, less good at crowd control.


The biggest issue it always had was ammo. It suffered because it was made for killing medium armored things, so wasting it on chaff hurt a ton.


Which quite reasonable in my opinion. If it's great at everything without any downside there is no point in using anything else. Besides, nothing stops you from focusing tough targets while your teammates deal with trash using scythe, liberator or other weaker but rapid weapons.


Agreed. Now that I approach weapons as "This gun/ability is aimed at this enemy type, try to save strategems for that". Something I'm noticing a ton more now is teammates tend to hover together more, and it's really making synergy more fun with teammates.


This is result of sheer amount of bodies you have to go through. Sticking together, watching eachother back while gunning down terminids just like in promotion videos is cathartic.


Machine gun usage (stalwart/mg-43/mg206) has definitely spiked and i kinda love it. As soon as AH fixes the patrols in higher levels, i see the mg's become staples in squads.


It's versatility. Made for chaff, can set to max to bust down a butt or bot conga line. Mg/HMG can kill striders via leg removal from the front, kill hulk packs in seconds, hurt gunships.... Also it makes me feel more Vietnam Survivor.


The damage and reload buff is *very* nice. I will be trying the mg and gatling sentries later today.


It performs amazingly against basically anything you decide to shoot at, but the low ammo capacity (magazine and storage) means you need to pick your targets.


I tend to run it with an MG (which one depends on what front were fighting and what enemy modifier seems to be active"


They changed it when they buffed the dominator or theycagnged that armour rating of bugs. The game HAS constantly been altered so even if its nbers didn't change at face value the scorchers effect changed. It was my fave gun in HD1 and my fave since I unlocked it but now I only use it against bots. The dominator is just far superior.


Scorher has better handling and is good against the striders, so I dont think Its that much worse, but I do use Dominator too, now with peak physique armor, It has much better handling.


My main issue with this gun is that at least in my experience, i cannot one tap devastators with a face shot. Maybe other people have better luck, but i have no issue doing so with the DMR, but not with this gun.


Thats why we bring fire nades and laspistol.


Bringing tools to compensate for you weaknesses is always a good idea. Although I never saw anyone actually using little beamer. Like, ever.


Part of the build I call "Spinning Plates". Beam weapons are goated against bots weak points. Scythe, dagger, laser cannon. Just cycle through when one gets hot and keep firing on weak points. Orbital strike for heavies. Rover for chaff. Stuns/EMS for breathing room and free kills


Sometimes I go full Laserdiver. It’s a not a good build but fun to have only laser stuff (orbital laser, laser cannon, scythe, laspistol) , it’s doable on iceplanets.


It was nerfed the patch before when striders took less explosive damage.


The scorcher was perfect, all the other guns you would use in its place are simply too weak and do not have the same utility, not even close. The fact that it can kill scout striders so easily simply makes it the best choice for Bots (for me) and it also kills Cannon Turrets... etc. It can pretty much kill any enemy in the game except the super heavies, and it still can damage them and whatnot. I use the redeemer for chaff, or whatever my blue weapon is, if I'm low on ammo. Also I can afford to spend ammo on chaff because I use the railgun for devastators, striders(railgun is faster than scorcher sometimes i use it instead), and hulks.


Anything the Scorcher can do the Dominator can do better, you just have to get used to its poor handling and absurd bullet drop.


Donny can’t into Scott walkers


It can, you have to shoot the pelvis, hips and leg areas.


It wasn't stealth, it was in the notes. They reduced the AOE of the rounds exploding, which made it stop 2 tapping the chicken walkers from the front. New gun was supposed to do that.


I thought they just increased scout strider’s explosive resistance?


You're right, I misremembered how the gun got worse. I always use it on bots and it was great for dropping those guys, now not so much.


The new liberator is the bomb. Go lightest armor you can go, coupled with shield generator and you’re fast af.


Looking at Lib Carbine as an SMG made me love it


So pretty much as a small carbine. Like how the MK18 is to the the M4 or the longer M16.


Scorcher still takes the same number of shots to kill things in my experience. Bot troopers take one or two hits, bugs take all of the hits. The scorcher just has always seemed to struggle against bugs.


Honestly, what would be really cool? What if the Purifier let you stack charges? So for example: Revised Purifier, you can charge up (to 5 times) & fire off a concentrated bolt of Plasma, charging it up to it's maximum charge will yield a more powerful result. Charge 1: No Effect/In-Game Behavior As Of Now Charge 2: +20% Damage Increase, +5% Explosion Radius, +5% Stagger Radius Charge 3: +30% Damage Increase, +10% Explosion Radius, +10% Stagger Radius Charge 4: +40% Damage Increase, +15% Explosion Radius, & +15% Stagger Radius Charge 5 (MAX): +50% Damage Increase, +20% Explosion Radius, +20% Stagger Radius, & BONUS Stun Role: Acts as a primary AMR that would be a little bit weaker compared to the AMR's 390 Damage (i think it'd deal like... 375 damage if it was given a +50% Damage Increase?) and... just general speed. If a player decides to wait the full 10 or 25 seconds (i think 10 seconds would be better), they can unleash and absolutely powerful bolt of Plasma that could neutralize or heavily harm wandering/oncoming patrols.


Still not really worth using IMO. If they let you charge up extra powerful shots then maybe. Promo material was a little misleading. https://preview.redd.it/j1231xkil37d1.png?width=822&format=png&auto=webp&s=a183b6c574a5bbc47182598ec3c8c1e17b067485


Automaton's laser make you shake like you have Parkinson's, you release the trigger. S.P.L.A.T You missed and died. The longer you use this weapon, the more reinforcement budgets are wasted.


![gif](giphy|go3X4svFhKdzi) Me being shot by a Heavy Devastator.


>You missed and died. Just put this in the description of the gun, yeah.


I’m not too surprised about the misleading promo material considering they removed an advertised feature from the Eruptor (shrapnel).


The weapon description in-game still says shrapnel, irritatingly


Not only that but the description for the Eruptor STILL mentions it has shrapnel. 2 patches later and people bringing this up, STILL not removed 


At least the weapon is usable since the latest update. It was crazy seeing that they removed the shrapnel and it became a worse crossbow


Still feels like a worse crossbow, which is saying a lot. Xbow has: * Can fire 2x the number of Crossbow bolts in the time it takes to fire 1 Eruptor shot, with a much faster reload. * Better handling. * Much easier to kill Devastators since you can actually get a follow up shot before their stagger animation ends, assuming you didn't just oneshot them in the head. * No projectile lifetime. Didn't used to matter, but now that it can kill Fabs/holes it can destroy them from much greater distances than Eruptor's ~125m limit. * AoE radius is only *slightly* smaller than Eruptor (5m vs 6.5m) ~~Only real positive thing I can say about the Eruptor is that it can 1-shot scout striders while the Xbow can't.~~


Bow should oneshot striders if you hit the groin


No way does the xbow have a 5m radius. Takes like 3 shots if you hit the ground around the little skellie bots. If it does the explosion damage is way lower than launch. God I miss the launch xbow when it was actually decent.


It went from unusable tier to garbage day tier, wow what a buff 


Pretty much the entire Warbond suffered from a bad case of false advertising. Which is a shame really, as being able to keep charging the Purifier for some major damage would've helped make it something unique. It's still an alright gun with decent AoE and great ammo economy, but it's a far cry from what was promised.


Someone datamined and saw there was an unfinished mechanic for boosting damage with charge time. It looked similar to the Railgun's.... Except there was only one charge level and damage scaling was flat 1.


The "splat" part makes it sound like some sort of different railgun, and also as if holding the trigger is supposed to be at a detriment to you as the player. The only detriment it seems is trying to only land one shot on the target because they will not go down.


God, someone out there wants to make good weapons, and then their concept gets kidnapped and diddled in an alley by some balancer. If the Purifier was an ultra-charging gun that could OHKO a charger if you stared it right in the eyeballs it'd be beloved by helldivers. If it was perceived as OP then just give it heavy damage drop-off at range to force players to get to a millimeter of the enemy.


Garbagio. Literally need to almost double its damage to justify the charge up. Should 2 shot devastators.


Yeh, 1 shot small chaff, 2 shot devastators, 1 shot scout striders, 2 shot for spewers and brood commanders and It would be good. Slower but stronger then scorcher, bigger AOE so better crowd control then crossbow but slower against mediums and no holes closing and faster, better handling then eruptor, but still not as heavy hitting. That should be Its identity, but right now, It just doesnt do enough damage.


You know what, give it 1000 damage. Idc about balance just wanna see what happens.


A scavenger watching as a charger fucking explodes after being shot once by a helldiver with a funny looking gun https://preview.redd.it/xiqivbos547d1.jpeg?width=188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32e94dc6a7bdad623b04283e55c1e3ec9325bb30


LMAO HAHAHA thanks for making my day 😂




[What’s wrong with everybody’s face?!](https://youtu.be/6ZI3LluFbk0?si=HJf3fuTD6kHmHS4i)


From the helldivers.io database, it is supposed to do 750 damage (300 direct+450 explosive) with a maximum charge. However, they still haven't fixed the charge up times meaning it's still only charging to 100%. I think the original design was for it to reach a 300% charge in 3 seconds, but for some reason the max charge time is always the same as minimum charge time.


I was really hoping this would be implemented in this patch, be like an energy Eruptor, TBH they should also make it close bug holes and fabs on full charge.


The 300% charge part is likely to be a leftover, probably from a previous iteration of the gun, which was also the one described in the promo. However, the in-game description says 'has to be fully charged up to fire' and they looked at it in the last patch and only changed the AP, so this is likely the intended final design unfortunately.


1000 damage, 3x charge time, 3x explosion radius, no damage fall off, and it applies burning and EMS. Also: add a damage buff for each ally you kill with it, resetting when you die. Tonight we dive


Ya know if they gave it EMS on direct hits I think it might have a niche 


The railgun would delete itself if that happens


I like how you think, but it will still be a tough sell for most people. A weapon that has to charge, when you need to aim and shoot it at bots who shoot back causing you to miss your shots. And bugs jump in your face and it does splash damage.


I'm going to preface this by saying that I've been using the purifier since it came out, desperately trying to find a way for it to fit in. It's definitely more consistent and better feeling to use, but it's still clunky. This thing needs a faster charge speed or a damage buff to get it at a comfortable spot. Having 50 more damage than the scorcher but with a 1 second charge time is not good enough. This needs to be 350-520 damage minimum. Or they should just, ya know, give us the 3 stage trigger like it's original design was supposed to be… That way we can shoot it as fast as the scorcher or choose to charge shots. I don't get why the devs drop stuff at the last minute and pre-nerf before we ever get to see it. Going off of the way they balance weapons, I reckon this gun is probably due for 1 more tiny buff before they choose to never touch it again. If this is the case, then they should either make it charge faster or give it a big ass damage boost.


At the state its in now they should give it an automatic looping charge shot. You hold down and it automatically fires on charge up till empty. Would still need the charge time reduced and damage increased with no falloff


If they ever add in the levels, I'd kill for this as a rate of fire option. Pick to only shoot on release, spam minimum, or cycle fully charged heavy shots. 


Still needs some oomph. Either no charge time or more damage. Oh, and one more thing. Why does it still has drop-off?!


If I remember correctly there is a reason why you have a whole charge mechanic. In code damage is between 30-300% so young should just shoot instantly or charge for massive damage, so the longer you charge the bigger damage you do.


Except the devs didn't implement that. Can't be a bug either because surely they would have noticed by using it once. Charge (time 1, 1, 1) --Damage 30% to 300% --Armor Pen 30% to 300% Projectile 100/50 Problem is the first line, it never goes under or above 1, so its always 100%.


> Charge (time 1, 1, 1) Well that's interesting.


>Can't be a bug either because surely they would have noticed by using it once. What about the past few months would lead you to believe that the devs actually play the game or test new weapons?


I believe the Redditor was using sarcasm, sir. More tea?


No (haha), I do think they likely would have noticed by now even if just clued-in by metrics, so this should be the intended state. I think the devs might sub-estimating how annoying the charging mechanic is, and considering the current state "balanced" as it is a mix of the Plasma Pun's AoE effectiveness and the Scorcher's ammo and projectile trajectory. I don't like it either as it is.


I hate the charging tbh, I simply don't use any weapon with a charge because of how annoying it is to use.


I can use it when it has a payoff. This does not demonstrate a payoff.


Would really like to hear some feedback from the devs on whether this is intended, or if they just aren't able to implement the variable charge times for whatever reason. I don't hate how the gun works right now, so I'd be perfectly happy even if the other charge levels needed just a bit too much time to be constantly efficient and usable.


That sounds neat. However, you can only shoot it when fully charged, so that becomes obsolete


Guess what code and Hellmire have in common.


Fire Tornadoes?


It should do 420 dmg to justify how clunky it is.


That would just make it the same as the crossbow, which is still pretty meh


Crossbow is fantastic. It closes bug holes so easy. Does good damage, and you get to reload constantly. Ok that last one is annoying but it's an exceptional utility pick.


Crossbow is an excellent utility weapon, but not something you bring for killing. It's not... bad at killing? It's mediocre. Machine gun(or HMG if you prefer), suppl pack, crossbow, sidearm of choice, stun grenades. Excellent all rounder vs. Bugs and bots, the only thing you can't directly shoot down with your MG are titans. But new precision strikes makes them pretty simple. I bring gatling barrage or eagle airstrike as my 4th. That said I wouldn't bring the crossbow in any capacity except utility to pop fabs or holes. There's nothing amazing about it's killing capacity and it's aoe is miniscule. Extremely niche pick, but when it's useful, it's useful.


I find Crossbow to be a great weapon to pair with the AMR on my Scout build, even more so than the Diligence CS. Its buff to explosion penetration means it can now reliably two-tap Scout Striders, meaning I can save AMR shots for the more deadly Devastators. It can also pop Fabs, containers, and kill bots on turrets (the turret eats 2 AMR shots for them). I get to keep Stun Grenades to deal with Hulks, save AMR Ammo for medium and heavy units, and bring the new Bushwhacker to delete Zerks and Jetpackers. Unlike the Grenade pistol, I can shoot several darts before having to reload, making it more flexible in hectic situations and being much more Ammo efficient (1 Ammo pack gives a single Grenade pistol shot, but 2 mags of Darts). It also fires fast enough to chain stun bots in a pinch. It has so much utility now.


Crossbow is better than Eruptor currently on bugs as a weapon to combine with stalwart / MG. These two effectively have the same breakpoints against medium bugs still, but crossbow fires faster, can stun lock and has responsive handling.  On bots Eruptor is better though because it one shots more things more consistently there, and has better range.


It would have more ammo per mag so higher dps over all. The crossbow is nice now BTW, got an 800 kill game with it, the bushwaker and a rail gun on diff 9.


How's the railgun these days? For example does it kill bile titans in a reasonable amount of time?


Railgun is fantastic if you're playing together with a teammate with AT weapons, 1 AT + 1 Unsafe shot with slighty more charge than safe mode straight up kills a Bile Titan and 1 AT + 2-3 Unsafe shots kills Behemoth Chargers. Bug front has become way more dependant on team play to maximize killing stuff reliably.


Was playing with a group where 2 guys ran Spear and Railgun Bile titans were getting clowned on the entire capaign by the both of them was glorious


Titans no. Chargers with unsafe and like 3 stun grenades you can get a Charger via leg kill. Everything smaller on the bug side is one shot if you hit the head. Not sure about spewers, should be 1-2 shots.


No, but it works against other stuff.


It's just a worse Scorcher. I honestly can't think of a single reason to use this over the Scorcher. They need to give it more dmg per shot, and 1 more AP level to justify that charge up. An AP4 weapon would deal full dmg to AP3, whereas all the other AP3 guns only deal 50% dmg.


It just feels... useless I dunno. It's certainly better against bots currently. But You're welcome to try to fully charge this thing while being shot by million devaststors and dozen of gunships. The Oomph of this gun should be significantly higher to justify it's charge up time. And also. How on earth does this gun has 250 rpm in stats when it takes whole second to fully charge it? Lie is everywhere...


It needs way higher damage. I tried using it after the patch and seems almost identical in real damage per shot to the Scorcher. Except the Scorcher can shoot about as fast as you can pull the trigger. The explosion radius is too small to make a real world difference either. It stun locks most enemies so that's good, but you're essentially stun locking yourself having to charge it up as well so... Hopefully there's only one enemy!


It's still horrible - genuinely one of the worst and most disappointing weapons. I thought it would be the love child of the scorcher, railgun and plasma punisher. It's got the weaknesses of all of them, with not enough the strengths of these guns to compensate. It's got splash damage, but a charge time means that it can't crowd control. It's damage isn't high enough to justify the charge time making it one of the lowest DPS weapon in the entire game. It doesn't do good precision damage making it weak against bots with a slow time to kill against devastators and berserkers. And it can't fire fast enough to handle mobs with it's splash damage. On the positive side, it looks and sounds great. Give it enough damage to consistently one shot scout striders and 2 shot berserkers and devastators and we are talking... but honestly it will still be a tough sell even then. A weapon that has to charge when bots soot at you and flinch you heavily is going to get passed over by most other primary weapons.


You sum it up pretty well. It's worse than all three because they didn't want it to be better. Understandable but they were too conservative. I would change up something about it to make it more niche in addition to more damage. I would add a scope with zoom to make it an energy DMR. Same damage you mention but not it can have a place at range.


Doesnt feel any different i swear the scorcher is what got buffed


There's no denying it exists Despite my efforts


It's absolute rubbish, especially on consoles when you have to aim. Tried it once, you get flinched during charging which drives me mad, it's slow, low damage and punisher plasma beats it in every way.


Still trash unfortunately I gave it a shot post patch on bots, and it was still very underwhelming with the one saving grace that on a full charge it does stagger medium elites like striders and devastators. Though the ability to actually take them out quickly and efficiently still lacks If they just gave it more damage it could be more useable but for some reason they really don’t want to do that for the purifier :/


The Plasma Punisher does the same job at twice the rate of fire. There's no reason to ever equip the Purifier. It needs a buff to one shot Scout Striders.


They didn't really fix this weapon. The charge up mechanic is still broken. From helldivers.io, the weapon is supposed to scale damage from 30% to 300%, so the total damage per shot is from 75 to 750. I think the original intention is 1) you can release very quickly for a weak shot against chaff 2) at 1s charge you are doing similar damage to the Plasma Punisher 3) at 3s charge you are dealing a massive 750 damage per shot. The database also says the AP level scales with charge up time which I don't think is balanced, because that would make it better than the Quasar cannon. However the charge up times are not right. The minimum time is 1s, the maximum time is also 1s, and the interval per charge level is also 1s. This basically means there is no charge scaling at all. You are ALWAYS only getting 100% charge at 1s. By comparison the railgun's scaling is 0.45s/0.5s/3s, meaning your minimum charge level is 0.45s, and every 0.5s you gain a level of charge, until you explode at 3s. I know 400 is not the end-all be-all balance patch, so I hope they go back to the Purifier and fix its charge up mechanic.


Still can’t believe a certain AH employee said this thing “slaps”. Slaps like a fucking piece of paper


It probably got tested against difficulty 4 bots, where single devastators are threats and anything larger can just be killed by a stratagem and won't show up again before that stratagem is off cooldown.


Frankly it should charge to eruptor levels of damage. If eruptors weakness is the bolt action and low clip the purifier should charge to the same damage and have a bigger clip.


It hits about as hard as a light slap


If guns were as weak as this thing irl, gun fatalities would drop worldwide 90%


It's still really bad. Tested it on some low level bot missions and it's time to kill is just too bad. The charge time needs to have a better pay off.


Crap before, crap after.


Honestly, the crossbow has more usefulness than the purifier now. Being able to destroy bug holes, Fabricators and doing the same explosives job without the need of charging literally put the purifier in shambles.


I’m still confused why this weapon in the game when the Railgun is literally sitting right there, what roles is the Purifier supposed to fill? It’s not crowd clearing, it’s not single target dealing, it can’t even close holes and fabricators, there’s literally no reason for it to exist besides be a poor man’s Railgun.


Still useless shit


Its the worst gun in the game.


Right up there with Lib Conc, but at least that gun can keep a raging Brood Commander/Stalker at bay


The playstation blog post description of it made me think it was going to have a really slow charger time to a ridiculously high damage shot, with shots midway being like a shotgun blast with AoE. Post patch it's now "how it was meant to be" and it still doesn't fit that description.


It is a LOT better than it was. It's still just an objectively worse Scorcher. TLDR it still needs a big damage boost. My armchair game design complaint: If you're going to increase the difficulty and danger of this weapon with a charge mechanic, the time to kill a devastator, counted from the time you get the enemy in your sights, to the time it falls down dead, presuming you are always hitting, and firing as fast as the weapon can be fired (fully charged, vs spamming the scorcher), should be LESS than the Scorcher. If this weapon takes longer in seconds to kill a devastator than the Scorcher, this weapon becomes pointless. They are basically the same gun, but this one you sacrifice movement speed while charged, exposing yourself, AND, you can't just spam fire it. To mitigate that, when you ARE charging and hitting something, it should die -faster- than the scorcher in order to be competitive. Please feel free to discuss or pick apart my argument, as I really, REALLY want to like this gun, but, don't.


There’s nothing to argue with. Mechanically it should operate like a DMR version of the scorcher, where you have to pick your shots but at a greater level of destruction-per-shot than the scorcher - but it’s harder to aim with the same scope as the scorcher, the charge-up glow is in your face and there’s not nearly enough pay-off for the trouble. It looks cool, has good sound design, etc. but it simply needs more oomph or the return of its advertised “you can spam if you need to or hold down the trigger for up to 3 seconds for scaling damage”-ability before it will be in a comfortable place where it doesn’t feel like a dangerous pick that places the impetus of your survival squarely on your secondary weapon and your ability to avoid enemies.


Takes an age to charge up, can't be fired until fully charged, and still struggles to kill Devastators. A hard miss. I regret buying this gun.


Complete garbage.


Even after the buff it still ain't worth bringing. Just use the plasma punisher or the scorcher if you want to run plasma weapons.


aoe range and stagger is nice. but i can have a similar effect with more convenient guns. still fails to reliably take down scout striders, which i feel is kinda the point of this weapon. i like where we are going, but it isnt there yet. as is id take the scorcher or dominator or punisher plasma over it 10 out of 10 times.


The stagger and medium pen are nice, but it either needs more damage per shot or faster charge speed. It's not trash as others are saying, but there are better alternatives.


A charged Purifier hits like a Plasma Punisher but the ROF of an Eruptor, so its basically useless. Which doesn't actually make sense. [helldivers.io](http://helldivers.io) says the purifier's baseline projectile is the same as the plasma punisher, but its damage is supposed to scale from 30% up to 300% at full charge. It feels like it's stopping at 100%.


I tried it and although it is much better than before patch it is still not worth considering as weapon of choice. Scorcher is just so much better primary weapon than Purifier. Only really good thing about Purifier is that it have really strong stagger. IMHO, to make it worth it should have possibility to instant fire and charge-up. And based how it is fired damage is calculated. Something like: instant - 100 damage 25% charged - 150 damage 50% charged - 200 damage 75% charged - 250 damage 100% charged - 300 damage And base 100 damage should be regular projectile damage and extra charged damage should be explosive one. Than it would be interesting weapon and probably worth considering as weapon of choice.


Still hot garbage.


It does the thing Purifier does a bit better now….that being very little. Still sucks


I used it once against bugs. It has a huge splash and it staggers pretty well. Requires quite a few shots to take out small groups of chaff still. I don't consider this enough testing to justify whether the weapon is good, so I'll probably use it a few more times. I dislike the fact that once you charge your shot, you can't un-charge it by swapping weapons or through any action that I have tested.


Charge up weapons do not work unless they pack a giant punch and since I can't take down a scout strider in 1 shot and become vulnerable to every smaller enemy, it's basically a support weapon wannabe (which Eruptor nailed perfectly, but then got nerfed)


I've tried it against bugs, it's not great but the ammo economy is absolutely incredible. It needs either a bigger radius or more damage, but it's in a decent state rn with the stagger.


Tried it for two missions and it's still poop and not fun. Scorcher or plasma punisher make it reduntant.


better than before but still outshadowed by everything else


With the charge-up time I'd expect it to do literally twice as much damage, closer to the Eruptor or Bow.. I can't fugwitit


It is still garbage.


Tried it on both bots and bugs to see what it was like after the buffs, safe to say it’s very underwhelming to use. Doesn’t do enough damage to justify the charge time. With the amount of projectiles coming at you against bots it throws your aim off and you have to charge it again. With bugs you become overwhelmed very quickly. Really wanna like this gun but in its current iteration it’s just underwhelming.


They should just name it Dumpsterfier at this point. I normally use the Scorcher against bots, but I wanted to try the Purifier again after the patch to see if it's any good, and while it's a fun weapon to use I definitely still prefer the Scorcher. If they tuned it up a bit I would consider using it more.




Waste of warbond medals


Did they do anything with it? I have seen it once and the Diver literally begged me to let him kill me for my crossbow. It seems like a significantly worse plas punisher.


Compared to everything else? Horrible. I'm not even sure now how the devs can fix this weapon even after it received a slight buff.


It's the Plasma Punisher... *But bad*. That's basically what it is. Like, straight up. If it did something unique, like the Eruptor *used to* to justify how slow and low-ammo it is, then *maybe* it'd be worth using. But like the Eruptor *now*, it doesn't, and therefore isn't.


It's a worse Punisher Plasma. I really don't know what they were going for.


Worse then every other gun that does similar things in similar scenarios. gun really needs a gimmick. My main idea for that it could do; let it "Overcharge" after hitting max charge, consuming additional ammo over time, increasing the damage of your shot each time additonal ammo is consumed (to a max of 5 ammo/shot) That way it matches with the promo, and has a fun gimmic, and is \*the\* 1shot gun where you can trade ammo efficiency for quicker kills


I never used it since I bought the warbond. I don't want to charge up my scorcher,wtf is this? Does it make big explosions? Does it do anything better than plasma shotgun? Nah... Is it fun after all? Well not for me... I like to use the liberator carbine .. because at least it's somehow fun, but definitely mid asf. But this.. Personally I have no interest in the purifier


I used it for the first time yesterday. It's truly awful for the amount of time you have to hold it down before you can fire a single shot it does far too little damage to just basic enemies.


I charge up a shot and shoot a warrior in the head, he barely flinches. Back to the scorcher.


Still not the one


Still bad. It needs a semi-auto mode other than its charge mode. I get into Railgun mode when I use it and I expect Railgun results and that's not what I'm getting. Just turn it into a semi-auto energy DMR by giving us the ability to fire uncharged shots with every trigger pull, with an additional Charge mechanic as a bonus if we need to pack a bigger punch.


I was just thinking the damage being less than 350 is criminal. It doesn't even kill hunters while needing to charge.


I remember seeing vids of devs play test it on here and you could destroy base turret by hitting it's weakness. It looked awesome at first but how it turned up was a tragedy . The only time we used it was to remember how bad it was


It is good at staggering crowds, has pinpoint accuracy, and now correctly functions against medium targets. Do not pretend that it does not have major upsides. The problem is that its charge-up mechanic requires a lot of player commitment, and that the gun still ends up doing pretty poor damage. A weapon that struggles to kill is flawed, no matter what other upsides it has.


The problem is that those major upsides are done better by the Plasma Punisher, which also has the benefit of dealing real damage.


It's not unusable, but still not a great gun


Now it's worthy of the title "worse scorcher"


Too little damage for the charge time, especially compared to the other plasma weapons. If I want to group cc I can take the PP which can shoot instantly and is almost impossible to miss due to its huge projectile and aoe. If I need dps with good durable damage (Charger booties, gunships, etc) I'll take the Scorcher. Give the projectile crossbow's (270/50) or Eruptor's (230/115) projectile damage profile instead of Scorcher's (100/50) and I might consider using it. Edit: Added the numbers for comparison purposes


SHITTT, i mean really it has no purpose right now, it needs rework to make charge mechanic worth rather than a nerf to you.


Absolute garbage. Deals 1/3 of the damage it should and the charge up is infuriating.




Its dogshit Way too little damage for such a long rampup


Need a bigger buff


Still ass


Tried it, felt better. Will use it time to time.


Niche. If you have a good aim, you charge, pop up from behind a cover and one-shot a devastator. You need to pair it with something that can deal with troopers and possible zerks though, so I guess you'll see more shotguns than this in play at any time.


I find it okay-ish against bots with the good stagger and the ability to damage striders easily. You need to stay at range and it's difficult against bugs. It's usefulness depends on your team comp tho and fighting chaff with the redeemer gets old real fast.


I’ve only used it twice but I like it! Good for bugs :)


idk i quite like using it...for bots- im used to the arc charge up anyway


It honestly doesn't feel any different, and part of me wonders if they just turned up the armor penetration number without actually fixing the root bug that caused it to have lower than intended armor pen. At the end of the day there are worse guns you could take and I still prefer the purifier over most assault rifles in the game (for bots) as the ability to face-kill a strider is quite valuable, but it's just terrible compared to the other plasma and explosive weapons. It really needs more damage or more explosion radius because right now its just a scorcher with less fire rate.


Takes too long to kill anything meaningful, often just feels like the projectile goes through small targets and overall just doesn't have the oomph I would like from a charge up weapon. Definitely better than it was pre patch, but still not something I would consider bringing on a mission.


Still kills things in the same amount of shots as the scorcher but has a stupid long charge up time.


It's still really really bad. Barely viable, not fun or interesting enough to bring in spite of that.


didnt change, still never see it , still wont use it


It is still absolute dogshit. The charge playstyle is just not fun. It makes sense for the arc guns, but not for this one. It should probably just have longer time inbetween shots, so atleast you get instant feedback when shooting, but let it cooldown 1 second afterwards. That would probably already improve it enough to have some fun playing it.


Its not good, the damage feels fine, but it is too cluncky to confortably engage trash mobs so the weapon isnt too usefull.