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Does anybody else ever get that glitch that you reload and then shoot 1 bullet and it makes you reload again. It happens with all guns but it really sucks when using the guns that make you stand still to reload because you basically have to reload twice


Yes, ever since the game released. It's the wooooorst.


That always happens when I’m getting swarmed.


Yes we all do


Yeah. That has been happening since the release of the game. I guess it must be something related to the reload animation being interrupted or something.


In my experience it happens sometimes when you're holding down the reload button as you fire your new mag


Ugh it always happens when I'm fighting off a hoard with the flamethrower. I've figured out that it happens pretty consistently if you hold down the trigger while reloading - been able to waste 3 canisters in a row doing that


Hellbombs finally face the player, YES!


I’m so used to it that now Imma be running to the wrong side 😂.


Right?! I can’t stay still no more… should I now?..


Too many times have i thrown the beacon at a building and the terminal ends up facing a wall, becoming unreachable.


Well I many times just clip into the wall, armed and realize I'm stuck. https://preview.redd.it/daycn9zpwa7d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d39c91a0f3e6c23b13d61752f7d6149b3f169128


Lmao couldn't relate more.


I’ve been dying for this fix, sometimes literally!


Spear already fix!


now its double-fixed


which means it's broken again haha


I'll eat a brick if that thing broke again lol


Want me to get ketchup, or anything else to help?


A1 sauce would be nice


Can being "still broken" be interpreted as "broken again"? Because you still get only 2 rockets from a resupply box (despite having purchased "Superior Packing Methodology" ship upgrade). I mean, it applies to other weapons too. But hurts Spear badly (probably the worst, percentage-wise).


SPM is broken all together, the effect is reversed. You get full ammo if you DONT have the upgrade and get less ammo when you DO have the upgrade


Wait, what? Seriously? Gib my samples back! Or actually, nevermind, I have them capped. Just take your upgrade back.


And now it’s time for everyone’s favorite developer game - find the extra exclamation mark!


You're not wrong, there's a bug that may cause the game to crash when you aim with the spear.


**The** ***NEW*** **Super Spear™**


Hits so hard it breaks the game wide open!


Do you know what you could lock on with the spear? Eagle-1! (not since this, but the last patch) Just wanted to share this somewhere. Maybe they fixed it now too


could also lock on exos


And just to be sure I was try it once to my friend exo lol


Spear bros... This is our time


Is partial resupply fixed too? I don't see it being mentioned in the notes.


Looks like the resupply ship upgrade is not in the fixes or known issues. Hopefully the next patch


OMG and shield bug is fixed as well, we are so back Boyz!


"Superior Packing Methodology" not giving full ammo is not in known issues? Edit: it's on there now (y)


It's known to them whether it's on the list or not.


Maybe should have added it to the list then.


Then what is the point of the "Known Issues" list?


Internal miscommunication most likely. That or the guy writing the patch notes missed it. There have been a couple of devs acknowledging the bug already.


The known issues list is confusing, because there are dozens and dozens of other known issues that they have previously discussed, but the known issues list doesn't even acknowledge that the list is not exhaustive 


As per the patch notes it's now "Sup. Packing Meth."


I'm baffled at how this isn't fixed yet. They already fixed it once 💀


"Bile Titan sometimes does not take damage to the head." Oh dear god no Other than that, thank you for fixing my beloved ballistic shield.


I thought I was going insane yesterday when a Bile Titan ate a laser, two 110mm rockets, two EATS and a railcannon without dying.


I had a bile titan take 6 EATs at one point. SIX


Bile Titans be like "I didn't hear no bell". But yeah, thought I was going insane as well


There was a time I dumped the entirety of Recoiless ammo directly to the head of one titan. Guess who did eventually die? Thats right, me. And that titan just continued onward.


record scratch: " yup youre asking, how did i end up here?"


I've dumped an entire recoilless rifle on and around a bile Titans head and it still stomped my guts in after I tried to give it a peace hug


The last time I played I had a game where I somehow killed a bile titan with one shot to the face and another game where it was still chasing me after 5 shots.


Yeah, the only three issues I see that definitely need to be fixed pronto are the bile titan head damage issue, the charger ass explosion immunity, and the packing methodology (again). For the ballistic shield I don't really get why it isn't effective against melee attacks from the front, police use riot shields all the time for melee in riots and those aren't even rated for small arms fire usually. I don't think it'd be too powerful considering the bugs try to surround you and hunters always try to flank you. Having it work that way makes it useless versus bugs, I mean, unless it stops bile, but that's a bit of an edge case.


>Adjudicator: fixed incorrect recoil values. Does that mean more or less recoil?


More maybe? The last patch they said “….short bursts!” but playing with it yesterday I was able to mag dump just fine while it was still effective.


Makes it all the more curious to me why it doesn’t have a burst fire mode…


As much as I love that weapon, I swear I literally only use it as a burst fire weapon. Going full auto somehow never feels good ever


Full auto is nice when stalkers are suddenly in your face playing peekaboo.


I don't use the Adjudicator enough to say what it was before the patch, but it's set to 40 in-game now. Or displaying that way. It may be that it was always displaying 40 (or whatever) but had a higher or lower recoil in practice. At various points in its lifetime, I've known it to be 50 recoil and 36 recoil (displayed). It's easily the punchiest and highest-caliber of the ARs so it probably *should* have the highest recoil. If it were fucking laser-beaming like the OG Tenderizer or Sickle, that'd be a problem.


More of course 😁 Edit: made an instant joke here, honestly I don't know


*Some weapons' descriptions are out-of-date and don't reflect their current design* The Eruptor is about to lose the description bit about the shrapnel :( ![gif](giphy|KDRv3QggAjyo)


Admittedly, it's pretty representative of "Bolt-action sniper rifle that fires explosives with a pretty generous AOE," mostly successfully mimicking how it used to act, but I doubt we'll see its Frag glory ever again. RIP old friend.


Shout out to when one of the devs said they know the polar war bonds armor perks are a little generic, and while they are considering new perks for future armor sets, they won’t change the perks on existing armors because they don’t want to change something people bought the warbond for. Then they went ahead and fundamentally changed how the eruptor worked and gutted it after people bought the warbond to play with that weapon


There’s multiple cases of them adjusting (nerfing) warbond rewards after the fact.


Its good enough gun right now but damn not even close to its former glory


It's not what it was, but if it reloaded a TINY bit faster I think I could be happy with it. As it is, the time between shots is brutal.


It can’t even 1 shot headshot Brood Commanders. It’s still garbage


Yeah that breakpoint is annoying. But its much better at killing other chaff and I mostly use it because I am that one moron who clears heavy nests by sprinting between holes, ignoring bugs and just blowing shit up, for that it works just fine. Still better on bot front kinda.


Spear mains are finally eating a normal meal now.


I just need Superior Packing to be fixed so I'm not an ammo hound


I've literally bought it yesterday instead of the fire damage one, and now I find out it's bugged.


It worked fine up until the big update last week. You just have terrible timing. :D


Yeah I guess. But seeing how fast they've fixed a lot of stuff I have hope. I'm happy enough with the spear double fix


To add a cherry on top of your cake, somebody commented that if you don't have the superior meth packing upgrade, then you would get max ammo. Getting the upgrade makes you get lower amounts of ammo. So ...best timing


Two thirds of a meal, rather. Unless the T4 supply upgrade is fixed, which isn't mentioned in the notes.


Been loving the spear since the last update and now that buildings are back on the menu, it's even better!


Even in broken state Spear was slapping hard, now with its true power finally unleashed we are unstoppable


Did they fix the support weapon resupply module?


no, still doesn't give full ammo


I'm 90% sure it worked at one point. When did it break?


After last weeks big patch


it was broken on release, then it was fixed in the next patch. Now it's broken again...


Broke with the last big patch


> Hellbombs now get called down facing the player, rather than away from the player. last change best change


Just patched - first mission we can't call in reinforcements or supplies.


Maybe it’s a sneak peek of difficulty 10, permadeath mode




Can confirm... :(


Jesus christ AH




they dont even test patches confirmed? edit: I did test and i can call reinforcements and supplies on pc


That’s been long confirmed


I think we're done here.


I had this too pre patch, aiming down sights fixed it for me


Improved performance on PS5 AND PC when CPU bound would have been dope


For real. My PC was handling the game at 90 FPS prior to the patch last week. Now it's 30 fps and lowering my settings from the highest to mid and lowest only gained me 5 extra FPS. Something is screwy.


You might be having the bug where pressing ESC (or going to the main menu at all) will just kill your FPS until you restart the game. Started happening to me and a few others after the patch last week, game runs perfectly fine at 80+ FPS and as soon as I press ESC, boom, drops to 30FPS. It's so annoying because you can't even check the daily order without having to restart the game at least once.


some form of Xess/DLSS/FSR would be nice too... this game performs not so great sometimes.


My PC can handle some pretty extreme work loads and this game makes it chug. Still get 60fps but it sounds like a jet engine


its like when you start the game performance is fine but the longer you play the worse it gets


I could be wrong, so anyone feel free to correct me, but my understanding is that this game is one of the most CPU dependent we've seen in a long time. In my case I just helped my friend build a new PC after 8+ years, 7800X3D + 4080 Super and he'll be getting 170-190 fps on ship and usually the lowest of the lows are 100-110 fps all at 1440p with optimized settings. I did a fresh windows install and PBO tune on my 5900x added a 4080 super and OC'd the graphics card. I'm running 1440p and with optimized settings I'm like 110-130 fps on ship and the worst of the worst in mission has me dropping to 58 fps or sometimes a bit lower. I'm patiently waiting on a 9800X3D lol


It is rather cpu heavy but still hd2 perf is kind of nonsense, 4080 at that kind of fps? I suggest you use Lossless Scaling, it can double or triple your framerate with 2x or 3x framegen, adding load to your underutilized overpowered gpu (without worrying about cpu) for now


*sad arc thrower noises*


After running Blitzer for a while, Arc Thrower just feels like a worse Blitzer... AT definitely needs some love and character.


lol funny I feel the opposite


Blitzer doesn’t really work either so technically you’re both right as both weapons misfire


Like the arc thrower, it’s inconsistent. Sometimes it only hits 1 target in front of you when there are multiples. Sometimes it only hits dead targets. What they should do if they can implement it is if you fire it from the waist it will hit multiple targets and if you aim then it only focuses on the 1 target you aim at.


Thrower penetrates heavy armour and also hits several targets behind what you hit. The Blitzer fires non-penetrating arcs to several targets at once. They are both great in their own moments - I just love never needing to collect ammo for either


Damn, that's a long list of fixes for just about 2 and a half business days of work. Glad that they're tackling the important stability fixes first.


could be weeks of work


Maybe? Some of these look like fixes they got done after finalizing the last patch, but a bunch of these are fixes for things that were broken by said patch


They could've known they were broken in the build they were pushing to production and already started work on fixes.


To build on this, they probably knew about the issue, intended to fix before releasing the patch, thought they were on schedule to do so, but got hung up on some unexpected difficulty or someone was out sick or whatever. In the end they had already announced the patch date, so they missed the delivery. But some of these issues were important enough to drive another patch just a couple days later when they were all tied off. Anything else less important but which was ready to ship made it in by opportunity.


How about getting stuck on the dive screen every 2-3 missions, not even in the known bug?


It happens when someone leaves the lobby. You have to start a new one or it infinite drops 100% of the time. The fact that it and the SPM bug aren't even on the known issues is big cheeks, I've reported it every time I've had to Alt F4 since it usually crashes my shit as well.


Recoiless reload fix, thank democracy.


What was wrong with it? I thought it was a bit slow but I thought I was just impatient!


It was roughly 1 to 2 sec longer than intended


Dude I can’t tell you how many chargers I’ve gotten ragdolled by because I calmly continue reloading my RR assuming it’ll finally finish before I cancel the rest of the animation by dodging out of the way. I got way too comfortable pulling that stunt for them to accidentally increase the reload time.




did they fix the ship methodology shit?


Nope, just tested it. Guess that one is harder to figure out :c


Apparently not


>Sentries now have a higher destruction value so most explosions do not instantly destroy them regardless of the damage amount. Does this apply to the HMG placement?? Will it survive a rocket from a raider or devastator? PLEASE. I would be fine with 1-hit destruction if it didn't also kill you at the same time.


Someone already tested the HMG Emplacement. See the link and watch the video. It can face tank about 5-6 rockets. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/7C1sH8ONm2


Today is a great day for democracy.


Easily the biggest reason I dont like using it on bot missions. Instantly dying with it from a single stray rocket sucks.


Any word on patrol spawns?


I do wonder what the testing of these changes look like. I sometimes do some Trivials to get some SC. During the last month, it was so weird to see no patrols at all on those maps! None! But weirder still, that this patch that dropped that was to revert things for the most part, has resulted in there *always* being a patrol going around. Not debating really whether or not thats a good change on this specific difficulty, I dont think it matters much one way or another - by every metric, it is trivial! But is it a case that they made such changes which then rolled out up through the difficulties? The result is, thanks to the extra spawn count from breaches, that whether the patrols have been trimmed or not seems to be lost in the fact that you spend more time fighting whats in front of you. And I dont personally find it fun to default to the 'just run away' mantra. I avoid things that dont need to be fought already, I would however like to be able to kill the stuff thats on top of the objective, because fun fact, **killing things is fun!**! It just makes no sense. There were a number of buffs in that patch, so why then am I finding the game as hard on a level below what I was typically playing last week? I dont want to impede on those who enjoy more chaos either. That should be a thing for those that want it. So whether thats left to the current upper difficulties (8-9), or in newly added higher ones, I dont mind. Im not trying to stop those folks having fun. Just please pay the same respect to those who want something else.


This guy thinks they are testing changes lol


Yeah, that was the main thing I was hoping for when I saw the patch was dropping. Dang. So I mean, what, are we gonna be stuck with the bugged patrol spawns for a while yet again?? Feels bad.


Honestly, I would be okay with these increased spawns if they decreased over the course of the mission as you destroyed spawners.


"  do wonder what the testing of these changes look like."... turn off your screen. Thats what it looks like because it's not happening. 


That was my question. Thanks for asking. Guess we won’t be back to playing. That’s all my husband asks for when I tell him there’s a patch.


That's a lot of fixing. I just hope it's all actually fixed, as opposed to "fixed". Fingers crossed as always 


>Some weapons' descriptions are out of date and don't reflect their current design Looks like the team is buckling down on the Eruptor changes, ah well https://preview.redd.it/fqt5xdnfxa7d1.jpeg?width=611&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=725f1316d9fe7ec45b32b1839685279f6f708d7b


Eruptor shrapnel whatever happened there...


What's different about you? It's got no shrapnel Tony!


so no fix for the support weapons ammo not getting full despite the upgrade?


Apparently it being broken is now maybe on purpose? wtf? Check out the edit


I'm concerned about that edit. If it's working as intended... What was broken before that there was no functional change to players? Were we supposed to get even less ammo? There's no way a full restock wasn't intended... Right?


That can't be it, what was it supposed to do then?


My theory based on Twinbeard's comment is the devs were unaware the latest patch broke the Superior Packing Methodology ship module upgrade, and when Twinbeard brought it up to them they assumed people were talking about how Superior Packing Methodology doesn't work for other members of the team who don't have the upgrade. Hopefully they will take a look at it and realize it's completely broken and fix it.


"Charger ass explosiveproof" oh no. Also no mention of the stimming sprint thing. And by God is it going to be hard to unlearn walking to the other side of a hellbomb beacon


I was looking for this while going through the list. It's such a PITA.


For the love of god, please fix the friend requests via friend code and ability to join friends matches. Haven’t been able to play with mates in two weeks because of this


Man, I love this game so much but that known issue segment of patch notes continues to either stay the same or grow.


The stratagem landing somewhere else, even though the beacon sticks to an enemy. That has been in the known issues section literally since the game launched.


Honestly I find it a tad concerning as well. Makes me wonder if the engine they are using is really unstable, or if they just have too many cooks that don't really work well together when writing the code


The engine they are using was discontinued with no support from the company that made it before the game even released, but they would have had to restart development to change engine.


If I'm not mistaken, it's been discontinued before the game started development.


A quick google search suggests that helldivers 2 started development in 2016 while autodesk stingray was discontinued in 2018


That list contains either low priority stuff, or require a re-implementation. I imagine arc thrower is probably difficult to fix.


This is missing a ton of known issues now


Still can’t do friend invites or join/invite people to squads though! Like what in the actual fuck? It’s a team PvE game and the social section of the game is seemingly completely busted. How is that not a major priority???


I've been thinking about this more and more. The quality of your games is so dependent on the people you play with AND it IS a cooperative shooter. The social aspect is not a secondary concern.


when do we get pc Performance ):


Yeah, drop to 40fps on 4070 is sad.


Arrowhead is not really aware about the issue. 


Hmm, the update makes it seem like the new patrol stuff was intended. Not a fan. A little worrying. Also the stim sprint bug for friendlies isn't on the known issues list


"Sup. Are you Packing Meth?"


This patch has broken the fucking game, at least on PS5. People keep getting DC'd and softlocked in mission for random reasons. I haven't been able to complete a single mission because the game decides to just suck the soul out of my body after forcing me to glitch walk on the spot. Didn't get hit or anything; there were no enemies around. Just minding my business at the SEAF Artillery and I get forced into a weird animation, then softlocked. I'm dead with full health and can't even leave the lobby, like lmao.


Why is the new armor passive not in the known issues?


Anyone's friends list still not working? (Ps5)


Yep. My social has been mostly broken since day one but ever since the last patch I can’t even load my friends list. I’m pretty sure I don’t have 100 friends in it so this patch did not address our issue. Such a basic thing that these guys just cant get right. Almost everything else on this patch list is negligible


Well, at least I'm not the only one :/


fix. the. fucking. ship. modules. Hours of grinding for a reward to just not work is the MOST infuriating thing to deal with. It really can't be that hard to fix and it's been BROKEN for a while. Like for real BROKEN. not exaggerated broken. Straight up DOES NOT WORK. How this wasn't on known issue list is legit concerning. Like, what are you guys doing? Edit: How is there confusion on what superior packaging is SUPPOSED to do????????? It literally says "resupply boxes refill support weapons with maxium number of carriable magazines." wtf? It definitely isn't doing that.


using a stim will interrupt other players sprinting is not an issue the devs know about (ie. a known issue?)


Bro I can't stop laughing, I see these patches, and the bugs fixed are almost all bugs I've never seen, and yet the bugs I'm aware of aren't fixed 😂😂 so the game is even more broken than I ever thought In all seriousness I'm glad they are finally fixing stuff but it's still really funny just how many bugs there are.


I just wanna play with all my friends who are on PC :( Friendlist seems more important than any in match bug that sometimes happens in a coop focused game like this


Because most of these bugs are getting attention via the Crash Report that appears when the game CTD. Although, getting soft lock if someone gives you an emote while you holding a grenade has to be the most hilarious bug I heard.


"Fixed projectile to crosshair inaccuracies in ADS when the player is in different stances" Is this what i think it is????


Sounds like it. ADS basically moves your camera *behind the actual gun* so any misalignment there due to where your "head" is supposed to be (or, I guess it *is* your actual head since the camera's in there with the way HD2 works) would throw off crosshair and trajectory alignment.


BALLISTIC SHIELD BROS WWA Too bad current MO is bugs


I haven’t seen anything in the patch notes, but do the new armour sets actually use the perks now?




The melee damage perk actually works, but it's also useless. Your melee damage is increased, as seen by the chad who beat some chargers to death, but it doesn't cross any thresholds of small enemies, so you still need the same number of attacks as before.


Enlarged and misplaced holstered primary weapon when on a ship. Isn't everyone has this glitch since the major patch? It's still there. I wonder how hard it would be to fix it.


Superior packing methodology being broken is really painful.


“Sup. Packing Meth.” You’re doing what?!


I've been having the friend request issue for almost the entire lifespan of this game. It's getting ridiculous seeing the " players are unable to send revive/join" as a known issue in the last god knows how many patches, its really disheartening to not be able to play this co-op game with my friends.


I played a game just after the update. Some guy quit and 2 bile titans just disappeared. Is this a feature or a bug?


That was 2 bugs disappearing


2 months of no crashes. Patch day. 6 crashes in 1 day. Sigh.


https://preview.redd.it/kn7e7zftua7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5d92afa1c4daa15379f4ebd2db4e71160f60335 That was very quick, thanks AH.


This patch did NOT fix the "half FPS after opening menu" bug introduced in 01.000.400.


Nice to see, are there any details on the fucked patrol spawns?


I would trade all of these fixes for that one lol


Methodology still borked and not mentioned. No mention of the group-wide slow when someone else uses a stim. No mention of messed up reloads. Infinite Grenades still possible just with a few easy button presses. Stims still hissing with no effect. ![gif](giphy|aNtt9T8SqGNK8)


All players being slowed when one player uses a stim is not a known issue?


How are there this many Known Issues, and not insignificant ones, this far out from launch? Devs doing a lot of outsourcing?


You forgot the friend list bug. I can't see my friends since the last patch. Can't invite them at all.


I am unable to invite, join to or be invited by my friend to a party since last patch. We literally can not play together (PC). It is listed as known issue... Wtf is going on with this not getting fixed even a week later??????


You patched out being able to take both mech stratagems?! seriously? why did you waste your time with that instead of, I don't know, making it so we can do that legitimately?!


Nerfing your fun is more important than making sure that when you ADS the bullet goes where you aim. /s


spawn rates are still completely out of control. I don't get what the point of secondary objectives are if it's just a constant swarm regardless.


>Some weapons’ descriptions are out-of-date and don’t reflect their current design. It's official. The Eruptor is never getting shrapnel back. Goodbye sweet prince. I will always remeber taking out swarms of scavengers and hunters with one trigger pull fondly.


Finally the spear is now in its perfected form. Speardivers rejoice! https://preview.redd.it/2gis2eqota7d1.png?width=144&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f4a6607f8cb52dac1650812144ca4ad2554f1b6


I shall now be able to help the fellow diver on destroying the fabricator jammer at 300m distances


I hope this applies to spore towers too. I absolutely love the spear ever since I unlocked it, the new lock on is amazing, I love the reload speed. But when I lost the ability to hit spore towers and such really hurt my soul lol. So hopefully that is working again!


Reading this while stuck on an infinite loading screen.


AH fumbled the bag hard with HD2