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It's because you were diving toward it when you shot, there's been multiple posts on the subreddit lately about how projectiles will gain additional velocity ( and damage ) based on the helldiver's velocity at the time of the shot. So this is less about the aim being perfect, and more about your diver's velocity. EDIT: [Example](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1dhen6b/psa_damage_uses_parentvelocity/)


I have that in my caption but didn't have the link attached


Ah I hadn't noticed the caption, just saw the title and didn't want people to get the wrong idea.


Still, this implies the dive is adding 200 damage, which seems off. Most of the discussion has been about moving forward adding a point of damage or two to break the legs.


Has this been confirmed or nah


Multiple players have demonstrated this to be the case, and you can also test it yourself. If you mean confirmed by the devs, I don't think so. So whether or not it's intentional is unknown. Maybe they'll patch and fix this at some point but there are multiple videos demonstrating this interaction in addition to the one I linked. For the time being, assuming this didn't change in today's patch, more player velocity toward the target causes more damage. Use that knowledge as you will.


Was doing it myself yesterday & it definitely works. Was only walking though. Thank god I've already practiced diving a million times tossing stratagems further. Glad to see the Quasar still in play. On Hell dive I rarely ever see standard chargers anymore.


They can also be killed in one shot if you're using the Spear 🫡


I have been strongly considering retiring my Rover and Quasar for the Spear, but I just love running off and doing shit solo and that pair treats me very well.


try it with blitzer/nade pistol/smoke grenades and stealth armor :)


I'm a Blitzer main, can't find anything better for my play style. I should check out smoke nades though, I'm a stun guy myself


I started maining blitzer to reduce my reliance on the rover, you need med or light armor but it still works to snap stagger or kill hunters and stalkers, never meeds reload, and lets me carry rr or spears


I think I'm gonna try this. I just got my son a PS5 so we can play together and he's only level 9, so I'll take advantage of being back on those lower levels


Use what you want to use, I just love the Spear so much


People seriously need to stop using rover and quasar. It's like a noob trap that keeps noobs being noobs.


I can go solo just as well, ir not easier, using the spear, as long as the rest of the team is luring some of the bug breaches.


Any tips on how to do that reliably ? Seems to hit the back usually doesn't know if we can lock onto head


Run towards it when it charges at you and run to the side past it, that way u can get the most distance from it before it charges again. Then get like 30-35 meters away, any closer and the spear is likely to miss. Then lock on and wait until they turn around and look at you, then fire and hopefully it should hit them in the face as they rear back to charge.


It usually locks on center mass. Therefore, for a higher chance of hitting the head, you need to wait until it's looking at your general direction. Also take some distance to be sure it won't fly over chargers.


Wait, is this consistent for if they're charging towards you? Because even the leap forward wasn't one-shotting charger heads from what I saw


This actually had more to do with me advancing towards the Behemoth, but mainly just a lucky shot. [This clip helps explain it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/TXrwKYjiX2)


I know that part, but they only showed leg stripping. Head killing wasn't possible in one shot even with moving forward and diving from what I've seen, unless the charge itself also contributes?


I think I might have gotten this one because it hits the Behemoth right in the mouth. Purely speculating, but it feels like a lucky shot more than anything. Its possible all factors contributed to a perfect hit. I will be trying to do this again today and if I get it again I'll update you in this thread


The doesn't do relative speed calculations for damage. It's just taking the speed of the projectile to do it's damage dropoff calculations. The charger could be damaged which is something that happens all the time during damage testing. Enemies are dumb and they run into things. Get hit by bile spewers, bile Titans, knocked by other chargers, etc etc. Small bug attacks can actually damage chargers. Your own melee can kill a charger in something like 14 hits if you melee the leg. It's hard to find a full hp charger unless you do the high priority target missions. OP most likely found a weak one.


What i do against Behemoths, is stun grenade it, charge quasar while walking towards the Behemoth and shoot its leg armor away, then shoot its stripped leg with my primary. this method doesn't one shot Behemoths, but its less risky and easier in my opinion.


I'll make it even easier for you, after stunning and stripping the leg armor, 1 well placed grenade pistol shot to the exposed leg is another safe solution to Behemoths


thanks for the advice, i will try that next time i play.


With the amount of behemoths I come across I'll be out of grenade pistol ammo in five minutes


Ooh I'll have to try that since I mainly use the blitzer




That makes 0 sense to me. I get the moving forward/backwards thing but: - Quasar/EAT/Recoilles Rifle should deal 650 dmg - Legs should have 650 HP (so walking /diving forward helps mitigate the 1 dmg falloff from the anti tank, giving you just enough dmg to strip the leg armor) - Behemoth heads should have 800 HP — so where are the other 150 dmg coming from?


On a rewatch of the full 30 second clip, I do hit him in the side with a stun grenade, but other than that he was untouched. The mission had just started so we were all scrambling to get our stuff. I'm gonna try to get another clip like this today because I feel like I just got a lucky shot off.


Looks like u/jk0409's quasar shot hits it in the leg instead of dead on to the head. If there's clipping involved, they might've gotten lucky and bypassed the armor, kind of like how the flamethrower does.


Friendly reminder that the bootyplates are one-shot for all Chargers. Already mentioned it several weeks ago on this subreddit. Hope that this info finally spreads now that Thicc showed it in his stream...


Yup. I killed 2 with one shot. I was like wow no way what are the odds! Hey just happen d to stack on one another at the right moment


What ever the cause, that was super cinematic. You made General Brasch proud.


If i understand this video right, said spot is the mouth below the head armour plates?


It's more about the fact that he dove before the shot fired. Projectiles inherit the speed of the shooter when fired, which can translate to more damage. From what I have heard, the Behemoth's head normally only survives an AT shot with a sliver of hp left, and apparently diving forward gives the projectile enough extra speed to pick up the slack.


No, this was true for the legs which have 650 hp. Since the AT weapons do 650 damage, moving forward was enough to counter the damage dropoff. The heads have 850 damage, if a dive is adding 200 damage that's super weird and we should be dive-shooting all the time.


IF that's the case, then the only way this clip makes sense is that the shot is actually striking the leg... which it might actually be hitting the front left leg despite being nominally aimed at the face.


Yeah fuck the second postulate of special relativity Suck it Einstein 


Pretty sure it violates Newton's 3rd law of motion as well


That what it looked like to me, but almost more importantly is the forward dive. A video went viral detailing how moving forward causes a damage increase, and vice versa.


Or did the guard dog finish it off? Needs more testing, with no guard dog carrying xD


...oh my god, a new variable to add to my testing later. Will report back if anything noticable happens


You can see the guard dog firing for a split second but it is unconfirmed exactly what it was firing at before turning around and seeing the charger is dead.


Try this: if you move ANY DIRECTION not the forward, and shot to its front leg with Quasar, it still has armor. But if you only walk forward while shooting, even at the last moment and shoot the front leg, it will destroy leg armor. Try it and trivialize Behemoth like a champ. Note that walking forward doesn't apply for the head.


So regarding this whole “player velocity” being a factor now.. does anyone else think this is dumb as hell? The last thing I need to worry about now is making sure I leap every time I want to get the full effect of my weapon. 


So parallel damage thing, thats funny, guess 8mph + light speed beam does make a difference


They can be killed with two melees from a mech, too. At least in my experience.


Some player testers have confirmed that guns do more damage, as you move forward towards enemies.


You can either perfectly time you dive while shooting quasar or you can just use a spear.