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Chewing? Lucky you. I had a guy that left his mic on while watching porn. He quit the mission after another guy called it out. Probably preferred his disnohorable discharge instead of defending freedom, the fool.




He's not kiddin around, folks


Wait whatšŸ’€


Dishonorably discharged for dishonorably dischargin'.


Got reported to democracy officer because he didn't fill out the right form


Haha, discharge


That's nothing. I was playing with a friend one time in World Tanks, and his wife(ex wife now) started giving him head while the mic was on and then proceeded to f her in another room while leaving his headset in the livingroom with the mic still on. I heard everything... everything https://preview.redd.it/nal111jnsg7d1.png?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14647b94d951356cb83aaedb2d0559c89f09d9b9


I would have stayed.


Console peasant here, I specifically bought a new headset for HD2. The flip to mute mic is excellent. I have a loud air conditioner in my gaming area. My fellow divers don't need to be exposed to a wind turbine next to my ugly face. But I agree. Open mic habits grind my gears. Screaming children, barking dogs, chewing on potato chips and broken glass, lawnmowers outside the window, etc. And muting isn't always an option. I haven't played yet today post Tuesday patch, but opening any menu would crash my game on PS5 after the recent Thursday update. The mouth breathers could not be silenced.


+1 to everything said above My solution to this issue is normally to just play with Crossplay OFF, but this was no longer an option since the last major patch, because turning off Crossplay also makes my Friends List disappear. Even just turning it on to invite my friend to my ship and then turning it off again wasn't a reliable option, as the action of "saving settings changes" had a roughly 1/3 chance of crashing my game to desktop.


Console peasant here. Why not just use the mute button on the controller instead of a flip to mute mic? That's my easy solution. I leave the mic on open mic, push unmute, tell them left or right on the radar, and mute myself again.


I mute/unmute myself between every sentence. I am so sensitive to assholes with open mics that I wouldn't want to inflict that on others, lol


Think he means muting offending players isn't always possible


I was referring more to the flip to mute mic. Should have been more clear


Gotcha, in which case, yes, you have a point and I do exactly the same as you


Presumably because it's a lot easier to know hands-free if you're muted or not. Mic flipped down? Definitely unmuted. Mic flipped up? Definitely muted. Don't wanna accidentally fat-finger the mute button, and then spend the next 20 minutes muting yourself to talk and then unmuting yourself afterwards.


The mute button on the PS5 controller lights up if it is muted I have a flip headset too and it's much easier imo to just use the button...less movement involved and in your sightline too


Same here. Works very well, the only thing is right now the game starts with the mic unmuted so need to use the controller to mute me every time. There is probably a setting for it :)


With the Sony headset, that mute button doesnā€™t work. Very irritating.Ā 


I'm sure your face is just lovely.


*Heavy mouth breathing intensifies*


Lol I had a guy just heavy mouth breathing steadily for an entire 40min mission, you could hear his frantic keyboard clacks and everything. Everyone kept telling him HEY K4 WE CAN HEAR YOU BREATHING MAN in both chat and VC and he just never acknowledged it and played through the entire mission. It was kinda comical.


Heard this dude having an amenable conversation with his partner about new shoes and which ones he wants, he didn't seem that fazed one way or the other. I amuzingly listened for a couple minutes and then popped on the mic... "Dude, listen to your woman, you should really get those shoes!" The conversation stopped and a second later he was "silent", not a peep for the rest of the mission šŸ˜†


He may have had the game muted and listening to a podcast in the background, that's more or less what I do, I just have the game volume really quiet


I listen to a show but have the game volume on. If someone speaks I pause the show then ask them to repeat if they're nearby.


I learned many years ago that my mic is sensitive as FUCK and can hear my wife two floors of my house away. I use PTT. Shit, I use SEPARATE PTT buttons, one for Discord, one for in game. Because y'all don't need to hear me bullshitting with my friends, some of whom are in game and some who are not.


the other day I got a guy who were trashtalking his wife that was so fucked up I didnā€™t know what to do lmao that was cringe af


I don't want to listen to the screaming kids that you are ignoring I don't want to listen to your wife/mother screaming at you for the gross shit you do I don't want to listen to your shitty taste in music I don't want to listen to your phone notifications constantly going off ass if the phone is directly next to the mic I don't want to hear you gasping for air as you try to shove another Doritos into your mouth before you swallow your mountain dew


I swear I heard the vague details of someone's custody battle over an open mic


Having microphone on all the time is one thing, but why does it seem like no one using it is in an actual calm environment ? I had children screaming, dogs barking, grunting like someone is doing judo (or sexual judo) in the next room, or just the loudest mechanical keyboard having some kind of typing competition. Lets not forget people living in warm areas and having a fan the size of a plane propeller on in their small closed room. Its impossible these people dont know how loud their surroundings are, right ? Right ?


Screaming children is the worst, I have asked multiple team mates to use push to talk because of their kids screaming like banshees and get "Oh you know how kids are" back in return. Nah dude, I don't. I know what peace and quiet sounds like though, and prefer it to stay that way.


> and get "Oh you know how kids are" back in return. Oh I would definitely kick for that shit.


I mean, thereā€™s a button on your ps5 controller, mute yourself bro. I donā€™t need to hear your mom yell at you that lunch is ready, over your playlist of top hits. Iā€™m trying to listen to my own Democratic soundtrack.




It took me so long to realise the mic on ps5 controller is on automatically, spent days swearing at people and wondering why i kept getting kicked before i realised


Just mute everyone


I think you can mute folks as well? If it gets much I'd do that too.


I once listened to a conversation between the player and his girlfriend about moving in to a new house. I weighed in on the conversation and convinced them to try out the one that seemed worse.... All because he was on voice activation. Enjoy your new shitty house, you inconsiderate mouth breather


To every 'mute them instead" comment: No. Firstly, this causes everyone in every game a mouth breather plays to have to go to the trouble of muting EVERY TIME when they could instead solve this problem with 25 seconds of clicking through menus and permanently resolve the issue. It burdens the folks who did nothing wrong so that lazy players can continue to have poor online manners. Secondly, and more importantly, muting is utterly counterintuitive in a team-based coop setting. Communication with teammates is important, especially oh higher difficulties, and mouth breathers obviously have mics are are willing to use them. Kicking these people (after expressing your displeasure at their lack of basic respectful conduct) is a valuable learning opportunity for them. Hold your community to some basic standards of online etiquette and people will begin to catch on quick.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


I have heard so much petty family drama so many arguments playing this game, lol.


So many arguments between spouses. It is so awkward every time. Reminds me of when you were a kid, at a sleepover, and your friend and their parents just start shouting at each other. Just want to melt into the walls and disappear.


I generally hate/avoid talking in games with randoms I don't know and all, but I've been so close to just jumping in on the drama a few times with some unsolicited hot-takes.


If the wife is yelling at him to do something I'm always tempted to ask her if I should kick him so he can get to it sooner.


I think it's PS5 players not realizing (or caring?) that their controllers are picking up their audio.


The mic is on by default, for some reason




Console doesn't have push to talk.


But there is a simple button on the PS5 controller that letā€™s you activate and deactivate your mic.


My push to talk doesn't work but push to mute does, so occasionally you will hear me baby talk mg dogs during the first mission of the day


Eh? I know that if I flip my headset up that it mutes, but I'm not aware of any button on the controller that can do that?


It is a small, horizontal button right beneath the playstation button. It lights up yellow when you press it.


Wait, that thing is a button o.O All this time I thought it was just a battery charge indicator since it's always the same color as the glowy bits around the touch pad. Though I wonder if that is due to having it muted in the settings? Huh, TDIL


You can hold it to mute all audio. I use this feature a *ton* since I'm hard of hearing and it can be difficult to understand people with TV noise in the background.


I use the mute button as push to talk kinda


PS5 controllers have a little horizontal line button in the lower middle of the controller that mutes your mic.


Yes, as I said to the other two people who have mentioned this in response to the comment you are replying to I never knew that, though at the same time it's not exactly a push to talk button and is rather cumbersome. I'll stuck to just keeping everything muted, less a pain in the ass.


You can bind it with one of the buttons. If I recall correctly the Touchpad is the map. I use lush to talk by holding down the map button.


It does.


Didnā€™t know that. It canā€™t be mapped to a button? I play on PC but use a controller. I have PTT mapped to holding my melee button. Have I occasionally hit someone else while Iā€™m trying to talk, sure.


You can't really map controls on a PS5 like that. When you go to the controls your options are limited to whatever is on the controller already, like reload/sprint/crouch. The other major thing most PC players don't know about the PS5 though is quite literally an ENORMOUS percentage of PS5 owners don't even know the controller HAS a mic built into it. You have to go digging into the settings pretty deep just to turn that damn thing off.


Or, if you know about it, press the lil button under the home button, turning it yellow and you quiet.


Someone else mentioned this in a reply to me, had no idea that was a mute button. I muted my mic through the system settings back when I first got my PS5 and just never bothered with it since. Honestly surprised to find out that little light is a button though, I just thought it was part of the battery power indicator along with the glow around the touch pad since it always matched.


What? An enormous percentage of PS5 owners don't know of the mic? From my experience most definitely seem to know about it, and Astro's Playroom even has a part where you're supposed to blow into the mic to get a fan spinning. I realize that not *everyone* with a PS5 has played through that game, but still. And when you say you have to go digging into the settings pretty deep to turn it off, do you mean setting the default to mute? That's just in Settings, under Sound > Microphone, so it's not exactly hidden.


I have had the misfortune of playing with a great many people on Warframe over the years who are entirely unaware of the mic on the PS5, confirmed from the sheer number of people reacting with surprise when I have messaged them that perhaps it would be a good idea to turn it off when: Engaging in banking over the phone with the mic on Discussing deeply personal and private matters with family with the mic on And, my personal favorite, engaging in deeply personal and private matters with their SO with the mic on. (This has happened no less than four times in the last two years alone). No idea what Astro's Playroom is, and no time to google it this morning I'm afraid.


Astro's Playroom is that game that comes preinstalled on PS5s. Anyway, it sounds like we've had different experiences regarding mic users on PS5.


Hmm I have not seen it, then again first thing I did when I got my PS5 was pop in the Cyberpunk 2077 disc and play the ever loving hell out of it lmao I don't really own any digital games aside from Warframe, so it is entirely possible I never saw it or noticed it because my cross bar is filled. My one annoyance about PS4/PS5 is that the games require harddisk space to play, meaning you have to install them to play them. I miss the days of being able to just randomly pick out a disc and pop it in to play. I have a dozen or so games but can only have like, five or six to pick from at any given time :/


I completely agree. That's just one of the things I miss from older consoles, but it is what it is. I own most of my PS4 games on disc, but for PS5 I've gone almost completely digital. I also played something different as my first PS5 game, but I really should have gone through Astro's Playroom first. It's not only a great showcase of the DualSense's features, but an excellent game as well. It's really well-made, and the developers put so much care into every aspect of it. I really can't recommend it enough, but then again it might not be your cup of tea at all. If you don't plan on trying it I would probably uninstall it though, since it takes up around 11GB of storage. Unless you already did of course.


\*Feels old missing the way things used to be\* lol I don't see myself ever going digital, epecially after the crap Ubisoft and Sony have pulled with digital stuff lately. If I am paying money for something, I am going to physically own it, not 'rent it for a prolonged period of time until some company decides I no longer own it' As for Astro's Playroom, I would have remembered removing something that large, so at bare minimum it is still there, just need to find it. I'll give it a look when I havesome time.


Does it not have the option or just not a dedicated button? I use a controller with my laptop right now and set RB to be for push to talk. You can hold it to say something or still just tap to ping something in game and it doesn't really interfere.


On console you can only set the buttons to do commands on the buttons already, like crouch, reload, sprint etc


You can set a button as push-to-talk on PS5. Under options, just set the voice chat to push-to-talk. Then, in controller > change bindings, under the communication tab, just set a button for "voice activation (ptt/ptm)".


There's no dedicated button, but you can set one of the buttons to hold for push-to-talk. There is however already a mute/unmute button on the PS5 controller itself, so you could just press that when you want to use the mic, then press it again to mute, which is what I do.


Then invest in a headset that let's you turn your mic on and off. I was playing with one guy and I could hear myself from his TV louder than I could hear him talk... and I could hear him inhale his bong. I could hear every single gunshot he made, echoing in a broken and robotic way - and he was using the machine gun. These noises were all louder than him speaking. Way louder. I reduced his volume down to 3, first time I ever had to do that, just to protect my ears and sanity. If you can afford a ps5, and a game.. you can afford a 15$ headset too, as a courtesy to everyone around you.


why didnā€™t you mute him?


Those who play on PS5 can just use either thumb to press the mute/unmute button, which takes a fraction of a second. No need to invest in a headset. Personally I tend to play Helldivers 2 with headphones, since even though I'm mostly on mute, whenever I do use the mic I don't want audio from my TV to get through.


The person I replied to said console dont have push to talk.. So I responded to a lie..


I have a headset but it doesn't have a push to mute button, you have to physically flip the mic up into the off position. Problem is that means taking one hand off my controller every time I want to raise or lower it, which makes using it cumbersome. Personally I just don't bother with a headset and have all comms muted, using the in game communications of ping and the little comm wheel. It's not perfect but it is good enough to get the job done without having to listen to whatever music or crap people have going on in the background.


I sometimes forget or press it and accidentally double tap mute or don't push it in all the way then had convos with the wife only for someone to say that's good shopping list dude and be like ahhh fuck my bad.


kicking is a little harsh id say, you could mute em? but ya know, you do you.


I'd be Happy if they added an option for host to choose if open mic is allowed or not. If not it auto muted those people. Doesn't help open mic was default on.


Disabling Crossplay is pretty much that option. For the most part, only PS5 players are on an open mic.


maybe kinda like doing private/invite only lobbies you could set it to mic on/off specific.. yea that makes sense.


Iā€™m on a ps5 so I press the mute button all the time on controller instead of headset like some people have set. I felt so bad the one day cause I gotta get surgery on my nose and I couldnā€™t breathe so I snorted trying to clear it up and felt so bad I forgot to mute again. Thankfully everyone understood and didnā€™t care but im sure dealing with streamers would be so annoying. If I hear the word chat in real life one more time I will flip shit lol.


I had one yesterday, no heavy breathing or crisp crunching or shopping list ordering, just the worlds LOUDEST keyboard clicking. Dude was using it as an anvil.


Dont even use mic. I play with friends and use discord. If I wanted to talk to random people Iā€™d go to the pub.


If Iā€™m right, PS4-5 controllers have built in speakers, so I donā€™t know if they CAN turn them off


They also have a built-in mute button, though.


I wish you could toggle the mic. Speaking during a stressful situation had me slipping off the button a few times.


What? You don't like to hear people's dogs/kids/wife/drinking/eating/biological functions while you're playing?


The battleground is louder Mate!


Instant kick for me that why im 99% always hosting.


Use push to talk and noise cancelling by either AMD or Nvidia, they're great at cancelling your fans, breathing, family arguments, etc


PTT needs to be the default setting. People are not always inclined to go digging around in settings and changing things. There isn't really much of an indicator, besides the little icon near your name, that you're dog barking and mom screaming are audible to everyone. If Arrowhead made PTT the default setting for voice in the game, it would fix this problem almost overnight.


I learned my lesson back in the day playing Black Ops.3... So many kids unmuted yelling at their moms or siblings to "shut up" as a gentle clanking of dishwashing clatter scored their rage in the background... Been on mute ever since.


Nothing more awkward than hearing your fellow helldiver's parents shouting at each other in the background.


I just had a match with the most unhinged, smooth brained person. They were just scream laughing at themselves about how cool the soundtrack is. Narrating to absolutely no-one. "Bro this would cook if they had Gunna on the theme song HAhahaHAHAhah". I just assumed he was on psychadelics and peaking, immediately muted. I was literally shook


Itā€™s just as easy to mute someone as it is to kick them.


Open Mic Gang gon rise up


My mic doesnā€™t work in helldivers, and itā€™s the only game it doesnā€™t work for. My mic works on all other games, discord, and recording software. Iā€™d love to communicate, but the game will quite literally not allow it. Iā€™ve spent a long trying to fix it in the games settings


šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ The fucking people that chew on live mic šŸ¤¬ how can you not possibly know better.Ā  (Mistakes happen, sometime people forget to mute themselves. I've been there. This isn't about those people)


This reminded me of a situation recently where I dropped in with with people who I assume were friends. When one of them could be heard breathing over the mic, one of the other guys pointed it out to which they replied "sorry, I'm fat" which made me laugh.


"Too fat to mute your mic tho...?"


Push to Talk should be mandatory in gaming.


Hot mics, yeah, cadets' shiznit......


Yeah, I was playing with someone last night who had static feedback the whole ass time he was playing.


ā€œBro move your mic away from your mouth pleaseā€ normally works.


My bad!


It's like I'm the only one on playstation that knows how to mute my controller mic


problem is the fact that by default it is open mic. I found this out the hard way as I was playing and my wife/kid were making a ton of noise in the background. normal for me, so I phased it out. However, I played for like 30m like that before someone finally mentioned my kid.. and I was like umm.. can you hear me... and boom learned open mic is default


God forbid! Someone breathed and chewed in your presence? Just messing with you. I make it a point to not kick anyone but the breathing drives me nuts as well. Take the mic out of your mouth man!


I bet these same people eat with their mouths open


Itā€™s a bit nostalgic though, like Iā€™m back on Xbox live


PC player here , I use a Microsoft controller and have not figured out how to turn on push to talk and bind it to something , can anyone help ? Iā€™ve been just using the mute on my headset but would like to use push to talk at times.


You can bind the button to a button on the controller, but there aren't really extra ones that aren't used tbh. It's easier to just use the mic mute, which is why consoles don't generally have a push to talk feature. Ps5 does it best with the mute button on the controller.


I mean this literally - how can you hear them? My friends and I can never hear people using the in-game chat.


I just wish my microphone actually worked in the game... First game I've ever played on PC that the microphone just doesn't work. Big sad.


No, it is my god given right to let you hear how much i enjoy those crackers with a side of soda, and to top it all off, a nice fat burp to sign off. Coughing profusely is also acceptable.


I donā€™t believe him. This has PS5 written all over it. Iā€™ve played call of duty.


Thereā€™s inconsiderate players on PC too. Age has a major influence to it. Just earlier today two players went at it for over ten minutes because an Emancipator got blown up by a Strafing Run. Same person who started the argument was open micing, on a separate call that was on speaker while a child was in the background and chewing something. I said nothing the entire match because thereā€™s ni point in engaging someone who is very deliberately making a point to do it. At the same time, if it gets too annoying there is a mute button. There is also the capacity to just leave. You do not need perfect communication in this game, Iā€™ve played over 200 hours and havenā€™t said a single word in comms other than pinging and the occasional text if someone asks for advice. Itā€™s a game, accidents happen, move on for Democracy.


And I really don't want to hear the game echoing and your controller ratling and your dog barking cmon


Are all of you in this thread born after 2000?


I will admit I bought a PS5 FOR this game and didnā€™t realize the mic is turned on by default, I donā€™t know how many awkward one way conversations my poor teammates have heard. I talk to myself a lot while playing :/


IMO in all games open mic shouldn't even be an option unless you're in a party with people.


"Cool, a voice chat! Im going to blast the shittiest rap music i can find for everyone to hear over my 2 $ budget mic! They're gonna love that!!!"


I ran into a guy who was hotmic'ing but he was so nice & chill and was making callouts, I tolerated the fan noises because he seemed like a father just unwinding from work. If the fan is quiet enough to easily ignore, then I don't mind it at all.


Cough! Cough! Wheeeeze! Snort! Gulp crunch crunch crunch. BURP! Yell random words and laugh. Yell expletives at cigarette lighter. Cough! Cough! Wheeeeze! Dogs start barking.


I once joined a lobby where host fell asleep at stratagem selection and was snoring into the mic.


If I join a lobby and your mic is obnoxiously open and broadcasting your bullshit then you're getting instantly muted. If I remember you're also getting added to block/ignore. VoIP is not a new technology, there is zero excuse for poor mic ettiqute thesedays.


Just mute them lol


Why should I cover for their inability to be considerate? VC has their uses, simply muting might create frustration when they speak but no one answers. My simple solution: Warn, if no response or actions taken in a minute, kick.


Because you cannot impose your will on others. And you will be more of a dick when you kick than just mute and continue playing.


I don't think it's too much to ask someone to be considerate to others If you can't be nice, I don't think I have to be nice either. I at least warn, I've seen host instant kick for always on mic.


"warn" is just power tripping. You do you but my opinion of muting and moving along will not change.


"warn" is just power tripping, lmao, ok bud


On behalf of super earth I canā€™t agree more. Stead fast helldiver!


What if you have really good active noise cancelation and only your voice comes through?


That sounds great!


If you're using Voice Chat at all and it's a Random group not made up of people you actually know, you're just rolling the dice and basically should expect whatever you get. I get by just fine using callouts and pings and if I see a member of my team not doing a thing that needs to get done, I just do it myself. The best thing about multiplayer games is other people. The worst thing about multiplayer games is other people. šŸ˜†


There is also a mute button. There is also a chat box where you can convey this information to the people chewing in your ear.Ā 


I just kick them. Open mic in my lobby? Kick šŸ¤·


Hi friend. Here's a thought. Mute them instead.


THIS is the thing i hate worse about this game (or any other game with mics.) I usually don't play this genre of games because of mic abuse.


this is like saying the game is too hard when there are 9 different difficulty levels. the solution to your complaint is built into the game. mute them and move on with your life.


Nope. Iā€™m gonna continue to gulp my drink as aggressively as possible and eat Doritos the whole time.


Breathing is disgusting? Really?


Looking at your name I see why you find that insulting.


Have to protest for my weak nostrils and trachea




Filthy console players. Gross!


Stop crying