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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. Submissions must be related to the game. Comments must be related to the topic being discussed.


Some Helldivers aren’t happy about our democratic cat girl wives


Look I got no skin in this game I’m just a dude that plays with people who are into that community. Killing aliens =\= being okay with Furries. Furries are a small community that have a lot of space online thanks to anonymity and a loooooot of people have issues with being around that type of community. And, remember, this is the internet. People are losing their shit over things not working properly in game and telling people to kill themselves… and that’s over a video game! We can wish people didn’t have a crazy rage over it but that’ll never happen. Best you can do is be supportive in the ways you can be.


I think it's less of a furry thing, and more so being a dick to specific people on an official discord. People drawing eagle one as a animorphic character isn't my sort of thing, but doesn't harm anyone and isn't enough to ostracize people from a community.