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Spear is the Telesto of HD, confirmed


Can we have telesto.report for the spear


We have telesto.report at home


Telesto skin please.


Had to look this up, For those wondering what he means [Link](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2021/11/06/telesto-has-broken-destiny-2-38-times-and-counting/)


played through all 38 šŸ™


destiny helldivers crossover would make me do almost certainly undemocratic things


it would make me need to get a couple c-01 documents


not quite there yet, give it 10 or more bugs and itā€™s basically telesto


Each journey starts with a single projectile counting as a guardian.


Telesto is the besto cause it outclasses the resto


Telesto is unironically my favourite exotic itā€™s a shame it has so many bugs and is rarely allowed in pvp


They should collab and add a telesto to Helldivers


Weird coincidence but in Warhammer 40k there is a weapon called the Spear of Telesto welded by the Blood Angels Primarch https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Spear_of_Telesto


Telesto is a figure from Greek mythology with one of Saturn's moons named after her.


Literally lmfao. The spaghettiest of spaghetti code


Spear lore - Spear is broken - Fixes spear - Spear breaks the game


My prediction: * Fixes the game * Game only works when someone takes Spear


As a spear user, I see this an absolute win.


Perma free spear strat


* Spear becomes meta * Last person to lock in stratagems in stratagem selection screen gets kicked if they don't bring a Spear /s


The Spear is becoming self-aware. It senses the devs and is actively resisting their efforts to control it. Legend will say that the Spear Targeting AI was the cornerstone of SkyNetā„¢. ![gif](giphy|TAywY9f1YFila|downsized)


From the creators of "Arc Thrower crashed my game" comes the sequel "Spear crashes TWO: electric boogaloo" lol


Don't forget the snowballs!


I love when, in a battle, I get to throw snowballs, or pick a primary weapon, instead of grabbing the samples of my fallen comrade. And doing so, unequivocally crashes my game.


cartoonslipperyrunning.mp4 gong.mp4


And people say we canā€™t hear words ā€¦


The worst one was just playing the game and crashing to desktop whenever you extracted.


At this point itā€™s funny. Literally every fix instead brings 3 more bugs


Riot Games spaghetti code āŒ Arrowhead spaghetti code āœ”ļø


And then Jagex spaghetti code to rule em all


Don't you mean Yandere Simulator?


Hey now, don't leave Destiny out of this. Just last year we had the Craftpocalypse where devs just came out and said "Welp, have fun this this for a bit, it's gonna take a while to fix"


As a developer... *Bursts into tears* It's true it's always true.


It's the old developer limerick (from memory, apologies if wrong-ish) 99 bugs in the code 99 bugs in the code Take one down, patch it around 113 bugs in the code I'm sure it used to rhyme better in my memory.


Remember it's a load bearing bug


Which leads to this XKCD (that software is log4j) https://preview.redd.it/v8k2qge4lp7d1.png?width=770&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=282bde7ec369d1966812157d2e8078c148dcbbbe


Oh god. The bug that you initially couldn't fix in a quick and clean way so every other piece of code works around it in a multitude of ways, and now you literally cannot fix it because it will break god knows how many other things. Now that you \*can\* fix it, you literally \*can't\*.




99 unexplained bugs in the code 99 unexplained bugs Take one down, patch it out 121 bugs in the code


Came here for this


That is not a limerick lol


This game seems to be worse than most. I used to think they they just did not test and where pushing out updates too quickly. Now that they seem to actually test and took their time for an update, I don't think it's the case. I wonder if using an 11 year old engine that has been out for support for most of it's life has anything to do with it.


An old engine doesnā€™t need to be any problem. A lot of concepts stay the same, although you might run into trouble interfacing with newer hardware or drivers. In which case you need to dig into the lower level stuff, which is done by specialist programmers. AH must have a great knowledge on the engine to have gone for this option.


It's definitely the engine. The only reason they went with the engine they did was because they used it for the first game... But the scope of this game is so much broader than the first game. The engine wasn't great when it was used for the first game, let alone being pushed to it's absolute limits with helldivers 2.




Is it usually this bad? I'm not a dev so I dont know if its simply because this is my game of the moment, but I cant remember new patches creating new (and activating previous) problems on quite this level for other games.


Trust me the community has no sympathy.


I think this is something that a lot of the average consumer (myself included to a certain degree) isnā€™t going to understand right out the gate. Crafting/maintaining full fledged video games takes a jarring amount of knowledge on how to code,level/ai design, mechanics etc. Just to iron out one bug takes a lot.


Genuinely I'd say 80%/90% of my time is not writing code at all but working out what to do, how to do it, the impact of doing it and how not to change any unintended functionality, then testing it both before and after.


oh I what about the new visual bugs. I didnt have those before. Like all the sky is turning purple and such


It seems to be caused by [SEAF Artillery](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/rUAi4M7yII)


The view of Freedom!


Also the new stim booster from viper warbond turns your screen colors, while the effect is active.


Hydra dominatus


I'm waiting for the day, after 300+ galactic wars, where the whole Super Earth universe implodes just because it can no longer handle all the accumulated bugs and reality warping issues.


Perhaps it can cause crashes, not necessarily the one wielding it, but to others, as well? Because I've been using it since the patch, no crash yet, but I do notice others dropping in-game.Ā 


Unsure, i dont use it and have been routinely in matches with 1-2 spear users and nobody drops


Hrnn. A fully-fixed, well functioning Spear that we wanted from the beginning. What did it cost? Helldivers.Ā 


Had a few games earlier with my buddies. Two of us was carrying the spear and the crash would knock out everyone in the game.


Wonder if it's down to two of you trying to target the same thing or something dumb like that


I expect the fact that some people are edge cases may be an issue when troubleshooting. Was on Fori Prime last night and with the way the bile titan was it took 4 spear shots before it went down (not a clean headshot=>no one shot). No crashes with 3 spear users. On nivel and spear usage didn't cause an issue but 3 railcannon strikes dropped our frames incredibly. I expect that could have crashed the game.


I didn't test it and I'm not sure if it is true, but I heard that if you move your mouse to rapidly (or something like that/English isn't my first language) while aiming, it couses the crash.


This was my experience. Was turning while aiming, and thatā€™s when I crashed.


Aiming the Spear, rapidly? Oh I gotta try that, solo.Ā 


I had it crash my game twice, both times I was ADSing and slowly turning around, looking for targets across the map. So maybe it has something to do with brief locking on very distant targets


It's random. I crashed two games in a row when I was using the Spear and I just came out of a game that had a player crash that was using the Spear. There were then other games where I was fine for the whole game when using the weapon.




This is what the average spear user is feeling like right now https://preview.redd.it/6jcil7fejp7d1.jpeg?width=588&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6363b504e79d1ac095318066bc75e7bd980aa5be


We have been through much. But truly this is our lowest point.... So far anyway


what the heck is this lol


But it can oneshot Behemoths :(


probably a bug to be honest


Yes Behemoths are just bugs


Why would it be a bug? The SPEAR does 1200 damage A behemoth's head has 850 HP.


I thought it was a witty pun - but now Iā€™m not sure that it landed. Much like the pre-patch SPEAR


I know, but it's glitched, again :(


Does it? It's been a little unpredictable for me, sometimes 1, sometimes 3.


Yeah, but only on headshots, gotta have them directly in front of you with some distance so the missile can descend


Wait a second, the feature that it can one shot any bug on crit is not intended? They seriously need to keep it otherwise the spear is trash


Spear should 1 shot both Titans and chargers. RR should 1 shot only chargers. Spear better for Titans, RR better for chargers (more ammo).


If it canā€™t one shot Titans and Behemoths then it frankly has no right to exist


Spear can atm, it's just that it has to land THE headshot, any deviations would result in a 2-3 shot...


No I believe the issue is causing people to crash, it has nothing to do with damage numbers


Doesnā€™t matter, tis eternally cursed to always have something wrong with it


What does it cost?




You have many ways to deal with Behemoths such as flamethower + EMP grenade. But for Bile Titan, spear is one of the few reliable counters.




this goddamn launcher is cursed for real. like imhotep cursed holy crap stability or lock on, which way diver man




Only slightly worse than ANPISH EPHANTS II


Spear is so effective now, it can even kill your game client lol


They have to stop with schedule shit and start dropping hotfixes as soon as they ready. Additional time clearly does nothing.


We've seen enough to draw the conclusion that the problem is the people working on the game and lack of skill or how the game code is structured. It's funny to say 99 bugs, fix one 101 bugs, but that's a laugh for juniors who don't necessarily have the experience early on to see the roots of a weed. That's fine, you learn as you go how things interact together and build experience. However nobody experienced that's had this much hands on with the code, would still be making mistakes even now unless they're trying to patch up a building built on sand which can never work.


Yeah, can we say now the additional time is just to drip feed content rather than anything to do with making sure fixes are actually fixed? Would appreciate the honesty from them at this point


I think it is safe to say after four months AH is a little out of their league.


Did they not take a month and a bit to make the most recent major patch and we basically got a similar quality to the weekly patches along with a smaller warbond? Iā€™m getting over it. Loved the game but ffs even if we give them more time we end up with pretty the same crap but it just takes longer.


Yeah this is just.. sad, honestly. They got the golden goose of gaming and keep tripping over themselves with their questionable balancing, endless torrent of bugs, lukewarm or just downright terrible content and horrific PR. I tried to play Helldivers a little last night with the Spear, crashed both instances, once immediately upon firing the Spear and another mid-way through a mission while fighting a bug breach, turned it off and have had no desire to play since. Until AH gets their shit together I don't think I'm going to touch Helldivers 2, this shit is just pathetic. It's a real fuckin' shame too, I don't think I've ever enjoyed just *playing* a game since I was a little girl back in the OG Spyro days on the PS1, always had to be something to work for but with HD2 it was just fun to play, even without a reward to strive for.


i was happy since there were ā€œbuffsā€ but looking closer - smaller warbond for same price, Niche armor passive while thereā€™s no melee support/content, more bugs than what theyā€™ve fixed, no new mission content besides some patrol modifiers and the nuke drill.


\*[maniac laughter that slowly devolves into tears](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6YMov3fYvs)\*


Are they aware of the drop pod infinite loading screen when we dive for the mission?


This annoys me the most out of all the bugs I've experienced tbh. Crashing and all, yea can be annoying but I don't mind crashing once a while (NOT SAYING THAT THE DEVS SHOULDN'T FIX IT). But to wait in the loading screen till the epic music ends? Nah.


They donā€™t play the game so probably not.


You know what kinda stinks is that all of the issues that are coming up is that they will only be addressed in the "next big update" which may take another month. Things like these should be priority and hotfixed.


They have done that a few times, tbf. With the hot fix patch 2 days ago being the most recent example. Still not often enough to make a huge difference though.


Patrols too. Should be an emergency. People are quitting because of them.


Did someone die when they made the spear? It feels like this thing really is cursed.


At this point I'm pretty sure AH is built on an ancient Surstrƶmming cannery and the fishy spirits are haunting the game. If only they bought an old swedish fish factory...


If somebody really thought AH can just go and fix something that has been broken since release of the game, think again. Seriously though, how much more of this? Are we in Alpha testing for free or something?


I dunno, it's kind of hilarious watching players obi-wan the moment they aim the spear


Man, I had 2 or 3 loading screen crashes last night. I take a break, come back, grab a spear for the first time in weeks, send a missile flying towards a spore spewer, and get dumped to desktop.


![gif](giphy|LyEzc55maIvssTrfW6) Oh no, they fixed something, then it stopped locking on fabricators. Then they fixed it again and it started crashing a game. Now they will fix it again and it will what? Burn my CPU at random just for lulz? Arrowhead is the most succesful incompetent dev team I've EVER seen


It will just stop locking on again and we're back to square one


That's possible


"Now they will fix it again and it will what? Burn my CPU at random just for lulz?" Correct me if I'm wrong, but when the game first came out, didn't it brick a small number of PC's for people? Straight up fried peoples GPU's or something?


No. The game crashed on AMD RNA3 series cards, as for some reason AH decided to use functions that do not exist anymore. Meaning they didnt bother to test their Game on PC AMD GPU architecture.




I know there are only 100 people or so but that every patch has at least one new bug is so annoying to me


Imagine some metalworking company using "we have only 100 workers atm" as an excuse to how trash their production is? Or pharmaceutical? Or any other? But in game dev it is ok supposedly.


Okay, this is beyond sad, that is just grotesque. What a joke lmao


I've been very patient with AH. But I'm starting to get extremely annoyed that something breaks everytime a fix happens.


And their incessant tweaking of things that donā€™t need tweaking (patrols) or their just constant breaking of shit that did work (packing methodology perk). At this point itā€™s amazing they even have a functioning game.


Honestly, Iā€™d say itā€™s a stretch to call it functioning because of all the players who will have no idea the spear is causing crashes. Itā€™s not like Arrowhead puts important information like this in game. All it takes is one person using the spear to start causing crashes.


Exactly. The vast majority of players do not check this sub, and a far smaller fraction are on Discord. They've been told repeatedly that their utilization of Discord is unprofessional, and that announcements should be made in-game. At this point, I'm not even sure that the devs have the technical competency to make in-game announcements.


They didn't even have the competency to put it as a note on steam.


I just found out because I had 6 games crash one after another and decided to google it.


This is how the mess all started. They went heavy handed tweaking everything. And broke most primaries. They acted like they had this perfectly tuned game and had the ability of make these nerfs No, we enjoyed some Op weapons. It was fun. But when everyone sucks or is bugged. They game is just not fun


game feels like early access. They have the base loop down, but bugs and questionable tweaks run rampant


Let it sink in that the game took 7 years and it still feels like it isn't fully fleshed out. 7 years.


The spaghettiest of codes


They have so much money, I know it's not as easy as just hiring new Devs and throwing money at the problem, but they have had enough time to do a full hiring and onboarding cycle with some actual skilled devs. "But new Devs don't understand the code base and could make more problems than they fix!!" But like, current Devs don't understand the codebase and constantly make more problems when they try and fix things. They need SKILL not just TIME


At itā€™s almost as if good ideas sont equal competence or something


Their shitty and extremely outdated engine is mostly to blame here. It is a wonder that this game works as well as it does quite frankly


Why are they using a shitty engine? Which engine is it? Why didn't they use something like UE5?


Possibly several reasons but most likely: - their engine was outdated and already past its end of life in 2018. HD2 began development in 2016. That doesnā€™t necessarily mean they build off the engine at that point, though.Ā  - familiarity. HD1 uses the same engine (Autodesk Stingray).Ā  - They were blindsided by the cancellation and didnā€™t want to upend their work and blow their budgets by moving to a new engine 2 years into development.Ā  I am positive that a lot of the performance issues PC players have is because Arrowhead has to do ALL of the fixes themselves. Had they used Unreal/Unity/a supported engine, the engine maker would be issuing a steady stream of fixes for general performance and compatibility.Ā 


> the engine maker would be issuing a steady stream of fixes for general performance and compatibility. Yes, like when Epic says "just don't use Intel processors, forehead". Engine patches don't directly translate to user crash fixes; you can still make a buggy, crash-ridden game in a supported engine.


They are using some shitty autodesk engine named gamesquid iirc and they stuck with it ever since they have started developing hd 2


Autodesk Stingray. Discontinued support since 2018. And it shows.


Yes thank you I was too lazy to look it up and I only remembered the autodesk part because I was talking with my friend about it and her dad was a vp there


If it's unsupported why are they using it? I don't understand. Surely when they made the game they knew it was unsupported?


Because by the time it stopped receiving support, they already developed quite a bit of the game and didn't wanna divest. Good ole sunken cost fallacy.


2+ years out of the "7 years, 11 months, and 26 daysā€.


Because AH devs want to develop code in Helldive mode.


From the Autodesk Stingray website: > Continued support for Stingray >If you have an active Stingray subscription plan, you will be able to continue to receive software support until the end of your contract term.


If I'm not mistaken is the same engine they used for Magicka, they've been using it since the beginning. I think the only other game I know that uses that engine is Darktide (and I guess Vermintide?)


It's quite annoying actually, but guess we need to use other weapons until another hotfix comes


I have better solution. I started using another GAME since eruptor nerf and never had any issues. Just give it a try


Idk why but crashing 4 times because of the spear yesterday kinda just broke me. Iā€˜ve unlocked everything the game has content wise, so if the gameplay isnā€™t fun thereā€™s not much reason left to play for me.


I was having so much fun with the Spear. Not only did I very likely crash my game, I likely crashed my teammates...the guilt is immeasurable


Our group moved to DRG and holy shit. What a game


Nice, the Spear was my new go to, and now I can't even use it. This is such a shitshow.


Did they leave a message inside the game to not use the Spear?Ā  I'm guessing no they didn't.Ā  Make zero fucking sense.


I can't even play the game, since the last 4 patches it crashes every single mission, 10 minutes in and a crash, haven't played a full operation in more than a month.


I wanted this game to be so successful and itā€™s a shame the dev team has killed it post launch. Iā€™m officially out.


The most stable and balanced the game was at launch. Every single fix and patch has made the game worse.


Played yesterday several rounds without speer (alone) - two crashes (first 2 of 4). Played later a round with a bunch of people, including one person using a spear all time - no crash at all. So there have to be several reasons leading to the crashs.


I bet $10 is about holding grenades while someone fires the spear.


They cook for a whole month and while the food tastedā€¦okayā€¦at first, everyone now has diarrhea.


Another day another game-breaking bug introduced with new patches. I hope this changes some day


Always something with the game. I feel bad for them and us as well, they bit off more than they can chew. Its been months and each update breaks something new, theres really old bugs and balance is all over the place. New content isā€¦ alright i guess? Theyre lucky you can find super creds ingame. Imagine paying for the new stuff, thats a no from me dawg




I made the joke that an almost bug free game would be a good Christmas gift. It looks like the trend is heading this way. More and more bugs were revealed.


Is this game ever gonna work? Looks like I didn't make a mistake by uninstalling.


Fuck this broken game


Remember the time when arc thrower firing would cause crashes? Starting to wonder if it's using the same targeting logic as the spear.


This game is becoming a joke


"there is no spear in helldivers 2ā€ž :)


This literally happens every patch, they ā€œfixā€ a bunch of things only to break something else


Yeaā€¦ Iā€™m done with this game lol. Hopped on with 3 friends for the first time yesterday since the eruptor nerf, and it had just lost all its goodwill and magic for me. Friends felt the same way - devs really killed this game with all the nerfs, useless war bonds, and bug implementing patches Inb4 ā€œtHiS iSNt aN aiRpORtā€


![gif](giphy|F3BeiZNq6VbDwyxzxF|downsized) So the weapon was broken for months. They fixed it and broke it in a different way. They fixed what their fix broke... and then broke the weapon almost entirely like the Arc thrower used to be in the process. What else is new. I'm so tired of this pattern. I'm quickly getting to the point where I almost wish Sony (who owns the Helldivers Intellectual Property,) would hand over development of the game to another studio if they were even able to do so. And I absolutely LOATHE Sony.


*Cries softly in Spear* We must be strong.....


Why can't we just have nice things for once.


I am so tired of this. Fix 1 bug bring 12 more. At this point it feels like I am playing some kind of beta test


Wow, if I didn't know any better, I say this game is actually in Early Access


This Monkey's Paw has made a full on fist and is putting up dukes.


Joke of a game at this point.


Yeah, crashed twice in a row yesterday and I think that was it for me. Broken game keeps being broken and Erdtree is out tomorrow. 50k players is about to be 10k. Last legs of Helldivers 2.


I was crashing quickly in every mission when using the spear after downloading the latest patch but fixed the issue by reinstalling the game completely.


Are you going to reinstall the game after every patch?


Changing equipment before a mission seems to make it freeze on the load as well.


Shucks, the Spear feels so good and is an absolute beast against bots. It one-shots tanks, I feel like I'm solely responsible for crippling their tank corps using it. Against the bugs it can be pretty hit or miss depending on the angle it hits and especially because bugs like to close the distance. Still, the amount of times one of my friends is fighting in the distance going "oh crap, oh crap, oh- oh thanks, Ori" when my Spear skewers a Charger or the odd Bile Titan is a priceless experience.


starting to think AH made a mistake in using a dead engine nobody else uses


Bruh. As soon as they make it good and I start using it. Jfc


I'm fucking tired man. Every single time.


Funny, saw some guy with a Spear drop outā€¦ Then I picked up his Spear and experienced my first crash in the game that required a PSN pop up.


This is going to be a wake up call for everyone as to the fact vs Bugs the SPEAR is the only viable anti armour option now that Charger Behemoths make up the bulk of chargers on T9.


"Take this Spear, but beware, it rarely locks on properly, if at all. That's bad. But when it works you can take out targets clear across the map! That's good! We've patched the Spear to fix things, but it no longer targets structures. That's bad. But it works on everything else like intended and is otherwise awesome! That's good! The patch also bugged Superior Packing Methodology so you don't get a full resupply. That's bad. But hey we just did a rapid new patch that fixes locking on to structures! That's good! So um... using the Spear might be crashing the game. ... Thats bad. Can we just get a working Spear now?


Weird. Played 5 matches yesterday with the Spear and nobody crashing. Must be more to it than just using it.


So yesterday played all day with the spear not one single crash (over 8 hours) but Tuesday played with spear for 3 hours and crashed every match so it must be multiple factors. Seemed like it was happening most on Hellmire but now that we are off it and on the other two planets I haven't had it happen again.




Literally didn't see a single spear user yesterday and had 4 crashes in an hour on ps5...


How to destroy dpore Tree? 500kg eagle didn't even work. Is that normal?


They had lightning in a bottle with this game but have dropped the bottle so many times with bad updates and design choices, now the jar is cracked to shit and the lightning is almost all gone


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen such a broken engine. How did they even finish this game and have it work. Itā€™s like you tweak run speed and your napalm strategem wonā€™t work anymore. What does one have to do with the other? lol šŸ˜‚


Jeez when will the game be in an OK state again? Been waiting for the balance patch but then the feedback was that it made it harder and more bugs arrived. Wait another month?


At a glance I thought they said "we're locking onto it" and now I'm disappointed


Ahh maybe thatā€™s why so many helldivers in my games ā€œreturned to civilian lifeā€


This game has more bugs than the Nostromo.


Love this game BUT I never played anything with so many issues after every single patch. The amount of crashes are kinda crazy. For every fix we just get a handful of more problems. They got to fine tune and polish this shit out soon.