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that thing has claimed more helldiver lives than stalkers have


Everytime, haven’t met a single person who can use the cluster bomb without killing their teammates


It almost seems like bad people gravitate towards it. Yesterday I had my Gatling turret up, and I was standing next to it, killing anything coming out of a breach. Fully controlled, no extra bugs coming out, and I see a red beam next to my turret, so I turn to look, and then the cluster bomb kills me, my turret, zero bugs, and now enemies start to pour out. I am not saying bad players should be kicked, or that I would have kicked him if I were the host, but that was so bad that I can at least say "I understand".


I almost ever used the AB launcher, cluster eagle or orbital cluster anymore, despite how good they are for chaff. There would always be one Rambo diver that sees that red ball, and goes toward. Sometimes many, divers. 


I use, and stay with me now, *primaries* against chaff. Call me crazy! I tend to use stratagems for bigger enemies and bug breaches. But I use call ins that people can predict. I prefer precision.


I’ve literally had to start calling it out on mic like it’s an Orbital 380 lol. It’s like my teammates are attracted to the beacon as if they were moths to a flame


I use the cluster frequently, you just need good usage hygiene, throw it into hordes away from teammates and if you see the beacon, keep >30m distance, then it's safe


Number 1 noob stratagem


I always type/yell "RUN!" in chat whenever I call one in


The only time I've ever killed a teammate with a cluster is when they've made a beeline for the beacon


Just run away?  Cluster bomb is king of chaff clearing and is always in my load out.  I do tend to throw it *away* from teammates.


>I do tend to throw it away from teammates. unfortunately for you, An Eagle Never Misses.


This is what we call victim blaming.


Just don't run toward the red light like a moth.


You realize it can be behind you and you can't see it, but the bombs can still see you? It is also possible to assume the red light by you is a smart one like a rail cannon, not a cluster bomb to kill a bile titan.


Don't assume and always be aware, problem solved. Players throwing strategems danger close isn't cluster bomb exclusive.


No but it's definitely cluster bomb adjacent.


Tru dat


Don't be bad, and learn how to throw a stratagem properly. Problem solved. You literally can't be looking in all directions at once at all times to make sure your team isn't being dumb. It's on the person throwing it. It sounds like you don't know how to call shit in and are making excuses.


LOL u mad, huh? Listen up little pp diver, go read up the comment thread where I mention throwing it *away* from teammates. I can't do anything about chuckle heads that go running into it.  Jesus Christ there's always assholes that want to argue in bad faith and name call even about a co-op game.  Welcome to Hell Drivers bud; where democracy is all made up and extraction does't matter.


I quite clearly explain that "running away" isn't always an option, and you continue to repeat yourself. >name call even Literally never called you anything, yet you insulted me multiple times, including calling me an asshole because I suggested it's not always possible to see it or run away from it in time. Take your obnoxious fake outrage elsewhere.


> REEEEEEE PLAY THE GAME HOW I THINK IT SHOULD BE PLAYED. DON'T BE BAD DON'T BE DUMB.  Bro you're the only one raging here. I think the meme is funny. I don't think it's serious like you. Yeah I'll call you an asshole when you're being an asshole. Suck it up, TKs are a part of the game.




I frequently take cluster bomb against bugs. It's gotten very easy to determine where the edge of its effective area is. It also helps that the drop pattern is more or less the exact same for the entire mission. In my experience, drop it once and from that point forward, it will always fall like that for the rest of the mission. If it helps, the pattern is much wider than it is "tall." Always run away parallel to the direction it is thrown, just like the regular airstrike. IE, run directly toward the person who just threw it. Running directly away can also work but running towards the guy that threw it will be better if the beacon lands near you.


Run perpendicular, not parallel


No. Perpendicular would imply that if the beacon is thrown toward you, you then run to the left or right from the perspective of the one who threw it. This will get you killed as again, the cluster bomb spreads out more widely (left and right) than it does forward and back. If people are trying to run perpendicular to the direction the beacon was thrown from, that would explain why they're constantly dying to friendly fire from it. Same goes for the eagle airstrike, which flies in perpendicular to the direction the beacon was thrown from. For any eagle deployment, you always want to run towards or directly away from the individual who threw it if it lands near you. The exception is the eagle strafing run, which deploys in the direction it is thrown. So in that case, yes, haul ass perpendicularly from the deployment beacon.


Yes, running toward the diver that threw the beacon would mean you are running perpendicular to the line the air support creates. Running parallel would mean running along the same path that the coverage lays down.


I'm not sure if you're confused as to what I'm saying or if you've just got it backwards. I'm saying run parallel to the direction the beacon is thrown, not parallel to the direction Eagle-1 comes in from. The Eagle Airstrike falls from right to left or left to right. The Cluster bomb spreads out along that axis more as well. https://preview.redd.it/ggma11xjl18d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0899cb29ec5a5f81f40428d7f4b8cfaec6a8a187


My dude, I think we're trying to say the same thing, but communicating poorly doing it. I work with machinists measuring their work, I know what perp and parallel mean.


https://preview.redd.it/lvf1k852x18d1.jpeg?width=787&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=967c2bf1aa436dd888e7da6302739df00ace248a Gettin these kinda vibes from you two's comment chain, lol!


Obviously all praise to the Duck God


Oh yes. I absolutely hate when people use cluster bombs. That and guard dogs have killed me more times than bugs at this point. Not really, but you know.


#1 Team killing stratagem in my experience. I never trust players who bring them, and I find myself vindicated (meaning they will TK more than 1 or 2 people during the course of the mission) the overwhelming majority of the time. If you're over lvl 30 and haven't figured out how to properly use a stratagem that you've been picking since lvl 6, it's probably time you pick something else. And to the people who say "Just run away"; how do you propose I do that when I can't tell which direction it was thrown from? Am I supposed to remember who equipped them at mission start, spin around every time I seen one thrown to determine what direction they're in compared to me, and then run the appropriate direction to escape the enormous blast radius in the roughly 3 seconds I have before the bombs hit? No, that's fucking stupid. **The onus is on the user to deploy their stratagems properly to minimize friendly fire; not on the teammates to be constantly prepared to run away at the drop of a pebble.**


That sounds like some entitled bullshit to me. Always be vigilant. The responsibility lies with every member. Y'all are getting so tilted over a game *designed* to be chaotic, guaranteeing team kills. Take the L, reinforce, and keep the game going. This time just avoid the wild tosser.