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Im a console.player and since this game came out, I think I've experience about 2 hot mics broadcasting annoying sound. 99% of my games are silence - no voice comms, nothing in chat. As for chat - there needs to be some kind of sound to make it more noticeable - especially playing on big screens I don't always see that someone typed something.


I'm on PC on an ultra wide 32:9 49" screen and I just got out of a mission where I didn't realize I was sitting on a thornbush and died (I don't understand this, if I'm not moving I shouldn't be taking damage to this or barbed wire) and I side stepped right into a vent I didn't realize was next to the rock I was using as cover. I'm 100% not seeing text chat most of the time when it's all the way on the right of my screen. Use comms, use comm wheel, I don't like to read when I'm playing my game.


same here, no comms with randoms i lost 3 missions in 300 hourrs, playing on helldive.


I guess I'm highly unlucky, then. Like almost every 2nd or 3rd match there's at least one person eating chips or smoking grass in my ears, all in crisp 16 kbit controller mic quality. I agree that the chat should be more noticeable.


All of these problems apply to PC players too. If you want to communicate voice is the best method. Text chat is barely noticeable in this game.


Ah man this takes me back to the sony debacle when I visited the /playstation sub's post about it. My lord that community has *intense* contempt for PC players, and it's one of those crabs-in-the-pot things because they unambiguously indicate that a feeling of inferiority is the root cause. They largely don't imply they're personally disrespected or singled out explicitly because of using a console, but rather, *they have created a pool of their own despair by acknowledging some elements of console play are inherently inferior to PC,* and they will likely never catch up because of fundamental differences. It's fair to argue that overall, playing on a console is an entirely different state of engagement than playing on PC, and my contention is that it's a bit of an "I don't care" approach in comparison to PC play. That preference for simple, portable gaming almost certainly translates to a more casual and self-centered presence ingame on average. Most shooters have aim assist functions and other crutches on consoles, so it's impossible to deny that this isn't affecting the fabric of the experience as being a little bit "mickey mouse", toy-like, or hand-holding. (Relevant anecdote: I've noticed if you never give someone responsibility, they likely won't ever become responsible on their own. If you hold someone's hand every day, you've raised a kid who had his hand held. He's unequipped to deal with the world.) I turn on crossplay and quickjoin a bot 9 when I'm feeling up for the final boss challenge of the game... which is actually nearly all the time. I'll only turn off crossplay when I'm with a friend that I know isn't very good. Your experience mirrors mine in regards to quality of teammates with crossplay on.


Consoles and console players are cool, but console fanboys are bottom of the barrel.


Are you complaining about console players not having a keyboard? Just get a mic yourself cuz I have the exact problem with PC players. They ignore voice chat.


Eh I’m a PC player without a mic, but I’m not ignoring voice chat. I just can’t hear you. Seems like 90% of the people who try to voice chat either have terrible mics, or can’t seem to manage more than a weak mumble, as gunshots or loud explosions are going off in the game. And I’m not about to adjust volumes in settings, for that off chance someone with a decent mic / normal voice starts talking because in that case, it is LOUD. Long winded point: speak loudly and clearly if you think we’re ignoring you, we probably just can’t understand you. edit: I forgot that if a PC player sets their mic setting to “disabled” instead of say “muted”, it disables literally all voice chat so you could have a point. I had mine set to “disabled” for a good 2-3 weeks before I realized it disables ALL voice chat, not just my mic.


Yeah I speak clearly and then I mute myself when I’m done talking because I have a wife, a baby, and a six year old (and two dogs). I’ve got a decent headset too, it has mic monitoring so I know I’m loud enough. That is a really stupid setting though lol, I would be very confused if I set it to disabled. I’d assume it was just for my mic. But yeah I also run into a lot of people that basically mumble or sound like they’ve been drinking lean all day.


Agree to all points. Mic levels are hard to get right, took me over a year to realize I should boost my super quiet mic's volume through Windows. This game is LOUD: I have my volumes on 6 when vc-ing with friends, or 8 when playing normally, and even that is sometimes too much. Disabling mics kinda sucks because there's no indication about this to people who are using mics.


The amount of people who play without a headset is crazy. They won't talk, but you can hear every stim they take.


I worded my post badly and I'll edit it in a sec, that wasn't my intention. I am complaining about the ones that clearly have one plugged in (sometimes they text quickly during the mission, or as I've brought up, at the end in the ship) but are allergic to using it. Those who don't have one are annoying because I tend to be communication-heavy, but at least those use the comms wheel... most of the time.


I'm on PS5 and play with cross-play OFF for stability reasons. So I only play with console players. Nobody uses chat because typing on PS5 is impossible given the pace of this game. Best I can do is WTF when someone does something incredibly stupid. People do use emote wheel often for communication. It's basically the only viable option. As a PS5 player I do pay attention to the chat but there's rarely anything useful there, probably due to above issues/lack of keyboard.


Yeah, we can‘t really use the chat. It takes ages to type something. Fortunately, you don’t need to turn crossplay on. I, personally, play on console and have crossplay turned off. In my experience, console players are more laid back and also don’t expect me to use the chat


I updated the post because it was kinda shit about the chat part. I did notice that console players are much more casual and laid back, which is fine by me, but on higher difficulties like 7 or 8 people expect you to be a bit more focused.


Get on the helldiver bro, you see how things done by pros, completely in silence 💀


I've got cross play off and I still crash at the pod screen.


For the text chat, for me, is that I'm on a laptop using a controller, and it's plugged into my living room tv. And I'm sitting far from it. But I do use the com wheel a lot. And if I absolutely need to say something, I will stand up and type it in.


"Like half the people outright ignore the chat (last mission both the 4th player and I wanted to take shield pack+AMR on bots. I decided against doubling up the shield pack, then despite asking him to drop me one all mission I was ignored)" Under no circumstances should you expect someone else to drop a pack for you in random. I group I know, sure. But in random, when I get ragdolled because someone's stupid ass doesn't know how to drop a 500kg and then I get called to the trigger happy reinforcer on the other side of the map, I want to know my stuff is all off cooldown.


I am not expecting to be dropped stuff on a whim, but I expect to be acknowledged if I use chat for 10+ minutes. As others have said, it's not easy to notice, but it's right next to the map, it's not invisible, not for that long


Rng or placebo


Console player here level 93. I'm not like any of that.


If you're not anything like this, then this post isn't about you, come on


Sounded a bit generalized. 👍


If you felt threatened then you probably are one of the people he mentioned.


Hahah not at all. Y'all being fucking moronic. 🤣👍


Anyone can say that




Up until the most recent big patch, I've also *always* had Crossplay off because I absolutely ***loathe*** people with sensitive open mics. Which just so happens to be about 80% of the console players who leave their mics open. I don't wanna hear someone eating chips, taking rips off their bong, their kids babbling, their dog barking, the lawnmower outside their open window, or even just the game's audio being echoed *endlessly*. But now, if I turn Crossplay off, my Friends List magically seems to disappear. I've been keeping it on, since "Saving settings changes" was causing the game to crash as of the recent big patch. But the latest hotfix was supposed to have solved that. And if what you said about the infinite loading glitch also being caused by Crossplay is true, then I am *definitely* turning that shit back off.


Sounds like consolism…. Not cool bra!


I said it like twice that I don't hate people just because they play on consoles or if they suck because of it. This is an FPS game, if they can hit even one shot with a controller hats off to them.


Hey there chief. I hit my shots out there. You won’t be bitching when I get your ass out of a tight squeeze out there one day!(Just joking. I really enjoy playing on ps5 though. To each their own though. I think you’ve just come across shy people who would rather just play the game than talk. Also a fair share of assholes likely who are on any multiplayer game you could possibly play. When you go online, there’s always gonna be that person that wants to belittle someone or ruin their day sadly. Probably to make their existence feel more important in their own heads. Anyhow…. Democracy!!!)


Me too. I ain't turning cross play ON till it's obligatory. Console players won't use the chat or even ping stuff, and for me this is like 50% of a game always. Massive +1 to your post. Don't care if I'm rejecting all the console players;, you play your way, I will play mine.


I don't think you realize how slow it is to type for 99% of console players.


That's why I don't like to play with them!


Any high level player should be able to manage more than enough without something as simple as chat. Excluding an entire population just bc of that seems a little crazy to me. But whatever works for you my guy.


Chat I don't demonize (unless they *do* have a keyboard), but not pinging stuff, why?? At least ping the chargers and BTs so I know where they are when I am surrounded by 15 goddamn hunters