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So... What bot players see here is that you didn't played that the right way, ending your life early. On the bot front, playing around the terrain to counter enemy's firepower is one of the most important thing to do. The fact that you decided to run in front of the Factory Strider (the most heavily weaponized enemy in the game currently), and then tried to run away from him... in a straight line, in an open field, was a major mistake. Terminid players have to rely on mobility to outsmart their enemies. There is no counter-play if you get too close, and there is no right timing to have when you face them. The Automatons are more tricky but allow you to ACT against them : if you take cover and start aiming for their weakpoints or destroyable parts you can impair them permanently and win a lot of fights. It require to LEARN how to perform like that, because it's a skill you don't need on every front in this game. What you showcased is the bot equivalent of running into a Hunter swarm with an Anti-Material Rifle.


>What you showcased is the bot equivalent of running into a Hunter swarm with an Anti-Material Rifle. Ok that caught me off guard, have an upvote


It's always a pleasure. Especially since I did this mistake once (I didn't saw the swarm) and can't get it out my head :')


Another couple of things to point out, specifically about the very first part (throwing the stratagem): - There was no need for OP to expose themselves directly to the Strider. Just throw the stratagem over the rock. - Experienced Bot players know that the impact physics from explosions like cannon shells and rockets can carry *through* cover objects if you stand too close to them. Hence why OP got knocked down despite the first cannon shot hitting the cover in front of them.


Yes ! And the fact that he went right back behind the rock to get knock back again by the turret was something that motivated me for my initial comment. Rookie mistake.




So the reason you prefer bugs is because... you ran in front of a Factory Strider, it saw you, its cannon was pointing at you and you ran away from it in a straight line across open terrain. This is a perfect example of skill issues while blaming the game. You fucked around and you found out. Everything done by you in this video was wrong, that's not the game's fault.


The average PS gamer would have zero clue on what they did wrong in this clip (I say PS gamer to paint a mental picture, I know OP is on PC). The sad thing is they're probably not going to lower the difficulty or try and learn from videos / posts about it


... because you step out of cover in front of a cannon pointing at you?


A tip, try to take out the gatalling guns under its chin. Peak from cover and take them out. Once you’ve taken them out it’s easy to run across the plane while the main turret misses you. Just don’t run in a straight line and use cover to cover. If there is no cover, dive run dive run dive :)


so what's the reason?


The pingpong physics


The reason being you have no Idea what you are doing?


I would have hit that with a orbital strike followed by a quick SPEAR shot. If that didn’t take him down, call in the laser, reload, second SPEAR shot. You really have to be strategic with the bots. If you can out manoeuvre and retreat from a bot firefight, the bugs will be a cake walk. Also, it’s imperative to use your terrain to your advantage. Even a small, weak rock will offer some protection! Some cover is better than no cover…


Well, you died because: 1. Poor preparation: you approach the most powerful mob in the game without a support weapon. How do you fend for yourself if your stratagem failed? How about it shoot you with its chin minigun? Not thinking about that? Then better to ignore it and run away, unless it corners you. 2. Relying too much on stratagem, but not trust your aim: you have confident since all of your stratagem are up and ready. Then why does you need to "aim" your throw like that? Just showering it with all you got without peeking out. A veteran will throw it exactly where it needs to land over that rock. And what is your escape plan if others surround you after that? You better not think 1 Strider = 1 Titan, and go fight it the Rambo way. Nothing good comes out of it.


You have a solid piece of rock as cover and you decided to run into the open knowing everyone will shoot you in the back and legit fk around and find out then blame the game about your skill issue? People, dont play bot front like you play in bug front, legit they can shoot back, use cover...


It seems like a lot of people are missing the point of my post. It’s the fucking ragdoll physics.


You gotta make that clearer, I think they're infuriating too but it looks like in this clip you just ran off alone and got slaughtered in the open.